Ielts Speaking A Collection of Common Topics
Ielts Speaking A Collection of Common Topics
Ielts Speaking A Collection of Common Topics
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Unit 3 Events
Now in the first part, I’d like to ask you some questions about yourself.
Part 1
This part lasts for 4-5 minutes.
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TI: Act as the examiner and keep the time. Then comment on student’s performance.
Unit 3 Events
Sample Answer to PART 1
1. When was the last time you drank tea or coffee?
I drank a cup of coffee last Monday. I don’t drink it very often, as it sometimes makes my
heartbeat race very fast. I only drink coffee when I am very sleepy in the morning.
You will have to talk about the topic for one to two minutes. You have
Part 2 one minute to think about what you're going to say. You can make some
notes to help you if you wish.
Describe a time when someone didn’t tell you the truth about
You should say:
• When this happened;
• What the situation was;
• Who you were with;
• And why the person didn’t tell the truth.
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TI: Act as the examiner and keep the time. Then ask 1-2 questions about S’s statement.
Unit 3 Events
I’m going to tell you about a time when I was really upset about someone lying to me. It was two years
ago. I had just started dating a guy named John and felt that I really liked him. I was 22 at the time, and
he had said that he was 27. He appeared to be a bit older than that, so I tried to clarify his age twice,
but he insisted he was exactly 27. So, I decided to believe him.
One day I was chatting with his best friend who was 30, and he made a comment saying that he was
younger than John, which made me confused. Later that day, I called John out and asked him about it.
After several lies, he finally confessed that he was actually 32 years old. I knew it wasn’t the most
terrible lie someone could tell, but I felt that my trust in him was tested. I thought, “if someone lies
about such simple personal detail, what else will he lie about?”
John never stated his intentions about his lie, but I would imagine that maybe he felt he was too old
for me. I guess that he was afraid to lose me if I knew he was 32, which wasn’t a problem for me. I’m
sure it was related to his insecurities one way or another. Although I wasn’t happy that he was
dishonest about his age, I decided to give him another chance.
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Unit 3 Events
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TI: Act as the examiner and keep the time. Then comment on student’s performance.
Unit 3 Events