Declaration For Rekyc Non Individuals
Declaration For Rekyc Non Individuals
Declaration For Rekyc Non Individuals
Date: DD / MM / YYYY
The Branch Manager,
Kotak Mahindra Bank Ltd.
Latest photograph
Sub: Updation of information related to my Customer Relationship No.__________________________ (Optional)
Dear Sir / Madam
This is with reference to your letter requesting for updation of my / our information in bank records.
Passport Details
Passport Number
Date of Issue
Date of Expiry
Visa Details
Visa Type
Date of Issue
Date of Expiry
I confirm that the above information furnished is true and correct and the said details may be updated in my account maintained with
the Bank.
FATCA / CRS Details:
I have already updated my FATCA / CRS Details with the Bank and there is no change.
I want to update my FATCA / CRS Details with the Bank / There is a change in my FATCA / CRS details.
[Please fill the FATCA / CRS Declaration on Next Page]
3. Address for Tax Residence (include City, State, Country and Pin code)
4. Address Type (Tick whichever applicable) (a) Residential (b) Business (c) Registered Office
If your answer to any of the above questions is a 'YES', please fill Section II of the form, else go to declaration & acknowledgment
Section II - Other information (Please fill in BLOCK LETTERS)
Father's name ______________________________________ (If PAN not available, then mandatory)
* Country of Birth ______________________________________ Place within the Country of Birth _______________________________*(In case Country of Birth is
USA , however Nationality and Country of Tax Residency is other than USA , please provide documentary evidence as mentioned in Instruction 1)
Source of Wealth ___________________ Nationality _____________________
Please list below the details, confirming ALL countries of tax residency/permanent residency/citizenship and ALL Tax Identification Numbers
Country of Tax residency Tax identification no$ Tax identification document (TIN or functional equivalent)
$ It is mandatory to supply a TIN or functional equivalent (in case TIN not available) if the country in which you are tax resident issues such identifiers. If no TIN /
functional equivalent is yet available or has not yet been issued, please provide an explanation below:
Declaration & I, _________________________ being the beneficial owner of the account opened / to be opened with Kotak Mahindra Bank Limited and the income
Acknowledgement credited therein, declare that the above information and information in the submitted documents to be true, correct and updated, and the submitted
documents are genuine and duly executed.
I acknowledge that towards compliance with tax information sharing laws, such as FATCA / CRS, the Bank may be required to seek additional personal, tax
and beneficial owner information and certain certifications and documentation from the account holder. Such information may be sought either at the time
of account opening or any time subsequently. In certain circumstances (including if the Bank does not receive a valid self-certification from me) the Bank
may be obliged to share information on my account with relevant tax authorities. Should there be any change in any information provided by me, I ensure
that I will intimate the Bank promptly, i.e., within 30 days.
Towards compliance with such laws, the Bank may also be required to provide information to any institutions such as withholding agents for the purpose of
ensuring appropriate withholding from the account or any proceeds in relation thereto.
As may be required by domestic or overseas regulators/ tax authorities, the Bank may also be constrained to withhold and pay out any sums from my
account or close or suspend my account(s).
I also understand that the account will be reported if any one of the aforesaid FATCA / CRS criteria for any of the account holders i.e. primary or joint are met.
I confirm the above information furnished is true and correct and the said details may be updated in my account maintained with the Bank.