M1 - Imc PDF
M1 - Imc PDF
M1 - Imc PDF
• A discover India tour in which Aamir Khan travelled to different
parts of the country in a disguised manner and gave away
prizes to anyone who recognize him. All these actions were
recorded and telecasted with utmost importance which helped
in creating an initial buzz.
• Creating a twitter account by the name ‘Pucca Idiot’
contributed to a large extent in creating a buzz for the movie.
• Association with corporate giants like Reliance ADAG and
gaming portal Zapak.com. Reliance Capital even launched ‘All Is
Well Life Insurance Plans’, which was the movie punch line.
Zapak started a gaming website idiotsacademy.zapak.com prior
to the release of the movie.
• Sale of Merchandise: Aamir Khan has even designed a range of
3 Idiots T-shirts which was marketed by Pantaloons.
• Then the movie production houses and stars incorporated
Internet marketing by using video clippings, video distribution
for multiple site sharing and video streaming.
• This comprised of music, news, comedy, movie ads, promos or
trailers, television programs like reality show, sports trailers
etc. This provided e-marketers potential for online branding,
improving interaction and public relations, branding of
products etc.
• Promo’s, Trailers, Songs, interviews, Games, “making of the
movie”, reviews, previews and news, all formed a prominent
part of the promotion and marketing strategies adopted by film
• Movie trailers had made their way to movie teasers that gave
little info about the movie and created a huge amount of buzz
amongst the audience about the movie.
Integrated Marketing Communications
Discussion Topics
• The Promotion Mix
• Integrated Marketing Communications (IMC)
• A View of the Communications Process
• Steps in Developing Effective Marketing
• Setting the Total Promotion Budget and Mix
• Socially Responsible Marketing Communication
The Promotion Mix
When it Where it
will be said will be said
Who will
say it
Steps in Developing Effective Marketing
Communication (Marcom)
Determining the Communication Objectives
AIDA Model
• Get Attention
• Hold Interest
• Arouse Desire
• Obtain Action
4 Classic Response Hierarchy Models
Steps in Developing Effective Marketing
Communication (Marcom)
Designing a Message
Message content is an appeal or theme
that will produce the desired response
• Rational appeal
• Emotional appeal
• Moral appeal
Message structure
• Does the advertiser draw a conclusion or leave it
to the audience. Do they present the strongest
arguments first or last? Is the message one sided
(strengths only) or two-sided?
Message Format
• What will be the color, the text, the copy, the
Steps in Developing Effective Marketing
Communication (Marcom)
Designing a Message
Affordable budget
method sets the
budget at an
affordable level
• Ignores the effects
of promotion on
Steps in Developing Effective Marketing
Communication (Marcom)
Setting the Total Promotion Budget
communication is media
that carry messages without
personal contact or
feedback, including major
media, atmospheres, and
events that affect the buyer
Steps in Developing Effective Marketing
Communication (Marcom)
Choosing Media: Non-Personal Communication Channels
Public Relations
Public relations is a very • Press kits
believable form of • Speeches
promotion that • Seminars
• Annual reports
includes news stories,
• CSR activities
features, • Publications
sponsorships, and • Community relations
events • Lobbying
• Identity media
• Company magazine
Shaping the Overall Promotion Mix
The Nature of Each Promotion Tool
Organisational Approach
• Organisational Profile strategy of IMC
– Targets all relevant stakeholders
– Focuses on the organisation
– Is all about building reputation
• The most important consideration in the
implementation of IMC is that of customer focus
– This needs to be recognised organisation-wide and
may require training, support and planning
– Systems, processes, procedures and structures may
need to be adapted or changed
The Integrated Marketing Communication Mix
Barriers in Integration
• Power, Co-ordination and Control
• Organisation and cultural issues, client skills
• Agency skills/talent and overall time/resource issues
• Flexibility/modification issues
• Financial structures and frameworks & time to deliver
• Opposition and reluctance to change
• Technological barriers
• Perceived complexity of planning, coordination and
The Integrated Marketing Communication Mix