Calibrating The Venturi Meter and Orifice Meter
Calibrating The Venturi Meter and Orifice Meter
Calibrating The Venturi Meter and Orifice Meter
Objective: To determine the coefficient of discharge (Cd) for Venturi and Orifice meter.
Fig. No 13.1: Flow measurement through venturi meter and orifice meter
Venturi meter:
Venturi meter is an instrument, which is used to measure the rate of discharge in a pipeline
and is often fixed permanently at different section of the pipeline to measure the discharge.
The basic principle is that by reducing the cross-sectional area of the flow passage, a pressure
difference is created, and the measurement of pressure enables the determination of discharge
through pipe. Venturi meter is a device consisting of a short length of gradual convergence
and a long length of gradual divergence. Pressure tapping is provided at the location before
the convergence commences and another pressure tapping is provided at the throat section of
a venturi meter. The difference in pressure head between the two tapping is measured by
means of a U-tube manometer.
Fig. No 13.2: Flow characteristics in Venturi mete
Orifice meter
An orifice meter is a simple device used for measuring the discharge through pipes. It works
on the same principle as that of venturi meter i.e. pressure difference is created by reducing
the cross-sectional area of that flow passage and measurement of the pressure difference
enables the determination of discharge through the pipes. In most of the fluid flow
measurement an orifice is an opening having closed perimeter, made in the wall or the bottom
of a tank or a vessel containing fluid, through which fluid may be discharged. It is cheaper
arrangement compared to venturi meter and finds application where space is limited, and the
accuracy is not that much important. Orifice meter has two sections. First one is of area a1,
and second one of area a2, it does not have throat like venturi meter but a small hole on a
plate fixed along the diameter of pipe.
𝑄𝑎 =
𝑇 (𝑚 3/𝑠𝑒𝑐)
where H=Height of water column=10cm=0.1m
π 2 2 π 2 2
𝑎1 = 4
𝑑1 (𝑚 ), 𝑎2 = 4
𝑑2 (𝑚 )
𝑎1𝑎2 2𝑔ℎ 3
𝑄𝑡 = (𝑚 /𝑠)
2 2
𝑎1 −𝑎2 )
𝑐𝑑 = 𝑄𝑡
1. Fill clean water in the sump tank up to 3/4th level of the tank and keep the drain valve
2. Keep the bye-pass valve of the pump in open position. Keep open the ball valve of
the measuring tank.
3. Keep the gate valve of the venturi meter provided on the pipe in open position. At
the same time see that the gate valve provided on the orifice meter is closed.
4. Accordingly, now open the ball valve of the manometer coming from venturi meter
tapping and close the ball valve of the manometer coming from orifice meter
tapping. Keep open the ball valve of the overflow pipe provided on the manometer.
5. Now Switch on the pump.
6. To remove any air bubble in the manometer, give some back pressure by closing the
gate valve provided on the venturi meter pipeline, gradually till the water flows
continuously from both the overflow pipes of the manometer. After getting
continuous flow, close the ball valves of the pipes simultaneously.
7. Note down the reading on the manometer. Measure the time required for collection
of 10cm of water column in the measuring tank by closing the ball valve. After
taking readings of discharge immediately open the ball valve. Do not allow the
measuring tank to overflow.
8. Repeat procedure 6 & 7 to take five readings.
9. After completing the experiment switch off the pump.
Specific Data:
Area of tank A=0.135 m2 (0.45m X 0.30m) Acceleration due to gravity g=9.81 m/s2
Density of water ρa=1000 kg/m3 Specific gravity of mercury S=13.6
Diameter of Venturi meter at entry section Diameter of Venturi meter at throat section
d1=0.026 m d2=0.013 m
Diameter of orifice meter at entry section Diameter of orifice meter at throat section
d1=0.025 m d2=0.0125 m
h in m of Time
h’ in mm water= required
Sl. No. of Qa Qt Cd
h’(S-1)/10 for 10cm
00 rise ‘T’ (s)
Sl. No. Qa Qt Cd