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Module IV

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Blueprint for Security, Security Policy, Standards and Practices, ISO 17799/BS 7799,
NIST Models, VISA International Security Model, Design of Security Architecture,
Planning for Continuity


►Creation of information security program begins with creation and/or review
of organization’s information security policies, standards, and practices
►Then, selection or creation of information security architecture and the
development and use of a detailed information security blueprint creates plan for
future success
►Security education and training to successfully implement policies and ensure
secure environment
Why Policy?
►A quality information security program begins and ends with policy
►Policies are least expensive means of control and often the most difficult to
►Some basic rules must be followed when shaping a policy:
→ Never conflict with law
→ Stand up in court
→ Properly supported and administered
→ Contribute to the success of the organization
→ Involve end users of information systems
Policy: course of action used by an organization to convey instructions from
management to those who perform duties
→ Organizational rules for acceptable/unacceptable behaviour
→ Penalties for violations
→ Appeals process
Standards: more detailed statements of what must be done to comply with
Practices, procedures and guidelines effectively explain how to comply with
For a policy to be effective it must be
→ Properly disseminated
→ Read
→ Understood
→ Agreed to by all members of organization
Types of Policies
Enterprise information Security program Policy(EISP)
Issue-specific information Security Policy (ISSP)
Systems-specific information Security Policy (SysSP)

1.Enterprise Information Security Policy (EISP)

► Also Known as a general Security policy, IT security policy, or
information security policy.
► Sets strategic direction, scope, and tone for all security efforts
within the organization
► Assigns responsibilities to various areas of information security
► Guides development, implementation, and management of
information security program
2.Issue-Specific Security Policy (ISSP)
►The ISSP:
→ Addresses specific areas of technology
→ Requires frequent updates
→ Contains statement on position on specific issue
►Approaches to creating and managing ISSPs:
→ Create number of independent ISSP documents
→ Create a single comprehensive ISSP document
→ Create a modular ISSP document
► ISSP topics could include:
E-mail, use of Web, configurations of computers to defend
against worms and viruses, prohibitions against hacking or
testing organisation security controls, home use of company-
owned computer equipment, use of personal equipment on
company networks, use of telecommunications
technologies(FAX and phone), use of photocopiers
Components of the ISSP
⁕Statement of Policy
→ Scope and Applicability
→ Definition of Technology Addressed
→ Responsibilities
⁕Authorized Access and Usage of Equipment
→ User Access
→ Fair and Responsible Use
→ Protection of Privacy
⁕Prohibited Usage of Equipment
→ Disruptive Use or Misuse
→ Criminal Use
→ Offensive or Harassing Materials
→ Copyrighted, Licensed or other Intellectual Property
→ Other Restrictions
⁕Systems Management
→ Management of Stored Materials
→ Employer Monitoring
→ Virus Protection
→ Physical Security
→ Encryption
⁕Violations of Policy
→ Procedures for Reporting Violations
→ Penalties for Violations
⁕Policy Review and Modification
→ Scheduled Review of Policy and Procedures for
⁕Limitations of Liability
→ Statements of Liability or Disclaimers
3.Systems-Specific Policy (SysSP)
►SysSPs are frequently codified as standards and procedures to be
used when configuring or maintaining systems
►Systems-specific policies fall into two groups:
☞ Access control lists (ACLs)
☞ Configuration rules
Access control lists (ACLs)
consist of the access control lists, matrices, and capability
tables governing the rights and privileges of a particular
user to a particular system
Configuration rules
comprise the specific configuration codes entered into
security systems to guide the execution of the system

ACL Policies
Both Microsoft Windows NT/2000 and Novell Netware
5.x/6.x families of systems translate ACLs into sets of
configurations that administrators use to control access to
their respective systems
ACLs allow a configuration to restrict access from anyone
and anywhere
ACLs regulate:
→ Who can use the system
→ What authorized users can access
→ When authorized users can access the system
→ Where authorized users can access the system from
→ How authorized users can access the system


► It is the basis for the design, selection, and implementation of all security
policies, education and training programs, and technological controls.
► More detailed version of security framework, which is an outline of overall
information security strategy for organization and a road map for planned
changes to the information security environment of the organization.
► Should specify tasks to be accomplished and the order in which they are to be
► Should also serve as a scalable, upgradeable, and comprehensive plan for the
information security needs for coming years.
ISO 17799/BS 7799
VISA International Security Model
ISO 17799/BS 7799
One of the most widely referenced and often discussed security models is
the Information Technology
Code of Practice for Information Security Management,
Information security management specifications with guidance for
originally published as British Standard BS 7799
In 2000, this Code of Practice was adopted as an international standard
framework for information security by the International Organization for
Standardization (ISO) and the International Electrotechnical Commission
(IEC) as ISO/IEC 17799.
►Drawbacks of ISO 17799/BS 7799
Several countries have not adopted 17799 claiming there are
fundamental problems:
→ The global information security community has not defined any
justification for a code of practice as identified in the ISO/IEC
→ 17799 lacks “the necessary measurement precision of a technical
→ There is no reason to believe that 17799 is more useful than any
other approach currently available
→ 17799 is not as complete as other frameworks available
→ 17799 is perceived to have been hurriedly prepared given the
tremendous impact its adoption could have on industry information
security controls
► Objectives of ISO 17799
Organizational Security Policy is needed to provide management
direction and support.
Ten Sections of ISO/IEC 17799
► Organizational Security Policy
► Organizational Security Infrastructure
► Asset Classification and Control
► Personnel Security
► Physical and Environmental Security
► Communications and Operations Management
→ System Access Control
→ System Development and Maintenance
→ Business Continuity Planning
→ Compliance
Alternate Security Models available other than ISO 17799/BS 7799
This refers to “The National Security Telecommunications and Information
systems Security Committee” document.
This document presents a comprehensive model for information security.
The model consists of three dimensions.
The following NIST documents can assist in the design of a security framework:
→ NIST SP 800-12:
An Introduction to Computer Security: The NIST Handbook
→ NIST SP 800-14:
Generally Accepted Security Principles and Practices for
Securing IT Systems
→ NIST SP 800-18:
The Guide for Developing Security Plans for IT Systems
→ NIST SP 800-26:
Security Self-Assessment Guide for IT systems.
→ NIST SP 800-30:
Risk Management for IT systems.
→ NIST Special Publication SP 800-12
SP 800-12 is an excellent reference and guide for the security
manager or administrator in the routine management of
information security.
provides little guidance, however, on design and
implementation of new security systems
used only as a valuable precursor to understanding an
information security blueprint.
→ NIST Special Publication SP 800-14
Generally accepted Principles and practices for Security
Information Technology Systems.
Provides best practices and security principles that can
direct the security team in the development of Security
Blue Print.
►It promotes strong security measures in its business associates and has
established guidelines for the security of its information systems.
►It has developed two important documents
Security Assessment Process
Agreed Upon Procedures.
►Both documents provide specific instructions on the use of the VISA
Cardholder Information Security Program.
►The Security Assessment Process document is a series of recommendations for
the detailed examination of an organization’s systems with the eventual goal of
integration into the VISA systems.
►The Agreed upon Procedures document outlines the policies and technologies
required for security systems that carry the sensitive card holder information to
and from VISA systems.
►Using the two documents, a security team can develop a sound strategy for the
design of good security architecture.
►The only downside to this approach is the specific focus on systems that can or
do integrate with VISA’s systems with the explicit purpose of carrying the
aforementioned cardholder information.
Baselining & Best Business Practices
Baselining and best practices are solid methods for collecting security practices,
but provide less detail than a complete methodology
Possible to gain information by baselining and using best practices and thus work
backwards to an effective design
The Federal Agency Security Practices (FASP) site (fasp.nist.gov) designed to
provide best practices for public agencies and adapted easily to private
The documents found in this site include specific examples of key policies and
planning documents, implementation strategies for key technologies, and
position descriptions for key security personnel.
Of particular value is the section on program management, which includes the
A summary guide: public law, executive orders, and policy
Position description for computer system security officer.
Position description for information security officer
Position description for computer specialist.
Sample of an information technology(IT) security staffing plan for a
large service application(LSA)
Sample of an information technology(IT) security program policy
Security handbook and standard operating procedures.
Telecommuting and mobile computer security policy.
Hybrid Framework for a Blueprint of an Information Security System
The framework of security includes philosophical components of the Human
Firewall Project, which maintain that people, not technology, are the primary
defenders of information assets in an information security program, and are
uniquely responsible for their protection.
The spheres of security are the foundation of the security framework.
The sphere of use, at the left in fig, explains the ways in which people access
information; for example, people read hard copies of documents and can also
access information through systems.
The sphere of protection at the right illustrates that between each layer of the
sphere of use there must exist a layer of protection to prevent access to the
inner layer from the outer layer.
Each shaded band is a layer of protection and control.
Sphere of Protection
The “sphere of protection” overlays each of the levels of the “sphere of use” with
a layer of security, protecting that layer from direct or indirect use through the
next layer
The people must become a layer of security, a human firewall that protects the
information from unauthorized access and use
Information security is therefore designed and implemented in three layers
→ policies
→ people (education, training, and awareness programs)
→ technology
4.6.7 As illustrated in the sphere of protection, a variety of controls can be used to
protect the information.
4.6.8 The items of control shown in the figure are not intended to be
comprehensive but rather illustrate individual safeguards that can protect the
various systems that are located closer to the center of the sphere.
4.6.9 However, because people can directly access each ring as well as the
information at the core of the model, the side of the sphere of protection that
attempt to control access by relying on people requires a different approach to
security than the side that uses technology.
3 Level of Control
Management Controls
►Risk Management
►Review of Security Controls
►Life Cycle Maintenance
►Authorization of Processing (Certification and Accreditation)
►System Security Plan
Operational Controls
►Personnel Security
►Physical Security
►Production, Input/Output Controls
►Contingency Planning
►Hardware and Systems Software
►Data Integrity
►Security Awareness, Training, and Education
►Incident Response Capability
Technical Controls
►Identification and Authentication
►Logical Access Controls
►Audit Trails
Management controls
►It address the design and implementation of the security planning process
and security program management.
►They also address risk management and security control reviews. They
further describe the necessity and scope of legal compliance and the
maintenance of the entire security life cycle.
Operational controls
►It deal with the operational functionality of security in the organization.
They include management functions and lower-level planning, such as
disaster recovery and incident response planning.
►They also address personnel security, physical security, and the
protection of production inputs and outputs.
►They guide the development of education, training and awareness
programs for users, administrators, and management. Finally, they
address hardware and software systems maintenance and the integrity of
Technical controls
1. It address the tactical and technical issues related to designing and
implementing security in the organization, as well as issues related to
examining and selecting the technologies appropriate to protecting
2.They address the specifics of technology selection and the acquisition of
certain technical components. They also include logical access controls,
such as identification, authentication, authorization, and accountability.
3.They cover cryptography to protect information in storage and transit.
Finally, they include the classification of assets and users, to facilitate
the authorization levels needed.
Using the three sets of controls, the organization should be able to specify controls to
cover the entire spectrum of safeguards, from strategic to tactical, and from
managerial to technical.

5. Defense in Depth
One of the basic foundations of security architectures is the implementation of
security in layers. This layered approach is called defense in depth.
Defense in depth requires that the organization establish sufficient security
controls and safeguards, so that an intruder faces multiple layers of controls.
These layers of control can be organized into policy, training and education and
technology as per the NSTISSC model.
While policy itself may not prevent attacks, they coupled with other layers and
deter attacks.
Training and Education are similar.
Technology is also implemented in layers, with detection equipment, all
operating behind access control mechanisms.
Implementing multiple types of technology and thereby preventing the failure of
one system from compromising the security of the information is referred to as
Redundancy can be implemented at a number of points throughout the security
architecture, such as firewalls, proxy servers, and access controls. The figure
shows the use of firewalls and intrusion detection systems(IDS) that use both
packet-level rules and data content.

Defence in Depth

Security Perimeter
► A Security Perimeter is the first level of security that protects all internal
systems from outside threats.
► Unfortunately, the perimeter does not protect against internal attacks from
employee threats, or on-site physical threats.
► Security perimeters can effectively be implemented as multiple technologies
that segregate the protected information from those who would attack it.
► Within security perimeters the organization can establish security domains, or
areas of trust within which users can freely communicate.
► The presence and nature of the security perimeter is an essential element of
the overall security framework, and the details of implementing the perimeter
make up a great deal of the particulars of the completed security blueprint.
► The key components used for planning the perimeter are presented in the
following sections on firewalls, DMZs, proxy servers, and intrusion detection
Security Perimeter and Domain

►Key Technology Components

Other key technology components
→ A firewall is a device that selectively discriminates against information
flowing into or out of the organization.
→ Firewalls are usually placed on the security perimeter, just behind or as
part of a gateway router.
→ Firewalls can be packet filtering, stateful packet filtering, proxy, or
application level.
→ A Firewall can be a single device or a firewall subnet, which consists of
multiple firewalls creating a buffer between the outside and inside
→ The DMZ (demilitarized zone) is a no-man’s land, between the inside
and outside networks, where some organizations place Web servers
→ These servers provide access to organizational web pages, without
allowing Web requests to enter the interior networks.
→ Proxy server- An alternative approach to the strategies of using a
firewall subnet or a DMZ is to use a proxy server, or proxy firewall.
→ When an outside client requests a particular Web page, the proxy server
receives the request as if it were the subject of the request, then asks for
the same information from the true Web server(acting as a proxy for the
requestor), and then responds to the request as a proxy for the true Web
→ For more frequently accessed Web pages, proxy servers can cache or
temporarily store the page, and thus are sometimes called cache servers.
Firewalls, Proxy Servers & DMZ

Intrusion Detection Systems (IDSs). In an effort to detect unauthorized

activity within the inner network, or on individual machines, an
organization may wish to implement Intrusion Detection Systems or
► IDs come in two versions. Host-based & Network-based IDSs.
→ Host-based IDSs are usually installed on the machines they protect
to monitor the status of various files stored on those machines.
→ Network-based IDSs look at patterns of network traffic and attempt
to detect unusual activity based on previous baselines.
This could include packets coming into the organization’s networks with
addresses from machines already within the organization (IP spoofing).
It could also include high volumes of traffic going to outside addresses (as
in cases of data theft) or coming into the network (as in a denial of
service attack).
Both host-and network based IDSs require a database of previous activity.
Intrusion Detection System

1 Security Education, Training, and Awareness Program

►As soon as general security policy exists, policies to implement security
education, training and awareness (SETA) program should follow.
►SETA is a control measure designed to reduce accidental security breaches by
►Security education and training builds on the general knowledge the employees
must possess to do their jobs, familiarizing them with the way to do their jobs
The SETA program consists of three elements: security education; security
training; and security awareness
The purpose of SETA is to enhance security by:
► Improving awareness of the need to protect system resources.
► Developing skills and knowledge so computer users can perform
their jobs more securely.
► Building in-depth knowledge, as needed, to design, implement, or
operate security programs for organizations and systems.
Security Education
1 Everyone in an organization needs to be trained and aware of information
security, but not every member of the organization needs a formal degree or
certificate in information security.
2 A number of universities have formal coursework in information security.
3 For those interested in researching formal information security programs, there
are resources available, such as the NSA-identified Centers of Excellence in
Information Assurance Education.
Security Training
· It involves providing members of the organization with detailed information and
hands-on instruction to prepare them to perform their duties securely.
· Management of information security can develop customized in-house training
or outsource the training program.
Security Awareness
►One of the least frequently implemented, but most beneficial programs is the
security awareness program
►Designed to keep information security at the forefront of users’ minds
►Need not be complicated or expensive
►If the program is not actively implemented, employees may begin to “tune out”
and risk of employee accidents and failures increases
►Contingency Planning (CP) comprises a set of plans designed to ensure the
effective reaction and recovery from an attack and the subsequent restoration to
normal modes of business operations.
►Organizations need to develop disaster recovery plans, incident response plans, and
business continuity plans as subsets of an overall CP.
►An incident response plan (IRP) deals with the identification, classification,
response, and recovery from an incident, but if the attack is disastrous(e.g., fire,
flood, earthquake) the process moves on to disaster recovery and BCP
►A disaster recovery plan (DRP) deals with the preparation for and recovery from
a disaster, whether natural or man-made and it is closely associated with BCP.
►A Business continuity plan (BCP) ensures that critical business functions
continue, if a catastrophic incident or disaster occurs. BCP occurs concurrently
with DRP when the damage is major or long term, requiring more than simple
restoration of information and information resources.
Components of Contingency Planning

There are six steps to contingency planning. They are

· Identifying the mission-or business-critical functions,
· Identifying the resources that support the critical functions,
· Anticipating potential contingencies or disasters,
· Selecting contingency planning strategies,
· Implementing the contingencies strategies,
· and Testing and revising the strategy.

Business Impact Analysis (BIA)

►A BIA is an investigation and assessment of the impact that various attacks can
have on the organization.
►The contingency planning team conducts the BIA in the following stages,
1 Threat attack identification and prioritization
2 Business unit analysis
3 Attack success scenario development
4 Potential damage assessment
5 Subordinate plan classification
Incident response plan (IRP)
►It is the set of activities taken to plan for, detect, and correct the impact
of an incident on information assets.
►IRP consists of the following 4 phases:
1 Incident Planning
2 Incident Detection
3 Incident Reaction
4 Incident Recovery
Incident Planning
►Planning for an incident is the first step in the overall process of
incident response planning.
►The planners should develop a set of documents that guide the actions
of each involved individual who reacts to and recovers from the incident.
►These plans must be properly organized and stored to be available
when and where needed, and in a useful format.
Incident Detection
►Incident Detection relies on either a human or automated system,
which is often the help desk staff, to identify an unusual occurrence and
to classify it properly as an incident.
►The mechanisms that could potentially detect an incident include
intrusion detection systems (both host-based and network based), virus
detection software, systems administrators, and even end users.
►Once an attack is properly identified, the organization can effectively
execute the corresponding procedures from the IR plan. Thus, incident
classification is the process of examining a potential incident, or
incident candidate, and determining whether or not the candidate
constitutes an actual incident.
►Incident Indicators- There is a number of occurrences that could
signal the presence of an incident candidate.
►Donald Pipkin, an IT security expert, identifies three categories of
incident indicators:
Possible, Probable, and Definite Indicators.
►Possible Indicators- There are 4 types of possible indicators of events
,they are,
- Presence of unfamiliar files.
- Presence or execution of unknown programs or processes.
Unusual consumption of computing resources
Unusual system crashes
►Probable Indicators- The four types of probable indicators of
incidents are
- Activities at unexpected times.
- Presence of new accounts
- Reported attacks
- Notification from IDS
►Definite Indicators- The five types of definite indicators of incidents
- Use of Dormant accounts
- Changes to logs
►Presence of hacker tools
►Notifications by partner or peer
►Notification by hacker
Incident Reaction
It consists of actions outlined in the IRP that guide the organization in
attempting to stop the incident, mitigate the impact of the incident, and
provide information for recovery from the incident.
These actions take place as soon as the incident itself is over.
In reacting to the incident there are a number of actions that must occur
quickly, including notification of key personnel and documentation of
the incident.
These must have been prioritized and documented in the IRP for quick
use in the heat of the moment.
Incident Recovery
The recovery process involves much more than the simple restoration of
stolen, damaged, or destroyed data files. It involves the following steps.
Identify the Vulnerabilities
Address the safeguards.
Evaluate monitoring capabilities
Restore the data from backups.
Restore the services and processes in use.
Continuously monitor the system
Restore the confidence of the members of the organization’s
communities of interest.

Disaster Recovery Plan (DRP)

DRP provides detailed guidance in the event of a disaster and also provides
details on the roles and responsibilities of the various individuals involved
in the disaster recovery effort, and identifies the personnel and agencies
that must be notified.
At a minimum, the DRP must be reviewed during a walk-through or talk-
through on a periodic basis.
Many of the same precepts of incident response apply to disaster recovery:
here must be a clear establishment of priorities
There must be a clear delegation of roles and responsibilities
Someone must initiate the alert roster and notify key personnel.
Someone must be tasked with the documentation of the disaster.
If and only if it is possible, attempts must be made to mitigate the impact of
the disaster on the operations of the organization.
Business Continuity Plan (BCP)
It prepares an organization to reestablish critical business operations
during a disaster that affects operations at the primary site.
If a disaster has rendered the current location unusable for continued
operations, there must be a plan to allow the business to continue to
Developing Continuity Programs
Once the incident response plans and disaster recovery plans are in
place, the organization needs to consider finding temporary facilities to
support the continued viability of the business in the event of a disaster.
The development of the BCP is simpler than that of the IRP and DRP ,in
that it consists of selecting a continuity strategy and integrating the off-
site data storage and recovery functions into this strategy.
Continuity Strategies
There are a number of strategies from which an organization can choose
when planning for business continuity.
The determining factor in selection between these options is usually
In general there are three exclusive options: Hot sites, Warm Sites, and
Cold sites; and three shared functions: Time-share, Service bureaus, and
Mutual Agreements.
Hot sites: A hot site is a fully configured facility, with all
services, communications links, and physical plant operations
including heating and air conditioning. It is the pinnacle of
contingency planning, a duplicate facility that needs only the
latest data backups and the personnel to function as a fully
operational twin of the original. Disadvantages include the need to
provide maintenance for all the systems and equipment in the hot
site, as well as physical and information security.
Warm sites: A warm site includes computing equipment and
peripherals with servers but not client work stations. It has many
of the advantages of a hot site, but at a lower cost.
Cold Sites: A cold site provides only rudimentary services and
facilities, No computer hardware or peripherals are provided.
Basically a cold site is an empty room with heating, air
conditioning, and electricity. The main advantage of cold site is in
the area of cost.
Time-shares: It allows the organization to maintain a disaster
recovery and business continuity option, but at a reduced overall
cost. The advantages are identical to the type of site selected(hot,
warm, or cold). The disadvantages are the possibility that more
than one organization involved in the time share may need the
facility simultaneously and the need to stock the facility with the
equipment and data from all organizations involved, the
negotiations for arranging the time-share, and associated
arrangements, should one or more parties decide to cancel the
agreement or to sublease its options.
Service bureaus: A service bureau is an agency that provides a
service for a fee. In the case of disaster recovery and continuity
planning, the service is the agreement to provide physical
facilities in the event of a disaster. These types of agencies also
provide off-site data storage for a fee. The disadvantage is that it
is a service, and must be renegotiated periodically. Also, using a
service bureau can be quite expensive.
Mutual Agreements: A mutual agreement is a contract between
two or more organizations that specifies how each will assist the
other in the event of a disaster.

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