This document contains 25 questions about metals and non-metals. It includes questions that ask about reactivity trends, properties of ionic compounds, redox reactions, and extraction of metals from ores. Students are asked to identify metals and reactions based on given information, explain observations, and arrange metals by reactivity. The questions cover topics like single replacement reactions, electrolysis, uses of metals and their extraction from sulfide ores.
This document contains 25 questions about metals and non-metals. It includes questions that ask about reactivity trends, properties of ionic compounds, redox reactions, and extraction of metals from ores. Students are asked to identify metals and reactions based on given information, explain observations, and arrange metals by reactivity. The questions cover topics like single replacement reactions, electrolysis, uses of metals and their extraction from sulfide ores.
This document contains 25 questions about metals and non-metals. It includes questions that ask about reactivity trends, properties of ionic compounds, redox reactions, and extraction of metals from ores. Students are asked to identify metals and reactions based on given information, explain observations, and arrange metals by reactivity. The questions cover topics like single replacement reactions, electrolysis, uses of metals and their extraction from sulfide ores.
This document contains 25 questions about metals and non-metals. It includes questions that ask about reactivity trends, properties of ionic compounds, redox reactions, and extraction of metals from ores. Students are asked to identify metals and reactions based on given information, explain observations, and arrange metals by reactivity. The questions cover topics like single replacement reactions, electrolysis, uses of metals and their extraction from sulfide ores.
1. Name a reducing agent that may be used to obtain 18. Why do non-metals not conduct manganese from manganese dioxide. electricity? Also, name one non-metal that conducts 2. From amongst the metals sodium, calcium, aluminium, electricity. copper and mangnesium, name the metal 19. Write balanced chemical equations for the following: (I) which reacts with metal only on boiling and a. Dilute sulphuric acid reacts with aluminium powder. (II) another which does not react even with steam. b. Dilute hydrochloric acid reacts with sodium 3. (a) Show the formation of NaCl from sodium and carbonate. chlorine atoms by the transfer of electrons. c. Carbon dioxide is passed through lime water. 20. Give the steps involved in the extraction of metals of (b) Why sodium chloride has a high melting point? low and medium reactivity from their respective sulphide ores. (c) Name the anode and cathode used in electrolytic 21. A metal ‘X’ loses two electrons and a non-metal ‘Y’ refining of impure copper metal. gains one electron. Show the electron dot structure of 4.Why are ionic compounds usually hard? How is it that compound formed between them. Is ionic or covalent? ionic compounds in the solid state do not conduct electricity Does it have high melting point or low? Will it conduct but they do so when in molten state? electricity in solid state or in aqueous solution and why? 5.On adding dilute HCL acid to copper oxide powder the Will it be soluble in water? solution formed is blue-green. Predict the new compound 22. A student was given Mn, Zn, Fe and Cu metals. formed which imparts a blue-green colour to the solution. Identify which of them 6. (a) Show on a diagram the transfer of electron between (a) will not displace H2 from dil. HCl. the atoms in the formation of MgO. (b) will react only with steam to give H2(g). (b) Name the solvent in which ionic compounds are (c) Will give H2 with 5% HNO3. generally soluble. Write the chemical reactions involved. (c) Why are aqueous solutions of ionic compounds able 23. Compound X and aluminium are used to join railway to conduct electricity? tracks. 7. What are amphoteric oxides? Choose the amphoteric (a) Identify the compound X. oxides from- Na2 O, ZnO, A l2 O3 , CO 2 , H 2O (b) Name the reaction. 8. Why is it that non-metals do not displace hydrogen from (c) Write down its reaction. dilute acids? 24. Samples of five metals ‘A’, ‘B’, ‘C’, ‘D’ and ‘E’ were 9. Show the electronic transfers in the formation of MgCl2 taken and added to the following solution one from its elements. by one. The results obtained have been tabulated as 10. Which of the following metals will melt at body follows. temperature: gallium, magnesium, caesium, aluminium? Metal FeSO4 CuSO4 ZnSO4 AgNO3 Al2(SO4)3 MgSO4 11. Name the two metals which react violently with cold A No reaction Displacement No reaction Displacement No water. Write any three observations you would make when reaction No reaction such a metal is dropped into water. How would you identify B Displacement Displacement No reaction Displacement the gas evolved, if any? No reaction No reaction 12. Give reasons for the following: C No reaction No reaction No reaction Displacement No (i) Gold and silver are used for jewellery making. reaction No reaction (ii) carbonate and sulphide ores are usually converted into D No reaction No reaction No reaction No reaction No oxides prior to reduction during the process of extraction. reaction No reaction 13. Give reasons for the following: E Displacement Displacement Displacement Displacement (i) Aluminium oxide is considered as an amphoteric oxide. No reaction No reaction (ii) Ionic compounds conduct electricity in molten state. Use the above table to answer the following questions about the given metals. 14. Give reasons for the following: (a) Which of them is most reactive and why? (i) Metals can be given different shapes according to our (b) What would you observe if ‘B’ is added to CuSO4? needs. (c) Arrange ‘A’, ‘B’, ‘C’, ‘D’ and ‘E’ in the increasing order of (ii) Hydrogen is not evolved when a metal reacts with nitric reactivity. acid. (d) Container of which metal can store zinc sulphate and 15. Fill in the blanks silver nitrate solution? a. Cu 2 S acts as ______ agent in Bassemerisation (e) Which of the above solution(s) can be stored in a process. container made of any of these metals and b. CaSiO 3 is known as _______ in extraction of iron. why? c. SO 2 is the product of ________ of sulphide ores. 25. A metal A, which is used in thermite process, when d. ZnO can be reduced by ________. heated with oxygen gives an oxide B, which is e. ________ forms greenish layer due to basic copper amphoteric in nature? Identify A and B. Write down the carbonate. reactions of oxide B with HCl and NaOH. 16. Why can Zn replace hydrogen from dil. HCl? 17. a. Show on a diagram the transfer of electrons between the atoms in the formation of MgO. Write symbols of cation and anion present in MgO.