Awareness and Attitudes of Administrators, SPED and Regular Teachers Towards Inclusive Education
Awareness and Attitudes of Administrators, SPED and Regular Teachers Towards Inclusive Education
Awareness and Attitudes of Administrators, SPED and Regular Teachers Towards Inclusive Education
6 JulyInternational
IAMURE 2013 Journal of Multidisciplinary Research
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International Peer Reviewed Journal
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that promotes and supports the cultural shift of inclusive educational practices
in all public schools.
Inclusion of students with disabilities in the regular classroom has been met
with a lot of resistance from regular education teachers who would be responsible
for educating children with special needs. Regular school teachers believe that
students with disabilities require special needs which cannot be provided in
inclusive based regular classroom. They also believe that their professional
knowledge and skills are inadequate to effectively teach students with disabilities
in regular schools. Many regular education teachers feel unprepared and scared to
work with disabled learners and display anger, frustration and negative attitude
towards inclusive education. They also believe it lowers academic standards.
Etenesh (2000) found that most teachers reject the admission of students with
disabilities into their schools. The same source indicates that teachers also refuse
the placement of students with disability in their classes with the notion that
this could be unrewarding and burdensome. The rejection is stronger with those
children with severe disabilities than those with less severe disabilities are. The
beliefs, negative attitude and concerns expressed by teachers may be explained
due to lack of professional preparedness, available resources, sufficient orientation
and specialist assistance (Gary, 1997). Initial professional knowledge and further
training, human and material resources enhance teachers’ attitudes positively and
affect their willingness make inclusion work (Gary, 1997).
In Cagayan de Oro City Central School SPED Center, the program started
in 2000 with two or three special children mainstreamed in the regular classroom
setting. Some teachers would say, with the number of students they have in the
classroom (40-45 pupils), a child with attention deficit hyperactive disorder
(ADHD) roaming around the room is not much of a welcome thought. Putting
a learning disability (LD) or a mentally retarded (MR) child in the mainstream
class is a thunderstorm at its best, both for the children with and without
disabilities and most especially, the teachers. Even when trying to address the
issue the most important social aspects awareness and readiness are missing.
School administrations, whose consent to implement an inclusive learning
system throughout schools is necessary, are not yet ready. Only through personal
relationship with NGO members and direct exposure to persons with special
needs have several schools expressed readiness to participate in such projects.
The belief system of teachers plays a major role in inclusive teaching practice.
Barnyak and Paquette (2010) reported that teachers are unlikely to change
their teaching style when a change is warranted, unless their belief system can
be changed first. Many education researchers, who explored elementary or
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secondary teachers’ attitudes, often argue that the belief system of teachers is
developed through their teacher education program that they undergo (Gao &
Mager, 2011). It is also evident that the rate of return of investing in pre-service
teachers is much better than that of in-service teachers (Savolainen et al., 2012).
Therefore, to encourage change in teachers’ attitudes towards students with SEN
in regular classrooms, it is important to understand how teachers think about IE
during their preparation as teachers.
One of the most important factors affecting teachers’ attitudes towards
integration or inclusion is the type and severity of disabilities. Research reveals
that irrespective of teaching experience, severity of disability shows an inverse
relationship with positive attitudes such that as the perception of severity increase,
teachers positive attitude decrease (Forlin et al., 1996). According to Pollard
and Rojewski (1993), an additional component of positive attitude is related to
class size. General educators report that reducing class size to 20 students would
facilitate their integration effort. Campbell et al. (1985) opined that teachers
were less able to objectively observe, rate and plan appropriate intervention for
their behaviours. Another factor that could contribute to the rejection of children
with special needs by regular teachers and administrators was lack of special
training. Many teachers were afraid that they did not have skills necessary for
teaching children with special needs. Others felt that working with these children
was not gratifying as working with normal individuals. This implies the need
for the development of positive attitude towards the successful implementation
of inclusive education. Further, the review entails the need to the availability
of training, adapted curriculum, resources and utmost responsibility of the
teachers for the implementation of inclusive education. Another implication is
for professionals, practitioners and policy makers to design programs to intervene
negative attitudes and to control factors contributing towards negative attitudes
in implementing successful inclusion.
With these barriers associated with inclusion administrators/principals, SPED
and regular teachers in schools need to be flexible in order to develop confidence
in their ability to meet barriers to learning. They need time and opportunity
to develop relevant organizational and curriculum responses. For inclusive
education to succeed, it is vitally important that teachers, principals and other
education stakeholders maintain a positive attitude towards inclusion. They must
be firmly convinced of the benefits that inclusive practices bring to all children.
One way of improving stakeholders’ attitudes towards inclusive education is to
raise awareness of the potential benefits of inclusive education for all students.
Even if inclusive education is mandated by law, it will never succeed without
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The study aimed to assess the awareness, to analyze the attitudes and the
factors that affect attitudes of stakeholders in mainstreaming children with special
needs in the regular classroom setting.
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(Deno, 1997). This inclusive setting can expand a student’s personal interests
and knowledge of the world, which is excellent preparation for adulthood (4.30).
Classrooms are now becoming more diverse with respect to students abilities,
therefore sensitivity and awareness on the part of general education/regular
teacher is essential to promote successful inclusion.
According to Bender et al. (1995), teachers who are aware of the inclusion
policy and therefore can define the pragmatic meaning of inclusion is more
willing to be part of the inclusion team. However, numerous studies show that
teachers agreed that the inclusive education is important, but many found it
difficult to apply.
Special Education (SPED) teachers are very much aware of the ultimate goal
of special education shall be the integration or mainstreaming of learners with
special needs into the regular school system and eventually into the community
(Policies & Guidelines in Special Education, 1997). That mainstreaming will be
participated by the special children in the non-academic portions of the general
education program, such as art, music, and physical education (4.92).
The special education and regular teachers need preparation, administrative
support, and opportunities to nurture collaborative relationships (4.92). Both
the general and special education teachers must function as a team. The team
or partnership should be such that special education and general education
cooperatively assess the educational needs of the students with learning
problems and cooperatively develop educational strategies for meeting the needs
(Mayhew, 1994). They believe that consultation would require a strong trust and
communication system between the regular and special education teachers as
well as parents (4.92). Through mainstreaming, regular teachers may experience
the joy and challenge in teaching special children (4.85). As a SPED teacher
equipped with knowledge and skills on inclusive education, proper information
must be given to the administrators, regular teachers, and parents regarding the
assistive devices and technology for the special children (4.85).
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significant stipulations that allow for successful inclusion of children with special
needs is the attitudes of the general education teacher regarding the inclusion
of special education students into their classroom. That favorable attitude must
be developed towards children with special needs (4.30). LeyRoy and Simpson
(1996) reported that as teachers experience with students, particularly those with
special needs intensify their confidence to teach them is likely to grow which
invariably alter their negative attitudes.
Attitude of teachers can be changed by exposing them to inclusion practices,
in service education programmes, workshops and seminars, literature in the field
and by learning from others’ experiences. It is argued that when teachers gain
extensive professional knowledge needed to implement inclusive programs they
may succumb to it (Avramidis et al., 2000). Teachers need to understand that
as soon as they have decided to take up inclusive classrooms as part of their
responsibility, then they need to be ready for a lot of work. Teachers should
equip themselves with all the necessary information needed to cope with these
changes. There are certain skills and knowledge that will help them teach children
with special needs (Reynolds & Fletcher-Jansen, 2007). Islands of change may
have limited coverage, but they can be scaled-up and led to broader change with
advocacy (Holdsworth, 1994).
Proper information is needed especially on the usage of assistive technology
devices (4.20), for them to know the burden of these technologies on the part
of the regular teachers and regular pupils as well (4.00). Teachers can also help
students with special needs adapt to the mainstream classroom environment
through equipping themselves with all the necessary technology available in the
world today. There are always new devices and methods that are being created in
order to help children with special needs live better lives.
The positive effects of inclusive education on classmates without disabilities
have demonstrated a greater acceptance and valuing of individual differences
(4.10). Research shows that the benefits of inclusive classrooms reach beyond
academics. This is particularly important for young children, who learn best
when they feel safe, secure, and at home in their classrooms. An environment that
encourages young children’s social and emotional development will stimulate all
aspects of their learning.
SPED teachers strongly agreed that wholesome relationship with the receiving
teacher should be established (4.77). That collaboration of SPED teachers and
regular teachers create a good and harmonious relationship (4.69). Teachers
both general and special education must collaborate to create learning strategies
and environments that work for all students. This also shows that collaboration
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between the mainstream and the special education teachers is important and that
there should be a clear guideline on the implementation of inclusive education.
In addition to professional collaboration, inclusion teachers also need to
coordinate their plans with the parents of inclusion students. Inclusion is best
utilized when all students participate, and they are exposed to all aspects of
school. This exposure can only occur when collaboration exists between regular
education teachers and special education teachers and resources. Another method
suggested was modifying the teaching method and amount of support according
to the students Individualized Educational Plan (Janney & Snell, 2006).
Moreover, it was found out that fieldwork and early exposure to inclusive
education is also beneficial in learning how and when to apply the modifications
(Florian & Linklater 2010). Teachers with positive attitudes towards inclusion
more readily change and adapt the ways they work in order to benefit students
with a range of learning needs (4.69). Research findings determined that it is not
only the general education teachers who need to have positive attitudes for the
success of inclusion programs. The results also indicated that successful inclusion
is dependent upon the positive attitude of special education teachers as well.
The positive effects of inclusive education on classmates without disabilities
have demonstrated a greater acceptance and valuing of individual differences,
enhanced self-esteem, a genuine capacity for friendship, and the acquisition of
new skills (4.69). Research shows that principals, special education and regular
teachers, parents and community members must all be involved and invested
in the successful outcome of inclusive education (Villa, 1997; Walther-Thomas,
1997). From this research process, effective inclusive education requires sustained
contact between the special education and content departments. Cawley et al.
(2002) found that special education teachers working in inclusive situations
reported having a greater sense of belonging to the school community, an
enriched view of education, a greater breadth of knowledge of the general
education system, and a greater overall enjoyment of teaching.
In this study, attitudes of teachers toward inclusion of children with
special needs in the general education classroom are barriers to the success of
inclusion. Teachers may express acceptance but may not be willing to make
the adaptations and modifications necessary for successful inclusion. They may
have positive attitudes despite their concerns about actual implementation of
inclusion. Therefore, teachers’ education program must focus on promoting
positive attitudes of teachers toward inclusion. Eisner (1994) viewed attitudes
from a social constructivist perspective stating attitudes should not be viewed as
solely personal but arising out of interactions with other in the system (school,
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From the findings, the following conclusions are made about administrators/
principals, SPED and regular teachers’ awareness and attitudes towards inclusive
education. Their awareness on the program will greatly help in understanding
more in educating children with special needs in general education settings with
access to the general education curriculum. Teachers have a positive perception
towards the implementation of the inclusive education programme. However,
there are some aspects that can be improved such as the collaboration between
the mainstream and special education teachers and the preparation to train
regular teachers in handling and teaching children with special needs. The need
to provide adequate resources to inclusive classes as never been more critical. In
addition, there should be an increasing effort in promoting inclusive education
program to the public as well as to the stakeholders. The Communication from
the Commission on improving competences for the 21st Century: An agenda
for European cooperation in schools also highlights the need for initial teacher
training to improve the balance between theory and practice and to present
teaching as a problem-solving or research-in-action activity linked more to pupils’
and students’ learning and progress. Therefore, teachers’ education program must
focus on promoting positive teachers attitude toward inclusion.
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