• TIMPscan be detected by
reverse zymography, which is a
modification of zymography
for MMPs
• Besides gelatin, an MMP is
also incorporated into the gel,
usually MMP-2.
• During the activation step
after electrophoresis, the
MMP-2 only digests the
gelatin in areas where TIMPs
are absent.
• Thus, after staining, the gel
will be colorless, except for the
TIMP bands
In situ zymography
• In situ zymography allows the localization of
MMPs in tissue sections
• in situ zymography uses a substrate that is
deposited on or under a frozen section of an
unfixed tissue sample
• During incubation, the substrate will be digested
by the activated MMPs in a time-and dose-
dependent manner
• The degradation of the substrate is detected by
light microscopy or fluorescence microscopy,
depending on the type of substrate.
In situ zymography