3. A wire of radius r has resistance R. If it is stretched to a radius r/2 its resistance becomes.
A) 2R B) 4R C) 16R D) zero
4. Two resistors in parallel have their resistances in the ratio 1:3. A source is connected to the
combination. The ratio of heats produced in a given time in the two resistors is
A) 3:1 B) 9:1 C) 1:3 D) 1:9
6. How much energy is dissipated as heat in 20s by a 100Ω resistor that carries a current of 0.5A?
A) 50J B) 100J C) 250J D) 500J
A) 0.1A B) 1A C) 3A D) 30A
9. A man has five resistors each of value 1/5 Ω. The minimum resistance he can obtain by combining
them is.
A) 1/50 Ω B) 1/25 Ω C) 1/10 Ω D) 1/20Ω
10. A battery whose emf is 40V has an internal resistance of 5Ω. If the battery is connected to a 15Ω
resistor ‘R’, what will be the voltage drop across R?
A) 10V B) 30V C) 40V D) 50V
12. Kirchhoff’s two laws for electrical circuits are manifestations of the conservation of
A) Charge only C) Energy only
B) Both energy and momentum D) Both charge and energy
13. The Resistance of a wire is R. It is cut into four equal parts and all parts are bundled together side by
side. The resistance of the bundle is
A) R/16 B) R/8 C) R/4 D) R
16. A current flows in a wire of circular cross-section with the free electrons traveling with a mean drift
velocity ‘V’. If an equal current flows in a wire of the same material but of twice the radius, what is the
new mean drift velocity?
A) V/4 B) V/2 C) V D) 2V
17. The figure shows the currents in a part of an electrical circuit. The current ‘’I’’ is.
25. A fuse is placed in series with the circuit to protect against __________-
A) High power B) high voltage C) high current D) over heating
26. When same current passes for same time through a thick and thin wire then.
A) More heat is produced in thick wire C) no heat is produced in wire
B) More heat is produced in thin wire D) equal heat is produced in thick and thin wire
27. Which of the following is the biggest unit of energy?
A) Joule B) Watt-hour C) Kilo-watt hour D) none of these
28. The diameter of the brass wire is 4 times the diameter of silver wire, but both have same length. The
resistivity of brass is 5 times greater than the resistivity of silver. If R B denotes the resistance of the
brass wire and R s denotes the resistance of silver wire, which of the following is true?
5 4 5 5
A) R B= R B) R B= R C) R B= R D) R B= R
16 s 5 s 4 s 2 s
30. A piece of copper and germanium are cooled from room temperature to 80K. The resistance of.
A) Each of them increases
B) Each of them decreases
C) Copper increases and germanium decreases
D) Copper decreases and germanium increases
31. A cylindrical piece of a soft, electrically-conducting material has resistance R. It is rolled out so that its
length is doubled but its volume stays constant. What is the new resistance?
A) R/2 B) R C) 2R D) 4R
Question no 32-33:
A battery has an emf of 6V and an internal resistance of 0.4 Ω. It is connected to a 2.6 Ω resistor
through a SPST (single pole, single throw) switch.
32. When the switch is open, the potential difference between the terminals of the battery is.
A) 0.8V B) 2.6V C) 5.2V D) 6V
33. When the switch is closed, the potential difference between the terminals of the battery is.
A) 0.8V B) 2.6V C) 5.2V D) 6V
34. A 200W T.V is used to 20 hours, for a course of a week. If it is used for four week then what is cost of
electricity if rate is 5 Rs/KWH.
A) 4 Rs B) 8 Rs C) 80 Rs D) 60 Rs
35. A 5KW heater is used to heat water for a bath. It takes 40 minutes to heat up the water. How much
electrical energy has been converted into thermal energy?
A) 1.02x109J B) 1.2x107J C) 1.2x103J D) 2x103J
38. A piece of wire of resistance 4Ω is bent through 180° at its mid-point and the two halves are twisted
together, then the new resistance is
A) 1Ω B) 2Ω C) 5Ω D) 8Ω
39. What is the conductance of a wire of resistance 5mΩ?
A) 200 ohm-1 B) 100 ohm-1 C) 400 ohm-1 D) 500 ohm-1
40. A wire has resistance of 12Ω. It is bent in the form of a circle. The effective resistance between two
points across a diameter is.
A) 3Ω B) 6Ω C) 12Ω D) 24Ω