Longman Intro 1 - 015
Longman Intro 1 - 015
Longman Intro 1 - 015
Short dialogues are found in Part A in the Listening Comprehension section of the paper
TOEFL test. For each of the thirty short dialogues in this part of the test, you will hear a
two-line dialogue b~tween two speakers followed by a multiple choice question. After you
listen to the dialogue and the question. you must choose the best answer to the question
from your test book. Look at an example of a short dialogue from the paper TOEFL test.
In the dialoguc, the man asks if the woman has finished studying. and the woman says Not
quite. This means that she has not quite finished studying and that she has a little more study-
ing to do. Answer (C) is therefore thc best answer to this qucstion.