English BS7 - First Term-2023
English BS7 - First Term-2023
English BS7 - First Term-2023
1. Write a letter to your friend in another occasionally stop for minutes to watch
school, telling him or her about your in excitement, the birds hopping from
new school. one branch unto another. After one of
2. Describe your best friend. such occasions, Abiba realized she
3. Write a story you have read or heard. could not trace grand mum. In her
panic, she ran unto one path she
thought grand mum had taken but
unfortunately the old lady was on
Read the passage below and answer the
another path. Finally, Abiba got lost
questions that follow.
but luckily for her, a hunter found her
Abiba is one girl who really
and brought her to her family.
loves singing. She happens to be a
member of both her church’s youth 1. In one sentence, state why Connie went
choir and her school’s choir. However, to the village in Kakiase.
of all the songs that she loves, one that 2. According to the passage, who rescued
is dearest to her is: “Amazing Grace”. Abiba?
She was only twelve years of 3. In your own words, state why Connie
age and in J.H.S 1 when during one got lost in the farm.
school vacation, she asked to be taken 4. What is Abiba’s favorite song?
to the village to visit her grandmother. 5. How old was Abiba when she was in
Her father gave in and upon their J.H.S 1?
arrival in the village of Kakiase, the 6. For each of the following
celebrations that greeted them were words/phrases, give another word or
amazing. Three days after her arrival, phrase that means the same and can fit
Abiba thought she needed some into the passage:
adventure so she decided to (a) gave in
accompany her grand mum to the (b) accompany
farm. She followed grand mum closely (c) panic
but unknown to her, Abiba would
Answer all questions in this paper by shading the correct answer on the shading sheet provided.
Shade only one answer. Erase completely if you want to change the option selected.
From the alternatives lettered A to D, choose the 7. One of my sisters…….gone to Thailand
one which most suitably completes each for a tour.
sentence. A. has
B. have
1. ………… is an actor.
C. were
a. He
D. are
b. She
c. It
8. The Madam advised the students to
d. They
abstain ……………………….. smoking
Samuel ………..here every afternoon to
A. by
see his friend.
B. upon
A. had come
C. from
B. comes
D. with
C. coming
9. The relationship………..group A and
D. come
group B is cordial.
2. These books are for Ama. They are……
A. of
A. her
B. with
B. her’s
C. among
C. hers
D. between
D. shes
10. This bag was given to………… by my
3. The pencil belongs to me. It is…………
best friend.
A. his
a. I
B. hers
b. Me
C. my
c. Mine
D. mine
d. She
4. He spoke…………………….the man
harshly. SECTION D:
A. to
From the list of words lettered A to D, choose
B. on
the ONE which is most nearly opposite in
C. by
meaning to the underlined word in each sentence.
D. From
5. The organizer invited many……..to the 11. Mrs. Robinson dressed modestly to the
party ceremony.
A. childrens A. nicely
B. childrenses B. extravagantly
C. children C. beautifully
D. children’s D. peacefully
6. Victoria bought…………………oranges 12. The meeting with the parents commences
A. an at exactly 8:00 am
B. any A. started
C. a B. begins
D. some C. comprehends
D. ends
13. A hero should take bold decisions A. placed
A. major B. hidden
B. brave C. kept
C. strong D. put
D. timid 21. I trust Adam because I know him to be
14. The whole group defended the leader. frank.
A. attacked A. gracious
B. fought for B. merciful
C. congratulated C. diligent
D. protected D. honest
15. I suddenly remembered that, I needed to
talk to the man
A. wondered In each of the following sentences a group of
B. forget words has been underlined. Choose from the
C. reminded alternatives lettered A to D the one that best
D. recollected explain the underlined group of words.
16. Ernest is always late to school
22. As curious as Joyce was, she poked her
A. practical
nose into my affairs
B. punctual
A. she gossiped about me
C. active
B. she meddled in my concerns
D. ready
C. she wanted to befriend me
SECTION E: D. she has a pointed nose
23. Janet dislikes Paul because he is a
Choose from the alternatives lettered A to D the
braggart; he blows his trumpet too
one which is nearest in meaning to the
much. This means
underlined word in each sentence.
(a) Paul comes from a well to do family.
17. Mohammed’s question was complex (b) Paul is boastful
hence, Bless couldn’t answer. (c) Paul is selfish
A. tangible (d) Michael admires himself
B. sensible 24. I can predict Robinson will be second to
C. complicated none in the spelling bee. This means
D. reasonable (a) He will take the second position
18. Madam took a quick glance of the (b) He will be the last but one
audience before sitting down. (c) He will emerge as the best
A. wave (d) He can support the other contestants
B. great 25. The suspect took to his heels when he
C. look saw the police office. This means the
D. walk suspect………
19. The odour from the room revealed that (a) Begged the police officer
the man had been dead in the room for (b) Touched his shoe when he saw the
days. police officer
A. aroma (c) Ran away when he saw the police
B. smell officer
C. fragrance (d) Went into hiding when he saw the
D. spray police officer
20. The hard drugs were concealed in those