Compaction Test
Compaction Test
Compaction Test
Compaction of soil is defined the process of packing the soil particles close together
by mechanical manipulations to reduce voids ratio of the soil, which result in
increase in its dry density.
Proctor demonstrated that for a specific amount of compaction energy applied on the
soil tentatively equip on water content whereas the same time of particular soil
attains maximum density. The water content corresponding to the maximum density
achieved is called optimum moisture content ( optimum). Conducting the
laboratory test and establishing water content density relationship, could determine
1. A representative air dried soil sample that passing on 37.5mm or 20mm sieve
had been taken about 3kg.
2. The air content in this soil sample should be about 7% or less than the
estimated optimum moisture content. To ensure this condition, an adequate
water has been added to the soil and leave it for a moment.
3. The base plate and the mould was cleaned. The mass was recorded after fit
4. A grease was applied on inside the mould.
5. Make sure the collar attached to the mould.
6. The matured soil has been remixed and takes it bout 2 to 3 kg. by using the
rammer at 27 blows per layers, compact the soil in the 1000ml mould in three
7. The collar was removed and the excess soil was cut with straight edge. Then,
the penetration resistance of the compacted soil has been determined and the
resistance was recorded.
8. The weight of mould was recorded after cleans it from outside.
9. Next, the sample of the soil was removed from the mould. A representative
soil specimen from the middle of the mould has been keep for water content
10. Step 5 to 10 was repeated about five times with gradual increment of water
content each time by adding sufficient amount of water on the soil. The mass
of soil is become heavier for the first three compactions stages (in normal
cases). Due to the soil become saturated, it will become lighter after next tree
ii. While, to get the mass of dry soil we can subtract the mass of container and
dry soil with mass of container and wet soil.
iii. Bulk density can be determined by divide the mass of wet soil with total
volume of sample.
iv. Then, dry density can be find by divide the mass of soil with total volume of
v. Lastly, moisture content is dividing the mass of water with mass of soil.
Bulk density = 16.1 / 9.909 = 1.62 Mg/m 3
Dry density = 14.49 / 9.909 = 1.46 Mg/m 3
Moisture content = 1.61 / 14.49 100 = 11.11 %
From this experiment, we got the data for the compaction test. The volume of
the mould is 990.86 cm3. The mass of the rammer that we used is 2.5kg. In this
experiment, we compact the soil until the mass of soil is decrease. For the first test,
we added 250ml of water and we got the mass of soil is 2395.5g. Then, we added
again 100ml of water and the mass of soil was increase to 2476g. Next, our
experiment was added 100ml of water until the mass of our soil become lower. The
lower of mass in test 5 is because of the water in the soil is already saturated.
To get the bulk density, we need to divide mass of soil and mass of wet soil
and then divided with total volume of mould. The value of bulk density for test 1 is
1.62 Mg/m3. Then, for test 2 and others is 1.73, 2.24, 1.79, 2.39 Mg/m 3.
After the mass was recorded, we take some of the soil and take the mass to
get the mass of wet soil. Then, the soil will let in the oven about 24 hours to find their
mass of dry soil. To plot the graph, we have to use percent for the moisture content
and the dry density. The percent of moisture content for first test is 11.11% and
increases to 23.92%.
From the graph, we can conclude that the optimum moisture content is 16.38% and
1.93 Mg/m3 of maximum dry density. The mass of soil for the test 5 is decreases
because of the soil has been fully saturated and it was effected the mass of that