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Credits: 6 Semester:: CWS: PRS: Mte: Ete: Pre

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NAME OF DEPARTMENT: Department of Metallurgical and Materials Engineering

1. Subject Code: MT102 Course Title: Metallurgical Thermodynamics and Kinetics

2. Contact Hours: L: 3; T: 1; P: 0

3. Examination Duration (Hrs): Theory: 0 3 Practical: 0 0

4. Relative Weightage: CWS: 2 5 PRS: 0 0 MTE: 2 5 ETE: 5 0 PRE: 0 0

5. Credits: 0 4 6 Semester: Autumn

7. Pre-requisite: Nil 8. Subject Area: DCC

9. Objective
To introduce the laws of thermodynamics and their applications to chemical equilibrium

10. Details of the Course:

Sl. Contents Contact

No. Hours
1 Introduction to Thermodynamics: Basic concept and definitions- 2
concept of state, reversible and irreversible processes, path and state
functions, extensive and intensive properties, thermodynamic
equilibrium, zeroth law of thermodynamics
2 First Law of Thermodynamics: Internal energy, Enthalpy, Constant 5
volume and pressure process; Isothermal and adiabatic process.
3 Second Law of Thermodynamics: Criterion for equilibrium, Entropy 7
and disorder, Most probable microstate, Configutational entropy and
thermal entropy; Auxiliary functions, Maxwells relations, Gibbs-
Helmholtz equation.
4 Third Law of Thermodynamics: Variation of Gibbs energy with 8
temperature and pressure, Clausius-Clapeyron equation;
Thermodynamic properties of mixtures of ideal and imperfect gasses;
reaction in gas mixtures, reaction of pure condensed phases with gas
mixture, Standard Gibbs energy of reactions, Ellingham diagrams.
5 Theory and Models of Metallic Solutions: Raoults and Henrys law, 8
activity of a component, Gibbs-Duhem equation, non-ideal solutions,
regular solutions, quasi-chemical model of solutions, activity and
alternative standard state; Reaction equilibrium in condensed systems,
Gibbs phase rule; Derivation of binary phase diagrams, ternary phase
6 Relation Between Chemical and Electrical Driving Forces: Nernst 6
equation, concentration and formation cells, Pourbaix diagram,
Thermodynamics of point defects, Thermodynamics of surfaces.
7 Metallurgical Kinetics: Heterogeneous reaction; Gas-solid, solid- 6

liquid, liquid-liquid and solid-solid systems. Empirical and Semi-
empirical Kinetics, Concept of Johnson-Mehl equation, Thermal
Total 42

11. Suggested Books

Sl. No. Authors/Name of Books/ Publisher Year of

1 Dehoff R.T., Thermodynamics in Materials Science, 2 Ed., CRC 2006

2 Gaskell D.R., Introduction to Metallurgical Thermodynamics 3rd 1995

Ed., McGraw-Hill.

3 Ghosh A., Textbook of Materials and Metallurgical 2003

Thermodynamics, Prentice Hall of India.

4 Upadyaya G.S. and Dube R.K., Problems in Metallurgical 1985

Thermodynamics and Kinetics, Pergamon Press.

5 Balluffi R.W., Allen S.M. and Carter W.C., Kinetics of Materials, 2005
John Wiley and Sons.

6 Poirier D.R. and Geiger G.H., Transport Phenomena in Materials 1994

Processing Minerals, Metals and Materials Society.

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