Rubric - Presentation
Use of Evidence No evidence or One piece of Three pieces Five or more pieces
to Support data is used to evidence is of evidence of evidence are
support your used to are used to used to support
Two pieces of evidence
work. support your support your your work.
are used to support your
work. One or work. Exceptional data
work. Some data is used
two data Significant and research
points are data points
used are used
Language and Response is Sentences are Sentences are confusing Sentences are Sentences are fluent
style not complete not well-built. occasionally. Often, clear with and well-built.
and language Overall, word word choice does not minimal Word choice
is not choice does reflect content. confusion. reflects the content
appropriate. not reflect Word choice effectively.
content. reflects
Time Less than 1 Less than 2 Less than 3 minutes or Between the Between the time
management minute or minutes or more than 5 minutes (30 time limit limit
more than 7 more than 6 seconds +-)
minutes minutes