Chapter 2
Chapter 2
Chapter 2
Project 1.1.3
Project 1.2.2 Project 1.3.3
Project 1.1.2
Project 1.2.1 Project 1.3.2
Project 1.1.1
Project 1.3.1
Program 1.1
Project Portfolio for Strategic Objective 1
Project Organization Structure..Contd
Influences of
Structure types
on Project’s:
PM’s authority
and availability
Shared or Full
time team
Project Management Office (PMO)
• The PMO is a specialized structure that has been implemented in many
companies in an effort to improve the overall success rate of projects.
• The ultimate goal of a PMO is to provide value to the organization,
the projects, and the project managers
• The primary purpose of PMO is to provide support to the projects and
Project Managers within an organization including:
– Own and provide support for the organization's Project Management methods and
– Provide Project Management expertise and coaching
– Provide Project Management education support for the organization
– Support the organization's project tools and techniques
– Serve as a repository for best practices
– Provide standards for reporting and measuring project progress
– Conduct project audits
– Facilitate project reviews with Senior Management
– Assist with resource allocations across projects
– Assist with project selection and support the Project Portfolio management process
Project Initiation Stage
/ Project Selection
Project Initiation
• After projects are finalized by the business, project initiation step kicks
off. It includes recognizing and starting a new project or a project phase
• The inputs to the Project Initiation process are:
– The business case and the funding availability
– The business Go-ahead
• Project initiation activities include:
– Identify all project stakeholders and analyze their goals or interests.
– Communicate with stakeholders to understand the vision / mission /
objectives and also to firm up their commitments.
– Define the project charter document
– Organize the assignment/recruitment/transfer of employees and / or
contractors to the project team.
– Acquire/set up space, equipment, and facilities for the project team.
– Conduct project/phase kickoff meeting.
– Conduct initial team orientation/training.
Project Charter
• A Project Charter is a document that formally recognizes the
existence of a project and provides direction on the project’s
objectives and management.
– Also Known As Project Data Sheet, Proposal, Plan of Record
– Charter enables management to let the rest of the organization know
of the project.
– Charters are normally short and include key project information and
stakeholder signatures.
• A detailed contract can also represent a project charter.
– Created and signed by Executive with the power and authority to
assign funding resources for this project
– The project charter authorizes the project manager to begin and to
assign project resources to it.
– The charter is a living document that is updated for each phase of a
project in both the initiation and planning processes.
Project Charter defines Vision, Mission, Objectives
• A Problem is an issue that needs to be resolved or
a gap between where one is currently and where
one wants to be, to reach the stated goal.
– A goal by itself is not a problem. Obstacles/Issues
must exist for a problem.
• Vision is what the final state will “look like.” It
defines what is “complete or done.”
• A Mission is what we do to achieve the vision. It Vision
answers the two questions
– “What are we going to do?” and
– “For whom are we going to do it?”
• An Objective specifies a desired end result to be
• Objectives should be SMART – Simple,
Measurable, Attainable, Realistic and Time bound
Key Elements of a Project Charter
1. Official Project Name, Project Sponsor and contact information, Project
manager, authority level and contact information
2. A Project Objective statement (defines business need and justification)
– POS are less than 25 words encompassing the purpose, schedule, scope and
resource targets; POS should be clear and unambiguous
3. Business case for the project - Reasons why the project needs to happen
4. Project overview that describes the business requirements and its phases.
– General statement of what are the requirements and how the team will approach
the project
5. Project organization which identifies roles & responsibilities
• The project manager, the executive sponsor, the steering committee, the users,
outside consultants and suppliers etc.
6. A description of major project deliverables
7. Basic timeline of when the work will be implemented
8. Project Success / Completion criteria or for current project phase
9. Key project assumptions and constraints
10.Project resources, budget, staff and vendors
Project Selection Process:
• Feasibility-Technical, Economic, Organisational
• Critical Document-Business Case Document and Benefits Management Plan
Factors for selection:
Organisational Criteria (Need, funds available and the will); Categorizing projects (opportunity, time, priority); Formal
decision models, expert judgement.
Others: Revenue Growth, Lower costs, Improving business processes, enable innovation and expansion.
Program: Group of related projects managed in a coordinated way to obtain benefit and control-not available from managing
them individually.
Project Organisation Structures: Functional, Matrix, Pure Projectized
Criteria for Strong Matrix or Pure Project Structure: Length, Resources and Complexity
Ultimate goal of PMO: Providing value, expertise and coaching; PM Education; supporting tools and techniques; repository
for best practices; provide standards; conduct audits; project reviews; resource allocation; support project portfolio
management process
Project Initiation activities: Stakeholder Analysis, Stakeholder communication, project charter doc, works related to project
team, project kick-off meeting, Team orientation/training.
Project Charter: Doc that recognises the existence, provides direction
Key Elements: Basic Details; POS; Business case; Project Overview; Project Organisation, major project deliverables;
timelines, Success/ Completion criteria, Key assumptions, resources, staffs, budget, vendors for the project
Project Stakeholder Management-impacted, contribute and benefitted
Types-Internal and External
Controlling Stakeholders Engagement: controlling level of engagement ; active participation; PM meet before actual meeting;
Related project schedule
Project Integration Management:
Processes and activities-Identify, define, combine, unify-coordinate various processes and PMA
PIM involves choices about-Resources, competing demands, examining alternative approach, tailoring the process, managing
Project Stakeholder Management
• A Stakeholder is anyone who has a vested interest / stake in
the outcome of the project.
• The purpose of project stakeholder management is to
identify all people groups or organizations who are impacted
by a project, to analyze stakeholder expectations, and to
effectively engage and manage the stakeholders
• Identifying the stakeholders begins by asking three basic
– Who benefits from the project?
– Who contributes to the project?
– Who is impacted by the project?
• As stakeholders are key to a project’s success, they must be
engaged or involved in order for a project to succeed.
– Good communication between the project manager and the
stakeholders throughout the life of the project is critical for overall
project success.
Stakeholders Identification
• Two Types of Stakeholders
– Internal project stakeholders generally include the project sponsor, project
team, support staff, and internal customers for the project. Other internal
stakeholders include top management, other functional managers, and other
project managers because organizations have limited resources
– External project stakeholders include the project’s customers (if they are
external to the organization), competitors, suppliers, and other external groups
that are potentially involved in the project or affected by it, such as government
officials and concerned citizens
• The output is a Stakeholder Register document
– It is necessary to focus on stakeholders with the most direct ties to a project, For
example key customers and suppliers only
Stakeholder Analysis – Influence / Impact Grid
• The Influence/Impact grid or
matrix, is a tool that helps you
understand which stakeholders
have the most influence and the
impact they can make on project
– Influence is the level of involvement
the person has and impact is the
ability of the stakeholder to bring out
a desired change.
• By focusing on the key set of
project stakeholders, one can
prioritize stakeholders requests, Stakeholders that lie in the Manage
spend time as per influence and Closely quadrant can easily ensure project
impact stakeholders have, and failure, if you don’t manage them properly.
lead your project to a success
without stakeholder conflicts.
Tool: Stakeholder Engagement Matrix
The engagement
matrix acts as an
complement to the
stakeholder register,
as it enables you to
plot the desired
engagement level
for each stakeholder
Managing Remote and External Stakeholders
CR – Change Request
WPD – Work Performance Data / Report
Approved Change Requests
Project Kick Off Meeting
A project kickoff is a meeting or a launch event to introduce the project to all
the stakeholders
Objectives: Purpose:
• Sets the tone for the entire • Successfully start the
project project
• Is friendly, yet authoritative and • Develop a common
organized understanding of project
• Used as a mechanism to assign goals and priorities
the ownership of the project to • Reduce front-end fuzziness
the team • Start team building
• Allows management to rally the • Begin development of
troops, organize the team and get project definition
everyone excited about the documentation
upcoming plans
• Enables the PM to convey to the
team the challenges on the
project and the rewarding
experience at its completion
Class Activities or Action Items
Note that
totals are
equal, but
NPVs are
because of
the time
value of
Payback Analysis
• Another important financial
consideration is payback
• The payback period is the
amount of time it will take to
recoup, in the form of net cash
inflows, the total dollars
invested in a project.
• Payback occurs when the
cumulative discounted benefits
and costs are greater than
• Many organizations want IT
projects to have a fairly short
payback period.
Weighted Scoring Model
• A weighted scoring model is a tool that provides a systematic
process for selecting projects based on many criteria.
• Steps in identifying a weighted scoring model:
1. Identify criteria important to the project selection process.
2. Assign weights (percentages) to each criterion so they add up to 100
3. Assign scores to each criterion for each project.
4. Multiply the scores by the weights to get the total weighted scores.
• The higher the weighted score, the better.
Figure 4-5. Sample Weighted Scoring Model for Project
Stakeholder Alignment and Communication Guide
Stakeholders are
many and varied,
and they are often
affected differently
by the project
these dimensions
will help you build
• The five dimensions identify behavioral indicators within the working culture.
The tendency of individuals to use a similar combination of these
dimensions is what results in the formation of a unique culture.
• This can be a very useful tool for project managers when managing
stakeholder culture and to measure the dynamics and drive effective
stakeholder interaction.
Managing Stakeholder’s Disagreements
Four-step process when managing stakeholder disagreements:
• Step 1: Clarify your stakeholder’s position before you take action.
– Make sure you understand his concerns first
• Step 2: Describe the impact to the project that implementation of this
new idea will have. This is often an aha moment for the stakeholder and
can immediately diffuse the situation.
• Step 3: Alternative ideas can be persuasive if your stakeholder is firmly
entrenched. Offer pros and cons of each idea.
• Step 4: Transition to negotiation. Negotiating with stakeholders is a fact of
project life. Front-load all negotiations early in the planning stage but this
may happen all through the project life-cycle. Before you negotiate:
– Do your due diligence plan.
– Know what changes your project plan can and cannot absorb
– Manage scope creep by negotiating needed resources / time
– Win-win; find the common ground for the stakeholder and the project.