Part 1 400KV Dhol
Part 1 400KV Dhol
Part 1 400KV Dhol
2.1 The Scope of the proposal shall be on the basis of a single Bidder’s responsibility,
completely covering all the equipments and installation services specified under the
accompanying Technical Specifications. It will include among others as specified therein
the following:-
2.2 No deviation whatsoever to certain conditions of the bidding documents permitted by the
Owner and therefore, the Bidders are advised that while making Bid Proposals and
quoting prices these conditions may appropriately be taken into consideration. Bidders
are required to furnish a certificate in this regard as per the format provided in Special
Conditions of Contract in a separate sealed envelope containing Bid security, which shall
accompany the Technical Bid. Any Bid not accompanied by such certificate shall be
rejected by the Owner and shall not be opened.
2.3 Bids not covering the above cited entire scope of works may be treated as incomplete
and hence rejected.
2.4 The Bidder shall complete all the schedules & annexure in the Bid Proposal Sheets,
Technical Data Sheets and specified elsewhere. The Qualifying Data should be filled in
the required schedule of Bid Proposal Sheets.
2.5 This specification covers the detailing, designing, engineering, manufacturing, testing at
works, packing, supply, storage, insurance and handling at site, Design, Engineering,
manufacturing, Supply, erection, testing and commissioning of 400KV and 220KV GIS
Equipment & material on Turnkey basis including all civil works at 400KV Dholera GIS S/S.
The work includes Design, Engineering, manufacturing, Supply, erection, testing and
commissioning of 400KV and 220KV GIS Equipment & material on Turnkey basis including
all civil works at 400KV Dholera GIS S/S.
2.6 basis including all civil work including Cabling, Wiring, Earthing , yard lighting etc.
as stated hereunder & detailed in the Schedules so as to complete the project as
per approved bill of quantities and layout drawings.
(A) Complete Sub-Station automation including hardware & software for local control
station along with associated equipments as defined in tech specifications.
(B) Other activities for GIS Sub-Station.
(i) Complete relay & protection system including design, engineering,
calculations etc.
(ii) Air conditioning system – For control room (split A/C )
(iii) LT Switchgear (A/C & D/C Distribution board)
(iv) Batteries & battery chargers for
a) As per BOQ
b) Control Cables
(v) Fire detection & Alarm system for Building
Mandatory Spares
– As specified in BOQ & tech specification part –II.
(vi) Other associated equipments, accessories etc, as per layout.
(vii) Structures:
Design & engineering of gantry structures are in the scope of
(vii) Earthing:
a. Complete Earthing system including Earth mat. and protection against direct stroke
of lightning.
b. Execution of earthing work includes supply of all earthing materials.
(viii) Lighting.
(i) Yard Lighting of the switchyard.
(ii) Illumination design to be done as per CBIP manual.
(iii) Illumination of GIS housing & CR building.
Seal & Signature of Bidder 14
(iv) Scope is as per BOQ & Specifications as per Part –II & III.
(ix) This is being a turnkey project therefore any item , accessories, work etc
required for completion and successful operation of entire project shall be
considered in the scope.
1. Contractor has to provide all engineering drawings , data calculations etc for owners
approval as specified in part –I, GCC, general Information.(Tech) – Clause No. 1.2
The scope of work under this contract shall include construction of all the items mentioned
hereunder, but not limited to, which are required for satisfactory & successful completion and
commissioning of 400KV GIS Sub-station at Dholera in the state of Gujarat except exclusion
specifically mentioned elsewhere in this document.
The contractor shall provide all labor, tools, plants & equipments, material, temporary works,
construction plants & machinery, fuel supply, transportation, insurance and all other incidental
items not specified but as they may be required for complete performance of the works in
accordance with approved drawings, specifications, applicable IS codes & direction of the
The work shall be carried out according to design & drawings approved by GETCO. The
successful bidders shall be fully responsible for the fulfilling functional requirement such as
operational & maintenance requirements etc. of the project & work shall be carried out as per
the applicable IS codes & International standards. In case of ambiguity between codes,
specifications and drawings, the most stringent of them shall govern. Certain general
requirements are indicated hereunder;
2.0 The scope of work under this contract shall include following in general.
1. Control Room Building & GIS housing with EOT crane arrangement
and cable celler.
2. Security Cabin.
3. Foundations for Switch Yard Structures & Equipments.
5. Transformer Foundations with marshalling work & its track up-to road
8. Bore well.
9. Water Supply System internal & external with(U/G + O/H tanks) tanks.
16. Furniture, RO Plant for potable water, Water Coolers , split A.C etc,
17. Any other civil work which are required for successful completion &
commissioning of 220kv GIS.
In the tender separate schedules for Civil works at 400KV GIS Dholera are enclosed.
Contractor shall have to quote the rates in figure & in words for each item of work, separately.
In case of any ambiguity the rates quoted in words shall govern.