Task 4 - Angelica Andreina Botello Rondon
Task 4 - Angelica Andreina Botello Rondon
Task 4 - Angelica Andreina Botello Rondon
Sandra Guerrero
Step 2:
Answer the following questions based on the first documents:
What is phonology?
Phonology is the study of the sound patterns and systems in language. It
focuses on the organization and arrangement of sounds, known as
phonemes, within a particular language or languages. Phonology examines
how these sounds function and interact with each other to convey meaning,
including rules and patterns of pronunciation, stress, intonation, and
phonological processes.
What is phonetics?
Phonetics is the study of the physical properties and production of speech
sounds. It analyzes the sounds themselves, known as phonetics, in terms of
their articulation, acoustic properties, and auditory perception. Phonetics
examines how sounds are made, transmitted, and received, including the
specific movements of the speech organs, the resulting acoustic waveforms,
and the perception and classification of sounds by listeners.
What is the IPA alphabet? What are the manner and place of
The International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) is a standardized system of
symbols used to represent the sounds of human language. It provides a way
to transcribe and notate the sounds of different languages consistently and
accurately. The IPA alphabet includes symbols for consonants, vowels,
suprasegmental features (such as stress and intonation), and diacritics to
represent specific modifications or variations of sounds.
Give two examples of each one.
Examples of different manners of articulation include:
Stop/Plosive: The airflow is completely blocked and then released, creating a
sudden burst of sound. Examples: /p/ as in "pen," /b/ as in "bat."
Alveolar: The tip or blade of the tongue comes into contact with the alveolar
ridge behind the upper front teeth. Examples: /t/ as in "top," /d/ as in "dog."
Step 3:
In this step you have to record yourself making a mini-lesson, here you have
to explain some English sounds to your classmates based on the following
video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=USKrBTvgY_s
Screenshot of participation in the forum