Project Integration Simulation (PMPG-5502 ON) Assignment-4 (Project Lessons Learned & Final Status Reports)
Project Integration Simulation (PMPG-5502 ON) Assignment-4 (Project Lessons Learned & Final Status Reports)
Project Integration Simulation (PMPG-5502 ON) Assignment-4 (Project Lessons Learned & Final Status Reports)
(PMPG-5502 ON)
(Project Lessons Learned & Final Status Reports)
Group Number- 02
Submission date- April 05, 2020
Final Project Status Report
Scope Status
Final Deliverables Acceptance Criteria Criteria Met/Comment
1. Find Alternative The new route must be safe, Yes, the new route was safe,
routes in good condition and the in good condition, with
distance should be similar to similar distances and as an
the previous route. extra, the view was
2. Get Permits The cities involved had to Yes, permits were issued on
review the new tour route time.
and approve them.
3. Contact Emergency Contact all the stakeholders Yes, all the required services
Services necessary for a safe tour, and were there when needed.
request their services on the
designated days.
5. Draw Detailed Maps A comprehensive map had to Yes, the map included all the
and list of locations draw, in order to provide necessary information for all
guidance for the stakeholders parties.
and participants
6. Print High-Quality The maps have to be printed Yes, the quality was
Maps in high-quality for the satisfactory and there was no
participants of the tour. complaints
Schedule Status
Final Deliverables Approves Dates Actual completion dates
(d/m/y) (d/m/y)
2. Printing maps
Fri 18-07-20 Fri 18-07-20
4. Setting checkpoints
Mon 18-07-09 Mon 18-07-09
5. Verify Road
Conditions Tue 18-07-10 Tue 18-07-10
6. Distribute maps
and route Mon 18-07-23 Mon 18-07-23
descriptions for
7. Distribute maps
and route Tue 18-7-19 Tue 18-7-19
descriptions for
volunteers and staff
Effort (Hours)/Days 21 23
Deliverables 7 0 7
Deadlines N/A
Tue 18-07-24 Tue 18-07-24
Schedule This was the project major As per our PTB Report, we
constraint, so everyone knew didn't meet the schedule
the schedule very well. The timeline, as we took most of
instructions regarding the the tasks with optimistic
Three Point Estimation duration.There were some
technique will be very tasks that had taken 2-3 days
helpful. Make sure to and we couldn't change their
understand how to use it and days to less than allocated.
confirm the information with Instead of getting the 21 days
your sponsor. Also, have for the whole project, we got
100% clear what are your 23 days.
available human and physical
resources for the projects. As
per simulation, Our actual
duration was 23 days
Project Initiation As per the project charter In the Project purpose and
was developed, Major background, we wrote the
Constraints were kept in duration for the project as for
consideration regarding cost, 22 days.In the schedule/
time workers/volunteers.For Timeline area, we forgot to
cost, some activities required add 2-3 tasks in the MS
more budget like permits, project and we modified
safety and kits etc where we them by adding all remaining
had to properly distribute the tasks in the Final project
money according to the areas management plan.
where it will get more utilized
and needed more.
Project Management Plan For the overall project In the project management
management plan, the areas plan, WBS needed
like Background, Network modification as we
diagram,Cost allocation for unnecessarily added the
each expenses, Quality of the information for marketING,
project, Resources assigned Stakeholders as WBS does
to each task were properly not include resources.So, we
worked as per we distributed didn't add them into the final
for the project. project management plan.
Project Change Management Documenting every change in Saving all the PTB
plan the deliverables (Project submissions information in a
Charter, Project Plan) in the document would have helped
same format is a good way to us a lot, but we only started
keep track of everything. The doing so on a later stage of
team has to agree on a the process.
format and use it.
Afterwards, you can control
and check all of them without
much effort.
1. Our most important advice is to ask as many questions as you can to your sponsor and
clarify everything before putting information into deliverables, especially the early ones,
Project Charter and Project Plan. We wrote without understanding 100% and it ended
up costing us a lot of time to fix it on a later stage of the project.
2. This process is very iterative. It may seem confusing in the beginning, but everything will
come together in the end. The first contact with the simulation tool may seem scary, but
there’s a lot of video and tutorials. Make sure to check them thoroughly before starting
working with the tool.
3. Before the execution of the project,the entire team should go through the work again so
that they can evaluate the durations of the activities as per the tasks allocated. If the
duration gets misaligned , then the whole project can reach over schedule or under
4. The parameters like Idle cost, Penalty needs very serious consideration while running
the scenarios.