Styrolution PS 495N: High Impact Polystyrene (HIPS)
Styrolution PS 495N: High Impact Polystyrene (HIPS)
Styrolution PS 495N: High Impact Polystyrene (HIPS)
Styrolution PS 495N is an impact resistant polystyrene with a good balance of toughness, high flow, heat resistance and high gloss.
High flow Injection molding
Good balance of toughness and heat resistance TV & office equipment components
Air conditioners
Water tanks for toilet flushing
Rheological Properties
Melt Volume Rate, 200 °C/5 kg ISO 1133 cm³/10 min 9.5
Mechanical Properties
Thermal Properties
Electrical Properties
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Styrolution PS 495N
High Impact Polystyrene (HIPS)
Optical Properties
Other Properties
Styrolution PS 495N is supplied as cylindrical shaped granules. It has to be kept in its original containers in a cool, dry place. Avoid direct
exposure to sunlight. Styrolution PS can be stored in silos.
Styrolution PS 495N can be injection molded under different conditions depending on machinery available and articles molded. Mass
temperature can be as high as 260°C. Styrolution PS 495N is suitable for gas assisted injection molding. To achieve articles with very high
gloss, well-polished surfaces are recommended.
During processing of Styrolution PS small quantities of styrene monomer may be released into the atmosphere. At styrene vapor
concentrations below 20ppm no negative effects on health are expected. In our experience, the concentration of styrene does not exceed 1
ppm in well ventilated workplaces - that is were five to eight air changes per hour are made.
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Styrolution PS 495N
High Impact Polystyrene (HIPS)
The aforementioned data shall constitute the agreed contractual quality of the product sold by INEOS Styrolution at the time of passing of risk.
INEOS Styrolution does not make any further warranty, representation or guarantee of any kind, express or implied, regarding the suitability of
the product for any particular purpose or application and INEOS Styrolution disclaims all liability in connection therewith. The customer himself
is required to verify whether or not the product is suitable for the further processing or application intended and whether or not the product
complies with the relevant statutory requirements. Unless explicitly and individually otherwise agreed in writing, INEOS Styrolution's sole and
exclusive liability with respect to its products is set forth in INEOS Styrolution's General Terms and Conditions for Sale.
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