IC 920 / IC 922: Applications
IC 920 / IC 922: Applications
IC 920 / IC 922: Applications
03331 (Rev. A)
IC‐920 / IC‐922
Ignition Controllers with ServLink
The IC-920 and IC-922 are state-of-the-art capacitive-
discharge ignition system controllers especially designed for
spark-ignited engines used in gas compression, electric
power generation, and other industrial applications.
The IC-920 controller provides standard-strike energy for up energy levels for
to 20 ignition coils, with an option for up to 24 coils
available. precise spark
control and
The IC-922 controller provides “big-strike” energy for up to
20 (or optionally 24) coils. The big-strike capability is well optimum plug life
suited for high-BMEP or other engines that are prone to misfire.
Ultra-high energy
Description available—170 mJ
(IC-920) or 340 mJ
The IC-920 and IC-922 are ultra-high-energy ignition system (IC-922)—assures
controllers featuring user-controlled energy levels, advanced
diagnostics, and an RS-232 ServLink interface for easy
programming with a Windows®-based service tool. combustion
The controller system consists of a 16-bit CPU, sensor signal User-program-
conditioning circuitry, a high-voltage power supply. and 20 (or
optionally 24) outputs. The system can be configured from two
mable for any
cylinders to 20 (or 24) cylinders. industrial gas
The unit software can be configured for any type of industrial engine. There is never a engine
requirement for factory reprogramming of software. All user programming/configuring is
accomplished via a Windows-based computer program. Individual cylinder
timing control
The IC-920/IC-922 uses information provided by three timing sensors (position of crankshaft
and camshaft and speed of the engine) to precisely determine when and which cylinder RS-232 ServLink
should fire.
interface for easy
The ignition timing of the engine is controlled by operator inputs, such as two manual timing programming with
potentiometers, a 4–20 mA signal, a 0–5 Vdc signal, or a five-point speed curve.
Engine operators can adjust spark energy levels for precise spark control and to optimize
spark plug life. And to assure good combustion in lean-burn and other misfire-prone
service tool
applications, the IC-920 and IC-922 controllers are capable of providing very high levels of
energy output. The single-strike IC-920 controller is adjustable up to 170 mJ of stored energy,
the big-strike IC-922 model is adjustable up to 340 mJ of stored energy.
While the IC-920/IC-922 is operating, the unit continuously monitors the status of the ignition
system by verifying proper information from all timing sensors and proper operation of the
primary ignition circuit. Depending on the severity of the fault, the unit will either shut down or
warn the operator. In both cases, a message is transmitted via a serial link to a PC. Some
faults are also annunciated via an auxiliary output.
In addition to protecting the engine from ignition faults, the IC-920/IC-922 also has a user-
programmable overspeed set-point shutdown.
The 20-cylinder versions are suitable for four-stroke engines having rated speeds up to 1800
rpm, and two-stroke engines rated up to 900 rpm. The 24-cylinder versions are suitable for
1500 rpm (four-stroke) or 750 rpm (two-stroke) operation.
Woodward 03331 p.2
The IC-920/-922 is a versatile ignition control that is user configurable for a variety of engine installations. A single IC-920/-922
ignition control can be configured to fit numerous engine makes, models, and sizes.
The IC-920 family of ignition controls derive their power from a 24 Vdc battery power distribution system with a steady state range
of 18–32 Vdc.
The IC-920 family accepts three magnetic pick-up signals. Typically two of the sensors are variable reluctance type (passive), and
the third sensor is an active proximity or Hall effect sensor. These pick-up sensors indicate the position of the camshaft, the
position of the crankshaft, and the speed of the engine. Using pre-programmed timing sequences, the CPU in the IC-920 family
controls the ignition timing of up to 24 ignition outputs. The ignition outputs are connected to the primary windings of industry-
standard CD ignition coils.
The IC-920 family ignition drivers are designed to work with industrial engines that require between 2 and 24 separate CD ignition
coil outputs. A CD ignition coil output is intended to connect to the primary side of a CD ignition coil. The firing sequences are user
Energy Control:
Spark energy levels of the IC-920/IC-922 are adjustable, allowing the user to obtain optimum spark duration while maximizing
spark plug life. Energy settings are easily increased as needed to compensate for normal spark plug wear.
With the IC-920 platform, the capacitively stored primary energy can be adjusted from 20 to 170 mJ in 10 mJ steps.
To provide “big strike” capability, the IC-922 platform incorporates two power output boards—a main power board and a
secondary board that drives a second spark at an optimized time delay from the main board spark. The main and delay power
boards each have a stored energy range of 20 to 170 mJ. The IC-922 software configures both the main and delay boards to the
same energy level. With the combined boards, the capacitively stored primary energy can be adjusted from 40 to 340 mJ in 20 mJ
Ultra-High Available Energy Levels:
The IC-920 is capable of delivering up to 170 mJ of energy, and the IC-922 is capable of delivering up to 340 mJ of energy.
This ultra-high available energy provides a number of benefits to engine operation, including a reduced ignition delay that provides
for improved and more consistent combustion, particularly at lean conditions.
The ultra-high energy capability also contributes to outstanding brake specific energy consumption characteristics at lean
operating conditions.
Ignition Delay
Typical Ignition System 6900
Typical Ignition System
14.0 6800
Woodward Ultra-High 6700
13.0 Woodward Ultra-High
12.5 Energy Ignition System 6600
Energy Ignition System
12.0 6500
0.33 0.34 0.35 0.36 0.37 0.38 0.39 0.4 0.41 0.42 0.330 0.340 0.350 0.360 0.370 0.380 0.390 0.400 0.410 0.420
Equivalence Ratio Equivalence Ratio (exhaust)
Timing Control:
Ignition timing of the IC-920 family can be biased (advanced or retarded) in real time based on a potentiometer setting, a 4–20 mA
or 0–5 Vdc signal, or a 5-point speed map. The speed map allows the ignition timing to be varied relative to the CPU-calculated
engine speed.
The global timing can be set for a maximum span of 60° crankshaft. The most advanced timing is limited to 10° less than the
distance from the reset location to cylinder one.
Universal timing limit values are programmed for the earliest (most advanced) and latest (most retarded) timing points. The
universal timing limits override any combination of the timing variation inputs that exceed these limits.
Individual Cylinder Timing Offsets:
Because of the unique circumstances for each engine configuration, the IC-920/-922 allows run-time energy adjustment for each
(odd and even) primary output. It is possible to adjust the individual cylinders within a range of +/- 3° crankshaft.
The 92X family ignition controllers contain three discrete outputs that can be used within an engine system to communicate fault
or abnormal conditions. Faults sensed by the 92X design can be communicated via the discrete outputs. A PC-based service tool
is used to retrieve the precise reason for the discrete output annunciation.
Woodward 03331 p.3
Engine Control and Safety:
The IC-920 family also has built-in ancillary functions that include a programmable overspeed shutdown, hour meter, and a speed
switch output. The IC-920/-922 has built-in features that protect the engine if any malfunction related to the ignition system is
Overspeed protection Permissive start output
Auxiliary shutdown input Misfire rate protection
Timing sensor fault detection Alarm output
ServLink Communications:
The RS-232 ServLink communications interface allows the setting of numerous parameters.
Number of cylinders
Firing sequence
Number of teeth of the flywheel ring gear
Position of the trigger source for the first cylinder
Overspeed setpoint
Primary misfire limit
Speed for the security speed function
Limit values for the earliest and latest timing points. Schedules A and B both have a maximum advance and retarded setting
Setting range for the potentiometers
Enabling of the speed curve timing
Speed and timing for each of the five speed points
Enabling of the 4–20 mA or 0–5 Vdc timing adjustment
The 4–20 mA signal has three timing settings: 20 mA timing, 4 mA timing, and a default timing for <1 mA signal.
The 0–5 Vdc signal has two timing setting: 0 Volt timing and 5 Volt timing
Speed trip levels and hysteresis
Global energy and Energy level alarms
ServLink Display:
It is possible to display the following information on the ServLink communications interface:
Status line display—indicates communication mode, firing, warnings
Individual cylinder misfire
Misfire rate
Run/Stop discrete input signal status
4–20 mA input level
0–5 Vdc input level
Energy levels for each cylinder
Operating hours and software version
Individual Cylinder timing adjustments
Service Tool:
The IC-900 series ignition service tool is a Windows-based software tool that is used to
configure, monitor, and troubleshoot an IC-920/-922 ignition system. It runs on a personal
computer and communicates with the IC-920/-922 ignition control through a serial
The IC-900 series service tool software can be downloaded free from the Woodward
website at www.woodward.com/software/software.cfm, under Ignition System Tools.
All configuration settings are shown in an intuitive graphical interface format. Configuration, for initial setup or replacement, is a
straightforward process. Settings can be saved directly into the IC-920/-922 EEPROM or to a file. Settings from a file can be
loaded into the IC-920/-922 ignition control for quickly configuring ignition controls for all like engines within a manufacturing
facility, a plant, or a system.
Diagnostic LEDs:
Eight LEDs on the IC-92x products provide the following functionality:
Name Function Color I/O Pin
Trigger Indicates presence of signal on trigger input. amber Trigger Input
Reset Indicates presence of signal on reset input. Flashes during normal amber Reset Input
Cam Indicates presence of signal on cam input. Flashes during normal amber Cam Input
Power Indicates presence of 24V power. green Input Power
Permissive Start Illuminated LED indicates that ignition is firing. green Permissive Start Discrete
Speed Trip #1 Illuminated LED indicates that the Speed Trip #1 discrete output is amber Speed Trip #1 Discrete
energized. Output
Alarm Output - Illuminated LED indicates that the Alarm Output - Trip #2 is amber Alarm Output - Trip #2
Trip #2 energized Discrete Output
System General system health indicator. amber NA
d 03331 p.4
Technical Manual 26263
Envirronmental Spe ecification
Opperating Temp. –40 to +700 °C
Storage Temp. –40 to +855 °C
CE Compliant Low Voltagge Directive
ATEX Dire ective (Zone 2)
EMC Direc ctive: Complian nce to 89/336/E EEC
Immunity: EN 61000-6-2, Generic Stand dards—Immun nity for Industria
al Environmentt
Emissions: EN 61000-4-2 2, Generic Stan ndards—Emisssions for Industtrial Environme ent
Ingreess Protection n
The ICC-920 family has been qualifiied to IP-54 ratting for dust an nd water ingress.
Inputt Power Requiirements
Input Voltagge Range 18 to 32 Vdc Steady
S State
Trransient Voltag
ge Range* 10 to 32 Vdc (ffor less than 1 minute)
Average Current Draw IC-920: 5 A ma ax
IC-922: 10 A max
Peak Current Draw 3 A @ 100% energy
Current Draww Equation IC-920: A = (rppm * outputs) / (stroke * 1800))
IC-922: A = (rppm * outputs) / (stroke * 900)
1. Average current is depe endent on the number of cylin nders, input poower, energy level, and engine e speed.
2. Peak currrent is depend dent only on energy level, 100 0% energy = 25 5 A peak.
Dime ensions
IC-920: 13.5 in. Hig
gh x 10.0 in. Wide
W x 5.35 in. Deep
D (343 x 25 54 x 136 mm)
IC-922: 17.5 in. Hig
gh x 14.0 in. Wide
W x 8.35 in. Deep
D (445 x 35 56 x 212 mm)
Vibraation and Shoc ck Tests
The ICC-920 family iss designed for skid
s mount ope eration.
Humiidity Test
The ICC-920 family has been qualifiied to Woodwa ard H2 humidityy test procedurre called out in procedure 4-0 04-6230 (5 cycles, 60 ºC,
Crank king Waveform m
The IC-920 family is designed forr operation on a 24 V batteryy power distrib w a steady state variation of 18–32
bution system with
Vdc. However, the units will be capable of gene erating spark output
o in the presence
p of the
e cranking wavveform specifie ed in SAE
J1113 3/11 test pulse 4 (June 1995)).
Safetty Certificationn
All moodels of the IC-92x family aree certified for use in Class I, Division
D 2, Grouups A, B, C, & D and Ordinarry Locations pe er CSA for
Accu uracy
The IC-920
I family timing
t accurac cy is ±0.17° crrankshaft at ra ated engine sp peed up to 180 00 rpm (four-sttroke) or 900 rpm (two-
strokee). A deviation of ±1.0° crankkshaft is not bee exceeded thrroughout the en ntire speed ran nge (50–2200 rpm).
r In the evvent that a
er signal coincid
des simultaneo ously with the output
o of a firing
g pulse, an acccuracy of ±0.17 7 ° crankshaft is maintained.
In the
e case that twoo outputs fire siimultaneously due
d to the setttings of individu ual timing, the firing point of the
t even cylind ders (bank
two) may
m deviate by ±0.32° crank kshaft from the e nominal value. The odd cyylinders (bank one) will exhib bit the ±0.17° crankshaft
accurracy as previouusly stated.