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Exercise Topic Page

Chapter 1

Exercise 1 When I ran in the marathon… 3

Exercise 2 I’m happy with my new job. 5
Exercise 3 It’s said that kids today… 7
Exercise 4 I hope schools will do something about… 9
Exercise 5 Something that bothers me is… 11
Exercise 6 Writing 14

Chapter 2

Exercise 1 By this time next year, I’ll have settled down 15

Exercise 2 Second and third conditional review 18
Exercise 3 If I weren’t so shy… 21
Exercise 4 My car hasn’t been xed 23
Exercise 5 The avenue should be repaired immediately 25
Exercise 6 Can’t ght this feeling 27

Chapter 3

Exercise 1 Companies are cutting jobs… 28

Exercise 2 The air is being polluted by car fumes 30
Exercise 3 What would you do? 31
Exercise 4 My friends always cheer me up when I am sad! 32
Exercise 5 In case of an emergency cal 911! 34
Exercise 6 What to do in a re! 36

Chapter 4

Exercise 1 Phrasal verbs with look 38

Exercise 2 It smells as though the stew is burning! 40
Exercise 3 My rst date was a real mess! 42
Exercise 4 What I notice rst about people is their eyes! 44
Exercise 5 Hard to say I’m sorry 46

Chapter 1
Exercise 1
When I ran in the marathon I had never done it before!
1. Complete the following articles with simple past, past perfect or past
continuous. Then make up a story for the pictures below, using the same tenses.

Use the simple past to report an event in the past.

A toymaker climbed the World Trade Center yesterday.
Use the past perfect to report a situation on an event that ended before another point in
the past.
He had never climbed it before.
Use the past continuous to describe the situation at the time of an event in the past.
He was climbing the tower when the police arrived.

Skater Has Close Call

AMSTERDAM, The Netherlands. Champion skater Mary Van Dine
___________________ (skate) on a pond near her home last night when
suddenly she_______________________(hear) the ice crack. Before she
could react, she _________________________ (fall) through the ice already
Fortunately, her skating partner, Hans Dekker, __________________ (skate)
about a hundred feet ahead of her when she __________________(fall).
He ________________(hear) her cries, _______________ (skate) back to her,
and ___________________(pull) her to safety.
Both Van Dine and Dekker _______________________(skate) on the pond
many times before without incident.


Man Climbs 110-Story Tower

NEW YORK, May 26th - A 27-year-old toymaker from Queens __________________

(climb) the South Tower of the World Trade Center yesterday morning. Thousands of
delighted spectators ___________________ (watch) the three-and-a-half-hour event.
The climber, George H. Willig, __________________________ (plan) the expedition
for a year and ___________________________ (test) his devices four or five times but
never actually______________________ (climb) the tower until yesterday.

Air plane engines failure

One fateful day in August, Ann Sinclair _________________ (fly) over the Arctic Ocean.
To Ann’s horror, both engines of the plane suddenly __________________________ (fail)
when the plane ______________________ (return) to its base. Fortunately, everyone
_________________ (escape) onto a life raft. After the plane ______________ (fall) 1,000
feet and ______________ (crash) into the icy water, the passenger and crew
___________________ (wait) for an hour on the raft. Finally, a ship
___________________ (rescue) Miss Sinclair and the five other people who
_________________ be aboard the plane.

2. Write a similar story of your own using simple past, past perfect and past


Exercise 2
I’m happy with my new job. I don’t have much free
time, though.

1. Write: so, because, even though, although or though in the following sentences.
a) My new apartment is bigger ________________________ I like it.
b) I’m happy living there _______________________ rent is much higher.
c) I like this shirt a lot _______________________ it gives me good luck.
d) Mrs. Marsh is my favorite teacher. She’s very demanding, _____________.
e) __________________ my job is very difficult, I love it.
f) I’ll get some gasoline _____________________ I’m running out of it.
g) Sam’s my friend _______________________ I don’t see him very often.
h) I don’t like my job. The pay is good, _________________.
i) I didn’t study for the test __________________ I’ll not do it well.
j) I like Tom ______________________ he’s sometimes moody!

2. These are some conversations taking place in an office. Combine the sentences in
brackets, using so, because, even though, although, or though.

A I’ve noticed the two of you haven’t been getting along. [You may not always agree.
You still have to work together.]
B We know. We’ll try our best to improve.

A Julia is never at work on time. [She’s always late. She missed the important meeting
B [You’re going to have to talk to her. This really can’t continue.]

A Two of my employees don’t get along. Do you think I should talk to them?
B I would if I were you. [They both work for you. Their problem is your problem, too.]

A I think you should consider firing Kevin Wells. He can’t seem to get along with
B [I know he’s hurting productivity. I’d still like to keep him.] I think he has talent.

3. These letters will be better if more conjunctions are used. Let’s see what you can
do to improve them.

To Whom It May Concern:

I am interested in applying for the job you advertised

in Sunday’s Washington Post. I believe I am an ideal
candidate. I have twenty years of experience in

I’ve been satisfied with the job I hold now.

I have come to realize that the opportunities for
advancement are limited.

I’ve enclosed my resume and would be happy to

provide letters of recommendation.

Very truly yours

Lucille Prinz

Dear July,

Sorry I’ve been out of touch for so long. I’ve

been looking for a new job. I haven’t had
much time for anything else. In some ways I
really like the job I have, and the people are
very nice. The work has become boring.
Believe it or not, I’m already sad about
leaving. I haven’t even found a new job yet!
Ted called me when he was in town on
business. He was really busy. We never got

Exercise 3
It’s said that kids today don’t respect their elders

1. Read these comments made by people of different generations. Do you know anyone
who thinks this way? Do you agree with any of the statements? Why or why not?

It’s sad that kids today don’t respect their elders.

When I was young, children never talked back to
older people. I hope that school will do
something about teaching respect.

It’s a shame that people focus so much on the

past. We can’t go back to the old days. I
believe that there is nothing we can learn
from the past. We should concentrate on the

It’s unfortunate that parents don’t spend

more time teaching traditional values. Kids
need to learn how to behave, but I don’t think
some of them ever will.

2. Pair work What do older people you know typically say about younger people?
What do younger people usually say about older people?

Noun clauses introduced by it

In these sentences, it refers to the clauses that follow.
It’s sad that kids today don’t respect their elders.
It’s a shame that people focus so much on the past.

3. What do you think about the statements below? Introduce each statement with an
appropriate expression. (apparent/ likely/obvious/sad/a shame/true/unfortunate)

a. A child’s character is strongly influenced by his or her parents.

It’s apparent that a child’s character is strongly influenced by his or her parents.
However, it’s also likely that there are other influences, such as his or her friends.

b. A happy person makes a better parent

c. Age doesn’t always bring wisdom.
d. Most elderly people think the world was a better place when they were young.
e. Many teenagers are afraid they may grow up to be like their parents.
f. Most people have learned all they need to know by the time they are 20.

4. Now write three sentences about young people and three about older people using
the expressions from Exercise 3. Compare with a partner.








Exercise 4
I hope schools will do something about teaching

Noun clauses introduced by verbs

Use these verbs to describe hopes and beliefs.
I hope (that) schools will do something about teaching respect.
I believe (that) there is nothing we can learn from the past.

1. Write two statements these people might make about their hopes or beliefs.
Compare with a partner.

Professor Businesswoman Rock musician

1 I hope that people will spend 1._____________________ 1._____________________

more money on education. _____________________ _____________________
2. _______________________ 2. _____________________ 2. ____________________
_______________________ ______________________ ____________________

2. What do you think these people hope or believe?

A doctor A mother / father

A politician A good friend
A student An artist

3. !Listen to Cristina, Vince, and Brian talking about people who have had an influence
on them. Who is each person talking about? What did they learn from these people?

Who What they learned





4. Pair work Which older people have had an influence on your life? Why?
What kind of people were they? Ask and answer follow-up questions.

A: My aunt had a big influence on me.

B: Why? What was she like?
A: Well, she was a very open-minded woman…


Exercise 5
Something that bothers me is people who talk during
a movie!

1. Pair work Have you ever had a problem similar to those in the illustrations?
Do you sympathize with the comment below each one? Why or why not?

One thing that annoys me is when my Something that really bothers me is

neighbors have loud parties late at night. people who talk loudly during a movie.

The thing I can’t understand about Salesclerks who take a break when
people with dogs is why they allow them customers are waiting is the thing that
to bark at night. gets on my nerves.


2. Make a list of 3 things that bother you. Then talk about them with a partner.


3. !Listen to Jane and Bob talking about something that irritated them. Listen!
What happened in each situation?

What happened


4. Pair work Do you sympathize with Jane and Bob? Do the same situations irritate you?

Noun clauses containing relative clauses

Relative clauses can function like nouns when introduced with something, one thing, or the thing.
They can be the subject or the object of a sentence.

Something that really bothers me is people who talk loudly during a movie.
Salesclerks who take a break when customers are waiting is the thing that gets on my nerves.

This type of noun clause can occur with clauses beginning with when, how, why, etc.

One thing that annoys me is when my neighbors have loud parties late at night.
The thing I can’t understand about people with dogs is why they allow them to bark at night.


5. Do you sometimes have complaints about these people or situations?

Complete the sentences with your own information.

a. Something that really annoys me in restaurants is___________________________________

b. When I’m waiting in line, one thing that gets on my nerves is_________________________
c. Something that bothers me about people on buses and subway is_______________________
d. When I’m riding in a car, something that irritates me is______________________________
e. Something that gets on my nerves at the movies is__________________________________
f. ___________________________________________ is something that bothers me at home.
g. __________________________________ is one thing that bothers me about my neighbors.
h. _________________________ is something that bothers me when I’m trying to go to sleep.

6. Pair work: Compare answers with a partner. Ask and answer follow-up questions.

A: Something that really annoys me in restaurants is when the waiters ignore me.
B: Has that happened recently?
A: Yes, it has. Just last week,...


Exercise 6
1. Read the paragraph, then choose the sentence that best completes it.
a. My high school years were an incredibly exciting time of my life.
b. I have nothing but regrets about the time I spent in high school.
c. When I think about high school, I have both good and bad memories.

___________________________________________. During high school,

the future seemed very far away. Now that I’m older, I think about those
days a lot. I remember things that I wish I hadn’t done or had done
differently. I also remember things I did and would never change.
I have only one regret about the time I spent in high school: I should
have taken more advanced classes. For example, I had the opportunity to take
an advanced English class, but decided to take the regular class. I made that
decision because I didn’t want to study too hard. I also wanted to spend more
time with my friends. Now I’m in college and have to take a beginning English
class. I wish I’d studied harder in high school.
I’m glad that I had an opportunity to participate in extracurricular
activities. I was a member of the gymnastics team. We practiced every day
after school and had competitions on Saturdays. We even won several
competitions! My teammates became my good friends. Now I know that
extracurricular activities are important because you can learn about
responsibility, discipline, and teamwork.
Good and bad experiences are a part of everyone’s high school years. Is it
possible to learn from these experiences? I think it is because even the bad
ones help to prepare you for the future.

2. Write a three-paragraph composition. Follow these guidelines.

1st Introduce your topic in this paragraph

2nd Write about things you wish you’d done differently.
3rd Write about things you’re glad you did.
4th End with a conclusion.

Chapter 2
Exercise 1
By this time next year, I’ll have settled down

1. Imagine you have just learned that you will be moving abroad in a few months.
How would you feel? Answer these questions.

a. Would you be afraid of moving to a foreign country? Why or why not?

b. How would you prepare for culture shock?

2. Read the descriptions of the different stages of culture shock. Then look at this chart.
Write the numbers of the stages next to their descriptions.

the emptiness stage After only a few weeks, you will have settled into your daily
routine. The original excitement you felt will have disappeared. Everything will seem so
different, confusing, and disappointing!

the acceptance stage At this point, you will have accepted the cultural differences of
the new country. Unfortunately, this is sometimes the point when you are about to move
back home!

the tourist stage You will have a positive attitude. Everything will feel new and

the recovery stage By this time, you will have been living in your new home for
several months. You will start to feel more relaxed.


3. !Listen to Andrew, Amy, and Layla talking about their experiences abroad.
Were they positive or negative experiences?

Experiences positive or negative





4. Complete the following sentences with you own information. Make as many
sentences as you can.
Example: I would be afraid of leaving all my friends and family behind.

a. If I moved abroad I would be afraid of ________________________________________

b. If I moved abroad I would be excited about_____________________________________

c. If I moved abroad I would be interested in ______________________________________

d. If I moved abroad I would insist on ___________________________________________

e. If I moved abroad I would look forward to ______________________________________

f. If I moved abroad I would worry about ________________________________________


Future perfect and future perfect continuous

The future perfect focuses on the completion of an action or event in the future.
After only a few weeks, you will have settled into your daily routine.

The future perfect continuous focuses on the duration of an event in the future.
By this time, you will have been living in your new home for several months.

5. Complete these sentences with the future perfect or future perfect continuous of the
verbs in parenthesis. Compare with a partner.

a. By the end of next year, I ___________________________ (learn) another foreign language.

b. In a year’s time, I ____________________________________ (live) in this city for 20 years.
c. Within two year’s I ______________________________________ (open) my own business.
d. In five year’s time, I ______________________ (settle) down with the person of my dreams.
e. By this time next year, I ____________________ (study) English for more than half my life.
f. Within six months or so, I ___________________________________ (pay) off all my loans.

6. Rewrite the statements in Exercise 5 so that they are true for you.
a. ________________________________________________________________________
b. ________________________________________________________________________
c. ________________________________________________________________________
d. ________________________________________________________________________
e. ________________________________________________________________________
f. ________________________________________________________________________


Exercise 2
Second and third conditional review
1 Use the Second Conditional to complete the following sentences.
a. I ___________________ (do) that if I _________________ (be) you. It's bad luck.
b. They________________ (be) a better team if they ___________________ (be) fitter.
c. If I _____________ (have) some spare money, I ___________________ (buy) a DVD player.
d. Those children ________________ (not/be) so horrible if their parents_________ (be) stricter.
e. I _____________ (not/ go) out with him even if you ___________________ (pay) me.
f. If we _________________ (not/work) so hard, we_____________ (not/ be) so tired all the
g. If she________________ (not/take) so long in the shower, she _________________(have)
more time for breakfast.
h. The world _________________ (be)a better place if politicians______________ (be) less
i. I _________________ (love) to visit Thailand if I____________ (have) the chance.
j. If I__________________ (have) more free time, I __________________ (write) a play.
k. He____________ definitely__________ (lose) weight if he __________________ (stop)
eating carbohydrates and sugar.
l. We _______________ (go) traveling across France if we ___________________(buy) a tent.
m.Valencia_______________ (have) the perfect climate if it __________________(not/be) so
hot in July and August.

2. Justin is a daydreamer. He imagines what would happen if he won the lottery.

a. If I _____________ (play) the lottery, I ________________(have) a chance to hit the jackpot.
b. If I _____________(hit) the jackpot, I________________(be) rich.
c. If I _____________(be) rich, my life _________________(change) completely.
d. I _________________(buy) a lonely island, if I _____________(find) a nice one.
e. If I _______________(own) a lonely island, I _________________(build) a huge house by the
f. I _______________(invite) all my friends if I _________________(have) a house by the
g. I ________________(pick) my friends up in my yacht if they_____________(want) to spend
their holidays on my island.
h. We______________( have) great parties if my friends__________________(come) to my
i. If we_________________(like) to go shopping in a big city, we_________________(charter)
a helicopter.
j. But if my friends' holidays________________(be) over, I __________________ (feel) very
lonely on my lonely island.


3. Use the Third Conditional to complete the following sentences.

a. I_________________(get) angry if you _________________(eat) my chocolate mousse.
b. If he _________________ (know) you were in hospital, he_________________ (visit) you.
c. We ______________(visit) the Prado gallery if we _____________________(have) time.
d. If you ________________(not/be) asking me questions all the time, I
________________(enjoy) the film
e. If I __________________(know)your number, I ____________________(phone).
f. If just one person__________________ (remember) my birthday, I
____________________(be) sad.
g. I__________________ (understand) the film if it ___________________(not/be) in German.
h. If she ______________(not/park) on a double yellow line, she ______________(not/get) a
i. If I ______________(know) you were coming, I _____________________(bake) a cake
j. If she _______________(not/leave) the shed unlocked, they _____________(not/steal) her
k. If you ______________(tell) me about the concert, I _____________________. (go)
l. The holidays ________________ (be) great if the weather ___________________(be) better.
m. If you______________(study) for the test, you___________________(pass) it.
n. If we_______________ (go) to the cinema, we__________________(see) my friend Jacob.
o. I ____________________(write) you a postcard if I________________ (have) your address.
p. If I __________________(not / break) my leg, I_________________(take) part in the
q. If it __________________(not/ start) to rain, we ___________________(walk) to the
r. We __________________(swim) in the sea if there ____________________(not / be) so
many sharks there.

4. Peter and Mark are talking about what would have happened if their team had
played better. Complete the sentences with the Third Conditional
a. If the midfielders ____________________ (pass) the ball more exactly, our team
_________________( have) more chances to attack.
b. If the forwards __________________(run) faster, they __________________(score) more
c. Their motivation ________________(improve) if they__________________(kick) a goal
during the first half.
d. The fullbacks_________________(prevent)one or the other goal if they________________
(mark) their opponents.
e. If the goalie________________(jump) up, he _________________(catch) the ball.
f. If the referee_________________(see) the foul, he ________________(award) a penalty kick
to our team.


g. Our team__________________(be) in better form if they________________(train) harder the

weeks before.
h. The game_________________(become) better if the trainer ________________ (send) a
substitute in during the second half.
i. If it ___________________(be) a home game, our team____________________ (win) the
j. If our team_________________(win) the match, they_________________(move) up in the

5. Complete the following sentences. You have to decide whether you have to use.
The Second Conditional or The Third Conditional
a. If I ____________(see) you waiting at the bus stop, I____________ (stop) for you.
b. I ____________ (go) swimming every week, if I ____________ (know) how to swim
c. If I ____________ (catch) that plane to New York [the one that crashed!], I____________
d. If we ____________ (live) in China, we____________ (speak) Cantonese or Pekingese.
e. I ____________ (stop) smoking, if I____________ (be) you; it's terrible for your health!
f. I____________ (like) being with you more if you____________ (not laugh) at me all the
g. I____________ (buy) my house a long time ago if I____________ (save) money.
h. We____________ (not miss) the beginning of the film last night if we ____________ (find) a
parking place straight away.
i. I____________ (call) you earlier, if I____________ (find) my phone card.
j. If you ____________ (not get) on the bus without a ticket, you____________ (not get) a fine.
k. I____________ (not win) any gold medals if I____________ (not be) in Sidney in 2000.


Exercise 3
If I weren’t so shy, I would have had more friends

Mixed conditionals
These conditional sentences mix present and past time to talk about hypothetical situations.
Fact: I didn’t take the earlier flight, so I’m missing my appointment.
Conditional sentence: If I had taken the earlier flight, I wouldn’t be missing my appointment.
Fact: I’m not organized, so I brought too much luggage.
Conditional sentence: if I were more organized, I wouldn’t have brought so much luggage.
Fact: I didn’t budget carefully, so I’m worrying about money now.
Conditional sentence: If I had budgeted more carefully, I wouldn’t be worrying about money
right now.

1. Rewrite this information as Mixed Conditional Sentences.

a. Mark and Steve didn’t make a hotel reservation, so they’re spending the night in a train station.
b. My mother doesn’t speak any English, so she was afraid to explore New York on her own.
c. I forgot to bring my camera with me to Thailand, so I can’t take any pictures of the beautiful
d. The airline lost my luggage, so I’ll have to wear the same clothes for two days.
e. My father is not rich so he didn’t buy that Ferrari we saw yesterday.
f. Elizabeth didn’t pack a bathing suit, so she’s spending the first day of her vacation at the beach
shopping for one.
g. My father doesn’t like to fly, so he didn’t visit me when I lived overseas.
h. Sam is sad because he lost his mom’s favorite ring.
i. I didn’t take my aspirin, I have a headache now.
j. Sally didn’t do that trip because she doesn’t have enough money.
k. Rosita needs a visa to work in the U.S. because she wasn’t born there!


2. Complete the following sentences with Mixed Conditionals.

a. If I _______________(not/eat) that much yesterday I _____________(not/look) so fat today

b. I_______________(be) a millionaire now if I__________________(take) that job.

c. If I_____________(be) a good cook,________________(invite) them to lunch.

d. If you ___________________(not/spend) all your money on CDs yesterday,

you____________________(not/be) broke.

e. If she______________(not/be) afraid of flying she_________________( travel) by boat on

her last vacation.

f. I_______________( be) able to translate the letter if my Italian_______________(be) better.

g. If I ______________(be) rude at her in the party, she _______________(be) mad at me now

h. I __________________(invite) Mary to the party if I _________________(knew) her better


Exercise 4
My car hasn’t been fixed

1 Change the following sentences from Active Voice to Passive Voice.

a. The mechanic hasn’t repaired my car. ____________________________________

b. Kerrie has paid the bills. ____________________________________
c. I have opened the present. ____________________________________
d. They have not read the book. ____________________________________
e. You have not sent the parcel. ____________________________________
f. We have not discussed about this issue. ____________________________________
g. The police has not caught the thieves. ____________________________________
h. Has Sara phoned him? ____________________________________
i. Have they noticed us? ____________________________________

2. Make sentences in Passive Voice with Present Perfect.

a. the postcard / send _________________________________________

b. the pencils / sharpen _________________________________________
c. the people / inform / not _________________________________________
d. the door / replace _________________________________________
e. the beds / make _________________________________________
f. the mail / write _________________________________________
g. the trees / plant _________________________________________
h. the room / book / not _________________________________________
i. the rent / pay / not _________________________________________


3. Helen has brought in her DVD player to be repaired. Look at the repair checklist form.
Then using the present perfect, write sentences in the passive that describes which has
or hasn’t been done.

4. Act out similar conversations with a partner, using the information in the box.
A: Repair Department
B: Hello. I’d like to know if my CD player has been repaired yet.
A: What’s the ticket number?
B: Uh’ let me see ……. It’s 574-B.
A: Just a minute ……. Sorry, ma’am, it’s not ready yet.
B: Not yet? It was supposed to have been ready last week. Is there some problem?
A: I’m sorry. The parts have been ordered, but they haven’t come in yet.
Some appliances
A Blu-Ray player
A television
A Play Station
A laptop computer


Exercise 5
The avenue should be repaired immediately
1. Change the following sentences from active to passive voice.
a) The government should provide education to all the citizens.

b) We must paint the house.

c) All the neighbors will repair the community garden.

d) Sally can cook the dinner for the meeting.

e) We should paint the school.

f) You should take your car to the mechanic.

g) Students must deliver this report tomorrow.

h) Laura will sing the national anthem in the ceremony

i) The guests may use the swimming pool.

j) Students might use these books.

k) The government should repair all the traffic lights

2. Write a letter to the governor of your city saying what you think might, can, should
or must be done to improve your city.



3. Oliver Davis recently started taking violin lessons, and he’s developed a painful
blister on his finger.
Restate the nurse’s part of the conversation, changing the sentence in brackets [ ] to
the passive. Omit the agent where it isn’t necessary.

Nurse [You should cover this blister] until it heals.

Oliver So I can’t take the bandage off at all?
Nurse No, except that [you must change it once a day] Also,
[you should apply this cream] once a day.
Oliver Can I practice the violin?
Nurse No, because [it might irritate the blister.]
Oliver But I’ll forget how to play!
Nurse Oh, [the cream will heal the blister] in less than a week.
Oliver I hope I won’t get another blister when I start to play again. Oh, by the way, I
have an appointment next Thursday, but I’m going out of town that day.
Nurse Just talk to the receptionist. I’m sure [she can change your appointment] to Wednesday.

Nurse ___________________________________ until it heals.

Oliver So I can’t take the bandage off at all?
Nurse No, except that ______________________________ Also,
_____________________________ once a day.
Oliver Can I practice the violin?
Nurse No, because ________________________________
Oliver But I’ll forget how to play!
Nurse Oh, _____________________________ in less than a week.
Oliver I hope I won’t get another blister when I start to play again. Oh, by the way, I
have an appointment next Thursday, but I’m going out of town that day.
Nurse Just talk to the receptionist. I’m sure ___________________________________ to


Exercise 6
Can’t fight this feeling


I can’t fight this feeling any longer My life has been such a whirlwind since I saw
And yet I’m still afraid to let it flow you
What started out as friendship, has grown I’ve been running round in circles in my mind
stronger And it always seems that I’m following you,
I only wish I had the strength to let it show girl
Cause you take me to the places that alone I’d
I tell myself that I can’t hold out forever never find
I said there is no reason for my fear
Cause I feel so secure when we’re together And even as I wander I’m keeping you in
You give my life direction, you make sight
everything so clear You’re a candle in the window on a cold, dark
winter’s night
And even as I wander And I’m getting closer than I never thought I
I’m keeping you in sight might
You’re a candle in the window
On a cold, dark winter’s night And I can’t fight this feeling anymore
And I’m getting closer than I ever thought I I’ve forgotten what I started fighting for
might It’s time to bring this ship into the shore
And throw away the oars, forever
And I can’t fight this feeling anymore
I’ve forgotten what I started fighting for Cause I can’t fight this feeling anymore
It’s time to bring this ship into the shore I’ve forgotten what I started fighting for
And throw away the oars forever And if I have to crawl upon the floor
Come crushing through your door
Cause I can’t fight this feeling anymore Baby, I can’t fight this feeling anymore.
I’ve forgotten what I started fighting for
And if I have to crawl upon the floor
Come crushing through your door
Baby, I can’t fight this feeling anymore. 27

Chapter 3
Exercise 1
Companies are cutting jobs, in addition they’re hiring
fewer people
1. Complete these sentences. Then compare your answers with a partner.

a. Drunk drivers should be sent to jail, moreover,…

Drunk drivers should be sent to jail. Moreover, their licenses should be taken away.
b. Children eat more junk food than they used to, in addition,…
c. There’s a lot of violence in videogames these days, therefore…
d. It’s becoming more and more expensive to stay in a hospital when you’re sick,
e. More people are wearing seat belts when they drive, consequently,…
f. Cigarette advertisements are being targeted toward young people, therefore,…
g. There are more high school dropouts than before, thus,…
h. Not many people can manage to find a decent job, what’s more…
i. Our educational system is getting worse everyday, thus..
j. Teenagers are really disrespectful nowadays, besides…
k. Salaries are not good enough for moreover…
l. Both parents have to work, therefore…


2. Group work Complete the chart. Then discuss your answers with the others in
your group.

Strongly Agree Disagree Strongly

agree disagree

1. Animals should not be used for research purposes

2. The death penalty does not stop people from

committing crimes.
3. Marriages among 2 males or 2 females shouldn’t
be permitted
4. Children who watch too much violence on TV will
grow up to be violent adults.
5. Women shouldn’t be encouraged to take the same
jobs as men.


Exercise 2
The air is being polluted by car fumes
1 Change the following sentences from active voice to passive voice with present progressive.
Then talk about each of these issues. Try to use the expressions you learned in Exercise I.

a) The human being is polluting the earth; the air, the water and the soil.
b) We are degrading the natural resources: oil, water, forests.
c) The heads of the world are not distributing the financial resources equally.
d) Multinational corporations are controlling governments
e) New and more powerful nuclear weapons are threatening the world.
f) Terrorism is killing thousands of people every year.
g) People are discriminating people because of racism or sexism.

2. Use the words in parentheses to write sentences about the environment in passive
voice with present progressive. Then match your sentences with the expressions on
the right to form complete ideas.

1. (drinking water, poison) _____ a. despite the government’s efforts to protect them.
2. (endangered animals, kill off) ___ b. causing shortages in some areas.
3. (ozone layer, destroy) ____ c. because not enough people are carpooling or using
4. (air, pollute) _____ public transportation
5. (water supply, deplete) _____ d. causing people to catch diseases
e. allowing the harmful sun’s rays to come through.


Exercise 3
What would you do?

1. Pair work Read these situations. What would you do? Why?
Discuss with a partner, and then share your answers with the class.

1. An old lady is selling you a car; she is asking very little money for it. Would you tell her?

2. You have a date with someone you are not very interested in; all of a sudden you receive a
phone call from a person you really like, would you cancel your original date?

3. You buy a chocolate bar in a store where the salesclerk is a grumpy old man, when you get
off the store you realize he gave you too much change, would you return the extra money?

4. You and your best friend work for the same company, one day you catch her stealing money
from the company, you know she’s been having economical problems, but you don’t want to
be his or her sidekick! Would you inform the boss about it!

5. You are in a store and you see an old woman shoplifting. She’s pitting a can of beans into her
handbag! Would you tell the owner of the store?

2. Write two original questions like the ones above. Then discuss with a partner.

1. _________________________________________________________________________

2. _________________________________________________________________________


Exercise 4
My friends always cheer me up when I am sad!
1. Read these statements about friendship. Can you explain what they mean?
What other statements can you add to the list?
a. A friend is someone who accepts me as I am.

b. A friend is someone you look up to in some way and yet you can be critical of.

c. A friend is someone who walks in when the rest of the world walks out.

d. In prosperity, our friends know us; in adversity, we know our friends.

e. A friend is someone who knows you and loves you just the same.

f. A friend is someone who cheers you up when you’re feeling down.

g. True friends don’t drift apart even after many years of separation.

h. Good friends are hard to find, harder to leave, and impossible to forget.

i. _______________________________________________________________

j. _______________________________________________________________

k. ______________________________________________________________

l. _______________________________________________________________

What the first statement means to me is that a real friend

doesn’t try to change me into something I’m not.


2. Pair work Complete these questions with the phrasal verbs below.
Compare your answers. Then discuss each question together.

cheer (someone) up let (someone) down stick up for

drift apart make up talk (something) over
get along put up with
get over (something/someone) run into (someone)

1. Which of your friends do you ______ get _____ _____ along _______ with the best? Why?

2. When you’re feeling down, do you have a special friend who can always ___________ you

3. If you’re in a situation where other people are criticizing you, do you have a good friend who
generally _____________ ______________ _____________ you?

4. Have you ever had a bad argument with a friend? Did it take you a long time to ____________
___________ your anger? Do you ever find it impossible to ______________
_______________ with someone and resume your friendship?

5. Have you ever lost touch with a friend and stopped seeing each other? What are some things
that cause friends to ________________ ________________?

6. Have you ever _______________ ________________ a friend that you hadn’t seen in a long
time? If so, did you make plans to see each other again?

7. Has a friend ever disappointed you, that is, ______________ you _____________ in some
way? In those situations, is it a good idea to _____________ your feelings ___________ with the
friend? Or is it better not to let your friend know how you feel?

8. Are there limits to what you must tolerate in a friendship? What are some things that you
would never ______________ ______________ ________________?


Exercise 5
In case of an emergency call 911!
1. The Grants are going out for the evening and leaving their son, Henry, all alone for
the first time.
Complete the sentences with: because, because of, in case, in case of, or instead of.

The picnic is because It’s raining Sentence

canceled Because of The rain Noun
In case There is an emergency Sentence
Dial 911
In case of An emergency Noun
Going by bus Gerund
Let’s take the car Instead of
The bus Noun

2. Complete the following paragraph with because, because of, in case, in case of, and
instead of.

What can you do _____________ a fire?

_______________ there’s a fire emergency in your house, school or the building you
work, first of all you have to keep calm, there are different strategies you must follow
depending on where you are at the time of the fire emergency. An escape plan can help
every member of a family get out of a burning house. The idea is to get outside quickly
and safely. Escaping from a fire can be hard _______________ of the smoke, so it's
important to learn and remember the different ways out of your home, it's possible one way
out could be blocked __________________ the fire or smoke. And if you live in an
apartment building remember to use the stairwell or other emergency exits
________________ the elevator. The elevator is not a good option ___________________
there might be a blackout and you might get stuck in it. For more information read the
article on Exercise VI.


3. Complete the following sentences with your own information.

a) You have to secure doors and windows, and avoid going out in case of ____________________
b) I arrived late to work because of___________________________________________________
c) Sally cut herself when she was chopping up some vegetables because _____________________
d) I want to go on a trip on my next birthday instead of __________________________________
e) I will take my umbrella in case ___________________________________________________
f) The soccer match was canceled because of __________________________________________
g) Don’t forget to call me in case ____________________________________________________
h) The party was so boring because __________________________________________________

4. Complete the statements below with because, because of, in case, in case of, or instead of.
Then skim the article again and say Right, Wrong, or I don’t know for each statement.

1. A musician’s career may be ruined ___________________________________ health

2. To prevent health ailments, young people should choose stringed instruments like the violin
_____________________ playing wind instruments like the flute or horn.
3. _______________________ a muscle injury, a musician should first consult a physical
4. A musician with Diplacusis hears two notes ______________________________________
5. There isn’t much to read on the health problems of musician ________________________
doctors are just becoming interested in the subject.


Exercise 6
What to do in a fire!
Fire drills are a big part of being safe in school: They prepare
you for what you need to do in case of a fire. But what if there
was a fire where you live? Would you know what to do?
Talking about fires can be scary because no one likes to think
about people getting hurt or their things getting burned. But
you can feel less worried if you are prepared.

Safety Steps
If you're in a room with the door closed when the fire breaks
out, you need to take a few extra steps:

Check to see if there's heat or smoke coming in the cracks

around the door. (You're checking to see if there's fire on
the other side.)
If you see smoke coming under the door — don't open the
If you don't see smoke — touch the door. If the door is hot
or very warm — don't open the door!
If you don't see smoke — and the door is not hot — then use your fingers to lightly
touch the doorknob. If the doorknob is hot or very warm — don't open the door!
If the doorknob feels cool, and you can't see any smoke around the door, you can open
the door very carefully and slowly. When you open the door, if you feel a burst of heat,
or smoke pours into the room, quickly shut the door and make sure it is really closed. If
there's no smoke or heat when you open the door, go toward your escape route exit.

Stay Low
If you can see smoke in the house, stay low to the ground as you make your way to the
exit. In a fire, smoke and poisonous air hurt more people than the actual flames do. You'll
breathe less smoke if you stay close to the ground. Smoke naturally rises, so if there is
smoke while you're using your escape route, staying low means you can crawl under most
of it. You can drop to the floor and crawl on your hands and knees below the smoke

Once you're out, do not go back in for anything — even pets. You can tell the fire rescue
people about any pets that were left behind and they may be able to help.


What if You Can't Get Out Right Away?

If you can't get out fast, because fire or smoke is blocking an escape route, you'll want to
yell for help. You can do this from an open window or call 911 if you have a phone with

Even if you're scared, never hide under the bed or in a closet. Then, firefighters will have a
hard time finding you. Know that firefighters or other adults will be looking for you to help
you out safely. The sooner they find you, the sooner you both can get out.

In the meanwhile, keep heat and smoke from getting through the door by blocking the
cracks around the door with sheets, blankets, and/or clothing. If there is a window in the
room that is not possible to escape from, open it wide and stand in front of it. If you can
grab a piece of clothing or a towel, place it over your mouth to keep from breathing in the
smoke. This works even better if you wet the cloth first.
Home Drills
It's great to talk about emergency plans, but it's even better if you practice them, like the fire
drills you have at school. Having a fire drill at home gives everyone a chance to see how
they would react in a real emergency. You can see how quickly and safely everyone can get
out of the house. Your family should practice this drill twice a year, every year. It's also a
good time to remind your parents to change the batteries in the smoke alarms.

A good rule of thumb during a home fire drill is to see if your family can safely get out the
house using the escape routes and meet outside at the same place within 3 minutes. For an
extra challenge, you might try variations, like pretending that the front door was blocked
and you couldn't get out that way.
If Your Clothes Catch Fire
A person's clothes could catch fire during a fire or by accident, like if you step too close to a
candle. If this happens, don't run! Instead, stop, drop to the ground, cover your face with
your hands, and roll. This will cut off the air and put out the flames. An easy way to
remember this is: Stop, Drop, and Roll!
Preventing Fires
Every year, kids of all ages start over 35,000 fires that hurt people and damage property.
You can do your part to prevent fires by never playing with matches, lighters, and other fire
sources. Also stay away from fireplaces, candles, and stoves. By following this advice,
you'll be doing important work — preventing fires in the first place!


Chapter 4
Exercise 1
Phrasal verbs with look

1. Look at the following phrasal verbs. Try to infer the meaning of each one. Then try
to make similar sentences with them.

1. The babysitter looks after my baby when I have to work.

2. We like to look at the stars at night

3. Claire looked away from her book when she heard Tony coming.

4. The old man was looking back on his days as a sailor.

5. The kid looked down on the food his father had prepared.

6. Paul was looking for the best necklace to give to his girlfriend.

7. I am looking forward to your return to Argentina.

8. Look in on your sister and see if she is all right, will you?

9. The doctor looked into the injury and prescribed some antibiotics.

10.Sally looks on Richard as just a friend.

11.Look out with that dog, it seems to be a fierce one.

12.At the office Harry is always looking out for every detail.

13.Before going to work, Alice looks over the newspaper

14.We looked round many churches before deciding where to get married.

15.I look through as many books as I can when I'm in a book shop.

16.We look to Margaret to help us pass the exam.

17.Things started looking up when I got my pay rise.

18.You can look up in the dictionary the words you do not know.

19.Pedro has always looked up to his grandfather.


2. Fill in the blanks with the correct phrasal verb. Be careful they are in different tenses.

a) I am _______________ visiting the Van Gogh Museum in Amsterdam.

b) We really should _______________ more about our planet instead of destroying it.

c) The group is _______________ the possibility of vacationing together.

d) _______________There's a bus coming.

e) I really _______________ Leonel Messi, he’s my idol.

f) We _______________ many houses before we decided which to buy.

g) My lawyer told me to _______________ the contract before I signed it.

h) _______________ the sky There’s a big storm coming!

i) I had been really sick but after I took the medicine my health started _______________.

j) Many students _______________ their professors for academic advice.

k) Whenever I am close to my aunt’s house I_______________ her to know if she is ok.

l) Now that I don’t have a job and I am _______________ one.

m)I know I shouldn’t have _______________ my parents advice when I was younger.

n) When my grandpa reads the newspaper he’s so focused that he never _____________ from it.

o) I really _______________ Miss. Davis as an excellent teacher.

p) You must l ______________ new vocabulary words in your dictionary.

q) When I _______________ my life I don’t regret about anything.

r) My teacher always _______________ every of his students.

s) People usually _______________ the magazines when they are in line in the supermarkets.


Exercise 2
It smells as though the stew is burning!
1. Complete the conversation appropriately, using sense verbs with like, as if, or as
though in your answers. Follow the example.

like a campfire like + noun
smells as if
the problem is in the engine as if and as though + sentence
sounds as though

1. A Well, the elevator’s not working again!

B Oh, no, not again! It seems like it breaks down every day.
I’m getting tired of this.

2. A This stereo sounds terrible.

B It sure does. _______________________________.

3. A Something smells funny. Is it the oven?

B I’m not sure, but _______________________________.

4. A My car’s been in the shop for repair five times in the last three months.
B ________________________________.

5. A What an ugly dog!

B ________________________________.

6. A This soup tastes awful!

B Let me try it. Ugh! _______________________________.


7. A The new neighbor is kind of strange! He has a car for every day.
B I know, _______________________________.

8. A My grandma hasn’t call me recently!

B Hmm. _______________________________.

9. A Oh no! It is very cloudy today!

B You’re right. _______________________________.

10. A My grades are bad during this semester but I’d like to go camping.
B Well, _______________________________.

11. A This food is rotted!

B Let me check. You’re right _______________________________.

12. A Who is playing the violin. It sounds horrible!

B I agree! _______________________________.


Exercise 3
My first date was a real mess!

1. Look at the places these people went on a first date. Did they make good choices?
Why or why not?

Ex: You shouldn’t choose a restaurant for a first date because it forces you to sit and talk
for a couple of hours, and that can be a strain.

2. Group work. What do you think of these suggestions for things to do on a first date?
Discuss them and give other suggestions of your own.

★ going dancing at a club ★ renting a video and watching it at home

★ having a picnic in the park ★ visiting a museum


3. Pair work: Look at these rules for dating. Which statements do you agree with?

The man should always pay for the date.

Some things should never change.

A woman should never approach a man first. She

should always be the one who’s invited.

It’s inadvisable to talk about your problems

at the beginning of a relationship.

Don’t say things like “Can I see you again

tomorrow?” Play it cool. Don’t make it appear that
you’re desperate.

To avoid awkward situations, let your family know

where you’re going and when you’ll be back.

It’s better to go out with groups of friends in the


Most blind dates tend to be disastrous, so it’s best

to avoid them.

It’s indiscreet to ask personal questions until you get to know each other.


Exercise 4
What I notice first about people is their eyes!

1. Look at the results of this survey on how men and women form a first impression
of someone. Check the statements that are true for you.

What men and women notice rst Men

first impressions -
when they meet someone new
What I notice first about people is their eyes.
35% What I’m interested in is their clothes.
What’s really important to me is a person’s smile
30% What I notice first is a person’s hands
What I generally look for is a nice pair of shoes.
25% What I notice first is a person’s figure (or physique)
What strikes me first is the way they wear their hair.
20% I have no idea what I notice first.




Eyes Smile/Teeth Body Clothing Hair Shoes Hands Don’t know

2. Pair Work: Answer these questions.

a) What do you think men notice first in women?

b) What do you think women notice first in men?

c) What do you notice first in people?

d) What is the most important to look for in people?


Cleft sentences with what

Compare these sentences:

A: I notice people’s eyes first.

B: What I notice first about people is their eyes.

A: I like to listen to people’s voices.

B: What I like to do is listen to people’s voices.

4. Rewrite these sentences to add emphasis by beginning them with what. Then compare
with a partner. Which statements are true for you? Add two more sentences of your own.

a. I first notice how people dress.

What I notice first about people is how they dress.

b. I generally listen to their accent.

c. I look at their eyes first.

d. I ask about their hobbies and interests first.

e. I pay attention to their manners.

f. I look for their sense of humor.

g. I notice the way they look at me.

h. I notice their smile first.

i. ___________________________________

j. ___________________________________


Exercise 5
Hard to say I’m sorry

___________ needs a little time away _________ me now

I've heard her say It's hard for me to say I'm sorry
From ___________ I just want you to___________.

Even lovers need a ___________ __________ me now Listen!

Far away from each other I really want to tell you I'm
_________ me now I could _________ let you go
It's hard for me to say I'm sorry
I just __________ you to stay After all that we've been through
After all that we've been through I will _________ it ____ to you
I will _________ it ____ to you I promise to
I promise to
And after all that's been said and
And after all that’s been said and __________
__________ You're just a part of me I can't __________
You're just the part of me I can't ________ go
After all that we've been through
Couldn't _________ being kept away I will _________ it _______ to you
Just for a day I promise to.
From your _________
Wouldn't wanna be swept away You’re gonna be the lucky one!
_______________ from the one that I love


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