DLP CW 030723
DLP CW 030723
DLP CW 030723
A. CONTENT STANDARD The learners have an understanding of poetry as a genre and how to
analyze its elements and techniques.
B. PERFORMANCE STANDARD The learners shall be able to produce a short, well-crafted poem.
C. LEARNING COMPETENCY Identify the various elements, techniques, and literary devices in specific forms
/OBJECTIVES of poetry HUMSS_CW/MP11/12cf-6
Write a short poem applying the various elements and literary devices
exploring innovative techniques HUMSS_CW/MP11/12cf-10
I. CONTENT Write a Short Poem Applying the Various Elements and Literary Devices
Exploring Innovative Techniques
1. Teachers’ Guide pages
2. LM pages
3. Textbook pages
B. Other Learning Resources Creative Writing– Grade 12
Alternative Delivery Mode
Quarter 3 – Module 2: Write a Short Poem Applying the Various Elements and
Literary Devices Exploring Innovative Techniques
A. Reviewing Previous The teacher will ask the students to recapitulate the previous lesson.
Lesson/Presenting New Lesson
B. Establishing Purpose for the Task 2
Lesson Directions: Based on your previous lesson about poetry, identify the elements
described in the sentences below by answering the crossword puzzle. Copy
and answer this activity on your notebook.
C. Presenting the examples
/instances of the new lesson
D. Discussing New Concepts and STEP 1: STARTING THE POEM
practicing new skills #1 1. Pick a specific theme or idea
Before you start writing down your poem, pick a topic. You need to choose a
specific theme you are passionate to talk about. The theme or idea you have
chosen will serve as your guide on what your poem will convey.
There are a lot of topics to choose from, may it be coming from your
experience or feelings. Whatever theme you decide to pick, make sure that it is
specific. For example, if you are going to talk about love, you can work around
the topics “love of family” or “love of friends”.
2. Brainstorm for ideas
Think, think, think. This step will help you come up with thoughts and ideas
about the topic or theme you have chosen. You can try the following activities
to get you started in collecting ideas related to your topic:
o Try a free write. Grab a notebook and just start writing—about your day,
your feelings, or how you don’t know what to write about. Let your mind
wander for 5-10 minutes and see what you can come up with.
o Make a list or mind map of images. Think about a situation that’s full of
emotion for you and write down a list of images or ideas that you associate
with it. You could also write about something you see right in front of you, or
take a walk and note down things you see. Use any graphic organizer that can
help you arrange your thoughts such as concept maps, flow charts and more.
(Stephanie Wong Ken, MFA, 2020)
3. Choose a poetic form
Choose a poetic form that would fit your style of writing. There are many
different poetic forms that you can choose from.
E. Discussing New Concepts and
practicing New skills#2
F. Developing Mastery Task 3
Directions: Create your own by poem by filling up the lines with words or
phrases described in the parentheses below it. Write the poem you have
completed on your notebook.
G. Finding Practical application of Task 4 Starting the Poem
concepts and skills in daily living Direction: Brainstorm ideas to get you started with your poem by using this
concept map. Choose a topic of your liking and write it at the center. Then,
gather your ideas about the topic by writing relevant words/phrases in the
circles on the sides. Do this activity on your notebook.
H. Making Generalizations and
abstractions about the lesson
I. Evaluating Learning The teacher will administer a 20-item assessment.
J. Additional Activities for application
or remediation
IV. REMARKS The objectives have been accomplished: Yes _____ No_____
V. REFLECTION ______The students did not encounter any hindrance in completing the lessons
______The students had encountered a hindrance in completing the lesson
______The students are interested in the lesson
______The students did not enjoy the lesson because of lack materials, knowledge and interest
______The students are able to master the lesson despite the limited resources
______Most of the students are able to complete their activities within the allotted time.
______Only few students are able to complete their activities within the allotted time.
A. No. of Learners who earned 80% in the
B. No. of learners who require additional
activities for remediation who scored below
C. Did the remedial lessons work? No of
learners who have caught up with the lesson
D. No. of learners who continue require
E. Which of my teaching strategies worked ______Collaborative activity _______Differentiated Instruction ______demonstration
well? Why did this work? ______Games ______Other
F. What difficulties did I encounter w/c my
principal or supervisor can help me solve?
G. What innovation or localized materials did
I used/discover w/c I wish to share w/ other
Prepared by:
TEACHER II Inspected by: