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Printed Pages : 7 TAS - 201/PH-201

(Following Paper ID and Roll No. to be filled in your Answer Book)
PAPER ID: 9927/9922 Roll No. I I I I I I I I I I
B. Tech.

Time : 3 Hours] [Total Marks : 100

Note : (1) Attempt all questions.

(2) All questions carry equal marks.
(3) The physical constants are given at the end
of the question paper.

1. Attempt any four parts of the following : 5x4=20

(a) What was the objective of conducting the

Michelson-Morley experiment? Describe the
experiment. How is the negative result of the
experiment interpreted?
(b) Derive Einstein's mass energy relation
E = me2 and discuss it. Give some evidence
showing its validity.

(c) Derive the relativistic velocity addition theorem.

Show that it is consistent with Einstein's
second postulate.
V-9927] 1 [Contd...
(d) Show that the momentum of a particle of rest
mass m0 and kinetic energy k is given by the

(e) A clock keeps correct time. With what speed

should it be moved relative to an observer so
that it may appear to loose 4 minutes in
24 hours?
(f) The mass of a moving electron is 11 times
its rest mass. Find its kinetic energy and

2. Attempt any two parts of the following : 10x2=20

(a) (i) Explain the formation of interference
fringes by means of a Fressel's biprism and derive
the expression for the fringe-width.
(ii) White light is incident on a soap film
• 1
at an angle sin — and the reflected

light is observed with a spectroscope.

It is found that two consecutive dark
bands correspond to wavelengths
6.1 x 10"5 cm and 6.0 x 10"5 cm
respectively. If the refractive index of
the film be 4/3, calculate the thickness.

V-9927] 2 [Contd...
(b) Give the construction and theory of plane
transmission grating and explain the formation
of spectra by it. Explain what are absent
spectra in the grating?
(c) (i) Explain the Rayleigh's criterion for limit
of resolution. Derive the expression for
the resolving power of a microscope.
(ii) A plane transmission grating has 15000
lines per inch. Find the resolving power
of the grating and the smallest wavelength
difference that can be resolved with a

light of wavelength 6000 A in the

second order.

3. Attempt any two parts of the following : 10x2=20

(a) Discuss the phenomena of the rotation of plane
of polarisation of light by optically active
materials. Give the necessary theory. Show
that the rotation of plane of polarisation is

7td/ \
given by —\1 1 A ~1 1 C ), where \x A and

are the refractive indices of the crystal in the

direction of optic axis for anticlockwise and
clockwise circularly polarized light respectively
and d is the thickness of the crystal plate.

V-9927] 3 [Contd...
(b) (i) Describe how a nicol prism can be used
as polarizer and analyzer?

(ii) A 5% solution of cane sugar placed in

a tube of length 40 cm, causes the
optical rotation of 20°. How much
length of 10% solution of the same
substance will cause 35° rotation?

(c) (i) Explain the action of a helium-neon

laser. How is it superior to a ruby laser?

(ii) What are Einstein's coefficients? Derive

Einstein's relation.

4. Attempt any two parts of the following : 10x2=20

(a) (i) Explain the concept of Maxwell's
displacement current and show how it
led to the modification of Ampere's law.
State and prove Stoke's theorem. What is its
importance? (ii) Show that the wave
equation for electric

field E is given by S/ E = [iQ eQ--------------
dt 2
V-9927] 4 [Contd...
(b) Derive Poynting theorem for the flow of
energy in an electromagnetic field.

(c) Discuss Langevin's theory of diamagnetism.

Show that the diamagnetic susceptibility is
negative and independent of temperature.


Explain the terms magnetic flux,

magnetomotive force and magnetic reluctance
and obtain the relation between them.

5. Attempt any four parts of the following : 5x4=20

(a) Describe Bragg's X-ray spectrometer and derive

the necessary formula.

(b) X-rays of wavelength X = 0.3 A are incident

on a crystal with a lattice spacing 0.5 A . Find

the angles at which second and third Bragg's

diffraction maxima are observed.

V-9927] 5 [Contd...
(c) Calculate Compton shift if X-rays of

wavelength X = 1.0 A are scattered from

a carbon block. The scattered radiation is
viewed at 90° to the incident beam.

(d) What are matter waves? Show that de-Broglie

wavelength associated with a particle of mass
m and Kinetic Energy E is given by


(e) Find the energy of an electron moving in one

dimension in an infinitely high potential box
of width 1 A

(f) A photon of frequency v is scattered by an

electron initially at rest. Prove that the
maximum kinetic energy of the recoil electron
is given by



V-9927] 6 [Contd.
Physical constants :

Planck's constant : h = 6.63 x 10" 34 J - s

Velocity of light in free space : c = 3 x 10 8 m/s

Rest mass of electron : m e = 9.1 x 10" 3 1 kg.

Charge of electron : e = 1.6 x 10~ 19 C

Permittivity of free space : e 0 = 8.85 x 10" 12 F/m

Permeability of free space : [i o = 4% x 1O~ 7 H/m

Mass of neutron : m n = 1.67 x 10~ 27 kg.

V-9927] 7 [ 28900 ]

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