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Date Time:

Haldia Institute ofTechnoiogy

First Class Test, August 2022
Programme: B.Tech. (ECE)
Year: 3rd Semester: 5th
Course Name: EM Waves and Transmission LineS Course Code:
Full Marks: 25 Time: 50 Minutes

Answer all questions.

Group A
(Multiple Choice Questions) 5x15
1. The relationship between surface integral and closed line integrai is simply given by
a) Divergence b) Gauss c)Poynting AStokes
2. Wavelength (2) of a wave with propagation constant y=0. 1x +j0.27is
a) 25 m b) 20m c) 30 m A10m
3. A Gaussian surface is

a) Open surface Closed surface c) Semi closed surface d) Any surtace

4. The velocity of wave propagation in conductor with
frequency 5 x 10' rad/s and phase constint of 3 x
units is

a) 3/5 units b) 5 units 5/3 units d) 8 units

5. If o =2 mho/m, E=10 V/m then conduction current density value (in A/ ra ) is

a) 5 10 20 d) 40

Group B
(Short Answer Type Questions) 4x5 20
6. Write the maxwell's equations in integral and ditferential form. Expiain he introduetion of
displacement current. 2+3)
7. Define skin depth. Calculate the skin depth for EM wa e in copper at i) f69 1z and i) f«100

MHz. Given or copper E=l, u=1, o=5.8x!0 mho/m.

8. Find the charzcteristies impedance of a medium having s10 & 4=25. If a plane vave tra velling along
the +x direction has 5 V/m 2-oriented electric field, Erd the magnitude and direction of the maynetie

field of the wave.

9. Derive the expression of electric and magnetic field of a wave propagaling through a good conducLor


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Complete yCur question paper
Answer all questions.

(Multiple Choice Questions) (51 5)
1. The Snell's law as applicable for EM waves is given by
c) sin 0i = sin 0t d) nl cos 0i = n2 cos Ot
nl sin i =
n2 sin 0 b) n2 sin 0i = nl sin 6t

2. If E=2Vim of EM wave in free space, then magnetic ficld H (in A/m) is

d) 2407
a) 1607 b) 607 120
3. For uniform plane wave propagating in z direction, which is true
a) Ex-0 b)Hx-0 c) Ey-0,Hy-0 AEz=0, Hz=0

4. Find the Brewster angle (in degrees) of a wave transmitted from a medium of permittivity 4 toa
medium of permittivity 2.
56.62 b) 35.26 c)62.53 d) 26.35

5. Find the reflection coefficient of the wave passing through two media having intrinsic impedances of 4
and 9 respectively.
a) 0.5 b) I 0.38 d) 0.1
[CO 1-3

Group B
(Short Answer Type Questions) (4x5=20)
. Define a uniform plane wave. Prove that there are no field components for such wave in
direction of propagation. [CO 1,2]
State the significance of Poynting vector. Magnetic field of a plane wave is of SmA/m ina
medium with e=4, H1. Find the average power flow. [CO 2,3]
B. What is Brewster angle? Derive the condition for Brewster angle in parallel polarization for
oblique incidence on dielectric medium. [CO 2,3]
9. A medium of copper conductor is characterised by o=5.8x10' mho/m, eFl, H=l supports

wave of frequency 60 Hz. Find i) attenuation constant and phase constant ii)
propagation constant ii) wavelength iv) intrinsic impedance v) phase velocity of the
[cO 3

ate Time

Haldia Institute of Technology

First Class Test, August 2022
Programme: B.Tech. (ECE)
Year: 3r Year Semester: Sth
Course Narne: Digital Signal Processing, Course Code: EC 502
Full Marks: 25 Time: 50 Minutes

Answer all questions.

(Multiple Choice Questions)

I. A signal is an energy signal if (a) E=0, P=0 (b) E=o, P=finite =Finite, P=0 (d) E-fin:te, P-co 1CC01
function (e) A Unl
2. Given a unit step function u(t).lts time derivative is A unit impulse (b) Another step
ramp function (d) A sinc function
An even sigual
signals and the product of one even and one odd signals
3. The product of two even
odd signal
an even signal (d) An
an odd signal (b) An Odd signal and an odd signal (c) An even signal 2nd

and an even signal

Subiract or ( Multiplicalion (d)

transforrn converts convolution of time signais to(a) Addition (5)
4 Lapiace COi C021
5. The condition must be satisfied by a system that is
less ) BIBO stable (c) Causal (d) Invertible
(2) Memory

Group B
(Short Answer Type Questions)
y(n)=(0.3)^r u(n+2)
Test the Causality of the given system:

y(n) if h(n)
{1, 1, 1} ;x(nj-{1,2,3,1} by [453
Deternine the output response

Matrix method of Linear

Tabular (ii)
using (i) Graphicel (ii)

* * * * **
***** *A***k

Haidia Insitie of echnology

SecondCass l'est, )etober 2022
Programme: 3.Tech. (ECE)
Year: 3 eur
Semester: 5th
Course N ame: digital sigual
Processing. Course Code: EC 502
Full Marks: 25 Time: 30 Minutes

\nswer all quesiinm

(Multiple Choiee Questions)

The number of cleents in

N-point circular convolution of two
sequences with lengths M and L respeetively is given by
) M-LM-1 b N=L+M c) N=min.{I,L.} d) max. (M, 1)
ii) Which of the following does not deseribes the of
property Tw iddle
a) W WN b Wy=Wy e) W=w d)
W-Wy 12
I u ) and X(k) are an N-poit DEI pa: en Xtkt)
Xik) d) X(k-1)
iv I he
response of ihe FlR i. g revpoit
h ) , } to he inpnt sequenee in),2,,2
a)1,411,x b)1,
c)t9,13 d149,3s.11
ln Overlap acld me thod, what is the length of the input data hlack"
a)L-1 1 . t d2

Group B

(Short Answer Type Questions) 45 20

2. Find the 4-point DFT of x(n) {1, 1, 1} IC041
3. Determine the 4-point circular convolution with h(n) = {1, 1, 1} and x(n)={l, 2.

by using graphical method. ICO3

4. Given x(n)= { I, 2, 1} and hfn)- {2.1,2,34. iCO2, CO3

i. Compute y(n)= x(n)* htn)
i. Apply circular convolution to compute linear convoiution.

5. Apply overlap save method to deterine the output response of FiR filter with
impulse response h(n)={ 1,0. 1) and input x(t)= {1, 2,3,4, 5,6. 7, 8,9, 10. {C03, C04
*4***:k **
Haidia Institute of
First Class Test, Technology
Angust 2022
Year: 3r
Programme: B.Tech. (ECE)
Semester: 5"
Course Name:
Digital Communication Course Code:
Full Marks: 25
Tine: 50 Minutes
(Multiple Choice Questions)
Choose any five 5x1 5
The Fourier transform of a real signal x(t) has Henitian
(a) X(-fj=X{f) (6) X(-1))= X(D (c) <X{N=
<A{i All (d) art corect
2 The inner product of two n-dimensional vectors and is detined as
(a) (b) (c) (d) All are comect

3. Choase the correct aliernative for

Rayleigh randon variable
a) It is the square root of chi-square randon variable with
b) Jt is the square root of al exponential random variable
iwo degiees of frec doin
c) It is id Gaussian random variable
d) All of the above are coneet

By which following condition the Gaussian (nornal) randoni variabie is called standaru

S.The CDF of a Gaussian sandom variabie is

given by (symoois are usual nearing)
6, 1f i: d notes i e expesalio tic variaiee of a randoni Variable X is dencted as
3) (EX)N b) ECX) -

(E(X) c)EX di 2(X

Group B
(Short Answer Type Questions) 4x5 2 0
Choose any feur

7. Assume X and Y are twoi.i.d. Gaussian variablc

random wiun. fDerived the PDF o Rav!e: fading Pi in te
of new variabie Z.

8. Define conditionl probability andjoint probabiity with uhiaematieai definition 5

9. The prooability density function of a random variable X satisfy the following equation

Determine the Carmuladive Disuributionm Fpnction(CDF) ofthe randem variatje X.

10. The CDF of the random yariable X is given in figure.
a What is the vaiue of k?
b) What is Probability of
c) What is Probability of?

1.A card is drawa randomly from a regular deck of cards. Assign probaoility to ite event tnat te
cad draWi iS:
( ) a red card (b) a black queen (c) a picre card (count an ace as a iciure card) (t) a umber card with nurm
(Multiple Choice Questious)
Attempt alvg of the following
is lowest?
n tihe memory hierarchy which of the following d) RAM
b) secondary memory
al cache memory
Tie instruction cyele is fetch-executc d, noe of hese
b) feteh-decode-execution c) decode
a) fetch-evecute-decode
The appicability of cache memory is in Disk d) None of these
s) CPU and Hard
a) CPU and RAM b) ROM and RAM
A binary digit is called a
c) bit d) all of ihese
a) Number b) byte
consist of of the sbove
A complete miero computer system e) peripherul cquipment d) all
a) mieroprocessor b) memory
Who dev eloped the basie arehitecture of computer? c)John Von Neuman d) None of the ab9v
a). Blaise Paseal b). Charles Babbage
computer memory is of the aibyve
7. Which of the following b) Hard disk c) RAM d) Non
a) Regisier the ALU?
is/are perfornmed by
S. Which ofthe following operations c) Square root
d) Alf of the abov
a) Data manipulatio b) Exponential
9 Subroutine works on the tollowingc) Linked list d) None f tie alov
a) Stack b) Queue
10. Which structure is more complex? None of tie above
c) Monitor d)
a) Harvard architecture b) Von Neumann Architectue
Group B
4x5 2 0
(Short Answer Type Questions)
Atempt any four of the Jolloiwing
Architecture' and Organization', What is a maintranne computer? 132
11. Distinguish between Computer [COl,CO2)

OS working as a 'resource allocator. {3+2

State the ditferent funetions of Operating system. Justify COI

functions of different registers in Von Neumann architeeture. What is Von Neuman boAlenec ?
13. Compare the
[CO1, CO2

What is SPC? 14-1

K. State the working prineiple of cache.
CO3, coi
of computer in brief, Expiain it with a neat diagran
15. Describe the basie funetional components

Co 2)
16. What do you inean by Subroutine? Explain the methods Call! and Return m Subrouiine. (C 2 23

17. Represent the following in 2's conmplement: -119,241 1CD2 252.)

18. P. Q. R are the decimal integer corresponding to the 4 bit binary number 1109 cOnsider ined i a i d
2's complement representation respectively. The 6 bit 2's complement represenatutica of (P-9+R) i
or Technology
First Class
Test, August
USt 2022
Year: Programme:
ear: 3 Year B.Tech. (ECE)
Course Name: Semester: 5h
Information Theory
Course Code: (EC-505A) and
Full Marks: 25 Coding
Answer all questions. Time: 50 Minutes
1. The relation Group-A
between entropy and (Multiple Choice Questions)
I(XY)-= HX)- mutual information Sx1 5
b) 1(X:Y)- HiXY)-H(YX)

c) I(XY)= HX)- H(Y)

d) I(CX.Y)
2. H(Y)-
The mutual intormation
a) is non
b) Always nor
c) Both a) and b)negative
are corect
d) None of the above
Information rate is defined as
a) Information per unit time
b) Average number bits of
of information per secoad
d) all of the above
The information rate R for
given average information H=2.0 for
) 3B bi:s/sec analog signal band liraited to B Hz is
b) 4 B bits/sec
e) 2 B bits/sec
d) 16B bits/sec
5. For a BSC, when 0' is transmitted then the
a) p and (1-p) probabilities of receiving 0' and 1' are

b) (1-p) and p
c)1-p) and (1-p)
d) p and P

7. Prove that the (Short Answer Type Questions)
muuual information I(X;Y) of a BSC 4x5 20
is as follows:

Show that the maximuun entropy of a binary system occurs

yove H(X.Y) = HXY)+H(Y). when p=l/2.
5255 CO1
What do you understand
by the term extension of a discrete
nth extension of a DMS is n times the memory less source? Show thai the
entropy of the original source. entrooy cf the

10/A message source produces

independent symbols A and B with
Calculate the efliciency of the source and hence its redundancy. If theprobabilitiesareP(A) =0.4 and P(B) =0.5.
every 100 synbols in error, calculate the symbcls Teceived in average with 4 in
transmission rate of the system.

Halda Institute
Second Class of 1 echnology Time
Test, Oetober
Year: Programne:
3" Year B.Tech. (ECE) 2022
Course Name:
Full Mark
Course25 Code:
(EC-505A) Semester: 5th
and Coding
Time: 50 Minutes
Answer all questions.
i. The ideal
Choice uestions)
5x1 5
a)C-0 communication channel has
b) C=
. The channel finite but
non-Iero c)C= infinite d) SNR=9
is given by capacity of a
channe. with
a) 3
bandwidth 3 KHz and
kbps b)1.19 kbps c)
The Kraft 2.19 kbps
inequality applies to
d)19.97 kbps
a) Prefix code
b) Uniquely decidable
All of these code c)
iv. The
Instantaneous code d)
a) Shano-Fano
code is used in
JPEG and MPEG formats.
b) Huffman c) Optimal
All of these
v. The Dolby
Digital is based un
a) Huffman code
b) Shannno-Fano code
code c)l.ZW code d) Perceptual

Group B
(Short Answer Type
Questions) 4 x5 2 0
State three theorems of Shannon for
digital communication
system. CO2, CO3

3. A DMS emits 5-symbols (A, B, C, D, E) with

probabilities (0.14,0.35.
0.14,0.25,0.12) respectively. Construct the three array Huffman tree for C03
this source and hence compute the efficiency and code variance.

An analog signal with 3 kHz bandwidth is

sampled at 4 times the Nyquest rate.
The successive samples are independent and quantized using 256 levels.
Determine the bandwidth required for an AWGN channel for error freeCO2
transmision of the source output with SNR =20dB. 2+3=5

. Deseribe the Shannon-Fano algorithm for data compression.

Answer all questions.
Group A
(Multiple Choice Questions) 5x1 5
1. Which of these is a hindrance to
effective training?
a) Career planning workshop
Aggregate spending on training is inadequate
c) Mentoring
d) Career counseling

2. The human resource the

management helps to improve
a) Production
d) Produce

3. Division of work to take the advantage of

a) Discipline
b) Specialization
c) Aptitude
d) Productivity

4 What techniques are used while analyzing the internal supply?

a) Intlows and outflows

b) Turnover rate
c) Conditions of work and absentecism
A l l of the these

5. interview is conducted by a group of interviewers

a) Non directional
b) Structured
d) Stress

Group B
(Short Answer Type Questions) 4 x5 20

6. Explain two methods of Performance Appraisal. cO 2

7. Elaborate the performance appraisal process [CO 2]
8 Mention five types of corporate training. [CO 2]
9 Mention few qualities essential for a HR Manager. [CO 1]

adia 1sstjtue i
2 4ss est, er 29L
Programme .1vs, (
Year Third

Fall MArks: 25

Anwer al qurssions

(Multiple Cianise (.ostins asy five 511-5

In a DeltA Moduiutjon (DM} systen, 1he anukar sose o r s whi

a)Modalating igna inreuscs rapidly by Sanping rate dracs
cMuduia:ing sigad remain relative'ysonstant d S i s g pals ampitis dousss 9

lw hay bits wuld iave roquined for seprewerntg 1422 ievels qurszdo is P 4
) 7 b) y1
3 Othoormal st is a set of all vectors that are
Mutually orthonormal and are ofunit lengts Mutaily ortnomal asáf keng
b Both a &b o n e of he a'os
4. The sequence f operations tn wiich PCM is dons is
Sampling, quanthzing, encoding b. uatizis atding sasnpisny
uaitizing, saping, oding d Nome ofthe atn
S. Transnission bandwudth of PAM s

Coone he corret altematjVes

a) OnlyIs corroct b) uly 2 i cre1
c) Maype a2
n. Deterie ihe Nyquis. rte for a
constinuus1ae siaral (t) 6s 59nt+ 2 sin303ni-19cs109
a) 501z b)150 Hz
d 1 t
(Short Answer fype 9setísns asy foun 43 2
Prove that H1) and g(tyare ortiogonal asd othous .1 2-

3) A speech signsi, band firnited to 4 kfiz ant psa vsttage arying bdweun-5V and-5V s s te
Nyquist rite act sanple is quartize a3 epn by its. 1f t e bits 9 a:d i ar a n s e d i
bipolar pulses, what is the mnimuy bardwidsi requ1sed for sitort.on free transmission'{C0-2
b) In a PCM system, if the cnde wotd fngh is ncrezsed fron 5 to K bits, oy »ha: feutor the r a l t
quantization noise ratio inrovs? /0-2 -2
9, Explain how encoxdiung and decody sdons 1n DPCMM ih bi.k Sngra 1CO2
10. (4) Prove tiat the masirnr plir:g t e 2f titel fo recovered ta ginal su its
sarpld vale [ Were syboi are insites as 1arn
(b) Write down the condition o Aiasing effect
!1 What types of errur errursis pret in he PCM ysee' Ps that the power quanti/zs i e
dircctly related with tep i s ta).
Year: 3rd
Course Name: mster: 5"
Full Marks: 25 Architerture Course C'ode EC S04
Time: 50 Minmtes
AnSwermust he tu the poin
(Multiple Choice Questions)
Delayed Branching is reiatedAttempt
any five ot the loiiowing
a) Pipeline Hazard
b) Pipeline Remedy cisti, (4) and (b) d) None ol iene
2. are the ditferen type/s of generating control signsis.
a) Hardwired b) Micro-instruetion C) Micro-progran111ed d Bott Micro-progrimud a51d 1farswiress
. The small eureml . RAMs le caled
1)ieaps Acunn:ltors Sicks

The number Suceestut e s t mcmory stl as t o 1 d

) \cess rate i Stucces rale
6. An address in muin memory is known as
Pinysical aidress b) Logical address c) Word addres d) Menory alress

. The V!IW arehiteere t.olious pproach to achievc paralleiism.


8. Write o g qut is uscd in

a) Virtual nien b) Main memury
CCache memory d Auviiry 1nmuory
9. in cache. a "hit occus wcn
a) a word is tound in virta!
memory b) a word is found in eachc
c) a word is noi founu in virtual memory. luurd in cacle d a word is 1ot lound in cache

Group- B

(Short Answer Type (Question«) 45 20

10. Convert the value i9.59375 into iEEF 754 standard 32bit
iiaing poin binary mentionine a!l the steps
W u t is Von Neunann Bot!encek? tlow to overeome tis robiem 213 COi.C021

11. Divide 9 by 4 by Restoring div sion. 5CO3

Distinguish in orief the iiterent Iypes of lazards in pipeline. Propose a solution !o overcome Contri tlasards.
12. Explain with a diagra Set-asstiative cache mapping technique with a diugran. Wriie a sort note on
Microprogrammed contrei unit with a :cal diagram 23|CO4.0OS

Or a) Detine the ollowing of e livear synehronous pineline tii Speed Up ii) Flicieney.
b Justify : un resui sk is compleicd per cyce in u inear synehrenous pipcline, then tine frequeney ot the
ipcline processor is its maximum throughput" 2-1 2 {CO4, COs5

13. escribe witli a diagram a t Pocessor-Vlenmry comnmR.Caivn R:enioning the wosin principt oi tihe
regisiers. Mention Sputial ard Tenporai reierence. ioca:; 210030051
ear: 2022 D.ech. (ECE)

Course Name: HRM Semester: 5th Sem

Full Marks: 25 Course Code: OE-EC506C
Time: 50 Minutes

Answer all questions.

Group A
(Multiple Choice Questions) 5x1 5
1. The mearing of the
a. Human Relations acronym HRM is:

c.unan Resource Management
Management b. Humanistic Resource Management
d. Human Resourceful Menagement
HRM is a. A staff functions b. A line function c. A staff, line & accounting function
c. All of the above

Finding ways to reduce is a key responsibility of management.

a. Dissatisfaction
bUncertainty c. Stress d. None of the above
4. The
and control systerns should be altered to support the strategic human resource function.

a. Appointment b. Reward c. Job allotment d. None of the above

5. Commitment strategy is inherently

a. Short terin b. Long term c. Continuous d. None of the above

(Short Answer Type Questions) 4x5 20
6. Explain "Human Resource Management" with examples.

7. Describe "Human Resource Planning" with examples.

8. Elaborate the differences between Organizational Planning and HR Planning

9. Give a brief overview on the different types of training methods.


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