North East Diocesan Social Service Society (NEDSSS) : Form 8: Meeting and Training Format
North East Diocesan Social Service Society (NEDSSS) : Form 8: Meeting and Training Format
North East Diocesan Social Service Society (NEDSSS) : Form 8: Meeting and Training Format
Submitted by: Thiba Samuel Checked by: Probal S. Ghosh Approved by: Lucas P. Kerketta
Signature: s/d Signature: s/d Signature: s/d
Date: 05.04.2023 Date: 05.04.2023 Date: 05.04.2023
Program Schedule for 4th Quarterly Reflection Meeting of SAVE Project, Guwahati
Venue: NEDSSS, Sanghai Hall. Date: 20th- 23rd,March, 2023
Participants: SAVE Project team of NEDSSS & CRS Organized by: NEDSSS
Activity Title Time Process Methodology
Arrival: 20th, March 2023 by afternoon
5.00 pm First Session
Day 1: 21st March 2023 (Tuesday)
Welcome 09.00to 09.10am Welcome and Prayer Philip
9.15 to 9.25 am Key note address by Fr. Sebastian
Introduction 09.10 to 09.30 am Participants introduce Facilitated by
themselves with their Lucas Prakash
name and the place they Kerketta
come from.
PPT on Project 09.30 to 10.00 am Presentation on project Facilitated by LCD Projector
Evaluation Evaluation and feed gay Thongamba with Screen
PPT on Project’s 10.10 am to 10. 30 Presentation on Result Facilitated by LCD Projector
Results am Framework by the state Lucas Prakash with Screen
Framework& team and followed by Kerketta
Challenges Faced discussion &Probal
& the achievement
so far of the
10:00 am to 10:15 Tea Break
Group Discussion 10.15 am to 12.30 PowerPoints Group work by - collaboration
on Project pm presentation by the state state team with govt.
Activities, Reasons team. department,
for hesitancy, - Updated list of Form strategies applied
refusal ( In A- village wise etc.
details). (completion of due list)
Sharing the - Updated list of form B
learning of the & C till March 2023
project - Updated numbers from
Jan to Mar 23 against
the indicators
- Update of activities
carried out in blocks Jan
to Mar 23
- Update of people ready
for vaccination (Village
-update of Collaboration
with the Govt.
-What are the reasons
for shortfall?
- What are the strategies
and action taken to
overcome the shortfall?
Review of Target 09:30 am – 10:30 Power point presentation Facilitated by LCD Projector &
population as per am as per the Survey done Probal & Screen
the survey and the and the village wise data Lucas
village wise updated for Covid – 19
updating the list on vaccination.
covid 19 data
10:30 am to 10:15 Tea Break
Discussion on 11:45 to 01:30 pm Power point presentation Facilitated by LCD Projector &
MEAL Data, updating of the village Lucas & Screen
finding of the wise due list by the Probal visualizations for
project evaluation states discussion
12:30 – 1:30 pm Lunch Break
Financial reporting 1:30 pm – 2:30 pm State of Meghalaya PPT by State LCD Projector
Coordinators with Screen
Financial reporting 2:30 pm – 3:30 pm State of Mizoram PPT by State LCD Projector
Coordinators with Screen
Feedback on the 4.00 pm – 5.00 pm Concluding remarks Facilitated by LCD projector
SAVE project Evaluation Lucas & probal with Screen
The day began with Prayer led by. Philip from Mizoram. Fr. Sebastian the Director of NEDSSS, said about
relevance of the project which can still proceed ahead in next remaining month, Mr. Probal S. Ghosh Asst Project
Officer thank father and request the State participants to introduce themselves with their name and the
place they come from. Presentation on project Evaluation and feed backs was presented by sir Gay
Thongamba Consultant followed by feed back from director as mention to put proper percentage on the
data presented. Presentation on Result Framework by the state team and followed by discussion. Nayan
Kakoti, Senior Project Officer CRS. Question State team about the numbers which is not tallying in
Consolidation form B & C all the state team are requested to redo and submit the next day and be ready to
present the correct data.
After morning tea break Participant power points presentation by the state team.
- Updated list of Form A- village wise (completion of due list)
- Updated list of form B & C till March 2023
- Updated numbers from Jan to Mar 23 against the indicators
- Update of activities carried out in blocks Jan to Mar 23
- Update of people ready for vaccination (Village wise)
-update of Collaboration with the Govt.
-What are the reasons for shortfall?
Day: 2:22:03:2023
The Day Began with recap from four States facilitated by Sir Probal Asst project Officer under the following.
1. Redo the consolidation form B& C.
2. Updated list of Form A- village wise completion of due list.
3. Checking of reports bills and vouchers to be ready.
4.Facilitation list to be made by state team for distribution of kit bags
5. Submission of laptops by state team.
The day was wrap up with Checking reports and data from various state team.
Presentation to Asst. director followed by Speech from fr.Anil he Shared that the project has helped the community
in various states in spite of all the difficulty face by the team he encourage the team members to give their best
efforts. Checking of reports and bills with various state team by project staffs NEDSS the day was wrap up with thank giving
speech from sir lucas project officer.
Quarterly Reflection Meeting of SAVE Project, Guwahati
Venue: NEDSSS, Guwahati Date: 20th & 23rd March-2023
Points of Discussion
1.Project’s Results Framework& Challenges Faced & the achievement so far of the project
2. Group Discussion on Project Activities, Reasons for hesitancy, refusal in details Sharing the learning of the
3. Financial Reporting
4. Review of Target population as per the survey and the village wise updating the list on covid 19 data
Action Plan
Sl. No Details Deadline
1. Consolidation Form -A 2023 (state wise) State Coordinator 25/03/2023
2. Consolidation Form B& C updated with correction All States 2023 State Coordinator 25/03/2023
3. Quarterly Reflection Meeting minutes (including Photographs) Lucas & Team 27/01/2023
DATE : 20 th to 23th March .2023
Day 2: 22th NEDSSS & Save team Group Discussion Save -Team