CHEM F111 - I Sem 2020-21 - Handout
CHEM F111 - I Sem 2020-21 - Handout
CHEM F111 - I Sem 2020-21 - Handout
In addition to part-I (General Handout for all courses appended to the time table) this portion gives further specific details regarding the course.
Course No. : CHEM F111
Course Title : General Chemistry
Instructor-in-charge : Manab Chakravarty
Instructors (Prof./Dr.) : Manab Chakravarty, Amit Nag, KVG Chadrasekhar, J. Subbalakshmi, Durba Roy, Tanmay Chatterjee, Subit
Kumar Saha, Himanshu Aggarwal
1. Scope and Objective of the Course: This course highlights the comprehensive study of electronic structure of atoms, molecules and chemical
reaction via introducing quantum chemistry, spectroscopy, the study of interaction between the matter and electromagnetic radiation,
thermodynamics, chemical equilibrium, and chemical kinetics as a part of general physical chemistry. It also provides a comprehensive survey of the
concepts involved in the study of conformations, stereochemistry, functional groups, reaction mechanisms and coordination chemistry as a part of
organic and inorganic chemistry.
2. Text Books:
T1: P.W. Atkins & Julio de Paula, ‘The Elements of Physical Chemistry’, Fifth/Sixth/International edition (Oxford University Press, Oxford
T2: T. W. Graham Solomons and Craig B. Fryhle, ‘Organic Chemistry’, 10th Edition, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. New York, 2011.
T3: J. D. Lee, ‘Concise Inorganic Chemistry’, 5th Edition, Blackwell Science, Oxford, 1999.
3. Reference Books:
(R1) L. G. Wade, Jr. and M. S. Singh, ‘Organic Chemistry’, 6th Edition, Pearson Education Inc., 2006.
(R2) D. W. Ball, ‘Physical Chemistry’, First Edition, India Edition (Thomson, 2007).
Lec. Learning Topics to be Covered Learning Outcomes of the Lectures Chapter in the Text Book
No. Objectives
1-3 Quantum Origin of quantum mechanics; Black Relate the need for quantum theory. Define and T1: 12.1-12.7
Theory body radiation, Wave function, consolidate new concepts to be used in quantum (7A, 7B, 7C)
Schrodinger equation, Uncertainty mechanics. Apply quantization of states and zero-
principle - Simple Applications point energy in simple systems.
4-8 Atomic Hydrogenic Atoms: Energy levels and Identify the atomic orbital picture of H-atom from T1: 13.1-13.11, 13.17-
Structure and Wave functions, Orbitals, spectral quantum mechanics; spin orbit coupling and atomic 13.19.
Spectra transitions, many-electron atoms: Pauli term symbols. Identify spin as another coordinate. (8A, 8B, 8D)
principle, orbital approximation, Aufbau
principle, term symbols, (simple (SS): 13.15-13.16 (8C)
systems only), selection rule.
9-11 Chemical VB Theory: electron pair bond, Demonstrate successful description of chemical T1: 14.1-14.14
Bonding: hybridization, resonance, MO theory: bond; examine the application of molecular orbital (9A, 9B, 9C)
Valence Bond LCAO, bonding and antibonding theory to diatomic molecules. Recall Lewis theory and
and Molecular orbitals, diatomic molecules. Lewis VSEPR model.
Orbital theory and VSEPR model (self-study)
12 Thermodynami Thermodynamic systems, state Comprehend the concept of energy; compare reversible T1: 2.1-2.9
cs: the First functions, thermal equilibrium and and irreversible processes (work done), classify and (2A, 2B, 2C, 2D)
Law, Internal temperature, work, internal energy and compare thermodynamic functions, influence of
Energy and heat transfer, heat capacity. temperature and pressure on thermodynamic functions,
Enthalpy illustrate bomb type calorimeter.
Self Thermochemist Application of the first law to physical Define formation reaction of a compound, calculate the T1: 3.1-3.7, 7.6
Study ry and chemical changes change in enthalpy based on tabulated data (Hess’s law, (2E, 2F)
formation data, bond energy data), calculate the change
in the enthalpy for physical change (both change in
temperature and phase change) adopt the first law of
thermodynamics and apply to the chemical reactions to
calculate the enthalpy of phase transition, ionizations,
combustions, reactions, product formations, estimate
the reaction enthalpy by variation of temperature.
13-14 Thermodynami Natural and reversible processes, Demonstrate understanding of key concepts related to T1: 4.1-4.13
cs: the Second entropy and second Law, Calculation of the second law of thermodynamics, including (3A, 3B, 3C, 3D)
Law, Entropy, entropy changes, absolute entropies, alternative statements of the second law. Discuss
Gibbs Energy Gibbs energy. energy transfer in the context of thermodynamics,
differentiate between the entropy of system,
surroundings and universe, calculate the changes.
Compare reversible and irreversible processes (heat);
evaluate entropy changes accompanying expansion,
heating, phase transition, define third law of
thermodynamics, estimate the standard reaction entropy
and statistical entropy, define the change in free energy.
SS Spontaneity Applications of entropy and Gibb’s free Calculate the change in free energy for a chemical T1: 5.1 – 5.3, 7.1-7.4
and energy in chemical reactions change from tabulated thermodynamic data; predict the (4A, 5A)
Equilibrium spontaneity of a reaction, determine how temperature SS: 7.6 (5B, 5C)
effects spontaneity of physical & chemical change
based on H and S. Relate and apply concept of
chemical equilibrium and response of chemical
equilibria to temperature and pressure.
15 Chemical Rate laws, order, rate constants, Define the rate and order of reactions, write the general T1: 10.1-10.9,
(partia Kinetics: Arrhenius equation; rate-determining form of the rate law, practical determination of order T1: 11.4-11.7
l Experimental step, reaction mechanisms; steady-state and rate constants from the available concentration (6A, 6B, 6C, 6D-1, 6F)
portio Methods, approximation. values of reactants/products as a function of time.
n is Reaction Rates, (except the steady-state approximation, Usage of "methods of initial rates", "isolation method",
S.S.) Temperature remaining portions are self-study). half- life" concepts. Effect of temperature on the rates
Dependence of reaction. Using steady state approximation to derive
rate law theoretically for a possible mechanism.
16-18 Vibrational and General features, vibrational energy Relating the interaction between light and matter, apply T1: 12.9, 19.6 – 19.8; 19.11;
Electronic levels and spectra; electronic spectra: knowledge of detailed understanding of vibrational and 20.1 – 20.4
Spectroscopy Franck-Condon principle, types of electronic spectra of small molecules, isotope shifts, (7E, 13A, 13C.1-13C.3,
transitions detailed understanding of electronic states of atoms, 13C.5, 13D)
molecules, Franck-Condon factors; predict the possible
vibrational frequencies and electronic transitions. T2: 2.15 – 2.16
19-22 Nuclear Principles, chemical shift, fine Understand the basic principles and techniques of T1: 21.1 – 21.4
Magnetic structure, spin relaxation, nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy; apply (14A, 14B)
Resonance applications (identification of the knowledge gained for identification of organic
Spectroscopy organic compounds). molecules. T2: 9.1-9.8
23-24 Conformations Rotation around sigma bonds, Classify structural and constitutional isomers, explain T2: 4.8-4.9, 4.10 (SS), 4.11-4.14
conformational analysis of butane, the terms torsional energy, torsional strain, angle strain.
cyclohexane, and substituted Judge the stabilities, identify cis and trans relationship
cyclohexanes. for the substituents on cyclohexanes, draw chair form
of cyclohexane with unambiguous representation of
axial and equatorial substituents, reason for the stability
between the two isomers.
25-26 Stereochemistr Isomerism, chirality, origin of optical Define stereochemistry, outline different types of T2: 5.1-5.13, 5.15-5.18, 7.2
y activity, stereochemistry of cyclic isomerism, differentiate between configurational and
compounds, resolution. conformational isomers, enantiomers, chirality, specific
rotation, optical activity, diastereomers, meso
compounds and racemic mixtures, designate the R and
S configurations, explain geometrical isomerism,
optical resolution.
27 Substitution Nucleophilic substitution reactions List the types of substitution reactions (mechanism). T2: 6.2-6.13
reactions (both SN1 and SN2) of alkyl halides. Analyse the role of substrate, solvent and nucleophile.
28 Elimination Elimination reactions of alkyl halides; Outline the types of elimination reactions. Explain the T2: 6.15-6.19, 7.5-7.8, 20.13
reactions Hoffmann and Cope elimination. difference between Hoffman vs Zeitsev product.
Identify the importance of substrate, solvent and base.
Examine difference between nucleophile and base;
Hoffman and Cope elimination mechanism. Compare
substitution and elimination reactions.
29-30 Addition Addition reactions to >C=C< bond Infer the fundamental mechanism of an addition T2: 8.1 (SS), 8.2-8.14, 10.9
reactions reaction; choose Markovnikov’s and anti-Markovnikov
reaction. Analyse the mechanism of oxy-mercuration /
demercuration and hydroboration – oxidation.
31 Aromaticity Structure and reactivity of benzene and Distinguish aromatic, non-aromatic and anti-aromatic T2: 14.3-14.7, 15.1-15.2, 15.6-
and aromatic other aromatic compounds. systems. Spell the mechanism of electrophilic aromatic 15.11 (SS)
compounds substitution and the effect of directing groups.
S.S. Introduction to Double salts and coordination Demonstrate comprehensive and well-founded T3: p194-201 (S.S.)
coordination compounds. Werner’s work; knowledge of structure and bonding theories relevant to
compounds identification of structure by isomer inorganic molecular compounds. Interpret Werner’
counting. Effective atomic no. concept. theory, coordination compound, ligand and valency,
(Self-study) describe coordination compounds, deduct the effective
atomic number.
32-33 VB theory and Explanation for the stability of Explain and measure the stabilities of complexes using T3: p203-212
Crystal field complexes according to crystal field the crystal field splitting theory.
theory for theory.
34-35 Jahn-Teller How do geometrical distortions stabilize Interpret Jahn-Teller distortion. Formulate the crystal T3: p214-222
distortions; the system? Stability in other field theory to understand square planar and tetrahedral
square planar geometries. complexes.
and tetrahedral
SS Chelates & Different types of ligands and Distinguish various types of ligands and isomerism in T3: p222-224, 307, 351-352, 389,
Isomerism stabilization due to entropy factors and co-ordination compounds. 793, 807; p232-235
electron delocalization in the rings.
5. Evaluation Scheme:
Component Duration Weightage (%) Date and Time Nature of component
Midsem 90 min 30 29/04 3.30 - 5.00PM Open Book
Class Tests# - 30 TBA Open Book
Comprehensive Examination* 120 min 40 28/06 FN Open Book
Tutorials: The tutorial hour is used for quick review of the material covered in the lectures, clarification of doubts, and problem solving.
Make up is not permissible for the evaluation components (except for extreme situation), which would be decided by the Instructor in charge & the
7. Notices: Notices concerning the course will be displayed on the Chemistry Department Notice Board / CMS.
8. Academic Honesty and Integrity Policy: Academic honesty and integrity are to be maintained by all the students throughout the semester and no
type of academic dishonesty is acceptable.
9. Make-up-policy: Make up would be considered for very genuine reasons only. It is the student’s responsibility to keep the adequate electronic
gadgets and internet connections (more than one) to meet any emergency situation. The team will not take responsibility on these matters.
Instructor-In charge
Manab Chakravarty