F1 Model Block: Technical Datasheet
F1 Model Block: Technical Datasheet
F1 Model Block: Technical Datasheet
F1 Model Block
Applications Properties
• Block supplied manufactured to the size • very fine structure
specified in the F1 In Schools Technical Regulations • easily worked by machine or hand
Processing data
Product F1 Model Block
Colour light green
Density at 20°C g / cm3 0,163 ± 0,012
Physical data
Properties Inspect. requirem. Unit Value
tensile strength perpendicular ASTM D 1623 MPa 2,4
Methode A
tensile strength parallel ASTM D 1623 MPa 2,6
Methode A
Shear strength perpendicular ISO 1922 MPa 1,25
Compressive strength parallel ISO 844 MPa 2,6
Compressive strength perpendicular ISO 844 MPa 2,0
working operating temperature - °C -180 bis +120
Heat conductivity 10° C at beginning - mW/m°K 31
Heat conductivity 24° C at beginning - mW/m°K -
Heat conductivity 10° C after 10 days - mW/m°K 35
Heat conductivity 10° C after 180 days - mW/m°K 39
Heat conductivity 24° C after 180 days - mW/m°K -
Shore hardness DIN 53505 Shore A 70
Coefficient of linear expansion DIN 53752 10-6 K-1 ca. 57
Dimens. stability X=Lergth/48h at -25°C ISO 2796 max % X-Y 0,1 / Z 0,1
Dimens. stability Y=Lergth/48h at 100°C ISO 2796 max % X-Y 1,0 / Z 1,0
Dimens. stability Z=Lergth/48h at 70 90%°C ISO 2796 max % X-Y 1,0 / Z 1,0
Closed-cell character - - 92
Water absorption ISO 2896 % 3
Permeability of water vapor ISO 1663 gr/m2 24h 15
Flammability classification DIN 4102 class B2
Flammability classification ISO 3582 mm <30
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Technical Datasheet
F1 Model Block
In General
The F1 Model Block is a polyurethane based block material which can be easily processed by hand and machine. The product
contains no halogen's, plasticisers, formaldehyde or solvents. No chlorofluorocarbon is used during manufacture of the product and it is
proven biologically friendly.
Very fine surface structure
Easy to machine and work by hand, contains no abrasive fillers
Dimensional tolerance of 1-2 % is possible.
Processing instructions
Hand finishing, sealing and painting instructions can be found on the F1 Model Block Paint Guidance Instructions Sheet.
The F1 Model Block has an unlimited shelf life when stored in flat dry conditions.
Safety measures
The F1 Model Block material does not produce hazardous dusts when machining or hand finishing, however minimising the formation of
dust and the use of personal protective equipment is advised. Users should refer to the current Safety Data Sheet for additional information.
According to regulations for hazardous products the F1 Model Blocks do not require special marking for transport or storage.
Waste Disposal
Small quantities can be disposed of as domestic waste, it is advisable to consult your organisations waste disposal directives and any
applicable local authority guidelines. Further questions please do not hesitate to contact our Technical Department.
Other Information
This information is based on our present knowledge. However, this shall not constitute a guarantee for any specific product features and
shall not establish a legally valid contractual relationship. This Technical Data Sheet has been prepared by the Technical Department
at Denford Ltd.
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