Triaxial Compression Test
Triaxial Compression Test
Triaxial Compression Test
A triaxial test is performed on a cylindrical core soil or rock sample to determine its shear strength.
Triaxial tests are one of the most widely performed tests in a geotechnical laboratory. It is favored
for its relative accuracy and cost effectiveness. Compared to other methods, the triaxial test is better
because the soil sample’s drainage can be controlled, and the pore pressure can also be determined.
The soil sample’s permeability and stiffness are among the other parameters that can be determined
through the triaxial test.
The purpose of the triaxial strength test is to determine the shear strength of a soil sample that is
not allowed to drain. The test results will be analyzed to determine the Mohr-Coulomb failure
envelope, failure angle, shearing resistance maximum deviator stress, principal pressure and
effective principal stress. This data collected can be used to predict how a soil would respond in
certain field conditions, such as when a structural load is applied.
The soil sample will maintain its original shape and will not deform until the optimum conditions in
the cell are produced
1. Triaxial cell
3. Loading ram
4. Cell fluid
5. Load cell
6. Top cap
7. O-ring
8. Rubber membrane
9. Porous discs
11. Pedestal
1. Prepare the specimen, trim, and measure the height as well as diameter.
2. Position the specimen in the chamber and assemble the triaxial chamber.
3. Bring the axial load piston into contact with the specimen cap several times to permit proper
5. Carefully align the axial loading device, the axial load-measuring device, and the triaxial chamber
8. Adjust the pressure-maintaining and measurement device to the desired chamber pressure and
apply pressure to the chamber fluid.
9. If the axial load-measuring device is located outside the triaxial chamber, the chamber will
produce an upward force on the piston that will react against the axial loading
10. Start the test with piston slightly above the specimen cap, and before the piston comes in
contact with the specimen cap, measure and record the initial piston.
11. Use the stopwatch to record the load dial readings and continue to take the readings until they
be constant for 3 consecutive deform dial reading
Discussion of results
The main purpose of this experiment (Triaxial Strength Test) was to determine the shear stress of a
soil sample that is not allowed to drain. The prediction made was that the soil sample will maintain
its original shape and will not deform until the optimum conditions in the cell, are produced.
1. The consolidated undrained soil sample maintained its original shape, therefore did not deform
2. The results obtained partially prove the hypothesis. Values were adjusted in order to achieve
precise findings.
From the Triaxial Test, the sample was allowed to consolidate under a cell pressure of known
magnitude (from 100kPa -200kPa). Once the consolidation was complete the drainage taps were
closed. The maximum deviator stress was calculated from the results obtained.Another observation
made, was as the cell pressure increased the maximum shear stress deviator increased.
The consolidated undrained soil sample remained unchanged until optimum conditions were met.
The test was carried out on using three different pressure cells to increase its accuracy. The data is
used to construct the failure envelope and to determine the shear strength parameters. The
parameter “c” is the cohesion and the parameter φ is the friction angle.
Neither shear stress nor normal stress by themselves cause failure, but a critical combination is
required. The parameters are used to draw the mohr’s circles. A best-fit-line tangent defines the
failure envelope of the three tests. The point where the tangent meets the circles is the point of
failure and the optimum conditions/parameters have been met. Figure (1.1) is a graphical
representation of where the failure of the soil sample occurs. The cohesion and friction angle can be
determined using the failure envelope.
The three samples fail at a relatively same strain unit of approximately 0.050 despite the different
that the samples are subjected to. But the maximum deviator stress at the point of failure is
different for each sample as it increases as the cell pressure increased. The cohesion parameter for
the three trials was found to be equal to 40 kPa and the friction angle is equal to 7°. With a low
friction angle of 8 and a cohesive strength of 40 kPa, it can be concluded that the soil is very soft
Apart from issues with calibration and accurate reading of some measurement tools, laboratory
procedures were executed very well during this practical. The soil sample was improperly sealed.
This allowed the sample to become partially saturated during the test which appears to have given it
a higher shear stress at failure and a steeper friction angle. This is to be expected due to the effects
of surface tension from the presence of water.
These results can give us an idea of how the soil will react in field conditions, but it is expected that
the values will be slightly different. It can be concluded that during the tests we obtained relatively
accurate values which were theoretically correct