This document contains a Shajrah Amjadiyah (lineage poem) that lists Sufi saints and asks for blessings through them. It is to be recited daily after Fajr prayer, followed by sending blessings to the soul of the Prophet Muhammad, all Sufi masters in one's lineage, and all Muslims. It also instructs making dua for one's living or deceased spiritual guide.
This document contains a Shajrah Amjadiyah (lineage poem) that lists Sufi saints and asks for blessings through them. It is to be recited daily after Fajr prayer, followed by sending blessings to the soul of the Prophet Muhammad, all Sufi masters in one's lineage, and all Muslims. It also instructs making dua for one's living or deceased spiritual guide.
This document contains a Shajrah Amjadiyah (lineage poem) that lists Sufi saints and asks for blessings through them. It is to be recited daily after Fajr prayer, followed by sending blessings to the soul of the Prophet Muhammad, all Sufi masters in one's lineage, and all Muslims. It also instructs making dua for one's living or deceased spiritual guide.
This document contains a Shajrah Amjadiyah (lineage poem) that lists Sufi saints and asks for blessings through them. It is to be recited daily after Fajr prayer, followed by sending blessings to the soul of the Prophet Muhammad, all Sufi masters in one's lineage, and all Muslims. It also instructs making dua for one's living or deceased spiritual guide.
Waastey Kar Balaa’e(n) Rad Shaheed e Karbala Ke Waastey
Sayyid-e-Saj’jaad Ke Sadqe me Saajid Rakh Mujhe
Ilm-e-Haq De Baaqir e I’lm e Huda Ke Waastey
Sidq e Saadiq Ka Tasad-duq Saadiqul Islam Kar
Be Ghazab Raazi Ho Kaazim Aur Raza Ke Waastey
Bahre Ma’ruf-o-Sirri Ma'ruf De Be-khud Sirri
Jund-e-Haq Me Gin Junaid e Ba Safa Ke Waastey
Behre Shibli Sher-e-Haq Duniya Ke kut’to Se Bacha
Ek Ka Rakh Abd-e-Waahid Be Riya ke Waastey
Bul Farah Ka Sadqa Kar Gham Ko Farah De
Husn-o-Sa’ad Bul Hassan Aur Bu Sa’eede Sa’adza Ke Waastey
Qaadiri kar Qaadiri Rakh Qaadiriyo(n) Me Ut-ha
Qadr Abdul Qaadir e Qudrat Numa ke Waastey
‘Ahsan’Allahu Lahu Rizqan’ se de Rizq e Hasan
Banda-e Raz-zaaq Taajul As ya ke Waastey
Nasr Abi Saleh Ka Sadqa Saaleh-o-Mansoor Rakh
De Hayaat-e-Deen Muhiy’ye Jaa Fiza Ke Waastey
Toor Irfan-o-Uloo-o-Hamd-o-Husn-o-Baha De Ali Musa Hasan Ahmad Baha ke Waastey
Bahr-e-Ibrahim Mujh Par Naar-e-Gham Gulzaar
Kar Bheek De Daata Bhikaari Badsha Ke Waastey
Khana’e Dil Ko Zia de Roo’e Imaan Ko Jamaal
Shah Zia Maula Jamaalul Awliya Ke Waastey
De Muhammad Ke Liye Rozi Kar Ahmad Ke Liye
Khwaane Fazlullah Se His’sa Gada Ke Waastey
Deen-o-Duniya ki Mujhe Barkaat De Barkaat Se
Ishq Haq De Ishqi Ishq Intima Ke Waastey
Hub-be Ahle Bait de Aale Muhammad ke Liye
Kar Shaheed-e-Ishq Hamza Peshwa Ke Waastey
Dil Ko Acha Tun Ko Sutra Jaan Ko Purnoor Kar
Ache Pyaare Shamsud’deen Badrul Ula Ke Waastey
Do Jahaan Me Khadim-e-Aal-e-Rasoolullah Kar
Hazrat-e-Aal-e-Rasool-e-Muqtada Ke Waastey
Kar Ataa Ahmad Raza-e-Ahmad-e-Mursal Mujhe
Mere Maula Hazrat-e-Ahmad Raza Ke Waastey
Ai Khuda Farma Ataa Sidq-o-Safa Majd-o-Ula
Hazrat-e-Amjadi Ali Bul Ulaa Ke Waastey
Bakhsh De Jurm-o-Khata, Fazl Farma Daa’ima
Haa z-e-Millat Azeezul Awliyah Ke Waastey
Noor Jaan o Noor Imaan Noor Qabr o Hashr De
Bul Husain-e-Ahmad-e-Noori Liqa Ke Waastey
Kar Ataa Ahmad Raza-e-Ahmad-e-Mursal Mujhe
Mere Maula Hazrat-e-Ahmad Raza Ke Waastey fi
Saaya-e-Jumla Masha’ikh Ya Khuda Hum Par Rahe
Rahm Farma Aal-e-Rahmaan Mustafa Ke Waastey
Kar Ataa Hum Ko Zia-e-Ilm-e-Deen e Mustafa
Banda-e-Miskeen Zia-ul-Mustafa Ke Waastey
Sadqa in A’yaan Ka De Che Ain, Izz - I'lm-o- Amal
Afw-o-Irfa, Aa yat Is Be Nawaa Ke Waastey fi
The above Shajrah Shareef Should be recited once
daily after Fajr Salaah followed by the following Khatam Shareef.
When you have completed reciting these, send the
Thawaab to the Arwah (Souls) of Sayyiduna Rasulullah Sall Allahu Alaihi wa Sallam all the Masha'ikh of your Silsila, and to the Muslim Ummah in general. If your Peer-o-Murshid is still alive (in this world), make Dua for his good health, prosperity and spiritual advancement. If he passed away, then include his name in the Faateha and make Dua for him.