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English - BS8 First Term

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This paper consists of three (3) parts: A, B and C. Answer one question from Part A and all the
questions in Part B and Part C. Answer all the questions in your answer booklet.

PART A This relationship binds every member

whose origin can be traced to same ancestors.
This has developed into such complex groups
[30 marks] as clans among the Akan and the kingship
relation in other parts of Ghana and Africa.
Answer one question only from this part. Your
composition should be about 250 words. Wherever the extended family is
practiced, its benefits seem greater than its
1. Write a letter to your friend telling
disadvantages. In Ghana, at the small
him/her how the 6th March event was
community level, it brings unity among
celebrated in your community.
people. They share everything among
themselves, wealth problems. The system
2. Write a report on how a cooking
even binds and caters for others who may be
competition took place in your school.
separated by social factors such as marriage
among others.
3. Write a story that ends, “This is why
our friendship came to an end.” However, it often makes people look
up to others for help when they could have
solved the problems themselves. It makes
some members lazy. In the long run, the only
COMPREHENSION well-to-do person in the family is made to
shoulder the responsibilities of more people
Read the following passage carefully and
than he can really cope with.
answer all the questions which follows.
Now, the question to ask is, has the
In the Western world, the family is
extended family system any chance of
simply made up of husband, wife and
continuing when the nuclear family is now
children. This is called the nuclear family. In
gaining so much grounds? Whether the
Africa, the family includes relatives from both
extended family will continue or die out will
the maternal and paternal sides. This is
depend on how strong the nuclear family
known as the extended family.
Answer all the questions
QUESTIONS Debbie, Sandy and Pepe
Short story by Merrill Corney
1. What does the word family mean to: 1. Apart from Debbie, Sandy and Pepe,
i. The people in the Western World mention any other two characters.
ii. The African
2. “I’ve been waiting for ages” (p 10)
…… What literally device can be seen
2. Mention two (2) advantages of the
in the above statement?
extended family system.
3. Which literary device can be found
from the underlined texts in this
3. Give two (2) reasons why you would
support the nuclear family system.
“she wriggled her finger like a warm
and the little creature snapped
harmlessly at her?
4. For each of the following words, give
another word or phrase that means the
The colour of God
same and can fit into the passage.
By VB Aakye
i. Binds
4. Who wrote the poem “The colour of
ii. Maternal
iii. benefits
5. What does the word “He” in the poem
iv. unity
v. shoulder
From the alternatives lettered A – D, choose the one which most suitably completes each sentence.
1. They………………….the parcels b. In
A. has bring c. On
B. have brought d. With
C. has brought 3. The doctor advised the patient to abstain
D. have bring ………………………. smoking
2. Rashid turned……….my offer politely. a. By
A. of b. From
B. down c. Upon
C. over d. With
D. in 4. The relationship …………………………
1. Aishatu takes ………………….her group A and group B is cordial
mother in many ways. a. Of
a. By b. With
b. On c. Among
c. Up d. Between
d. After 5. Rashida prefers fish
2. Bibilla goes to school ……………………………. meat
……………………….. foot a. To
a. By b. For
c. From d. Very clever
d. Than 14. The triplet love …………… very much
6. His neighbor complained that the radio a. Each other
was ……………………..loud b. Theirselves
a. Far c. Themselves
b. Too d. One another
c. Much
Choose from the alternatives lettered A – D the
d. Enough
one which is nearest in meaning to the
7. The white horse is
underlined word in each sentence.
…………………………….than the black
one 15. If you are a true friend you will not
a. The fastest disclose a secret
b. Very faster a. Give
c. Much the faster b. Shop
d. Was going to tell c. Display
8. I ………………………him, then I d. Reveal
changed my mind 16. As John waited for the interview, he was
a. Had told very nervous
b. Have told a. Sad
c. Am telling b. Afraid
d. Was going to tell c. Alarmed
9. By the end of the day, I ……….the house d. Uneasy
a. Shall paint 17. Mary was satisfied with the results of the
b. Shall painting examination
c. Shall have painted a. Pleased
d. Shall have been painting b. Convinced
10. You are a member of the society c. Pampered
……………? d. Encouraged
a. Isn’t you 18. The attitude of the gateman was very
b. Are you hostile
c. Aren’t you a. Harsh
d. Weren’t you b. Strange
11. Our captain is not a very reliable c. Abusive
person……? d. Unfriendly
a. Is he 19. It was not his intention to hurt his
b. Isn’t he younger brother.
c. Does he a. Aim
d. Doesn’t he b. Derision
12. You have been at Lagos c. Interest
……………………? d. Ambition
a. Did you
In each of the following sentences, a group of
b. Have you
words have been underlined. Choose from the
c. Didn’t you
alternatives lettered A-D the one that best
d. Haven’t you
explains the underlined group of words.
13. Joseph is the ………………… in the class
a. Cleverer 20. Yakubu registered for the course at the
b. Cleverest eleventh hour. This means that Yakubu
c. More clever did the registration……..
a. At eleven o’clock a. Cleared
b. A few hours before closing time b. Praised
c. During eleven hours of registration c. Rewarded
d. When it was almost too late d. Recommended
21. Joe lives within a stone’s throw from the 28. Although he had applied for a permanent
school. This means that Joe post he was only given a
a. Travels on a stony road …………………………… one
b. Lives in a hut in the school a. Useful
c. Lives very close to the school b. Boring
d. Often throw stones at the school c. Laboring
22. When Hakim heard the sound of d. Temporary
gunshots, his hair stood on end. This 29. Some people pay much attention to their
means that James physical needs.
a. Was worried a. Basic
b. Started anything b. Moral
c. Was frightened c. Financial
d. Became massive d. Spiritual
23. Ishmael has gone to cheer up his friend. 30. A hero should take bold decisions
This means that Mary has gone to A. major
a. Shout at her B. brave
b. Give her gifts C. strong
c. Tell her stories D. timid
d. Make her happy
24. The teacher’s abrupt questions threw the
pupil off the balance. This means that the
pupil was
a. Hurt
b. Annoyed
c. Worried
d. Confused
From the list of words lettered A-D. Choose the
one that is most nearly opposite in meaning to
the end word underlined in each.
25. While the majority voted for a change,
the …………………. were against any
a. Rivals
b. Members
c. Minority
d. Opposition
26. Imported rice is expensive these days.
a. Free
b. Cheap
c. Tasty
d. Scarce
27. The student condemned for his poor

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