Module IV
Module IV
Module IV
Blueprint for Security, Security Policy, Standards and Practices, ISO 17799/BS 7799,
NIST Models, VISA International Security Model, Design of Security Architecture,
Planning for Continuity
ACL Policies
Both Microsoft Windows NT/2000 and Novell Netware
5.x/6.x families of systems translate ACLs into sets of
configurations that administrators use to control access to
their respective systems
ACLs allow a configuration to restrict access from anyone
and anywhere
ACLs regulate:
→ Who can use the system
→ What authorized users can access
→ When authorized users can access the system
→ Where authorized users can access the system from
→ How authorized users can access the system
5. Defense in Depth
One of the basic foundations of security architectures is the implementation of
security in layers. This layered approach is called defense in depth.
Defense in depth requires that the organization establish sufficient security
controls and safeguards, so that an intruder faces multiple layers of controls.
These layers of control can be organized into policy, training and education and
technology as per the NSTISSC model.
While policy itself may not prevent attacks, they coupled with other layers and
deter attacks.
Training and Education are similar.
Technology is also implemented in layers, with detection equipment, all
operating behind access control mechanisms.
Implementing multiple types of technology and thereby preventing the failure of
one system from compromising the security of the information is referred to as
Redundancy can be implemented at a number of points throughout the security
architecture, such as firewalls, proxy servers, and access controls. The figure
shows the use of firewalls and intrusion detection systems(IDS) that use both
packet-level rules and data content.
Defence in Depth
Security Perimeter
► A Security Perimeter is the first level of security that protects all internal
systems from outside threats.
► Unfortunately, the perimeter does not protect against internal attacks from
employee threats, or on-site physical threats.
► Security perimeters can effectively be implemented as multiple technologies
that segregate the protected information from those who would attack it.
► Within security perimeters the organization can establish security domains, or
areas of trust within which users can freely communicate.
► The presence and nature of the security perimeter is an essential element of
the overall security framework, and the details of implementing the perimeter
make up a great deal of the particulars of the completed security blueprint.
► The key components used for planning the perimeter are presented in the
following sections on firewalls, DMZs, proxy servers, and intrusion detection
Security Perimeter and Domain