CAED Lab Manual Safia Tahir
CAED Lab Manual Safia Tahir
CAED Lab Manual Safia Tahir
R.NO: _______010_______________
Course In-charge
Course In-charge
Engr. Sana Rehan
Department of Biomedical Engineering
1 Lab Report 10
4 Project 10
Lab Performance (Continuous Assessment) / Performance Test
Lab Reports/
Sr. # Indicator Exemplary (5) Satisfactory (4-3) Developing (2-1) Unsatisfactory (0)
Information is presented in a logical, Information is presented in Information is presented in quite less Unable to submit the lab
Calculations and interesting way, which is easy to somewhat logical manner. All continuity and less logical manner. report.
Data Presentation follow. All sections are in a correct sections are in a correct order as Sections are not in proper order as
order and submitted on a time. directed and submitted on a time. directed and unable to follow the
submission deadline.
Calculations are completely logical Calculations are quite logical and Need assistance in Calculations which Unable to submit the lab
and systematic. systematic. are quite logical and systematic. report.
Timely Results and conclusion are stated and Results and conclusion are stated and Results and conclusion are stated and
2 Submission reflect complete knowledge of the reflect acceptable knowledge of the reflect acceptable knowledge of the
experiment. Presents data very experiment. Presents data with experiment. Need guidance to Present
clearly using appropriate appropriate graphs/waveforms. data with appropriate
graphs/waveforms. Figure captions Figure captions and units are graphs/waveforms. Figure captions
and units are always included. included most of the time. and units are missing.
Document presented/submitted for Document presented/submitted for Document presented/submitted for Document presented/
Uniqueness review purely reflect student review must reflect student review must reflect student submitted for review is
3 understanding and should not be understanding with a section copied understanding with two sections copied from an online
copied from any online source and from any online source or resembles copied from any online or resembles source or resembles that of
should not resembles that of their that of classmate that of classmate their class mates clearly
classmate indicating lack of
4 Document submitted on the date and Document submitted on the date and Document submitted on the date and Document not submitted on
Submission day assigned with all the necessary day assigned with one missing day assigned with two missing the date and day assigned
sections sections sections
Viva Voce
Sr.# Performance
No grasp of information.
At ease with content and Clearly no knowledge of
Demonstration of full subject matter.
Depth of Subject able to elaborate and
knowledge of the subject
Knowledge explain to some degree. No questions are
with explanations and
2 answered. No
elaboration. interpretation made.
Lab Objectives CLO PLO Domain Signature Remarks
Explain solid work basics including
overview of solid work screen. Learn to
start a new drawing, plane selection,
units, changing dimensions, solid work
1 1 5 P2
colors and fully defined entities. Learn to
move around drawing screen, use general
sketch tools and save a solid work
Model 2D sketches and use sketch tool
line, circle, and rectangle. Demonstrate
2 and analyze orientations including 6 1 5 P2
principle views, add relations. Draw 3D
models from 2D sketches.
Lab #01
Explain solidwork basics including overview of solid work screen. Learn to start a new
drawing, plane selection, units, changing dimensions, solidwork colors and fully defined
entities. Learn to move around drawing screen, use general sketch tools and save a solid work
A rectangle drawn on front plane and smart dimension used to set dimension accordingly.
Drawn on front plane. Line was used to make the sketch and smart dimension used to set it
Drawn on front plane using line and smart dimension to set the values.
Front plane, line tool used to make the above figure and smart dimensions to set it.
Lab #02
Model 2D sketches and use sketch tool line, circle, and rectangle. Demonstrate and analyze
orientations including 6 principle views, add relations. Draw 3D models from 2D sketches.
Task 1:
The diagram above is drawn on the front plane. The initial sketch was made with a line and a
circle, and then a 20mm-thick extruded boss was applied.
Task 2
First, a line and a circle were used in the sketch, and an extruded boss was used. IPS is used
to draw the figure.
Task 3
Initial sketch made with a circle and line drawn in ips, then extruded.
Task 4
Line, circle, and front plane used. The boss then extruded. Made on mmgs.
Lab #03
Model 2D sketch tools: slots, arc, polygons, splines and ellipses.
Task 1:
Drawn with lines, a three-point arc, and a circle on the front plane. using smart dimensions,
the dimensions are set. In the end, an extruded boss is used.
Line and arc are used in this sketch. Aspects set then expelled.
Task 2:
Line and arc are used in this sketch. Aspects set then expelled.
Task 3
Made utilizing digression circular segment and line. made use of an extruded boss.
Lab #04
Model and use 2D fillet, chamfer, trim, extend and offset commands.
Task 1:
Initial line-based sketch. Then, at that point, filet utilized on the edges with a range of 0.5
subsequent to expelling the sketch.
Task 2
Task 3:
Task 4:
A square made which was expelled. After that, a square's face was chosen, and the
above pattern was created with lines and trim and then extruded.
Lab #05
Model 2D sketches and apply commands that include mirror, linear pattern, circular pattern,
move and copy.
Task 1:
Beginning portrayal done utilizing line then, at that point, reflected utilizing mirror elements.
Task 2:
Made utilizing circle, lines and curve. The linear pattern was used to replicate the inside
ovals. After that, the entire thing was extruded.
Task 3:
Activate the sketching mode by selecting the "Sketch" icon from the main toolbar.
Choose a plane or face where you want to create the rectangle.
Once the desired plane is selected, click on it to set the sketching plane.
From the main toolbar, click on the "Rectangle" icon or select "Rectangle" from the "Sketch"
dropdown menu.
Specify the first corner of the rectangle by clicking on the desired location in the graphics
Move the cursor to define the second corner of the rectangle and click to finalize the shape.
If needed, add dimensions to the rectangle by selecting the "Smart Dimension" tool from the
main toolbar and clicking on the rectangle's edges.
Now, you will create the hexagonal rings inside the rectangle:
Activate the sketching mode again by selecting the "Sketch" icon from the main toolbar.
choose the plane or face where you want to create the hexagonal rings (e.g., the face of the
Once the desired plane is selected, click on it to set the sketching plane.
From the main toolbar, click on the "Polygon" icon or select "Polygon" from the "Sketch"
dropdown menu.
Specify the center point of the first hexagon by clicking on the desired location inside the
Move the cursor outward or inward to define the radius of the hexagon. Alternatively, you
can enter a specific value for the radius using the keyboard. Click or enter the radius value to
finalize the hexagon.
If needed, add dimensions to the hexagon by selecting the "Smart Dimension" tool from the
main toolbar and clicking on the hexagon's edges.
Use linear sketch pattern on the polygon at x axis and y axis. Then extrude the whole figure.
Task 4:
Lab #06
Model 2D sketches and apply commands that include rotate, scale, stretch, split, jog line and
Task 1:
The plane or face where you want to make the rectangle should be chosen. Select
"Rectangle" from the "Sketch" drop-down menu or click the "Rectangle" icon from
the main toolbar.
Determine the main corner of the square shape by tapping on the ideal area in the
designs region.
Move the cursor to characterize the second corner of the square shape and snap to
conclude the shape.
Select the "Smart Dimension" tool from the main toolbar and click on the edges of the
rectangle to add dimensions if necessary. The above figure was produced using jog
entities. Utilize the Manager expel property to raise the construction.
Carve the raised structure with the cut extrude feature.
Task 2:
The plane or face where you want to make the rectangle should be chosen. Select
"Rectangle" from the "Sketch" drop-down menu or click the "Rectangle" icon from
the main toolbar.
Determine the main corner of the square shape by tapping on the ideal area in the
designs region. The entities that stretch the line. This sketch can be made by using the
extrude base property.
Lab #07
Model 3D sketches and apply feature tools that include extrude boss/base, inward draft,
outward draft and extrude cut.
Task 1:
The above line-based sketch was then extruded to the desired width.
Task 2:
Select a plane or face where you want to sketch the L-bracket in order to sketch a 3D solid
Click the "Line" icon from the main toolbar or choose "Line" from the "Sketch" dropdown
Define the principal boundary section of the L-section by clicking and hauling in the designs
Click and drag at a right angle to draw the second line segment perpendicular to the first.
To define the lengths of the lines, add dimensions to them. Select the "Shrewd Aspect"
instrument from the principal toolbar.
With the L-section sketch chose, go to the "Highlights" tab in the Order Administrator or the
Element Director Configuration Tree.
Select "Extruded Boss/Base" from the drop-down menu or click on the "Extruded Boss/Base"
Pick the L-section sketch you made from the "Sketch" dropdown menu.
In the "Depth" field, enter the desired thickness or distance to specify the extrusion direction.
If necessary, alter additional parameters like draft angles, material choices, or end conditions.
In the graphics area, view the extruded L-bracket and make any necessary adjustments.
After making your selection for the l bracket's base, draw a rectangle of the length you want.
To get the figure above, cut the rectangle with an extruded cutter.
Task 3:
A square shape made then expelled. A face was chosen, two three-point arcs were made,
and an extruded cut was applied to them.
Task 4:
The two lines above were produced by cutting an extruded rectangle with a spline to
create them.
Task 5:
The preceding figure was produced by cutting an extruded circle into an extruded rectangle.
Lab #08
Model and use 3D tools fillet, chamfer, shell commands and design 3D models using the
mentioned commands.
Task 1:
An extruded l bracket was constructed. a cut-out circle that was made on the front face and
then extruded. The l bracket's base was also extruded and cut into a rectangle. After that, the
edge was filled with fillet. The front face's three planes were chosen, and a full round fillet
was used.
Task 2:
On a similar l section made previously, chamfer was applied aside and its base corner.
Task 3:
An extruded circle made which was then shelled from the top.
Lab #09
Model 3D sketches and apply feature tools that include hole using different methods and
blind holes.
Task 1:
The above figure was produced by extruding a square into which three circles were cut with
an extruded cutting tool
Task 2:
A square shape was expelled then a face chose and a triangle made which was likewise
expelled. An extruded circle was made at the top.
Task 3:
An expelled square shape was fileted at the edges then, at that point, opening wizard used to
made the above openings..
Task 4:
Using the hole wizard, holes were made in an extruded rectangle, and the top was shelled.
Lab #10
Model 3D sketches and apply feature tools that include reference planes, lofted boss/base,
swept boss/base, revolve boss/base and revolve cut.
Task #01
An initial sketch made on front plane then revolved boss used to make the above picture.
Task 2:
A circle drawn of the mentioned radius. A reference plane of 125mm selected then a circle of
20mm drawn then both of the circles were lofted.
Task 3:
Top plane selected and circle was made. A reference plane selected then a square made.
Another plane selected then another circle made. All three shapes were selected and lofted
base were used to make the desired shape. The top circle selected and another circle made
then it was cut using extruded cut.
Lab #11
Model 3D sketches and apply feature tools that include helix curve and springs, wrap, draft
and edit features.
Task 1:
A circle was drawn on which helix applied. Another circle was drawn at the end of the helix
which was then swepted together to get the spring.
Task 2:
A circle was drawn then helix applied then another circle drawn and swept boss used.
Lab #12
Observe orthographic projections in detail including principle view and projection standards.
Analyze normal surface, hidden lines, precedence of line, slanted surface, compound lines,
oblique surfaces and round surfaces. Also draw orthographic projections manually.
Task 1:
Task 2:
Task 3:
Task 4:
Lab #13
Observe and draw orthographic projections on solid works
Task 1:
Task 2:
Task 3:
Task 4:
task 5:
Task 6:
Task 7:
Lab #14
Create assembly drawings using mate assembly tools
Task 1:
Task 2:
Task 3:
Task 4:
Task 5:
Lab #15
Create bottom-up Assemblies, Exploded Isometric Drawing, Assembly Numbers, BOM, Title
Blocks and use Animate Collapse tools.
Task 1:
Task Performance: