Legal Ethics Assignment CPRA
Legal Ethics Assignment CPRA
Legal Ethics Assignment CPRA
CHAPTER I. THE LAWYER AND CANON I - INDEPENDENCE. This principle ensures that lawyers are able to
SOCIETY provide objective and unbiased advice to their
The independence of a lawyer in the
discharge of professional duties without
clients, free from any external pressures or
any improper influence, restriction, influences. However, this principle is not always
pressure, or interference, direct or upheld in practice. Lawyers may face pressure from
indirect, ensures effective legal clients, colleagues, or even the government to act in
representation and is ultimately a certain way or make certain decisions. In such
imperative for the rule of law.
cases, it is important for lawyers to remain steadfast
in their commitment to independence and resist any
attempts at improper influence
CANON 1 - A LAWYER SHALL SECTION 1. Independent, accessible, The difference between upholding the constitution
UPHOLD THE CONSTITUTION, OBEY efficient and effective legal service. — A and striving for independent, accessible, efficient,
THE LAWS OF THE LAND AND lawyer shall make legal services
PROMOTE RESPECT FOR LAW OF accessible in an efficient and effective
and effective legal practices is a complex one. While
AND LEGAL PROCESSES. manner. In performing this duty, a it is important for lawyers to prioritize the
lawyer shall maintain independence, act constitution and ensure that their actions align with
with integrity, and at all times ensure the its principles, it is also crucial for them to provide
efficient and effective delivery of justice. legal services that are accessible to all individuals
regardless of their socioeconomic status.
Rule 1.02 - A lawyer shall not counsel or SECTION 3. Freedom from improper This is a thought-provoking piece that highlights the
abet activities aimed at defiance of the considerations and external influences. ethical responsibilities of lawyers and it argues that
law or at lessening confidence in the — A lawyer shall not, in advocating a
legal system. client’s cause, be influenced by
lawyers should not engage in activities that aim to
dishonest or immoral considerations, defy the law or seek freedom from improper
external influences, or pressure. considerations. It emphasizes that lawyers have a
duty to uphold the law and promote justice, even if it
means going against their client's wishes.
Rule 1.03 - A lawyer shall not, for any SECTION 4. Non-interference by a Non-interference by a lawyer and the rule that a
corrupt motive or interest, encourage lawyer. — Unless authorized by law or a lawyer shall not, for any corrupt motive or interest,
any suit or proceeding or delay any court, a lawyer shall not assist or cause
man's cause. a branch, agency, office or officer of the
compromise or prejudice the interests of their client
government to interfere in any matter are two fundamental principles in legal ethics. Non-
before any court, tribunal, or other interference refers to the principle that lawyers
government agency. should not interfere with the free will of their
clients. This means that lawyers should provide
legal advice and guidance but ultimately allow their
clients to make decisions on how to proceed with
their case.
Rule 2.01 - A lawyer shall not reject, SECTION 1. Proper conduct. — A It requires them to provide legal representation to
except for valid reasons, the cause of lawyer shall not engage in unlawful, those who are unable to defend themselves or are
the defenseless or the oppressed. dishonest, immoral, or deceitful conduct.
oppressed by the system. This principle is similar to
the Hippocratic Oath taken by doctors, which
requires them to prioritize their patients' well-being
above all else.
Rule 2.04 - A lawyer shall not charge SECTION 4. Use of dignified, gender- It is a common ethical guideline in the legal
rates lower than those customarily fair, and child- and culturally-sensitive profession. This rule aims to prevent lawyers from
prescribed unless the circumstances so language. — A lawyer shall use only
warrant. dignified, gender-fair, child- and
engaging in price undercutting, which can lead to a
culturally-sensitive language in all race to the bottom and ultimately harm clients.
personal and professional dealings.
To this end, a lawyer shall not use
language which is abusive, intemperate, On one hand, this rule can be seen as beneficial for
offensive or otherwise improper, oral or
written, and whether made through clients because it ensures that they receive quality
traditional or electronic means, including legal services at fair prices. By preventing lawyers
all forms or types of mass or social from charging excessively low rates, clients are
media. protected from unscrupulous attorneys who may
provide subpar services or engage in unethical
SECTION 7. Formal decorum and The legal profession is one of the most respected
appearance. — A lawyer shall observe and revered professions in the world. Lawyers are
formal decorum before all courts,
tribunals, and other government
expected to adhere to strict ethical standards,
agencies. including observing formal decorum before all
courts, tribunals, and other government agencies.
A lawyer’s attire shall be consistent with This requirement is intended to ensure that lawyers
the dignity of the court, tribunal or other conduct themselves in a professional manner at all
government agency, with due respect to
SECTION 10. Conduct in the When presenting a witness, lawyers must be truthful
presentation of a witness. — A lawyer and accurate in their questioning, avoiding any
shall avoid all forms of impropriety when
presenting or confronting a witness.
attempts to mislead or manipulate the witness.
Similarly, when confronting a witness, they must do
A lawyer shall not coach, abuse, so with respect and professionalism, refraining from
discriminate against, or harass any any behavior that could be seen as intimidating or
witness, in or out of the court, tribunal, or coercive.
other government agency, or talk to a
witness during a break or recess in the
trial, while a witness is still under
examination. Neither shall a lawyer
direct, assist, or abet any
misrepresentation or falsehood by a
SECTION 11. False representations or Lawyers have a duty to be truthful and honest in
statements; duty to correct. — A lawyer their dealings with clients, opposing counsel, and the
shall not make false representations or
statements. A lawyer shall be liable for
court. Making false representations or statements not
any material damage caused by such only undermines the integrity of the legal system but
false representations or statements. also damages the reputation of the lawyer involved.
A lawyer shall not, in demand letters or
other similar correspondence, make A lawyer who makes false representations or
false representations or statements, or
impute civil, criminal, or administrative statements can face serious consequences, including
liability, without factual or legal basis. disciplinary action by their state bar association,
disbarment, or even criminal charges. Therefore, it
A lawyer shall correct false or inaccurate is essential for lawyers to maintain high ethical
statements and information made in standards and always act with integrity.
relation to an application for admission
to the bar, any pleading, or any other
document required by or submitted to
the court, tribunal or agency, as soon as
its falsity or inaccuracy is discovered or
made known to him or her.
SECTION 12. Duty to report dishonest, This duty is not only a moral obligation but also a
deceitful or misleading conduct. — A legal requirement. Failure to report such activities
lawyer shall immediately inform a court,
tribunal, or other government agency of
can lead to serious consequences, including
any dishonest, deceitful or misleading disciplinary action, loss of license, and even
conduct related to a matter being criminal charges.
handled by said lawyer before such
court, tribunal, or other government Reporting unlawful activities helps maintain the
integrity of the legal system and ensures that justice
A lawyer shall also report to the is served. It also protects clients from being involved
appropriate authority any transaction or in illegal transactions or activities that could harm
unlawful activity that is required to be their reputation or financial well-being.
reported under relevant laws, including
the submission of covered and
suspicious transactions under regulatory
laws, such as those concerning anti-
money laundering. When disclosing or
reporting the foregoing information to the
appropriate court, tribunal, or other
government agency, the lawyer shall not
be deemed to have violated the lawyer’s
duty of confidentiality.
SECTION 14. Remedy for grievances; It allows lawyers to hold those in positions of power
insinuation of improper motive. — A accountable for any misconduct or malpractice. It
lawyer shall submit grievances against
any officer of a court, tribunal, or other
ensures that officers are held responsible for their
government agency only through the actions and that justice is not compromised due to
appropriate remedy and before the corrupt practices.
proper authorities.
Submitting grievances against officers also helps
Statements insinuating improper motive
on the part of any such officer, which are maintain public trust and confidence in the legal
not supported by substantial evidence, system. It sends a clear message that no one is above
shall be ground for disciplinary action. the law, and that even those who enforce it must
adhere to its principles.
SECTION 15. Improper claim of This principle is essential because it ensures that
influence or familiarity. — A lawyer shall lawyers do not abuse their position or use their
observe propriety in all dealings with
officers and personnel of any court,
influence to gain an unfair advantage over others.
tribunal, or other government agency, Making such claims can undermine the integrity of
whether personal or professional. the legal system and erode public trust in the legal
Familiarity with such officers and profession.
personnel that will give rise to an
appearance of impropriety, influence, or
favor shall be avoided. Moreover, this principle also ensures that justice is
served impartially and without bias. If lawyers were
A lawyer shall not make claims of power, allowed to make claims of power or influence, it
influence, or relationship with any officer could lead to a situation where some individuals
of a court, tribunal, or other government receive preferential treatment while others are
denied justice.
SECTION 16. Duty to report life- The concept of reporting a life-threatening situation
threatening situations. — A lawyer who to authorities is an ethical and legal obligation for
has reasonable grounds to believe that a
life-threatening situation is likely to
lawyers. However, there are different opinions on
develop in relation to any proceeding in the matter. Some lawyers believe that they should
any court, tribunal, or other government report any such situation immediately, while others
agency shall immediately report the may hesitate or delay reporting.
same to the proper authorities.
On one hand, lawyers who believe in immediate
reporting argue that it is their duty to protect the
public from harm. They believe that by reporting a
life-threatening situation, they can prevent further
damage and save lives. On the other hand, some
lawyers may feel conflicted about reporting because
of confidentiality concerns or fear of retaliation.
SECTION 17. Non-solicitation and This rule is designed to prevent lawyers from
impermissible advertisement. — A engaging in unethical and potentially harmful
lawyer shall not, directly or indirectly,
solicit, or appear to solicit, legal
practices such as ambulance chasing. The rule also
business. aims to protect clients from being pressured into
hiring a lawyer they may not need or want.
A lawyer shall not, directly or indirectly,
advertise legal services on any platform However, some argue that this rule can be overly
or media except with the use of
dignified, verifiable, and factual restrictive and limit a lawyer’s ability to market
information, including biographical data, themselves and their services. While direct
contact details, fields of practice,
services offered, and the like, so as to solicitation is prohibited, lawyers are still allowed to
allow a potential client to make an
informed choice. In no case shall the advertise their services through various means such
permissible advertisement be self- as websites, social media, and print ads.
On one hand, this rule helps to ensure that lawyers
A lawyer, law firm, or any of their are not using their professional status to promote
representatives shall not pay or give any
benefit or consideration to any media themselves or their services in an inappropriate
practitioner, award-giving body, manner. This can help to maintain public trust and
professional organization, or personality, confidence in the legal system, as well as prevent
in anticipation of, or in return for, lawyers from engaging in unethical or illegal
publicity or recognition, to attract legal activities.
representation, service, or retainership.
SECTION 18. Prohibition against self- In the legal profession, it is common for lawyers to
promotion. — A lawyer shall not make use their past cases as a means of self-promotion.
public appearances and statements in
relation to a terminated case or legal
However, there is a fine line between promoting
matter for the purpose of self-promotion, oneself and violating ethical standards. One such
self- aggrandizement, or to seek public violation is making public appearances related to a
sympathy. terminated case.
A lawyer shall not institute or advise theOn the one hand, lawyers who engage in forum
client to institute multiple cases to gainshopping through gross negligence prioritize their
leverage in a case, to harass a party, to client's interests over justice. They may manipulate
delay the proceedings, or to increase the the legal system by filing cases in courts that are
cost of litigation. biased towards their clients, even if it means
ignoring the principles of fairness and impartiality.
This approach can undermine public trust in the
legal profession and damage its reputation.
SECTION 24. Encroaching or interfering This principle requires lawyers to avoid any actions
in another lawyer’s engagement; that may interfere with the professional duties of
exception. — A lawyer shall not, directly
or indirectly, encroach upon or interfere
other professionals, such as doctors, accountants,
in the professional engagement of and engineers.
another lawyer.
In contrast to this principle, some lawyers may
This includes a lawyer’s attempt to choose to engage in activities that could be seen as
communicate, negotiate, or deal with the
person represented by another lawyer encroaching on the work of other professionals. For
on any matter, whether pending or not in example, a lawyer who represents a client in a
any court, tribunal, body, or agency, medical malpractice case may need to consult with
unless when initiated by the client or medical experts to build their case. However, if the
with the knowledge of the latter’s lawyer. lawyer attempts to diagnose or treat the patient
A lawyer, however, may give proper
advice and assistance to anyone themselves, they would be violating this ethical
seeking relief against perceived
unfaithful or neglectful counsel based on principle.
the Code.
SECTION 25. Responsibility of a solo Lawyers in solo practice are often responsible for
practitioner. — A lawyer in solo practice ensuring that all matters requiring their professional
shall ensure that all matters requiring
such lawyer’s professional skill and
skill are competently addressed. This is a crucial
judgment are promptly and competently aspect of their job, as it ensures that clients receive
addressed. the best possible legal representation and advice.
(a) Admissions;
(1) Disbarment;
(2) Censure; or
(3) Reprimand.
(8) Age;
(2) Age;