low-pass filter
This circuit acts as a low-pass filter. It removes or filters out the frequency
components that are above the circuit cutoff frequency and passes the lower
frequency components with little attenuation.
What is Digital Signal Processing ?
The representation of signals in terms of sequences of digital numbers and the use of
digital computers to process these signals to either analyze or modify the original
signal is termed as Digital Signal Processing and in short DSP.
Disadvantages of Analog Signal Processing
• variation in the value of the electrical components. Analog circuits rely on the
precision of the active and passive components (resistors, capacitors, inductors, and
amplifiers). fC= 1 2πRC
• since electrical components cannot be manufactured with perfect precision, the
accuracy of analog circuits is limited.
• Due to the component tolerances, the performance is not 100% repeatable and we
expect some board-to-board variation in different circuit parameters.
• analog circuits are not flexible. For example, to modify the frequency response of
the above filter, we need to adjust the value of the components (the hardware needs
to be modified). This is not the case with digital signal processing. With DSP, it is
even possible to turn a low- pass filter into a high-pass filter by simply changing
some programmable coefficients.
• analog circuits are not suited for implementing mathematical functions
(multiplication, division, etc.). This is in contrast to the digital domain where even
much more sophisticated mathematical operations can be easily implemented.
Digital Signal Processing
• Considering a 4-bit ADC, there are 16 discrete levels to quantize the amplitude of the
input signal.
• These levels are shown by multiples of LSB in the figure. LSB is the minimum
change in the input that leads to a change in the ADC output code.
• The Encoder compares the amplitude of the analog input signal with its 16 discrete
levels. Based on this comparison, the digital representation of the input is generated.
• Then, the ADC uses a binary code to represent each level of the obtained staircase
• For example, when the value of the red curve is equal to 4 times the LSB, the output
of our four-bit ADC is 0100.
• Finite Word-length : In some real time simulations, cost considerations limit the
DSP implementation with fewer number of bits which may create degradation in
system performance.