Q2 COT English 6 Propaganda
Q2 COT English 6 Propaganda
Q2 COT English 6 Propaganda
A. Content Standard The learner demonstrates understanding of text types for comprehension.
B. Performance Standard The learner Identifies story perspective of text elements.
C. Learning Competencies Recognize evaluative word choices to detect biases and propaganda devices used by
speakers. EN6LC-IIIb3.1.12
Objectives: (Contextualized)
A. Knowledge:
● detect biases and propaganda devices used by speakers (EN6LC-
B. Skill:
● make a stand based on a certain topic through writing; and
C. Attitude:
D. Integration: ESP
E. Strategies: Differentiated Instruction, ICT Integration, Group work, Think-pair-
Share, Games
A) Reviewing previous lesson Preliminary: This illustrates
or presenting the new lesson Indicator # 4:
Establish safe and
secure learning
ELICIT Checking of attendance environments to
enhance learning
Good moring,class! Good morning children. through the
Will you look for some papers consistent
under your chairs and kindly implementation
keep them first inside your For us to be guided on the things that we are doing today let us all of policies,
bag. Leaders, please report guidelines and
remember the following classroom guidelines and health protocols. procedures.
about the attendance of your
(Teacher will present through video presentation
Classroom Rules New Normal
Health Protocols
In the previous lesson, you have learned about Distinguishing
Text-Type According to Purpose and Language Features
(Comparison and Contrast).
_____________ ________________
_____________ ________________
_____________ ________________
I think 2 minutes is enough for you to complete this activity. Time starts
B) Establishing the purpose Motivation
for the lesson This illustrates
Say: Indicator #.3
Before we go on with our Have you tried to convince someone to do something for Use effective
lesson for today, we are going verbal and non-
to sing first. you or make someone believe in you? verbal classroom
Are you ready? strategies to
Let’s do this…
Really? Do you want to share it with us? support learner
How did you do it? engagement and
Wowwww… that was cool.
This illustrates
Ask them if they will buy the product. observable #6,
Ask them the reason of buying the product. Maintain learning
environments that
nurture and
inspire learners
to participate,
Visualize: cooperate and
. ► You want to buy new set of clothes; how will you convince your collaborate in
parent to buy it? continued
D) Discussing new concepts How can you tell whether an advertisement is giving fair
and practicing new skills #1
information to people? Explicit
When the information given is not fair, then there is bias.
When a commercial, a testimony or a speech is favoring or siding
. with somebody, something, a company, a group, or a political or
religious affiliation, then there is bias.
1. Bias by headline
Propaganda 1
“Three out of every 5 fatal automobile accidents
did not involve drinking. 67% of the drivers involved in
fatal accidents had not been drinking. And 76% of the
pedestrians involved in accidents had not been
drinking. Therefore, sobriety is undoubtedly the major
cause of fatal automobile accidents, and sober driving
must be outlawed immediately, and punished harshly.”
Propaganda 2
After studying the biases, you are now ready to study the
different propaganda techniques and examples of
propaganda. All of these have the tendency to use biases
in order to change people’s minds.
This illustrates
Indicator #7
Applying a range
of successful
strategies that
maintain learning
environments that
motivate learners
to work
productively by
responsibly for
their own
Group 2: Read the advertisement. Answer the questions that follow. Write the complete
This illustrates
Indicator #9.
Design, adapt
and implement
strategies that are
1. What is the advertisement all about? responsive to
learners with
2. When will the event happen? disabilities,
giftedness and
3. Where will the event take place? talents.
4. How many participants will be accommodated?
5. Can pupils from other schools join the KABALAKA Camp? Why?
F) Finding practical Give your stand on this question. Explain your answer.
application of concepts and
skills in daily living
Is it good to eat too much hamburger, spaghetti,
chicken joy, and ice cream? Why?
G) Making generalization and How do you differentiate propaganda from bias?
abstractions about the lesson
VI. REFLECTIONS Reflect on your teaching and assess yourself as a teacher. Think about your student’s progress this week. What works? What else needs to be done to help the students
learn? Identify what help your instructional supervisors can provide for you so when you meet them, you can ask them relevant questions.
Prepared by:
Teacher I
Observed by:
Every student does not have the same learning requirements. Some people want to study
the fundamentals of an idea, while others prefer to understand a course in depth. Furthermore,
some students may be familiar with a topic, but others may be completely unfamiliar with it.
According to subject matter expert Beverly Jobrack, “Educational movement such as
inquiry-based learning, active learning experiential learning, discovery learning & knowledge
building are variations of CONSTRUCTIVISM.
This lesson plan shows that I have used research -based knowledge and or principles of
teaching and learning in all components of my lesson. From the REVIEW and PRIMING part, I
was able to ENGAGE my students into using their prior knowledge. While in the ACTIVITY part I
was able to let my students EXPLORE more ideas about the topic. I let my pupil EXPLAIN in the
ANALYSIS part and ELABORATE the concept learned in the abstraction part where the
progression of learning also took place. While the RESEARCH-BASED KNOWLEDGE was used
was used.