TCWD 5 Global Governance
TCWD 5 Global Governance
TCWD 5 Global Governance
groups enjoy law, international criminal law, and the like. Victor Peskin
observes that the United Nations Security
Council's ad hoc tribunals for the
greater former Yugoslavia and Rwanda
continued to trump state sovereignty
recognition as insofar as targeted states and all other
UN members were legally bound to
subjects of
international law
• However, the • However, the development of
international criminal tribunals
development of suggests a changing balance of
international criminal tribunal authority and state
sovereignty. He criticizes the
tribunals suggests a next generation of war crimes
changing balance of tribunals as supporting the
expansion of the influence of
tribunal authority and state judicial actors as well as
state sovereignty. the strengthening of the
doctrine of sovereignty.
• The establishment of special
hybrid courts in Cambodia, East
Timor, Lebanon, and Sierra
nt of special Leone means that states no
longer see sovereign state law
alone as a sufficient means of
hybrid punishing serious war crimes.
• The decisions of international
• The decisions of judges and prosecutors now
permeate and shape the
international domestic criminal law of
these countries. William Burke-
judges and White further asserts that the
ICC has become part of a
prosecutors now system of multilevel global
governance through its
permeate and alteration of state preferences
and policies and its deterrence
shape the domestic of future crimes through judicial
and prosecutorial
criminal law of pronouncements.
these countries
• International law has evolved
into a central framework for
• International law has
the emergent system of evolved into a
global governance. This central framework
system supplies the normative
mechanisms for the for the emergent
establishment of IGOs and the system of global
facilitation of the international governance
response to issues as diverse
as nuclear proliferation, climate
change, ocean use, and the
functioning of the world trade
• A sovereign state and its laws
are changing; they are
transforming according to according to their
their relevance to the
international system. A state relevance to the
may, in some point in time, opt international
to comply with the international
and transnational standards. system
However, the adaptive power
of the state law should not be
• Generally speaking, the laws
that govern the sovereign
state are strong and flexible
enough to endure the many
challenges along the way.
Even with globalization
around, the laws are here to
stand firm on the political
influence over the lives of
sovereign state’s people
and the majority of peoples
around the globe. (e)