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Accuracy of Deception Judgments

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Accuracy of Deception Judgments

Article  in  Personality and Social Psychology Review · February 2006

DOI: 10.1207/s15327957pspr1003_2 · Source: PubMed

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Charles F Bond



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Personality and Social Psychology Review Copyright © 2006 Lawrence
2006, Vol. 10, No. 3, 214–234 Erlbaum Associates, Inc.

Accuracy of Deception Judgments

Charles F. Bond, Jr.
Department of Psychology
Texas Christian University
Bella M. DePaulo
Department of Psychology
University of California at Santa Barbara

We analyze the accuracy of deception judgments, synthesizing research results from

206 documents and 24,483 judges. In relevant studies, people attempt to discriminate
lies from truths in real time with no special aids or training. In these circumstances,
people achieve an average of 54% correct lie–truth judgments, correctly classifying
47% of lies as deceptive and 61% of truths as nondeceptive. Relative to cross-judge
differences in accuracy, mean lie–truth discrimination abilities are nontrivial, with a
mean accuracy d of roughly .40. This produces an effect that is at roughly the 60th
percentile in size, relative to others that have been meta-analyzed by social psycholo-
gists. Alternative indexes of lie–truth discrimination accuracy correlate highly with
percentage correct, and rates of lie detection vary little from study to study. Our
meta-analyses reveal that people are more accurate in judging audible than visible
lies, that people appear deceptive when motivated to be believed, and that individuals
regard their interaction partners as honest. We propose that people judge others’ de-
ceptions more harshly than their own and that this double standard in evaluating de-
ceit can explain much of the accumulated literature.

Deception entered Western thought in a telling unsavory means to extract legal “truths” (Trovillo,
guise when the author of Genesis placed a serpent in 1939). Modern sensibilities inspired some of the cur-
the Garden of Eden. By lying, the serpent enticed Eve rent techniques: religious oaths, cross-examinations,
into committing the original sin. Thus deception was threats of incarceration. Technological developments
enshrined as the ultimate source of evil. have had an impact, too. The polygraph, the psycho-
Lying has always posed a moral problem. Aristotle logical stress evaluator, brain fingerprints, EEGs—
wrote that “falsehood is in itself mean and culpable;” these have been promoted for their ability to divine de-
St. Augustine believed that every lie is a sin; and Kant ception. Yet in the first decade of the 21st century,
regarded truthfulness as an “unconditional duty which American jurisprudence entrusts lie detection to ordi-
holds in all circumstances.” Others take a more permis- nary citizens. U.S. courts bar technological aids to lie
sive stance. Aquinas countenanced lies told in the ser- detection and deception experts, too. Witnesses must
vice of virtue, and Machiavelli extolled deceit in the appear in person before jurors who are the “sole
service of self. For background on these ethical matters judges” of the witnesses’ believability. American ju-
and a contemporary position, see Bok (1989). rors are instructed to judge the person’s truthfulness by
Having been a moral issue for millenia, deception considering his or her “demeanor upon the witness
came also to be viewed as a legal challenge. Since Di- stand” and “manner of testifying” (Judicial Committee
ogenes, many had suspected that lying was common- on Model Jury Instructions for the Eighth Circuit,
place and could have pernicious influences on human 2002, p. 53). According to an official view, this system
affairs. The chore of truth finding fell to the legal sys- of lay judgment solves the legal problem of decep-
tem, and procedures for lie detection were devised. tion because “lie detecting is what our juries do best”
Over the centuries, authorities employed a number of (Fisher, 1997, p. 575).
A moral problem for millenia and a legal problem
for centuries, deception has more recently become a re-
We are grateful to Harris Cooper, Laura Muhlenbruck, Bob search problem. How successful are people at deceiv-
Rosenthal, and Jenny Tornqvist for help with this project. We also ing others? How likely are they to believe others’ fibs?
thank the many deception researchers who answered questions about What accounts for liars’ successes and failures? When
their work.
Correspondence should be sent to Charles F. Bond, Jr., Depart-
and why are people duped? These questions are of
ment of Psychology, Box 298920, Texas Christian University, Fort moral and legal interest. The ethics of lying would be
Worth, TX 76129. E-mail: C.BOND@TCU.EDU moot if people were rarely duped. Current legal prac-


tices would be called into question if ordinary people Ekman’s work has been influential. It has encour-
could not spot deception when they saw it. aged nonverbal analyses that aim to expose deceit. In-
In this article, we summarize research on 4,435 in- spired by Ekman’s early work, Miller and Stiff (1993)
dividuals’ attempts to dupe 24,483 others. We offer enumerated cues to deception and cues to judgments of
quantitative measures of deceptive success and iden- deception, then attributed failures at spotting decep-
tify conditions under which people are more and less tion to differences in the two sets of cues. Pursuing
gullible. As a background for our statistical synopses, Ekman’s emphasis on high-stakes deceit, forensic psy-
we summarize some earlier characterizations of decep- chologist Vrij (2000) discussed the implications of ex-
tion, sketch a new framework for understanding this perimental findings for professional lie catchers.
subject, and consider earlier research reviews. Buller and Burgoon (1996) proposed a theory for
face-to-face deceptive interactions. To dupe others,
people must craft a verbal deception, bolster it with an-
Characterizations of Deception cillary strategic messages, and suppress discrediting
behaviors. Meanwhile, the targets of face-to-face de-
“No mortal can keep a secret. If his lips are si- ceit must manage behavioral signs of suspicion. Buller
lent, he chatters with his finger-tips; betrayal and Burgoon (1996) traced the unfolding of deceptive
oozes out of him at every pore.” Freud (1905) exchanges over time. Theoretically, receivers are more
likely to perceive a person as truthful if they are inter-
With this quotation, Ekman and Friesen (1969) acting with that person rather than seeing the person on
opened a pioneering article on the psychology of decep- videotape. Theoretically, deceivers should be more
tion. Where Freud had analyzed verbal slips to likely to engage in strategic activity and less likely to
self-deception, Ekman and Friesen described nonverbal engage in nonstrategic activity in interactive contexts.
signs of individuals’ attempts to deceive one another. In interactive contexts, deceivers react to signs of sus-
These authors discussed lies that involve high stakes and picion, and targets react to indications that their suspi-
strong emotion. In their view, liars face challenges. They cions have been surmised.
must guard against nonverbal “leakage” of feelings they Critical of Buller and Burgoon’s (1996) approach
are trying to conceal and must hide their own affective (DePaulo, Ansfield, & Bell, 1996), DePaulo and col-
reactions to the act of lying, such as guilt, anxiety, and leagues favored a self-presentational perspective on
shame. People find it especially difficult to lie in certain deception (DePaulo, 1992; DePaulo, Kashy, Kirken-
situations: when the possibility of deception is salient to dol, Wyer, & Epstein, 1996; DePaulo et al., 2003). In
both actor and target, when the target can focus on de- this view, lying is a part of everyday life. People tell
tecting deception without concern for his or her own be- lies to avoid embarrassment and make positive impres-
havior, and when the actor and target have antagonistic sions. They fib on the spur of the moment without com-
interests (the actor wishing to perpetrate deceit and the punction, telling polite lies of little consequence. Some
target to uncover it). everyday lies are scripted and require less cognitive
Ekman and Friesen (1969) offered a theory about the effort than meticulously truthful statements. Occa-
anatomical locus of nonverbal deception cues. They sionally, people tell lies to hide transgressions. Most of
predict that people are most likely to show deception in these serious lies involve a self-presentational stake:
the legs and feet, less likely to show it in the hands, and the liar’s reputation. In this view, the signs of deception
least likely to show deception in the face. These predic- are subtle, and social norms encourage people to ac-
tions followed from a communicative analysis: Relative cept others’ representations at face value.
to the face, the feet and legs have a weak sending capac-
ity, generate little internal feedback, and occasion few
reactions from others. Thus, people have more ability A Double Standard
and motivation to control the face than the feet and legs.
By this logic, people have intermediate ability and moti- Having reviewed some earlier characterizations of
vation to control the hands. deceit, we offer a new framework for understanding
Thirty-two years later, Ekman (2001) emphasized this subject. We believe that there is a double standard
the ambiguity of nonverbal deception cues. There be- in evaluating deception.
ing no foolproof sign of deceit, many inferences of de- Our framework begins by noting that people regard
ception are mistaken. In trying to spot lies, people must truth telling as unexceptional. They accept most state-
avoid untoward influences of their own suspicions as ments at face value, rarely inquiring into the authenticity
well as misinterpretations of others’ idiosyncrasies. of what they hear. People come to regard an assertion as
Ekman attributes failures at lie detection to many fac- truthful only after entertaining the possibility that it was
tors: poor evolutionary preparation, socialization to deceptive. Then they see truthfulness as a virtue. People
overlook lies, the psychological benefits of trust, and are proud of themselves for speaking the truth. People
inadequate feedback from errors. who are told the truth praise truth tellers, and psycholo-


gists praise them, too. No doubt, there are limits to the appearing tormented, anxious, or conscience stricken
morality of truthfulness. Truths are seen as most virtu- should affect the person’s judged truthfulness. One
ous when they oppose the truth teller’s interest. Occa- such factor would, we suspect, be the stakes surround-
sionally, people volunteer truthful observations that hurt ing a speaker’s credibility. Most lies are little. When
others, and these are ethically dubious. In most cases, telling white lies of the sort often studied by research-
however, truth telling is nonproblematic. Problems arise ers, people have no reason to appear tormented. Thus,
not from truth telling but from deception. they should often be judged truthful. Occasionally, the
There are two perspectives on deception. One is the stakes of being believed are big. When facing huge
perspective that people hold when they themselves are stakes, people who ruminate over their credibility may
lying; a second is the perspective they bring to others’ come to match the liar stereotype. Then they would be
lies (Gordon & Miller, 2000). As deceivers, people judged deceptive, even if they were telling the truth.
are practical. They accommodate perceived needs by In this article, we consider veracity judgments in
lying. Of course, deceivers rarely regard their own light of the double standard for evaluating deception.
falsehoods as lies but as something more innocuous. We do not confine attention to momentous lies or evil
People may lie in the interest of impression manage- deceit of the sort most would associate with others’ de-
ment (DePaulo et al., 2003) or for more tangible ends. ception. Rather, we consider all falsehoods that have
They exaggerate, minimize, and omit. They give mis- been studied and hope to use the accumulated literature
leading answers to questions. Regarding half-truths to learn about people’s successes in engineering vari-
and self-editing as necessities of social life, deceivers ous forms of deception. We will credit people for their
see deception as similar to these sanctioned practices. successes at perpetrating deceit and note some unin-
Animated by momentary exigencies, offered in pass- tended consequences of observers’ moralistic stance.
ing, lies occasion little anxiety, guilt, or shame
(DePaulo, Kashy, et al., 1996). They are easy to ratio-
nalize. Yes, deception may demand construction of a Research on Detection Accuracy
convincing line and enactment of appropriate de-
meanor. Most strategic communications do. To the liar, To understand deception, researchers conduct ex-
there is nothing exceptional about lying. periments. They arrange for people to lie and tell the
If pragmatic about their own deceptions, people be- truth, and for others to judge the veracity of the result-
come moralistic when they consider others’ lies (Saxe, ing statements. For convenience, we call the people
1991). Then deception is wrong and reflects negatively who lie in these experiments senders, the truthful and
on the deceiver. Indeed, people view duplicity as one of deceptive statements messages, and the people who
the gravest moral failings. In their ratings of 555 per- judge these messages receivers. We are interested in
sonality trait terms, college students rate as least desir- receivers’ accuracy in judging senders’ veracity. We do
able the trait of being a liar (Anderson, 1968). Social not review all attempts at lie detection. Rather, we con-
logic assumes that honest people always act honestly fine attention to receivers who must judge deceit with-
(Reeder, 1993); thus, to label a statement a lie is to im- out the aid of polygraphs, fMRIs, or other physiologi-
ply that the person who made that statement is a liar cal devices—receivers who judge deception from a
(O’Sullivan, 2003). This is a serious accusation. Peo- brief encounter with an unfamiliar sender in real time.
ple have a prescriptive stereotype of the liar—stricken These deception judgments are based on verbal content
with shame, wracked by the threat of exposure, liars and the liar’s behavior. Here we review earlier summa-
leak signs of their inner torment. They fidget, avoid eye ries of this research.
contact, and can scarcely bring themselves to speak—a Often, lie detection abilities are expressed on a fa-
worldwide stereotype holds (Global Deception Re- miliar scale: percentage correct. In relevant experi-
search Team, 2006). The stereotypic reasons for lying ments, receivers classify messages as either lies or
are nefarious, too—terrorists lying to further their mur- truths; hence, across messages, the percentage of mes-
derous plots, charlatans scheming to bilk the innocent, sages a receiver correctly classifies can be used as an
husbands cheating on their faithful wives. As old as the index of his or her detection ability. Ordinarily, half of
Garden of Eden, this moralistic perspective on deceit the messages a receiver encounters are truths, and half
underlies current psychological thought. are lies; hence, by guessing a receiver could expect to
Let us sketch a few implications of the double stan- achieve 50% correct classifications.
dard in evaluating deception. People hold a stereotype Kraut (1980) offered a statistical summary of re-
of the liar—as tormented, anxious, and conscience sults from 10 such experiments. Finding a mean accu-
stricken. Perceivers draw on this stereotype when con- racy rate of 57%, Kraut concluded that “the accuracy
sidering a target’s veracity. Targets who most resemble of human lie detectors is low.” In a summary of 39
the stereotype are most likely to be regarded as liars; studies published after 1980, Vrij (2000) replicated
those who least resemble it are most likely to be be- Kraut’s finding, discovering that receivers of more re-
lieved. Factors that influence a person’s likelihood of cent research achieve an average of 56.6% accuracy.


Along with narrative reviews of the research literature, While amassing evidence on receivers’ accuracy in
these statistical summaries have inspired a consen- discriminating lies from truths, scholars have been in-
sus—“it is considered virtually axiomatic … that indi- terested in a more general judgmental tendency—a
viduals are at best inaccurate at deception detection” bias to perceive messages as truthful. By virtue of the
(Hubbell, Mitchell, & Gee, 2001, p. 115). bias, truthful messages are more often detected than
Although it may be “virtually axiomatic” that peo- deceptive messages. Summarizing 15 studies,
ple are poor at detecting deception, we are reluctant to Zuckerman et al. (1981) express this accuracy differ-
accept this conclusion on the basis of existing work. ence in standard deviation units and find a mean d =
We agree that in 50 (or so) pertinent studies people .86. Vrij (2000) summarizes 9 percentage-correct stud-
achieved 50% to 60% correct when classifying mes- ies to find a strong truth bias—a mean of 61.5% truth
sages as lies or truths. However, meta-analyses of per- judgments, 67% accuracy for truths, and 44% accuracy
centage correct omitted evidence relevant to ascertain- for lies.
ing the accuracy of deception judgments. In the
omitted experiments, receivers rated the veracity of
lies and truths on multipoint rating scales. Accuracy
was not gauged in terms of percentage correct but as a This Review
difference between the rated veracity of truths versus
the rated veracity of lies. Given the moral and legal significance of deception,
Three statistical summaries of lie detection accu- it is important to know how often people are duped. Al-
racy have incorporated rated-veracity results. They though previous work provides some hints about peo-
quantify the degree to which lies can be discriminated ple’s success in deceiving others, the work has limita-
from truths by a standardized mean difference (d): the tions. The largest review to date is based on 39 research
mean difference between obtained and chance accu- studies. Here we summarize evidence from 206 stud-
racy in a study divided by a standard deviation from ies. Some of the previous reviews express the accuracy
that study. Applying this metric to the results of 16 of deception judgments as a standardized mean differ-
early studies, DePaulo, Zuckerman, and Rosenthal ence, whereas others gauge accuracy in terms of per-
(1980) calculated a median d of .86 standard devia- centage correct. Each of these measures has limita-
tions. Twenty years later, Mattson, Allen, Ryan, and tions. Standardized mean differences can be hard to
Miller (2000) found an average difference between interpret (Bond, Wiitala, & Richard, 2003), and
the judged veracity of lies and truths of d = 1.07 stan- meta-analyses of percentage correct cannot include re-
dard deviations in 7 studies of organizational decep- sults on rating scale judgments of deception.
tion. Assessing the accuracy of deception judgments Here we assess the accuracy of deception judg-
in various media, Zuckerman, DePaulo, and ments in terms of percentage correct, the standardized
Rosenthal (1981) found that receivers who have ac- mean difference, and with some indexes that statisti-
cess to speech regard lies as less credible than truths cians favor—the log odds ratio and d’ (Swets, 1996).
with a mean d = 1.14. Perhaps the pattern of results across various measures
How strong are the levels of lie detection found in of accuracy can help resolve a tension in earlier
these rated-veracity reviews? To answer this question, meta-analytic results—between the strong detection
it may be helpful to consider results found in other abilities implied by standardized results and an “ax-
lines of research. From a large-scale compilation, iom” of inaccurate lie detection in percentage correct
Richard, Bond, and Stokes-Zoota (2003) developed (Hubbell et al., 2001).
empirical guidelines for evaluating effect sizes. These Some have thought that detection performances
scholars described a d of .20 as small, a d of .40 as me- vary only slightly across situations (Kalbfleisch,
dium, and a d of .60 as large because these values 1990), whereas others have concluded that perfor-
would be larger than the average standardized mean mance variance across situations is considerable
differences found in 30%, 50%, and 75% of 474 social (Miller & Stiff, 1993). Here we provide the first test
psychological research literatures the scholars re- to date of the possibility that there is no variance in
viewed. Compared with these reference values, people detection performances across situations. Assuming
would seem to have a strong ability to detect deception. that there is such variance, we provide the first esti-
The median d of .86 standard deviations found by mates to date of the magnitude of these situational
DePaulo et al. (1980) would place lie detection accu- differences. We also have the opportunity to docu-
racy at roughly the 85th percentile in size, relative to ment the impact of various factors on the accuracy of
474 social psychological effects (Richard et al., 2003). deception judgments, like the medium in which de-
The ability to detect audible lies (mean d = 1.14 stan- ception is attempted, the liar’s motivation, and the
dard deviations; Zuckerman et al., 1981) is even better, judge’s expertise. The evidence may have implica-
ranking at the 95th percentile of 474 social psychologi- tions for theories of deception, including our double
cal effects. standard framework.


Method ceiver interdependence. Senders are interdependent

when the lies and truths told by a given sample of send-
Literature Search Procedures ers are shown to multiple samples of judges. Receivers
are interdependent when researchers report multiple
To locate relevant studies, we conducted computer-
measures of lie–truth accuracy for a given sample of
based searches of Psychological Abstracts, PsycInfo,
judges. The unit of aggregation in the current
PsycLit, Communication Abstracts, Dissertation Ab-
meta-analysis is the receiver sample. The following
stracts International, WorldCat, and Yahoo through
primary analyses extract one measure of lie–truth dis-
August of 2005 using the keywords deception, deceit,
crimination accuracy from each independent sample of
and lie detection; searched the Social Sciences Citation
judges—even in those cases in which several samples
Index for papers that cited key references, examined
are judging the same lies and truths. For these analyses,
reference lists from previous reviews (DePaulo, Stone,
our data set consists of 384 independent samples. To
& Lassiter, 1985; Zuckerman et al., 1981); and re-
assess the impact of moderator variables, we disaggre-
viewed the references cited in more than 300 articles
gated receiver samples to reflect within-receiver
on the communication of deception from our personal
experimental manipulations.
files plus all references cited in every article we found.
We sent letters requesting papers to scholars who had
published relevant articles. Variables Coded From Each Report
From each report, we sought information about the
Criteria for Inclusion and Exclusion following variables: (a) number of senders, (b) number
of Studies of receivers, (c) percentage correct, (d) percentage
Our goal was to summarize all English-language re- truth, (e) an accuracy standardized mean difference, (f)
ports of original research on the accuracy of judgments sender motivation, (g) receiver motivation, (h) sender
of lies and truths available to us prior to September preparation, (i) sender interaction, (j) receiver exper-
2005. To be included in this review, a document had to tise, (k) judgment medium, and (l) baseline exposure.
report a measure of accuracy in discriminating lies For our coding of these variables in each of 384 re-
from truths. ceiver samples, see Appendix B online at: http://www.
We excluded studies in which individuals judged leaonline.com/doi/pdf/10.1207/ s15327957/pspr1003_2B.
only lies and those in which individuals judged only Let us explain these variables. The number of send-
truths. We excluded studies in which judges received ers and number of receivers were coded from each doc-
experimental training or instructions about how to de- ument. From each document that reported results on
tect deception, studies in which judges received atten- dichotomous lie-or-truth classifications, we noted per-
tion-focusing instructions, studies in which senders centage correct—more precisely, the unweighted aver-
and receivers knew one another prior to the study, and age of the percentage of truthful messages correctly
studies in which individuals could incorporate into classified and the percentage of deceptive messages
their judgments systematic aids to lie detection (e.g., correctly classified. Of our 384 receiver samples, 343
polygraph records, Criterion-Based Content Analysis, judged 50% lies and 50% truths. In these cases, the un-
or behavior codings from repeated viewings of a video- weighted average was the overall percentage correct.
tape). We excluded reports that were not in English, Whenever authors reported the overall percentage of
judgments for lies and truths told by senders who were messages classified as truthful, this percentage truth
less than 17 years old, and judgments made by receiv- judgments was coded. From each document that re-
ers who were less than 17. We excluded reports in ported results on rating-scale veracity judgments, we
which senders role-played an imagined person in an noted an accuracy standardized mean difference—de-
imagined situation. We also excluded all results on im- fining d as the mean veracity rating of truths minus the
plicit deception judgments (implicit judgments having mean veracity rating of lies divided by a standard devi-
recently been meta-analyzed by DePaulo et al., 2003), ation. As Kalbfleisch (1990) noted, deception re-
and on judgments of affect (even affects that people searchers’ reporting of standard deviations poses chal-
were trying to conceal). We uncovered 206 documents lenges for meta-analysts. Whenever possible, we used
that satisfied our inclusion criteria. For a listing as our standard deviation a pooled within-message
of these documents, see Appendix A, which is avail- standard deviation across receivers. In such cases, we
able online at: http://www.leaonline.com/doi/pdf/ would note the variance across receivers in judgments
10.1207/s15327957/pspr1003_2A. of the veracity of truthful messages and the variance
across receivers in judgments of the veracity of decep-
tive messages, before taking the square root of the av-
Identifying Independent Samples
erage of these two variances. When necessary, we used
Research studies in this literature exhibit two forms other standard deviations—for example, the standard
of interdependence: sender interdependence and re- deviation across receivers in the difference between the


mean rated veracity of truths and the mean rated verac- Results
ity of lies.
The other variables of interest to us are categori- Characteristics of the Literature
cal. People can try to detect lies over various media.
We found 206 documents that satisfied our crite-
Here we coded deception medium by noting whether
ria—133 that were published and 73 that were unpub-
a given sample of receivers was trying to detect lies
lished. The earliest document was dated 1941, and the
over a video medium, an audio medium, an audiovi-
latest was published in 2005. Half of these documents
sual medium, or some other medium. We coded
were dated 1994 or earlier.
sender motivation by noting whether participants had
The documents reported results on 24,483 receivers’
any special motivation to succeed at deception. Our
deception judgments of 6,651 messages offered by 4,435
coding of sender preparation reflected whether the
senders. There were 177 independent samples of send-
senders in a study had any time to prepare their lies
ers and 384 independent samples of receivers. One hun-
and truths. We coded whether or not receivers got a
dred ten of the sender samples were judged by only a sin-
baseline exposure to the sender before making decep-
gle receiver sample; at the other extreme, one sample of
tion judgments.
senders was judged by 13 independent receiver samples.
In some studies, senders are interacting with others
In 277 receiver samples, participants classified
as they lie and tell the truth; in other studies, they are
messages as lies or truths; in 92 samples, they judged
not. For purposes of coding sender interaction, we re-
messages on multipoint rating scales; and in 15 sam-
garded senders as not interacting if when lying they
ples, receivers made lie-or-truth classifications as well
were alone or in the presence of a passive observer. We
as multipoint ratings. For some other characteristics of
deemed all other senders to be interacting and noted
this literature, see Table 1. In a typical research study,
whether or not the interaction partner was the receiver
41 receivers made judgments of 16 messages—one
(e.g., the person who was judging deception). Most of
message offered by each of 16 senders. The typical
the receivers in this literature are college students. Oth-
message lasted 52 sec. In most cases, the judgment me-
ers are people whose occupations are thought to give
dium was audiovisual, and receivers had no baseline
them special expertise at lie detection. We noted this
exposure to the sender. Although about 55% of the
variable of receiver expertise.
sender samples had no particular motivation to succeed
We coded the status of the report as published or un-
when lying, more than 40% were motivated. Receivers
published. In some instances, the same data are re-
were rarely motivated; barely 12% of the receiver sam-
ported in two places—say, a dissertation and a journal
ples had any special incentive to succeed at lie detec-
article. In such cases, we have listed the more accessi-
tion. In a little more than half of the samples, receivers
ble report in the References section. Occasionally, re-
were judging senders who had had time to prepare their
sults from a given study are more fully reported in one
lies; in about 65% of the samples, receivers judged
document than another. Then we used the more com-
senders who were interacting as they lied. Although
plete reporting even if it was from the less accessible
only 12% of the receiver samples could claim any oc-
cupational expertise in detecting deception, this was
nonetheless 2,842 experts.
Reliability of Coding
Percentage Correct
For a reliability check, the two authors independ-
ently coded 24 of the documents (Appendix A). In 292 samples, receivers classified messages as lies
These were selected at random, subject to the restric- or truths. From each such sample, we noted the mean
tion that no individual appear as an author on more percentage correct lie–truth classifications. These are
than two documents. The 24 documents we selected shown on the right side of Figure 1 as a stem-and-leaf
in this manner contribute 46 independent receiver display. As can determined from the display, more than
samples to our meta-analysis, and it is on these 46 re- three fourths of these means are greater than 50% and
ceiver samples that reliability data are available. The less than one in seven is greater than 60%. Across all
following quantitative variables were checked: num- 292 samples, the unweighted mean percentage correct
ber of senders, number of receivers, percentage cor- lie–truth classifications is 53.98%. The highest mean
rect, percentage truth, and accuracy d. Reliabilities on percentage correct attained in any sample is 73%, and
these variables were uniformly high; lowest Pearson’s the lowest is 31%. Means at the first, second, and third
r = .894 for 10 accuracy ds. We also checked coding quartile are 50.07%, 53.90%, and 58.00%.
of the following categorical variables: sender motiva- Further insight into lie–truth discrimination abili-
tion, receiver motivation, sender preparation, sender ties can be gleaned from Figure 2, which displays the
interaction, judgment medium, and baseline expo- mean percentage correct lie–truth classifications in a
sure. For the percentage agreement on each of these study as a function of the total number of judgments on
variables, see Table 1. which the mean was based. The latter was determined


Table 1. Characteristics of the Research Literature

Quantitative Variables

Variable Minimum Maximum Mean Median s

Number of Senders 1 200 22.45 16.00 22.63

Number of Receivers 1 816 63.65 41.50 70.56
Messages per Receiver 1 416 31.89 16.00 44.50
Message Duration (Sec) 2 1200 110.63 52.00 173.16

Categorical Variables

Variable No (%) of Receiver Samples Percent Coding Agreement

Deception Medium 91.3%

Video 47 (12.2%)
Audio 42 (10.9%)
Audiovisual 262 (67.4%)
Other 22 (4.9%)
Within-Receiver 11 (4.4%)
Sender Motivation 89.5%
No Motivation 214 (55.7%)
Motivation 153 (39.8%)
Within-Receiver 17 (4.4%)
Sender Preparation Time 81.1%
None 196 (51.0%)
Some 165 (43.0%)
Within-Receiver 23 (6.0%)
Baseline Exposure 91.3%
No Exposure 360 (93.7%)
Exposure 20 (5.2%)
Within-Receiver 4 (1.1%)
Sender Interaction 100%
None 127 (33.1%)
Interaction With Receiver 33 (8.6%)
Interaction With Another 224 (58.3%)
Receiver Expertise 100%
Not Expert 338 (88.0%)
Expert 46 (12.0%)

by multiplying the number of receivers in a sample by tigators examining different receivers. Random-effects
the number of judgments each receiver rendered. Note, techniques can be used to separate between-study vari-
for example, the rightmost point in the plot. This repre- ance due to sampling variability from true variance
sents the mean lie–truth discrimination accuracy of (Hedges & Vevea, 1998). Using a weighted method of
54.30% observed by DePaulo and Pfeiffer (1986) in moments technique, we infer that receiver sampling er-
10,304 dichotomous lie–truth judgments (64 judg- ror accounts for 45.29% of the observed between-
ments made by each of 161 receivers). study variance in mean percentage correct, and that the
Figure 2 exhibits a funnel pattern (Light, Singer, & true standard deviation across studies in mean percent-
Willett, 1994) with high variability among means based age correct is only 4.52%.
on small numbers of judgments and low variability For other analyses of mean percentage correct, we
among means based on large numbers of judgments. used procedures outlined by Bond et al. (2003).
This pattern suggests that the studies are estimating a These require an estimate of the standard deviation in
common value and that small sample sizes account for percentage correct in each study. Whenever a stan-
much of the variability toward the left of the plot. dard deviation was reported (or could be calculated),
A formal analysis of between-study differences be- we used it. Otherwise, we imputed the standard devi-
gins by noting that the observed standard deviation in ation across the receivers in a sample from the bino-
mean percentage correct is only 6.11% (that is, vari- mial distribution, using the mean sample percentage
ance = 37.33%). Statistically, results would vary some correct as well as the number of judgments made by
from study to study merely by virtue of different inves- each receiver in that sample.

Figure 1. Stem-and-leaf plots.


of these Cohen’s ds, Q(106) = 458.74, p < .01. Receiver

sampling error accounts for 21.92% of the observed
variance in effect sizes, and the true standard deviation
in these standardized mean differences is .37. It is note-
worthy that the level of lie–truth discrimination we find
in 107 studies of rated veracity (mean d = .35) is less than
half as large as the levels reported in earlier rating re-
views (where ds exceeded .85).
Existing summaries led us to suspect that lies might be
better discriminated from truths when the discrimination
was attempted on multipoint rating scales rather than
with dichotomous classifications. To assess this suspi-
cion, we also computed a standardized mean difference
for each study in which participants made lie-or-truth
classifications. In such cases, the relevant measure is the
mean percentage of truthful messages classified as truths
minus the mean percentage of deceptive messages clas-
sified as truths divided by a standard deviation.
The dichotomous standardized mean differences
yielded a weighted mean of .42 in 216 samples from
Figure 2. Mean percent correct by number of judgments. which they could be computed. Values at the first, sec-
ond, and third quartile were .02, .50, and 1.04. For 61
These weighted techniques reveal a mean of other samples, no standard deviation in percentage cor-
53.46% correct lie–truth classifications; 95% confi- rect lie–truth classifications was reported. There we
dence interval = 53.31% to 53.59%. This mean is sig- used the binomial distribution to impute a within-
nificantly greater than 50%, t(7,994) = 39.78, p < message standard deviation across receivers and found
.0001. Between-study variability (though small in size) a weighted mean d of .40.
is greater than would be expected by chance, Fw(283, As these computations indicate, the standardized
3658) = 12.61, p < .0001. mean difference in the perceived truthfulness of truths
and lies is smaller when receivers use rating scales,
rather than when they make lie-or-truth classifications,
Standardized Mean Differences
weighted mean ds = .34 versus 41; for the difference,
Having found that dichotomous lie-or-truth classifi- Q(1) = 8.86, p < .05. Combining together lie–truth dis-
cations are correct slightly more than half of the time, we crimination results from all 384 receiver samples, we
next wished to gauge receivers’ability to distinguish lies find weighted and unweighted mean ds of .39 and .49,
from truths on multipoint rating scales. In relevant stud- respectively. The median d is .39. Standardized mean
ies, accuracy is operationalized as the mean honesty rat- differences can be converted to Pearson product–mo-
ing of truthful messages minus the mean honesty rating ment correlation coefficients. If we convert each d to
of deceptive messages. Because different rating scales an r and cumulate the latter in the usual way, we find an
are used in different studies, it is necessary to standard- unweighted mean accuracy r = .19 and r corresponding
ize these results before summarizing them. To do so, we to the weighted Fisher’s Z = .21.
divide the mean difference in a study between the rated Here lie–truth discrimination abilities produce a
honesty of truths and lies by a standard deviation from weighted mean d of approximately .40. This is consid-
that study. Earlier meta-analyses gave us reason to imag- erably smaller than the ds of .86, 1.07, and 1.14 re-
ine that rating-scale lie–truth discrimination might be ported in earlier rated-veracity reviews. Even so, the
sizeable, yielding mean differences in the range of .86 ability to discriminate lies from truths at this level
standard deviations (DePaulo et al., 1980) or 1.14 stan- should not be dismissed. Many widely cited effects in
dard deviations (Zuckerman et al., 1981). social psychology are smaller than this one. Indeed,
We found 107 samples of receivers who rated decep- our d of .39 (or r of .21) would rank above the 60th per-
tive and truthful messages on multipoint scales. For each centile in size, relative to 474 social psychological ef-
of these samples, we computed a standardized differ- fects compiled by Richard et al. (2003).
ence between means (d). The unweighted mean d was
.35 (s = .47). The ds at the first, second, and third quartile
Percentage Judged True
were .09, .31, and .67. By fixed-effects methods (Lipsey
& Wilson, 2001), the weighted mean d for lie–truth dis- Deception judgments can have large consequences
crimination is .34; 95% confidence interval = .31 to .38. whether or not they are correct. Thus, it is important to
There is statistically significant heterogeneity in the size understand factors that may bias the judgments in one


direction or another. Vrij (2000) reviewed evidence for Response Accuracy

a truth bias—receivers’ tendency to err in the direction
The questions of whether people can identify truths
of judging messages as true.
as truths and lies as lies, and of differential rates of suc-
Researchers reported the percentage of messages
cess, are important ones. But they tell only part of the
receivers classified as true in 207 receiver samples.
story about accuracy at detecting deception. Left unan-
These are displayed on left side of the stem-and-leaf
swered are two parallel questions. Given that a person
plot in Figure 1. As Figure 1 shows, the percentage of
has judged a statement to be truthful, what is the likeli-
truth classifications is higher than the percentage of
hood that the statement was in fact truthful? And, given
correct classifications, and the percentage of truth clas-
that a person has judged a statement to be a lie, what is
sifications is more variable. Percentage truth classifi-
the likelihood that it was actually a lie? To address
cations show an unweighted mean of 56.86% and
these questions, we determined the response accuracy
weighted mean of 55.23%. Each of these values is sig-
of a receiver’s truth judgments and the receiver’s lie
nificantly greater than 50%; for the weighted mean,
judgments—defining them as the percentage of truth
t(6,914) = 46.85, p < .0001. The 95% confidence inter-
(and of lie) judgments that were correct. Recognizing
val for the weighted mean percentage judged true ex-
that response accuracy scores could depend heavily on
tends from 54.99% to 55.46%, and the true standard
the baseline percentages of truthful and deceptive mes-
deviation across studies in this percentage is 8.13.
sages judged, we restricted our analyses of these mea-
Senders succeed in conveying more honesty than
sures to receivers who judged an equal number of de-
dishonesty in these studies. However, the bias thus in-
ceptive and truthful messages. Unweighted means on
troduced into receivers’ judgments (of roughly 56%
the relevant 187 samples indicate that judgments of
truth judgments) is smaller than the 61% truth judg-
truthfulness are less likely to be accurate than are judg-
ments reported in a tabulation of 9 studies (Vrij, 2000).
ments of deceptiveness, unweighted means = 54.12%
Across studies, there is no relationship between the
versus 55.84%, t(187)= 5.12, p < .01. There are
percentage of truth judgments receivers rendered and
cross-study differences in the response accuracy of lie
the percentage of correct lie–truth classifications they
and truth judgments (s = 7.75 and 5.84, respectively).
achieved, r = –.008.
Interestingly, the greater the response accuracy of truth
judgments in a study, the greater is the response accu-
Stimulus Accuracy racy of lie judgments in that study, and this relationship
is strong, r = .80, p < .0001.
Because an overall accuracy score is computed by
averaging the percentage of correct classifications of
truthful messages with the percentage of correct classi-
Other Accuracy Measures
fications of deceptive messages, it may seem informa-
tive to analyze separately the two component scores. All the measures of accuracy that we have consid-
We regard these two scores as indexes of stimulus ac- ered so far have limitations. Stimulus accuracy mea-
curacy for truthful messages and stimulus accuracy for sures can be inappropriately affected by variations in
deceptive messages, respectively. judgmental bias, and response accuracy measures can
In 207 receiver samples, percentage accuracy rates be artifactually affected by variations in deception base
could be determined for truthful messages and decep- rate. In light of these limitations, we analyzed this re-
tive messages separately. These are the same 207 sam- search literature with several alterative measures of
ples used in our previous tabulation of the truth bias. lie–truth discrimination accuracy—including the log
Unweighted analyses reveal that people correctly clas- odds ratio and d’. These measures have a theoretical
sify 61.34% of truthful messages as truthful and advantage over percentage correct, as they are statisti-
47.55% of deceptive messages as deceptive. cally independent of variations in judgmental bias and
There is variability from study to study in the per- base rate. We had imagined that these alternative mea-
centage correct classification of deceptive messages as sures might provide distinctive information about peo-
well as truthful messages (each s = 12.51%). The ple’s average ability to detect lies and give us new in-
greater the percentage of lies in a study that are cor- sights into cross-study differences in lie detection.
rectly classified, the lower is the percentage of truths in They did not.
that study correctly classified; for the cross-study rela- For one set of analyses, we used methods described
tionship, r = –.53, p < .0001. Across studies, accuracy in Fleiss (1994) to compute a detection accuracy odds
at detecting lies shares little variance with accuracy at ratio. This was a ratio of the odds that a truthful mes-
detecting truths. Any shared accuracy variance is over- sage was judged to be the truth (rather than a lie)
whelmed by cross-study differences in suspicion. divided by the odds that a deceptive message was
Thus, cross-study differences result largely from dif- judged to be the truth (rather than a lie). Aggregating
ferences in response threshold, rather than differences log odds ratios across the 207 samples in this litera-
in discrimination ability. ture for which requisite data are available, a back-


transformation of the mean indicates that the odds of dardized discrimination performances. To assess these
judging a truthful message as the truth is 1.46 times as possibilities, we now examine various subsets of the
great as the odds of judging a deceptive message to be research literature on deception judgments. We hope to
the truth (95% CI = 1.41–1.51). The back-transformed determine how deception judgments are influenced by
mean odds of truth detection is 1.65, and the corre- six factors: (a) deception medium, (b) motivation, (c)
sponding mean for lie detection is .91. These imply preparation, (d) baseline exposure, (e) interaction, and
means of 62.30% and 47.53% correct judgments to (f) receiver expertise.
truthful messages and deceptive messages, respec- Each of these factors will be assessed in its impact
tively—quite close to the stimulus accuracy means of on three different indexes of judgment: (a) percentage
61.34% and 47.55% directly computable from these truth classifications, (b) percentage correct lie–truth
samples. classifications, and (c) a standardized difference be-
Encouraged by signal detection theorists (e.g., tween the perceived veracity of truths and the per-
Swets, 1996), we used a binormal method to calculate ceived veracity of lies. The first two indexes were
d’ from each of 207 receiver samples. Here d’ repre- coded from studies in which individuals made dichoto-
sents a mean difference in apparent honesty between mous lie–truth classifications and were analyzed with
deceptive and truthful messages. The mean d’ in these the raw techniques of Bond et al. (2003). The third in-
studies is .24; the median is .22. Although a given d’ dex, which included results from both lie-or-truth clas-
can correspond to a number of different percentage sifications and veracity ratings, was analyzed with
correct lie–truth classifications, the maximum percent- standardized fixed effects techniques (Lipsey & Wil-
age correct would occur if the percentage correct judg- son, 2001).
ments of deceptive messages equaled the percentage To infer the effects of each factor, we consider three
correct judgments of truthful messages (Walter, 2002). forms of evidence: within-study comparisons, be-
For the mean d’ of .24 in this literature, this maximum tween-study comparisons, and statistically adjusted
is 54.79%—quite close to the mean of 54.45% correct comparisons. We aggregate within-study comparisons
directly computable from these samples. for each moderator variable that has been examined
Calculations with the odds ratio and d’ corroborate within studies. Summaries of relevant experiments
the general conclusion we reached from analyzing per- provide us with controlled evidence of the impact of
centage correct—that in the typical research setting moderator variables. Unfortunately, the number of ex-
lies are discriminated from truths at levels that are periments that manipulate a given factor is limited, as
slightly better than would be attained by flipping a is the range of conditions under which it has been ex-
coin. To determine whether these alternative accuracy amined. Thus, we also assess effects using between-
measures might give us distinctive information about study comparisons. We assess the effect of a person’s
cross-study differences in lie–truth discrimination, we motivation to lie, for instance, from a comparison of ef-
computed some correlation coefficients across the rele- fect sizes in studies in which participants were moti-
vant 207 receiver samples. Results reveal that the three vated to lie with effect sizes in studies in which they
accuracy measures we have been discussing are very were not motivated. Although we can base be-
highly intercorrelated. As an index of cross-study ac- tween-study comparisons on impressive amounts of
curacy differences, percentage correct is virtually in- data, the studies at one level of a moderator variable
terchangeable with the log odds ratio (r = .979) and d’ may differ in any number of ways from the studies at
(r = .988). The latter two measures are barely distin- another level. In light of these potential confounds, we
guishable, r = .999. These results should be heartening also make statistically adjusted comparisons. They
to the many researchers who have been measuring lie gauge the impact of a given moderator variable from a
detection accuracy as percentage correct. multiple regression analysis that adjusts for the impact
of other variables. In particular, our statistically ad-
justed comparisons of percentage truth classifications
Determinants of Accuracy
and percentage correct lie–truth classifications docu-
Thus far, our analysis indicates that individuals ment the partial effect of a given moderator variable
have some ability to detect deception. On the average, from an inverse variance weighted multiple regression
judges achieve about 54% lie–truth discrimination ac- equation that includes as regressors the six factors enu-
curacy. As a percentage, lie–truth discrimination abili- merated previously (deception medium, motivation,
ties seem poor, but when scaled by cross-judge stan- preparation, baseline exposure, interaction, and re-
dard deviations, these abilities appear nonnegligible. ceiver expertise), as well as a control variable indicat-
These are typical results over a variety of receiver sam- ing whether or not messages were edited prior to pre-
ples, sender samples, deception media, types of lies, sentation. Our statistically adjusted comparisons of ds
and contexts. Perhaps under certain conditions judges reflect results from an inverse variance weighted multi-
show high percentage lie–truth discrimination rates; ple regression equation that includes the seven
perhaps under other conditions, they show trivial stan- regressors just mentioned, as well as an eighth variable


that indicates whether deception judgments were ren- is inferior to discriminations made from written tran-
dered as lie-or-truth classifications or on multipoint scripts, weighted mean d = –.28, Z = –4.16, p < .001
rating scales. in 10 experimental comparisons. The levels of
Let us remind the reader of a framework we bring to lie–truth discrimination achieved from transcript, au-
deception judgments. In our view, people are harsher in diovisual, and audio presentations do not differ sig-
evaluating others’ lies than their own. They stereotype nificantly from one another.
liars as conscience-stricken souls. When asked to We tabulated analogous evidence of receivers’ gen-
judge deception, people consult this stereotype and as- eral tendency to perceive messages as truthful. Results
sess its fit to the person at hand. In general, they are re- show that messages are perceived as less truthful if
luctant to label an assertion as deceptive when this judged from a video than an audiovisual or audio pre-
judgment would imply that the person offering the as- sentation, weighted mean d = –.29 and –.34, Zs = –4.26
sertion was a liar. The inaccurate stereotype and un- and –5.79 in 14 and 15 experimental comparisons, re-
wanted dispositional implication may help explain spectively; each p < .0001. Messages conveyed in tran-
why receivers’ judgments are so often inaccurate— scripts are judged as less truthful than audiovisual mes-
more specifically, why so many deceptive messages sages and as somewhat more truthful than those
are misclassified as truthful. Our double-standard hy- presented in video, weighted mean ds = –.32 and .20, Z
pothesis also provides a framework for interpreting the = –3.31, p < .01 and Z = 1.94, p = .06, in 5 and 4 experi-
effects of various factors on deception judgments, ef- mental comparisons, respectively. In perceived truth-
fects which we now consider. fulness, audio-based messages do not differ signifi-
cantly from audiovisual or transcript messages; each p
Deception medium. Deception can be judged > .10.
over various media. Some may invite application of a To complement these within-study comparisons,
stereotype for inferring deceit; others encourage re- we examined medium differences across all of the
flection. The video medium, we suspect, should en- studies in the research literature. In 195 samples, we
courage use of a liar stereotype. Indeed, if forced to have data on percentage truth classifications to mes-
judge deceit from nothing more than a video image, sages conveyed in one of three media: video only, au-
observers have recourse to little other than their stereo- dio only, or audiovisual. Relevant results appear in Ta-
types. Access to verbal content gives judges the option ble 2 and suggest that there is a truthfulness bias in
of analyzing issues of veracity in a more thoughtful judging messages that can be heard. Both audio-only
fashion. Thus, it is of interest to compare detection and audiovisual presentations received more than 50%
rates for lies that can only be seen versus those that can truth judgments. As the within-study comparisons in-
be heard. dicated, video-only presentations are less often judged
Having sketched the relevance of our double- truthful. Medium effects on lie–truth discrimination
standard framework for interpreting deception at- appear in the bottom two thirds of the table. Corrobo-
tempts in different media, let us mention another theo- rating the within-study evidence, these comparisons
retical perspective. According to Ekman and Friesen show that discrimination is poorer for video-only mes-
(1969), people should be most successful in their at- sages than for messages presented in an audio-only or
tempts at facial deceit and least successful in lying with audiovisual medium.
the body because they are most motivated and able to From our double-standard framework, we interpret
control the face. these results as follows: that the usual stereotype of a
To assess the impact of deception medium, we liar is largely visual, hence is most strongly evoked by
identified 50 studies that experimentally manipulated video images of people speaking. Those who can be
this factor and extracted from these studies 177 viewed as tormented are judged to be lying, but appar-
pairwise comparisons of lie–truth discrimination ac- ent torment reflects many factors other than deceit.
curacy in one medium versus another medium. Ekman and Friesen (1969) hypothesized that there
Ninety eight of the comparisons were made on per- are more deception cues in the body than the face. To
centage correct lie–truth classifications and 79 on rat- examine this possibility, we divided the video-based
ing scales. Converting each comparison to a standard- deception attempts into ones that provided the receiver
ized mean difference, we conducted a fixed-effects with cues from only the face (k = 15), only the body (k
meta-analysis. Results show that lie–truth discrimina- = 9), or the face plus the body (k = 29). Results provide
tion accuracy is lower if judgments are made in a only partial support for the Ekman and Friesen formu-
video rather than an audiovisual or audio medium lation. Consistent with that formulation, attempts at lie
(for comparison of video to audiovisual and audio detection are unsuccessful when receivers see only the
lie–truth discrimination, weighted mean ds = –.44 sender’s face; however, detection efforts are similarly
and –.37, Zs = –15.72 and –9.51 in 58 and 34 experi- unsuccessful when receivers see only the liar’s body
mental comparisons, respectively; each p < .0001). In (weighted mean accuracy d = .01, –.15, and .12 for
fact, lie–truth discrimination from video presentations face, body, and both, respectively).


Table 2. Deception in Three Media: Within and Between Studies

Within Studies

Comparison k Weighted Mean Accuracy d (95% CI)a

Video Versus Audio 34 –.371 (± .076) Audio is more accurate

Video Versus Audiovisual 58 –.438 (± .053) Audiovisual is more accurate
Audio Versus Audiovisual 47 –.056 (± .057)
Between Studies

k Raw Mb (95% CI) Adjusted M

Total Truth Classifications

Video 24 52.18% (± .54) 52.16%
Audio 24 58.78% (± .64) 63.38%
Audiovisual 147 56.32% (± .27) 56.20%
For the Difference Fw (2, 4683) = 174.05
p < .001
Correct Lie–Truth Classifications
Video 37 50.52% (± .42) 50.35%
Audio 36 53.01% (± .43) 53.75%
Audiovisual 212 54.03% (± .22) 53.98%
For the Difference Fw(2, 5348) = 118.38
p < .001
Accuracy d
Video 53 .077 (± .057) .097
Audio 56 .419 (± .053) .376
Audiovisual 278 .438 (± .022) .448
For the Difference Q(2) = 132.17 Q(2) = 140.04
p < .001 p < .001
aFor within-study comparisons here and elsewhere, positive ds imply that lie/truth discrimination was higher in the condition listed first in the
comparison; negative ds imply that it was higher in the condition listed second. In cases where the comparison is statistically significant (at p <
.05), the condition that shows higher accuracy is noted in the table. bPercentages here and in later tables are precision weighted in the manner de-
scribed by Bond, Wiitala, and Richard (2003).

Motivation. Deception studies are criticized The double-standard hypothesis has a different im-
when research participants have no incentive to be be- plication for understanding the impact of motivation
lieved. Critics note that a lack of motivation may influ- on deception judgments. People who are afraid of be-
ence participants’ believability. To address this issue, ing disbelieved may come to resemble the stereotypic
we divided the research literature into studies in which liar. If so, they are likely to be judged deceptive. From
participants had little (or no) motivation to be believed this perspective, it should matter little whether or not a
and those in which they had higher motivation. highly motivated speaker is lying. What matters is the
DePaulo and her colleagues (e.g., DePaulo et al., speaker’s fear of being disbelieved. High motivation
1985) have hypothesized that senders are undermined would rarely make a person feel guilty or ashamed for
by their efforts to get away with lying. In DePaulo’s lying; indeed, high stakes should make it easy to ratio-
motivational impairment hypothesis, the truths and lies nalize deceit.
of highly motivated senders will be more easily dis- For between-study evidence relevant to this per-
criminated than those of unmotivated senders unless spective, Table 3. Consistent with the double-standard
receivers have access to nothing but a transcript of the hypothesis, motivation to be believed reduces a speak-
sender’s remarks. er’s apparent honesty. Perhaps motivation makes peo-
For a controlled assessment of this hypothesis, we ple resemble a visible stereotype of the liar. If so, moti-
identified 20 studies that experimentally manipulated vational effects on credibility might be most apparent
sender motivation, extracted from those studies 42 dis- on video-based judgments. To assess this possibility,
tinguishable motivation effects on lie–truth discrimi- we examined the impact of motivation on lie- and
nation, and measured each effect as a standardized truth-tellers’ believability in video, audio, and audiovi-
mean difference. Consistent with the motivational im- sual media. Between-study comparisons reveal that
pairment hypothesis, experimental evidence shows motivation significantly reduces senders’ video and
that lies are easier to discriminate from truths if they audiovisual appearance of truthfulness. For example,
are told by motivated rather than unmotivated senders unmotivated and motivated senders are classified as
(for impact of motivation, weighted mean d = .171, Z = truthful by 54.44% and 46.84% of receivers who see
7.10, p < .0001). them in video-only presentations, t’(95) = 7.17, p <


Table 3. Motivated and Unmotivated Deception Within and Between Studies

Within Studies

Comparison k Weighted Mean Accuracy d (95% CI)

Motivated Versus Unmotivated 42 .171 (± .047) Motivated is more accurate

Between Studies

k Raw M (95% CI) Adjusted M

Total Truth Classifications

No Motivation 130 57.24% (± .28) 57.19%
Motivation 85 53.43% (± .15) 55.66%
For the Difference t’(1,021) = 8.07
p < .001
Correct Lie–Truth Classifications
No Motivation 177 53.36% (± .21) 53.43%
Motivation 125 53.85% (± .27) 53.27%
For the Difference t’(506) = 1.01
Accuracy d
No Motivation 231 .462 (± .026) .396
Motivation 170 .397 (± .028) .371
For the Difference Q(1) = 10.80 Q(1)=1.53, n.s.
p < .01

.001. However, motivation has no effect on how truth- Baseline exposure to sender. The meta-analysis
ful a sender sounds, t’(137) = 1.31, n.s. presented here focuses on judgments of deception
The bottom two thirds of Table 3 displays be- among strangers. Even so, we included in the analysis
tween-study evidence on sender motivation and 38 samples in which perceivers were exposed to a tar-
lie–truth discrimination. Here it does not appear that get before making judgments of that target. We also in-
motivation makes liars easier to detect. cluded 28 samples in which perceivers judged a given
target eight or more times and 4 samples in which
perceivers made a forced choice between a target’s lie
Preparation. Sometimes the need to lie appears and that same target’s truth. For purposes of the follow-
without warning, and people are unprepared for the de- ing analyses, all of these receivers were deemed to
ceptions they attempt. On other occasions, the need has have received a baseline exposure to the target.
been anticipated, and a line has been prepared. In prin- For a controlled analysis, we identified 21 experi-
ciple, the opportunity to prepare might influence a mental comparisons of the detection of a target’s mes-
liar’s success. sages by judges who had (vs. judges who had not) been
To examine this possibility, we identified 15 stud- previously exposed to that target. All of these compari-
ies that experimentally manipulated a sender’s time to sons were made on percentage correct lie–truth judg-
prepare lies. These studies reported 24 experimental ments. Results indicate that baseline exposure im-
effects of sender preparation on the accuracy of proves lie–truth discrimination: Receivers achieve a
lie–truth judgments and 10 experimental effects on mean of 55.91% accuracy when given a baseline expo-
the sender’s general tendency to appear truthful. A sure versus 52.26% accuracy in the absence of any ex-
fixed-effects standardized meta-analysis shows that posure, t’(364) = 6.37, p < .01.
receivers achieve higher lie–truth detection accuracy Between-study evidence on the impact of baseline
when judging unplanned rather than planned mes- exposure is displayed in Table 5. Results there suggest
sages (weighted mean d = –.144, Z = 4.49, p < .01), that baseline exposure may improve judgmental accu-
and that planned messages appear more truthful than racy. At the same time, senders who are familiar to the
unplanned messages (weighted mean d = .133, Z = receiver are likely to be given the benefit of the doubt,
2.35, p < .05). as results on the percentage of truth judgments indi-
Relevant between-study evidence is displayed in cates. Consistent with our double-standard framework,
Table 4. Although the results there for judgment accu- people are reluctant to imply that someone familiar to
racy are mixed, they suggest that it may be harder to them is a liar.
discriminate deceptive from truthful messages when
the messages are planned. Unlike the within-study evi- Interaction. In many studies, people lie when
dence, between-study comparisons suggest that alone or in the presence of a passive experimenter. In
planned messages appear slightly less honest than other studies, people are involved in social interactions
spontaneous messages. when lying. Sometimes, the interaction partner is at-


Table 4. Prepared and Unprepared Deceptions Within and Between Studies

Within Studies

Comparison k Weighted Mean Accuracy d (95% CI)

Prepared Versus Unprepared 24 –.144 (± .063) Unprepared is more accurate

Between Studies

k Raw M (95% CI) Adjusted M

Total Truth Classifications

No Preparation 118 56.33% (± .28) 57.18%
Preparation 99 55.49% (± .30) 55.15%
For the Difference t’(1130) = 1.96
p < .05
Correct Lie–Truth Classifications
No Preparation 177 53.18% (± .21) 53.13%
Preparation 130 53.70% (± .26) 53.75%
For the Difference t’(506) = 1.13
Accuracy d
No Preparation 217 439 (± .029) .403
Preparation 184 .365 (± .028) .361
For the Difference Q(1)=12.37 Q(1)=4.10
p < .001 p < .05

Table 5. Baseline Exposure to Sender Within and Between Studies

Within Studies

Comparison k Weighted Mean Accuracy d (95% CI)a

Exposure Versus No Exposure 21 .239 (± .091) Exposure is more accurate

Between Studies

k Raw M (95% CI) Adjusted M

Total Truth Classifications

No Exposure 187 56.11% (± .23) 55.31%
Exposure 31 58.37% (± .46) 61.92%
For the Difference t’(452) = 3.47
p < .01
Correct Lie–Truth Classifications
No Exposure 250 53.35% (± .18) 53.06%
Exposure 61 54.22% (± .33) 54.55%
For the Difference t’(294) = 2.09
p < .05
Accuracy d
No Exposure 331 .400 (± .022) .356
Exposure 72 .443 (± .051) .499
For the Difference Q(1) = 2.25 Q(1) = 32.12
p < .001
aFor within-study comparisons here and elsewhere, positive ds imply that lie/truth discrimination was higher in the condition listed first in the
comparison; negative ds imply that it was higher in the condition listed second. In cases where the comparison is statistically significant (at p <
.05), the condition that shows higher accuracy is noted in the table. bPercentages here and in later tables are precision weighted in the manner de-
scribed by Bond, Wiitala, and Richard (2003).
tempting to judge the liar’s veracity; on other occa- ceiver or with a third party. Results indicate no signifi-
sions, a third party may be making this judgment. The cant difference in lie–truth discrimination by interac-
latter occurs, for example, when the interaction partner tion partners (vs. third-party observers), weighted
is the experimenter and the third party is the receiver mean ds = .286 versus .209, Z = 1.41, n.s. We also tabu-
making judgments from a videotape. In principle, in- lated evidence within 5 studies of receivers’ general
teraction might influence one’s success at lying. Inter- tendency to perceive senders as truthful. Results show
action might, for example, impose cognitive demands that individuals are judged to be more truthful by their
on the liar (Buller & Burgoon, 1996). interaction partners than by third-party observers; for
We found 11 studies that experimentally manipu- this comparison, weighted mean d = .26, Z = 4.10, p <
lated whether senders were interacting with the re- .0001.


For between-study evidence on the impact of inter- expert accuracy, though this difference is not statisti-
action, see Table 6. There it is again clear that receivers cally significant, Z = –.61, n.s. Within-study compari-
are inclined to judge their interaction partners as truth- sons also reveal no statistically significant difference
ful. Overall patterns in the literature suggest that between experts and nonexperts in the tendency to per-
third-party observers are better than interaction part- ceive others as truthful; weighted mean percentage
ners at discriminating lies from truths. In our view, the truth judgments = 54.09% and 55.74% for experts and
reluctance to attribute deception to interaction partners nonexperts, respectively; t’(246) = 1.41.
results from an unwanted dispositional implication— For a broader assessment of experts’ deception
of insinuating that the partner is a liar. judgments, see Table 7. From the between-study evi-
dence, it would appear that experts are more skeptical
than nonexperts, being less inclined to believe that peo-
Receiver expertise. In most research, college ple are truthful. Having been targets of deceit in their
students function as the judges of deception. Perhaps professional roles, experts may have surmounted the
people who had more experience would be better at usual reluctance to imply that people are liars. If raw
judging deceit. To assess this possibility, we identified between-study comparisons suggest that experts may
studies of deception experts. These are individuals be better than nonexperts at discriminating lies from
whose occupations expose them to lies. They include truths, it is clear that experts are not good lie detectors.
law enforcement personnel, judges, psychiatrists, job On the average, they achieve less than 55% lie–truth
interviewers, and auditors—anyone whom deception discrimination accuracy. In any case, experts’ apparent
researchers regard as experts. superiority in lie–truth discrimination disappears when
In 19 studies, expert and nonexpert receivers judged means are statistically adjusted.
the veracity of the same set of messages. From these
studies, we extracted 20 independent expert–nonexpert
comparisons and expressed each as a standardized Publication status. Lie detection results might
mean difference. This cumulation yields no evidence influence the likelihood of a research project being
that experts are superior to nonexperts in discriminat- published. To assess this possibility, we did a few other
ing lies from truths; weighted mean d = –.025, 95% analyses. These reveal no statistically significant dif-
confidence interval = –.105 to.055. Indeed, the direc- ferences between published and unpublished studies in
tion of the within-study difference favors higher non- lie–truth discrimination performances. For example,

Table 6. Sender Interaction Within and Between Studies

Within Studies

Comparison k Weighted Mean Accuracy d (95% CI)a

Interaction With Receiver Versus Third Party 10 .081 (± .094)

Between Studies

k Raw M (95% CI) Adjusted M

Total Truth Classifications

No Interaction 66 54.51% (± .34) 57.58%
Interaction With Receiver 13 65.32% (± 2.05) 61.60%
Interaction With Third Party 128 55.51% (± .28) 56.27%
For the Differences Fw(2, 1403) = 58.15
p < .001
Correct Lie–Truth Classifications
No Interaction 85 52.56% (± .27) 52.60%
Interaction With Receiver 18 52.27% (± 1.68) 52.75%
Interaction With Third Party 189 54.06% (± .20) 53.97%
For the Differences Fw(2, 2051) = 37.67
p < .001
Accuracy d
No Interaction 127 .375 (± .036) .302
Interaction With Receiver 33 .234 (± .076) .316
Interaction With Third Party 224 .416 (± .027) .471
For the Differences Q(2) = 20.24 Q(2)=57.14
p < .01 p < .001
aFor within-study comparisons here and elsewhere, positive ds imply that lie/truth discrimination was higher in the condition listed first in the
comparison; negative ds imply that it was higher in the condition listed second. In cases where the comparison is statistically significant (at p <
.05), the condition that shows higher accuracy is noted in the table. bPercentages here and in later tables are precision weighted in the manner de-
scribed by Bond, Wiitala, and Richard (2003).


Table 7. Receiver Expertise Within and Between Studies

Within Studies

Comparison k Weighted Mean Accuracy d (95% CI)a

Expert Versus Nonexpert 20 –.025 (± .080)

Between Studies

k Raw M (95% CI) Adjusted M

Total Truth Classifications

Nonexpert 177 55.69% (± .20) 55.84%
Expert 30 52.28% (± .58) 52.02%
For the Difference t’(361) = 4.95
p < .001
Correct Lie–Truth Classifications
Nonexpert 250 53.31% (± .17) 53.29%
Expert 42 54.51% (± .47) 53.81%
For the Difference t’(556) = 2.37
p < .05
Accuracy d
Nonexpert 338 .380 (± .022) .387
Expert 46 .488 (± .064) .388
For the Difference Q(1) = 9.77 Q(1)=.01
p < .01

Note: Expert receivers have a background researchers deem relevant to detecting deception. They include police officers, detectives, judges, in-
terrogators, criminals, customs officials, mental health professionals, polygraph examiners, job interviewers, federal agents, and auditors. Per-
centages are precision weighted in the manner described by Bond, Wiitala, and Richard (2003).
aFor within-study comparisons here and elsewhere, positive ds imply that lie/truth discrimination was higher in the condition listed first in the

comparison; negative ds imply that it was higher in the condition listed second. In cases where the comparison is statistically significant (at p <
.05), the condition that shows higher accuracy is noted in the table.
the weighted mean percentage correct lie–truth classi- Having noted that the average person discriminates
fications is 53.19% in published studies and 53.75% in lies from truths at a level slightly better than he or she
unpublished studies, t’(872) = 1.49, n.s. Truthfulness could achieve by flipping a coin, let us also note this
biases were, however, stronger in unpublished re- ability corresponds to a nontrivial standardized effect
search; weighted mean percentage truth classifications size. In producing a mean difference of approximately
= 56.75% versus 54.27% in unpublished versus pub- .40 standard deviations in judgments of lies versus
lished research, t’(498) = 4.75, p < .001. truths, typical detection abilities are larger than 60% of
the research phenomena studied by social psycholo-
gists (Richard et al., 2003).
Discussion Our finding of a 54% lie–truth discrimination rate
represents an average of correct judgments to decep-
Having captivated human imagination for millenia, tive messages and truthful messages. It is clear that
deception was destined to attract psychological investi- truthful messages are more often judged correctly than
gators. Our goal has been to synthesize their re- deceptive messages; hence, the percentage of correct
search—more specifically, to quantify people’s ability judgments to messages encountered in any real-world
to detect deceit from behavior. Here we summarize the setting may depend on the base rate of deception there.
findings of our meta-analysis, discuss the literature in In a setting where virtually no lies were told, the re-
light of a double-standard framework, and note limita- search literature would suggest a detection rate of
tions in the existing evidence. roughly 60%, whereas in a situation where virtually
every statement was a lie, a detection rate of, say, 48%
might be expected (cf. Levine, Park, & McCornack,
Meta-Analytic Findings 1999). These estimates assume that there is no
How successful are people at duping others? How cross-situational correlation between observers’ ten-
often do people detect others’ deception attempts? To dency to infer deception in a setting and the actual rate
address these questions, psychologists arrange for peo- of lying there. More likely, deception base rates enter
ple to make truthful and deceptive statements and for into a tactical calculus. As observers have intuitions
others to classify these statements as truths or lies. about the frequency of deception in different situa-
Across hundreds of experiments, typical rates of tions, liars have intuitions, too. If the latter can choose
lie–truth discrimination are slightly above 50%. For where to attempt their deceptions, they should opt for
the grand mean, 54% is a reasonable estimate. settings in which targets are most trusting.


Like earlier reviewers, we find that people are more tate lie–truth discrimination, and others impede it, our
inclined to judge deceptive messages as truthful than meta-analytic results confirm. The medium in which
truthful messages as deceptive. No doubt, receivers deception is attempted affects its likelihood of detec-
contribute to this truth bias, but senders’ contributions tion—lies being more detectable when they can be
should also be acknowledged. When people try to ap- heard. By contrast, facial behaviors provide no indica-
pear truthful, their efforts are rewarded, the accumu- tion of a speaker’s veracity, corroborating the theory
lated literature shows. The relative impact of senders that the face is well controlled (Ekman & Friesen,
and receivers on the truth bias remains to be deter- 1969). Ekman and Friesen also suggested that bodily
mined. In the meantime, the present contribution is to behaviors go uncontrolled, and hence should be indica-
document the magnitude of this effect. Across 206 tive of deceit. Unfortunately, the latter hypothesis has
studies, people render a mean of some 56% truth judg- so rarely been tested that its validity remains unknown.
ments. However, this figure may understate the pre- A more recent perspective (Buller & Burgoon, 1996)
sumption of truth telling in real life. If in their daily in- emphasized the role of social interaction in deception
teractions people accept without reflection much of judgments. The accumulated research suggests that lies
what they hear, in the laboratory they are forced to told in the midst of social interaction are spotted by on-
make veracity judgments. Thus, researchers circum- lookers, yet they are fooling the liar’s interaction part-
vent some of the usual impediments to inferring de- ner. However, controlled experiments show no differ-
ceit—social norms that discourage skepticism, liars’ ence in lie detection by interaction partners as opposed
tactics for preempting suspicion, and a cognitive iner- to onlookers. As common sense might have predicted,
tia that would be disrupted by critical inquiry (Levine judges achieve better lie–truth discrimination if they
et al., 1999). have a baseline exposure to the sender and if the sender is
We see a pattern in this research literature. In their unprepared. The accumulated evidence suggests that
reading of the literature, scholars find an unwanted im- people who are motivated to be believed look deceptive
plication—that people can barely discriminate lies from whether or not they are lying. Expert judges may be
truths. Heirs to the moralistic tradition, scholars resist slightly more skeptical than novices. Relative to nov-
this implication by identifying a feature of researchers’ ices, experts may (or may not) be better at lie–truth dis-
methods that could in principle explain low lie–truth crimination; in any case, they make many mistakes.
discrimination rates. They label the feature an artifact,
correct the error, run a study, and announce that their
The Double Standard
findings are uniquely valid. Sometimes, the method-
ological correction yields a higher than average detec- Having reviewed the research literature on decep-
tion rate, and sometimes it does not. Never, however, has tion judgments and cataloged some factors that influ-
this quest for accuracy yielded levels of lie detection that ence detection accuracy, let us note the relevance of our
would be of much practical use. Occasionally, a re- favored framework for understanding this subject—
searcher finds a detection rate of 70% (or so) and pro- our assumption that people judge others’ deceptions
claims a momentous discovery. However, those rates more harshly than their own.
occur on tests that include only a small number of mes- We do not regard this meta-analysis as a test of the
sages and are attained by only a subset of the receivers notion of a double standard. In our view, no test for so
(or on a subset of the tests) studied. From a meta-analytic obvious an idea is needed—though relevant evidence
perspective, random variation is the most plausible ex- can be found in primary research (Gordon & Miller,
planation for the occasionally high detection rate, as the 2000). Instead, we begin with the premise that people
funnel pattern in Figure 2 suggests. construe others’ lies more critically than their own and
Rather than marveling at the outliers in this litera- explore the implications of this premise for under-
ture, we are more impressed by the regularity of the re- standing research findings.
sults obtained. Despite decades of research effort to Indignant at the prospect of being duped, people pro-
maximize the accuracy of deception judgments, detec- ject onto the deceptive a host of morally fueled emo-
tion rates rarely budge. Professionals’ judgments, tions—anxiety, shame, and guilt. Drawing on this ste-
interactants’ judgments, judgments of high-stakes lies, reotype to assess others’ veracity, people find that the
judgments of unsanctioned lies, judgments made by stereotype seldom fits. In underestimating the liar’s ca-
long-term acquaintances—all reveal detection rates pacity for self-rationalization, judges’moralistic stereo-
within a few points of 50%. We wonder if it is prema- type has the unintended effect of enabling successful de-
ture to abort the quest for 90% lie detection and accept ceit. Because deceptive torment resides primarily in the
the conclusion implied by the first 384 research sam- judge’s imagination, many lies are mistaken for truths.
ples—that to people who must judge deception in real When torment is perceived, it is often not a consequence
time with no special aids, many lies are undetectable. of deception but of a speaker’s motivation to be believed.
Although rates of lie detection vary within a narrow High stakes rarely make people feel guilty about lying;
range, the variation is not random. Some factors facili- more often, they allow deceit to be easily rationalized.


When motivation has an impact, it is on the speaker’s duped, and these should impose limits on the dupe’s
fear of being disbelieved, and it matters little whether or naiveté. Some lies are discovered well after they have
not the highly motivated are lying. The impact of moti- been told (Park, Levine, McCornack, Morrison, &
vation is most evident when judges can see the speaker’s Ferrara, 2002). Then the dupes become indignant.
resemblance to a visual stereotype of the liar. They retaliate by shunning their exploiter and publiciz-
People are critical of lies, unless the lies are their ing the liar’s duplicity. As a consequence, people who
own. To maintain an exception for themselves, judges are most successful in the short-term perpetration of
may sometimes need to excuse lying by others. As the lies have trouble maintaining relationships. Moralists
research literature shows, people avoid attributing de- have opined that skilled liars are worse relationship
ception to others with whom they are familiar— partners than highly honest folk. Let us suggest that
whether from a live interaction or a long-term relation- skilled liars may also be worse partners than people
ship (Anderson, Ansfield, & DePaulo, 1999). Judges whose lies are transparent (Andrews, 2002). Inept liars
may also be loath to perceive as liars people who re- pose no threat to their partners insofar as their decep-
semble the judge. Perhaps the truth bias we observe in tion attempts fail before any damage is done. This line
this literature represents an extension of the self-bias to of reasoning suggests that skill at high-stakes decep-
others who are reminiscent of the self. In this view, the tion may be an interpersonal liability and that so-called
bias reflects the similarity of the deceivers in this re- deception failures are in the long run adaptive.
search literature to their judges—often, the two are stu- Maybe the craftiest can benefit from lying. Cogni-
dents at the same University. Maybe there would be zant of the dispositional nature of moral attributions
less bias in judgments made of dissimilar others. As we (Reeder, 1993), they cultivate reputations for honesty
have noted, deception researchers find that expert by telling the truth on trivial matters and noting advan-
judges are willing to imply that others are liars. What tages that fibbing might have conferred. Then, when
we have not noted is a procedural detail—that these ex- deceit promises the largest reward, others will have
perts are rarely sitting in judgment of their peers; in- been lulled into an unwarranted trust (Sternglanz,
stead, they are judging members of other groups. 2003). Having laid the tactical groundwork, liars must
Self-biases do not extend to outsiders. nonetheless recognize that deceptions may ultimately
The judges in this research literature are given the be exposed. In the moment of lying, the shrewdest af-
goal of achieving 100% accuracy, and their failure to fect a distancing from their falsehoods so that they can
attain this objective has been widely lamented. The later disavow the lies. For deception to show long-term
senders in this research literature are also given a goal: profitability, reputational damage must be contained.
to convey an impression of honesty 100% of the time.
Results show that research participants disbelieve
Limitations in the Evidence
nearly 50% of senders’ deception attempts and nearly
40% of their attempts at truth telling. Although in the Commentators have criticized research on decep-
rough actuarial aggregate of deception research liars tion judgments, pointing to ways in which the lies stud-
fail as often as detectors, deception failures have rarely ied in the research literature differ from the lies of most
been discussed. Let us comment on these failures from interest to the critic. Those who are interested in
a double-standard perspective. high-stakes lies (Ekman, 2001) note that many experi-
Liars who are often judged deceptive should come mental deceptions are trivial. Those who are interested
to learn that their stratagems have been penetrated. in deceptive interactions (Buller & Burgoon, 1996) de-
Thus, it may seem paradoxical that the average person nounce experimentally constrained lies. Legal scholars
lies several times a day (DePaulo, Kashy, et al., 1996). (e.g., Fisher, 1997) note aspects of the forensic world
Evidently, most lies are little, and the consequences of that are not reproduced in research contexts.
detection benign. In the interest of interacting Deception researchers have tried to accommodate
smoothly, the liar and judge conspire to preserve a fic- critics’ reservations. They have studied murderers’ lies
tion (DePaulo et al., 2003). and lies that could harm children (Lusby, 1999; Vrij &
A few lies involve high stakes: large benefits to the Mann, 2001), lies to lovers and deceit during criminal
liar and large costs to the dupe. Moralists focus on interrogations (Anderson et al., 1999; Davis, Markus,
these big bad lies. The research literature has explored Walters, Vorus, & Conners, 2005). Researchers have
judgments made at the time deception is attempted, studied naturalistic deceptive interactions and jurors’
judgments that could preempt the payoffs liars pursue. credibility judgments. In light of these efforts, we find
However, research reveals that many people avoid be- no merit in blanket dismissals of this research literature
ing caught in the act of lying; hence, it is important to as trivial, asocial, and irrelevant.
explore the likely course of subsequent events. We ourselves have reservations about the literature
High-stakes deceptions are motivated by on deception judgments, concerns that have not (we
noncorrespondent outcomes, one person seeking ad- think) been addressed. To illuminate lie detection from
vantage at another’s expense. There are costs of being language and behavior, psychologists have excluded


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