Uas Bahasa Inggris Kelas 7
Uas Bahasa Inggris Kelas 7
Uas Bahasa Inggris Kelas 7
1. Tuliskan terlebih dahulu nama, nomor ujian anda pada lembaran jawaban yang disediakan
2. Periksa dan bacalah soal-soal dengan teliti sebelum anda menjawabnya
3. Dahulukan menjawab soal-soal yang anda anggap mudah
4. Periksa pekerjaan anda sebelum diserahkan kepada pengawas
5. Apabila ada jawaban yang dianggap salah, dan anda ingin memperbaiki hapuslah sebersih mungkin, dan
hitamkan kembali jawaban yang anda anggap paling benar
Pilihlah jawaban yang paling tepat dan hitamkan pada lembar jawaban
Read the dialog to answer questions 1 – 3 A. 5,6 C. 1,2
B. 4,6 D. 3,4
Man: What drinks do you like?
Woman: I like tea, and I like juice. Read the dialog to answer questions 4 – 7
Man: Ooh, hot tea or cold tea?
Woman: Both. What about you? Man: What desserts do you like?
Man: I like coffee, and hot chocolate. Woman: I really like ice-cream.
Woman: Ooh, I like both too! Man: Oh! What flavor do you like?
Woman: Hmm, I like strawberry. I like vanilla too.
1. Does the woman like hot chocolate? Man: Nice! I like cake and I like pie!
A. Yes, she does Woman: What kind of pie?
B. Yes, he does Man: I really like apple pie with ice cream!
C. No, she doesn’t Woman: Yum!
D. No, he doesn’t
4. What are the man and the woman talking about?
2. “I like both too” A. Drink C. Flavor
The underlined word is closest in meaning to …. B. Desserts D. Ice-cream
A. one thing C. two things
B. everything D. each 5. Do the man and the woman like ice-cream?
A. No, he isn’t C. Yes, he is
3. Look at the drinks below B. No, they don’t D. Yes, they do
1. tea
2. juice For no 6 – 7
3. coffee Choose “A” if the statement is True and “B” if the
4. hot chocolate statement is False
5. hot tea
6. cold tea 6. The man likes cake and apple pie with ice cream
Based on the drinks above, we know that the A B
man and the woman like ….
7. The woman likes cake and pie
8. A : What are Sammy and Jessica doing? 14. What is the dialog about?
B : … are singing. A. Like & Dislike
B. Preference
A. We C. They C. Asking Opinion
B. He D. She D. Asking and Giving Opinion