Dixell XR20CX
Dixell XR20CX
Dixell XR20CX
1. Program one controller with the front keypad.
It signals the door status and the corresponding relay output status through the “odc”
parameter: no, Fan = normal (any change); CPr, F_C = Compressor OFF. 2. When the controller is ON, insert the “Hot key” and push o key; the "uPL" message
Since the door is opened, after the delay time set through parameter “did”, the door alarm is appears followed a by flashing “End”
enabled, the display shows the message “dA” and the regulation restarts is rtr = yES. The 3. Push “SET” key and the End will stop flashing.
alarm stops as soon as the external digital input is disabled again. With the door open, the 4. Turn OFF the instrument remove the “Hot Key”, then turn it ON again.
high and low temperature alarms are disabled.
NOTE: the “Err” message is displayed for failed programming. In this case push again o key
8.2 GENERIC ALARM (i1F = EAL) if you want to restart the upload again or remove the “Hot key” to abort the operation.
As soon as the digital input is activated the unit will wait for “did” time delay before signalling 13.2 HOW TO PROGRAM AN INSTRUMENT USING A HOT KEY
the “EAL” alarm message. The outputs status don’t change. The alarm stops just after the
digital input is de-activated.
1. Turn OFF the instrument.
8.3 SERIOUS ALARM MODE (i1F = bAL) 2. Insert a programmed “Hot Key” into the 5 PIN receptacle and then turn the
When the digital input is activated, the unit will wait for “did” delay before signalling the “CA” Controller ON.
alarm message. The relay outputs are switched OFF. The alarm will stop as soon as the 3. Automatically the parameter list of the “Hot Key” is downloaded into the Controller
digital input is de-activated. memory, the “doL” message is blinking followed a by flashing “End”.
4. After 10 seconds the instrument will restart working with the new parameters.
8.4 PRESSURE SWITCH (i1F = PAL) 5. Remove the “Hot Key”..
If during the interval time set by “did” parameter, the pressure switch has reached the number NOTE the message “Err” is displayed for failed programming. In this case turn the unit off and
of activation of the “nPS” parameter, the “CA” pressure alarm message will be displayed. The then on if you want to restart the download again or remove the “Hot key” to abort the
compressor and the regulation are stopped. When the digital input is ON the compressor is operation.
always OFF.
If the nPS activation in the did time is reached, switch off and on the instrument to 14. ALARM SIGNALS
restart normal regulation.
Message Cause Outputs
8.5 START DEFROST (i1F = dFr) “P1” Room probe failure Compressor output acc. to par. “Con” and
It starts a defrost if there are the right conditions. After the defrost is finished, the normal “COF”
regulation will restart only if the digital input is disabled otherwise the instrument will wait until “P3” Third probe failure Outputs unchanged
the “MdF” safety time is expired. “P4” Fourth probe failure Outputs unchanged
“HA” Maximum temperature alarm Outputs unchanged.
8.6 INVERSION OF THE KIND OF ACTION: HEATING-COOLING (i1F = Htr) “LA” Minimum temperature alarm Outputs unchanged.
This function allows to invert the regulation of the controller: from cooling to heating and "HA2" Condenser high temperature It depends on the “Ac2” parameter
viceversa. "LA2" Condenser low temperature It depends on the “bLL” parameter
“dA” Door open Compressor according to rrd
“EA” External alarm Output unchanged.
The Energy Saving function allows to change the set point value as the result of the SET+ “CA” Serious external alarm All outputs OFF.
HES (parameter) sum. This function is enabled until the digital input is activated. (i1F=bAL)
“CA” Pressure switch alarm All outputs OFF
The digital input polarity depends on the “i1P” parameter.
i1P=CL: the input is activated by closing the contact.
i1P=OP: the input is activated by opening the contact
Probe alarms P1”, “P3” and “P4” start some seconds after the fault in the related probe; they
9. TTL SERIAL LINE – FOR MONITORING SYSTEMS automatically stop some seconds after the probe restarts normal operation. Check
The TTL serial line, available through the HOT KEY connector, allows by means of the connections before replacing the probe.
external TTL/RS485 converter, XJ485-CX, to connect the instrument to a monitoring system Temperature alarms “HA”, “LA” “HA2” and “LA2” automatically stop as soon as the
ModBUS-RTU compatible such as the X-WEB500/3000/300. temperature returns to normal values.
Alarms “EA” and “CA” (with i1F=bAL) recover as soon as the digital input is disabled.
10. X-REP OUTPUT – OPTIONAL Alarm “CA” (with i1F=PAL) recovers only by switching off and on the instrument.
As optional, an X-REP can be connected to the instrument, trough the HOY 14.2 OTHER MESSAGES
KEY connector. The X-REP output EXCLUDES the serial connection.
Pon Keyboard unlocked.
To connect the X-REP to the
instrument the following PoF Keyboard locked
connectors must be used CAB- noP In programming mode: none parameter is present in Pr1
51F(1m), CAB-52F(2m), CAB- On the display or in dP2, dP3, dP4: the selected probe is nor enabled
55F(5m), noA None alarm is recorded.
15 Pr2
9 10 11 12 CO Compressor OFF time with faulty 0 ÷ 255 min
30 Pr2
F probe
CH Kind of action CL=cooling; Ht= heating cL Pr1
CF Temperature measurement unit °C ÷ °F °C Pr2
1 2 3 6 7 8 rES Resolution in=integer; dE= dec.point dE Pr1
Hot Key/IV Probe dLy Display temperature delay 0 ÷ 20.0 min (10 sec.) 0 Pr2
N.C. TTL or X-REP output IdF Interval between defrost cycles 1 ÷ 120 ore 8 Pr1
MdF (Maximum) length for defrost 0 ÷ 255 min 20 Pr1
Line rt, it, SEt, DEF
dFd Displaying during defrost it Pr2
12Vac/dc supply: connect to the terminals 7 and 8.
dAd MAX display delay after defrost 0 ÷ 255 min 30 Pr2
24Vac/dc supply: connect to the terminals 7 and 8.
ALc Temperat. alarms configuration rE= related to set;
Ab Pr2
120Vac supply: connect to the terminals 7 and 8. Ab = absolute
ALU MAXIMUM temperature alarm Set÷110.0°C; Set÷230°F 110 Pr1
ALL Minimum temperature alarm -50.0°C÷Set/ -58°F÷Set -50.0 Pr1
AFH Differential for temperat. alarm (0,1°C÷25,5°C) (1°F÷45°F)
1 Pr2
9 10 11 12 ALd Temperature alarm delay 0 ÷ 255 min 15 Pr2
dAo Delay of temperature alarm at start up 0 ÷ 23h e 50’ 1.3 Pr2
AP2 Probe for temperat. alarm of nP; P1; P2; P3; P4
P4 Pr2
4 5 6 7 8 AL2 Condenser for low temperat. alarm (-55 ÷ 150°C) (-67÷ 302°F) -40 Pr2
Hot Key/IV Probe AU2 Condenser for high temperat. alarm (-55 ÷ 150°C) (-67÷ 302°F) 110 Pr2
Comp TTL or X-REP output Differ. for condenser temp. alar. [0,1°C ÷ 25,5°C] [1°F ÷
5 Pr2
AH2 recovery 45°F]
Ad2 Condenser temperature alarm delay 0 ÷ 254 (min.) , 255=nU 15 Pr2
12Vac/dc supply: connect to the terminals 7 and 8.
Delay of cond. temper. alarm at start
24Vac/dc supply: connect to the terminals 7 and 8. 1,3 Pr2
dA2 up 0.0 ÷ 23h 50’
120Vac supply: connect to the terminals 7 and 8.
Compr. off for condenser low
n Pr2
bLL temperature alarm n(0) - Y(1)
Compr. off for condenser high
n Pr2
AC2 temperature alarm n(0) - Y(1)
i1P Digital input polarity oP=opening;CL=closing cL Pr1
i1F Digital input configuration EAL, bAL, PAL, dor; dEF; Htr,
dor Pr1
did Digital input alarm delay 0÷255min 15 Pr1
nPS Number of activation of pressure 0 ÷15
15 Pr2
odc Compress status when open door no; Fan; CPr; F_C no Pr2
rrd Regulation restart with door open n–Y
y Pr2
HES Differential for Energy Saving (-30°C÷30°C) (-54°F÷54°F) 0 Pr2
Adr Serial address 0÷247 1 Pr2
PbC Kind of probe Ptc; ntc ntc Pr1
onF on/off key enabling nu, oFF; ES nu Pr2
dP1 Room probe display -- -- Pr1
dP3 Third probe display -- -- Pr1
dP4 Fourth probe display -- -- Pr2
rSE Real set point value actual set -- Pr2
rEL Software release -- -- Pr2
Ptb Map code -- -- Pr2