chpt3 Static Electric Fields 2
chpt3 Static Electric Fields 2
chpt3 Static Electric Fields 2
Chapter 3
Static Electric Fields-Part 2
Material Media in Static Electric Field
The electromagnetic constitutive parameters of a material medium are
Electrical permittivity 𝜖
Electrical permeability μ
Conductivity 𝜎
A conductor has a large number of loosely attached electrons in the
outermost shells of the atoms.
When external electric field is applied, the electrons move from one atom to
the next in the opposite direction of applied field. Their movement yields
the conduction current :
J = E (Point form of Ohm’s law)
Most metals belong to this group.
Perfect conductor: σ = ∞ and then E = 0 regardless of J.
Perfect dielectric: σ = 0 and then J = 0 regardless of E.
Conductors in Static Electric Field
Assume that some positive (or negative) charges are introduced in the
interior of a good conductor. An electric field will be set up in the
conductor, the field exerting a force on the charges and making them move
away from one another. This movement will continue until all the charges
reach the conductor surface and redistribute themselves in such a way that
both the charge and the field inside vanish. Hence,
When there are no free charges in the interior of a conductor (v = 0), E
must be zero. Because, according to Gauss's law, the total outward electric
flux through any closed surface inside the conductor vanishes.
Conductors (cont.)
Hence, in the interior of a conductor under static conditions, both free charge and
electric field intensity vanish.
Under static conditions, the electric field E on a conductor surface is everywhere
normal to the surface.
This means, the surface of a conductor is an equipotential surface under static
conditions. In fact, since E = 0 everywhere inside a conductor, the whole conductor
has the same electrostatic potential.
The figure above shows an interface between a conductor and free space. Consider
the contour abcda, which has width ab = cd = w and height bc = da= h. Sides ab
and cd are parallel to the interface. letting h 0, and noting that E in a conductor
is zero, we obtain
which means that the tangential component of the E field on a conductor surface
is zero under static conditions.
In order to find En, the normal component of E at the surface of the conductor, we
construct a Gaussian surface in the form of a thin pillbox with the top face in free
space and the bottom face in the conductor where E = 0. Then, we obtain
Then, to summarize the boundary conditions at the conductor surface, we have
Conductivity of Some Common Materials
Example: A positive point charge Q is at the center of a spherical conducting shell
of an inner radius Ri and an outer radius R0. Determine E and V as functions of the
radial distance R.
Soln: There is spherical symmetry. It is simplest to use Gauss's law to determine E
and then find V by integration.
There are three regions: a) R > R0, b) Ri< R< R0, and c) R < Ri.
Suitable spherical Gaussian surfaces will be constructed in these regions.
Symmetry requires that E = aRER in all three regions.
a) R> R0 (Gaussian surface S1) :
The E field is the same as that of a point charge Q without the presence of the shell.
The potential V1 referring to the point at infinity is
c) R < Ri (Gaussian surface S3): Applying Gauss's law, we obtain
𝑉3 𝑎𝑡 𝑅=𝑅𝑖 = 𝑉2 𝑎𝑡 𝑅=𝑅𝑜
The two graphs show the variations of ER and V in all three regions.
Note that whereas the electric intensity has discontinuous jumps,
the potential remains continuous.
Thus, potential is continuous across boundaries.
Example. Consider two spherical conductors with radii b1 and b2 (b2 >b1) that are
connected by a conducting wire. The distance of separation between the conductors
is assumed to be very large in comparison to b2 so that the charges on the spherical
conductors may be considered as uniformly distributed. A total charge Q is
deposited on the sphere . Find
a) the charges on the two spheres, and
b) the electric field intensities at the sphere surfaces.
a) Since the spherical conductors are at the same potential, then we have
Then we have
b) The electric field intensities at the surfaces of the two conducting spheres are
Materials are composed of atoms with a positively charged nucleus surrounded by
negatively charged electrons. Although the molecules of dielectrics are
macroscopically neutral, an external electric field causes a force to be exerted on
each charged particle and results in small displacements of positive and negative
charges in opposite directions. These are bound charges. The displacements
polarize a dielectric material and create electric dipoles. Thus, a dielectric medium is
polarized by the external electric field Eext
To analyze the macroscopic effect of induced dipoles we define a polarization
vector P as
where n is the number of molecules per unit volume and the numerator represents
the vector sum of the induced dipole moments contained in a very small volume ∆v.
The vector P is the volume density of electric dipole moment. The dipole moment of
an elemental volume is dp = P dv', which produces an electrostatic potential:
where R is the distance from the elemental volume dv' to a fixed field point.
Electric Flux Density And Dielectric Constant
To analyze the effect of induced dipoles we introduce a new field quantity, such that
𝐃 = 𝜖0 𝐄 + 𝐏.
D: Electric flux density (electric displacement)
P: Polarization vector.
Now we have in differential form
𝛁 ∙ 𝐃 = 𝜌𝑣 (C/m3)
𝜌𝑣 is the volume density of free charges.
The corresponding integral form is
න 𝛁. 𝐃𝑑𝑣 = න 𝜌𝑣 𝑑𝑣
Dielectric Strength
If the electric field is very strong, it will pull electrons completely out of the
This means that the applied electric field exceeds the dielectric strength of the
material, and it will free the electrons completely from the molecules in the form of
a conduction current.
The material will become conducting, and large currents may result. This
phenomenon is called dielectric breakdown.
In other words, the maximum electric field intensity that a dielectric material can
withstand without breakdown is the dielectric strength of the material.
Relative permittivity (dielectric constant) and dielectric strength of some common
Example: A positive point charge Q is at the center of a spherical dielectric shell of
an inner radius Ri and an outer radius R0. The dielectric constant of the shell is 𝜖𝑟 .
Determine E, V, D, and P as functions of the radial distance R.
a) R> Ro
b) Ri < R < Ro
c) R < Ri
Boundary Conditions for Electrostatic Fields
Interface between Two General Media :
We create the path abcda with the sides ab in medium 1 and cd in medium 2. Then
we apply the rule 𝐄 𝐶ׯ. 𝑑𝒍 = 0 over the closed contour. As the sides bc = da = Δh
approach zero, their contributions to the line integral of E around the path can be
neglected. Hence, the line integral is written as follows:
Then we have
The relation between the normal components of the field at a boundary is obtained
by creating a small pillbox. Its top face is in medium l and bottom face is in medium
2. S is the area of each face and the height h is vanishingly small. From Gauss’s
When two dielectrics are in contact with no free charges at the interface, 𝜌𝑠 = 0 and
we have
Example: A lucite sheet (𝜖𝑟 = 3.2) is introduced perpendicularly in a uniform
electric field E0 = axE0 in free space. Determine Ei, Di and Pi inside the lucite.
Soln: The interfaces are perpendicular to the electric field, only the normal field
components are considered. No free charges exist.
The boundary condition D1n=D2n at the left interface gives
Electric flux density does not change across the interface. The electric field intensity
inside the lucite sheet is
The polarization vector is zero outside the lucite sheet (P0 = 0).
Inside the sheet,
Soln: and
Example: A uniform electric field intensity of magnitude 1000 V/m is measured
underwater and points at an angle 2 = 30° at the interface between water and air, as
shown in Figure below. If it is known that no surface charges can exist and the
relative permittivity of water is 80, calculate the electric field intensity in air
(direction and magnitude).
Solution: The electric field intensity in air is found by separating the electric field
intensity in water into its tangential and normal components and then imposing the
continuity in the tangential component and discontinuity in the normal component.
Then, (taking water as material 2),
The tangential and normal components of the electric field intensity in water are
In air,
The electric field intensity in air points at 0.04 from the normal.