LAS 3 Module 3 BESR
LAS 3 Module 3 BESR
LAS 3 Module 3 BESR
Business Ethics and Social Responsibility
Quarter 4
Lesson 3. Models and Framework of Social Responsibility in the Practice of Sound Business
The four Models and Frameworks of Social Responsibility of Kimberly Leonard (2019) are the following:
1. Economic Model – this model is followed by entrepreneurs on the purpose to increase the profit of the
company. This is otherwise known as the profit-based social responsibility of the business. A business is an
organization that produces goods and services. In this connection, the society and the community benefits
from it because jobs are created and wealth is collected.
2. Philanthropic Model – The entrepreneur, just like any other individuals, is free to contribute to social
causes in form of philanthropic action. Although corporations and businesses have no obligations to
contribute to social causes, it may be contributory to its good reputation. Businesses are encouraged to do
charitable works because it does not only help the community but it also helps the company to have good
public relations, tax deductions and good will.
3. Social Web Model (Ethical) - It projects business as a citizen of the society in which it functions as
such. Just like all members of a society business must obey to the normal ethical duties that every citizen
of the community faces. It is the duty of the corporation to comply with the law of the community.
4. Integrative Model –There is combination of social goals with economic objectives of the organization.
Most of the successful corporations have recognized that some for-profit organizations also have social
goals as a fundamental part of the organizational strategy.
Carroll's pyramid model of corporate social responsibility (Carroll, 1991).
Activity 5. Case Analysis
Name: __________________________________
Grade and Section: ________________________
Entrepreneur Angel Press is looking for contractors to work on their new building in preparation for her
company’s expansion this 2021. She assigned her resident engineer Gomer Imar to facilitate the invitation
to bid for the project. There were five bidders sent letters of intention. Two days before the final evaluation
of bids, one of the bidders Willy Loyola gave the engineer five gift certificates worth P10,000 each.
Engineer Imar gladly accepted the gift certificates.
1. Was Engineer Imar right in accepting the gift certificates? Why? Or Why not?
2. If you were Engineer Imar, would you do the same? Why? Or why not?
3. In case you were Angel Press and you knew about it; how will you handle the situation?
Activity 6.
Name: __________________________________
Grade and Section: ________________________
Suppose you are going to open an online business just in time for the health crisis. What are your
considerations to new normal condition with its strategy considering its social responsibility?
Consideration Strategy