Q4-CSS11 - Las 1
Q4-CSS11 - Las 1
Q4-CSS11 - Las 1
4th Quarter
Maintaining and Repairing Computer Systems and Networks (MRCN)
Background Information
The three main types of computer failures are system errors, freezing, and applications quitting.
Simply put, Mac system errors warn you with the dreaded bomb Alert box. A system error occurs when
there is a conflict between the operating system and one or more applications, like Microsoft Word or
Internet Explorer. The next type of computer failure is freezing, also known as crashing or hanging. In this
case, the computer locks up and the mouse and keyboard become useless accessories. Freezing exists both at
the individual program level and on a system-wide basis. An application suddenly quitting is the third type
of computer failure and probably the most common. This means that only one program is affected rather
than the whole system. All three types of computer failures are frustrating if you do not know what to do,
but by following these steps you will learn how to properly unfreeze your computer.
Direction: Identify the Symptoms & Resolutions of the following system Errors
3. The credentials
supplied conflict with
an existing set of
ACTIVITY 2: Diagnosing Errors
Directions: Given the different equipment, diagnose and identify the common connection error messages
and symptoms in the computer system.
Problem Diagnosing
Error Description Action Taken
1. Processor Error
2. Memory Error
4. Shutdown Error
Activity 3: Match Me
Directions: The following pictures in column A show how to diagnose a computer problem. Match them
according to their respective step in column B. Write the correct answer in the answer column.
2. b. Run a virus and malware
scan. Performance problems
can be caused by malware on
the computer. Running a virus
scan can unearth any
7 g. Check for any graphics
problems. The computer is
able to boot properly, but you
notice graphics problems, this
may indicate driver failures or
hardware failures with the
graphics card.
Things to REMEMBER…
FAULT – is the property that enables a system to continue
operating properly in the event of the failure of (or one or more faults
within) some of its components. If its operating quality decreases at all,
the decrease is proportional to the severity of the failure, as compared to
a naively designed system, in which even a small failure can cause total
This unit covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes needed to maintain and
service computer systems and networks.
Learning Competency:
LO 2. Maintain computer systems and networks TLE_IACSS9- 12MRCN-IIf-j-41
Use appropriate PPE in line with standard procedures
Follow OHS policies and procedures in line with job requirements
What to Learn?
At the end of the lesson, you’re expected to:
1. Know the different precaution before initiating action towards work
2. Apply the OHS
Hello learners. This time you will be learning a new lesson that will give you an
idea using appropriate PPE and safety procedures in maintaining computers
systema and networks.
5S: Analyze and identify what 5S phases are applied in each item
____________1. Delete all files that are unnecessary.
____________2. Place for everything and everything in its place.
____________3. Followed step by step procedure.
____________4. Maintain quality workplace.
____________5. Keeping computers neat and clean.
____________6. Arrange tools and equipment in the cabinet.
____________7. Take out things that is not needed
____________8. Having self-discipline in doing the first four phases.
____________9. Create a maintenance plan and follow task on time.
____________10. Wipe dust on computers.