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FlightControlReplay V5 User Manual

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Welcome to Flight Control Replay V5 and thank you for purchasing the ultimate Record and Replay
tool for Microsoft Flight Simulator, and Prepar3D V5.

Brand new version of the software vastly revamped, and here is a brand new manual as well.

If you are a new customer and first time user of Flight Control Replay, take time to dig necessary
information to perform the complete installation of the tool according to your flight simulator.

Find also useful and quick guides to start well in the environment and in the user interface to get the
best out of the multiple features made possible with Flight Control Replay V5.

I’ve been a flight simmer as well for the last 20 years, that’s why I develop tools that I would need for
myself, and I wish you and all the community to have as much fun as I do with our excting hobby !


 New User Interface 2022

 Customizable Size and Transparency
 PMDG 737 + Fenix A320 Support in MSFS
 iniBuilds A310 support in MSFS
 Asobo Cabri G2 and Bell helicopters support in MSFS
 Intregration in MSFS Toolbar for in-game launch and control
 Automatic cameras switch for cinematic replay
 GhostPlane: formation flying live with one AI duet MSFS
 Next gen memory management
 Touchdown and landing speed report


 Replay and Record MP4 Video

 Crash-to-Desktop Recovery, restart from the last known position
 Re-Live resume live flight from any instant in the past during Replay
 PlayAI Formation Flying, simulate multiple ghosts flying at the same time
 VR Support with FCR user interface display in VR
 Follow and Record AI Traffic, or PlayAI generated aircraft
 Camera Movements Record and Replay, to create advanced camera path and apply it to your
flight Replays
 Camera Controls Override (MSFS only)
 Take / Leave Aircraft Control Toggle, leave your main aircraft and take over an AI to fly it
 Aircraft Gear position and/or altitude offset enforced during Replay
 KML File Import (MSFS only)
 XMapsy support
 Microsoft "Surface Dial Integration"
 FlightIllusion "GSA-42 integration" compass hardware module support
 DOFREALITY Motion platform support

Right click on the EXE installer file, and

1 select « Execute as Administrator ».

2 x2264vfw is a pack of MP4 Codec that will

be required to allow FlightControlReplay to
record and render the video directly in a
MP4 file.

If it’s not detected on your computer, the

installer will add it automatically before to
proceed with the tool installation.

In the Options menu of the Installer, you

3 can :
- edit the destination folder
- create shortcuts on your Windows
desktop and/or in the Windows Start menu

When the main Installer has finished, do

4 not run the Simulator yet.

Run FlightControlReplay always in

Administrator Mode. Right click on
FlightControlReplay shortcut, or EXE file,
and select Run As Administrator. ALWAYS.

If you want to get FlightControlReplay

added to the MSFS In-game tool bar, run
first FlightControlReplay.exe from the
folder FlightControlReplayMSFS.

Go to Options, and click on Configure

MSFS Toolbar,

In case that the button of FCR has not

been successfully added into MSFS
toolbar, you can copy the
« flightcontrolreplay-ingamepanels-
custom » folder found in the installation
directory of FlightControlReplay. And then
paste this to the Community folder of

Find the Community folder :

MSFS Purchased direct at Microsoft


MSFS Purchased at Steam

Roaming\Microsoft Flight Simulator\

REQUIRED for Prepar3D users only


• Microsoft DirectX End-User Runtime Web Official and additional packages from

5 Installer
Microsoft for your Windows System that
are mandatory for a safe operation of
FlightControlReplay with Prepar3D flight
• Microsoft VisualStudio 2008 C++ redist These are NOT required for use with
https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/ Microsoft Flight Simulator.

3.1 User Interface introduction in MSFS

Several functions and buttons are greyed when you are « Disconnected », they are and will remain
inactive until your status turn « Connected ».

1. Simulator connexion status « Connected » or « Disconnected »

2. Simulator connexion status annunciator 🟢 or 🔴
3. Interface size selector
4. Main Interface Menu
Load To load a previously saved .FCR replay flie.
PlayAI Simulate Formation Flying during replay, up to 5 aircraft AI per each instance.
Re-Live Instant Replay of the last 2 minutes, and resume Live Flight at anytime.
Options Access to full settings of FlightControlReplays
Export Create a .KML geographic data file of your Replay for Google Earth.
Import Load a .KML file and Replay that flight track in your flight simulator.
Tips Standard advices for the best experience using FlightControlReplay.
5. Voice control mode activation
6. Video MP4 Rendering recorder activation
7. Slow speed selectors 4x or 2x
8. Fast speed selectors 4x or 2x
9. Take or Leave control selector
10. Cycle AI Aircraft selector to switch view between your plane / AI traffic / PlayAI ghosts
11. Cinematic Replay activation selector
12. Live Ghost activation selector
13. Record / Replay buttons
14. Backward to the Start button
15. Forward until the End button
16. Time Slider
17. Area for additional text editor or special frame feature

3.2 User Interface variant with P3D

The main interface for P3D User has only a few differences in the row of the command bar (#5 - #13).

1. Simulator connexion status « Connected » or « Disconnected »

2. Simulator connexion status annunciator 🟢 or 🔴
3. Interface size selector
4. Main Interface Menu
Load To load a previously saved .FCR replay flie.
PlayAI Simulate Formation Flying during replay, up to 5 aircraft AI per each instance.
Re-Live Instant Replay of the last 2 minutes, and resume Live Flight at anytime.
Options Access to full settings of FlightControlReplays
Export Create a .KML geographic data file of your Replay for Google Earth.
Import Load a .KML file and Replay that flight track in your flight simulator.
Tips Standard advices for the best experience using FlightControlReplay.
5. Zoom out the active view in Prepar3D (Prepar3D only)
6. Zoom in the active view in Prepar3D (Prepar3D only)
7. Change Camera (Prepar3D only)
8. Voice control mode activation
9. Video MP4 Rendering recorder activation
10. Slow speed selectors 4x or 2x
11. Fast speed selectors 4x or 2x
12. Take or Leave control selector
13. GhostPlane activation selector
14. Record / Replay buttons
15. Backward to the Start button
16. Forward until the End button
17. Time Slider
18. Area for additional text editor or special frame feature

3.3 Interface Size Selector

FlightControlReplay User Interface in Windows comes with 3 available sizes, that you can select and
cycle at anytime by clicking on the button indicated below.

Full Interface

Medium size Interface

Mini size Interface

Additionnaly to this selection of size according to your preference and the needs of the moment, you
can also set the background of FlightControlReplay Window transparent. To do so, go to the menu
Options, in General tab, and activate « Enable Transparency Mode ». Save and Close.

See below an example of the

Mini User Interface combined with
transparency activated.

When FlightControlReplay Window is placed

over the screen of the simulator, you can see
the simulator behind it.

But in a multi-monitor setup, or during multi-

tasks session, this is the latest active Window
that will be displayed behind


Last available option to interact with the User Interface in Windows, it’s the Always-on-Top feature.
This feature locks the visibility of FlightControlReplay always over any other active Windows, even
over the simulator. You can still move it, and select a different size, activate or deactivate
transparency, but it will be always visible.
To do so, go to the menu Options, in General tab, and activate « FlightControlReplay Always-on-Top
Window». Save and Close.

3.4 Get Connected to the simulator from FlightControlReplay MSFS in Windows

When the simulator is started and your aircraft ready to fly (in MSFS, you must click on the final
rectangular button « Ready to Fly »), now you can click in FlightControlReplay on the Simulator
Connexion button 🔴 to start using the software.

If the connexion is OK between the simulator and FlightControlReplay, this Simulator Connexion
button will turn green 🟢. And on its left, the label now displays « Connected ».

Simulator Connexion from MSFS in-game toolbar

That’s an alternative to get you started, without need to leave MSFS screen. You must have activated
first the integration in MSFS of FlightControlReplay in the Options menu (see page 4).

If the in-game overlay window of FlightControlReplay is not displayed yet. click on « FCR » button in
the MSFS toolbar at the top of the simulator screen.
Then, click on the blue CONNECT button.


3.5.1 Quick Replay of your current flight

You might want to define first the destination folder of your Replay file (*,FCR generated by
FlightControlReplay). Go the menu Options, General tab, activate « Choose Default File Path and
Filename for recorded Flight ».

Avoid to select a subfolder under Programs,

Program Files, or Windows, because
FlightControlReplay – even with Administrator
mode – cannot save your Replay file in such
protected destination folder in your Windows

Click directly in the « Default Path » folder

selection box to edit a destination folder, or on
the button on the right side in order to select
the folder by browsing your available disk.
Save and Close.

In front of Filename Prefix, you have the

option to specify the filename prefix. If you
leave that blank, your filenames will be
automatically and only edited upon the date
and time.

Just below the folder selection box, activate

also the other option « Automatically LOAD
Replay after RECORD ». This will avoid you to
have to manually select and load the Replay
file, less operations for you !

Now that you are ready to fly and to record your flight, let’s go !

Click on the big RED Record button, and fly. When you want to finish the Record, click AGAIN on this
RED Record button, or clicking on the STOP button does the same job.

Click on the big Play button to watch your Replay performance ! You have completed this tutorial.

3.5.2 Create your first Video recording in a MP4 file

FlightControlReplay can directly render and create a MP4 video file from your Replay without needing
a specific tool to capture a video from your flight simulator session.

It requires to have a Replay loaded first.

 You just have made a Flight Replay and the Auto Load Replay option is activated
 You have loaded a selected Flight Replay (file .FCR) with the menu LOAD

Now click on the Red Camera button to activate the Recording video as MP4.

A Window opens to let you select the destination

folder and file name of your MP4 video.

The Camera button just turned Green.

Click Play to make a MP4 video of your Replay.

This MP4 file is ready to share with your friends,

your community, your video production studio
software, YouTube, or other video platform service.

You have successfully completed this tutorial !

3.5.3 How to Record and Replay your glider and its towing airplane at once in MSFS

1. Let’s start on the runway, seating in the glider, ready for towing by the Cessna ahead.
2. Start FlightControlReplay 5, connect to MSFS, and in the options, activate the Options /
General / Enable Record/Play Multi Objects at the same time
3. Click on Record… and a new window opens.
a) Specify the directory where you want to save the FCR files for your recorded flight
b) Select both the glider and the Cessna towing airplane in the lower frame. If you don’t see
them yet, click on the Refresh List button.
c) Click on Start Record
4. Stop the recording when you want.
5. Use the Menu LOAD.
6. With the first button at the top of the new window, select the FCR file of the Glider and activate
the button “User Plane”, and click on Add To List.
7. Repeat that now for the FCR file of the Cessna towing airplane, but, do not tick the box User
Plane, and Add To List
8. Load Replay !
Here is what you get, enjoy !

3.6 MSFS in-app FlightControlReplay overlay interface

You can stretch that overlay window for the layout that fits
best your preference.

When it’s connected, this button will turn Orange and displays DISCONNECT. At the same time, the
other buttons will turn from grey to blue and they become clickable. Now, FlightControlReplay is

This opens a window to select the Replay *.FCR file of your choice.

Re-Live is an Instant Replay mode
without saving any Replay file.

Click this button Re-Live to enable

the Resume Live Flight feature. In-
app button turns orange. On the
main User interface, Re-Live
button turns orange as well.

Usage : return in the past and review the last minutes of your current Live flight. Resume your flight
from any instant selected among these last minutes.

How : Click PLAY or move the Time Slider back to the left. at any moment selected in these last
minutes on the Time Slider. You can also decide to resume the flight from that moment by clicking on
STOP one time. Click STOP two times to leave Re-Live mode.

When Re-Live is enabled, the Time Slider selector has been moved at the right end of the slider, to
let you go back in the past by moving the selector back to the Left at the instant of your choice. Use
the Actions buttons for a direct control of the time selection.

<| Back To the Start

<< Backward
Record Disabled when Re-Live mode is active
Play Start Instant Replay from the beginning
Stop 1 click to resume the flight
2 clicks to end Re-Live mode
>> Forward
|> Back To the End

This button switches the control between you and FlightControlReplay. If you are viewing a Replay,
click on TakeControl returns the flight controls Live to you and you can fly again from this moment.
Click again on TakeControl and the active aircraft will return controlled by FlightControlReplay, and its
position and path will respect again the flight data recorded in the Replay file.
If you are following the Replay of an AI Aircraft detected in the vincinity of your original aircraft, then
click on TakeControl to start flying that AI Aircraft !

This button activates the Cinematic Replay with Camera automatic cycle. You must have a Replay
loaded in FlighControlReplay first. Click on Cinematic R, and then use the Play action button.
Your Recorded Flight will be played with multiple views that will be automatically changed without
your intervention. Just seat back and enjoy the Show.
Go the main User Interface, in Options, and in the tab CameraMSFS to apply customizable settings :
Camera speed, momentum, drone rotation, cycle timer and if you want to cycle only interior, only
exterior views, or a mix of both.

Reminder : For the Cinematic Replay feature, you must have a

Replay loaded in FlighControlReplay first.

Activation in-app : Click on Cinematic R, and then use the Play

action button.

Activation via main User Interface : Click on the Cinematic Replay

button, and then click Play:

Your Recorded Flight will be played with multiple views that will be
automatically changed without your intervention. Just seat back and
enjoy the Show.


Click to activate GhostPlane feature. This is the generation

of a ghost aircraft beside yours in Live flight. It’s not just a
virtual aircraft that you create and it follows the same path
as yours and it flies beside you. It’s more like a duet pilot
because you will see him flying with slight differences in his
position compared to your flight path, since he’s impacted by
the weather conditions, the strong winds. So you will
observe your formation flying companion trying to maintain
its position, distance and speed like your aircraft.

Just like in movies of formation flying filmed from a cockpit

view, the positions between pilots are not that stiff. I
achieved to reproduce that life-like behaviour of the ghost

In the menu Options / GhostPlane, you can customize the

initial distance, altitude and position angle offset of this
Ghost towards your active aircraft.

When Ghost feature is active, recording is not possible.

Clicking on Record will deactivate Ghost, and you switch
automatically in Recording mode.

4.1 Main Interface Menu

4.1.1 Load
Use this to load a previously saved playback .FCR file. When the User chooses a file, Microsoft Flight
Simulator initializes it. To start a playback, the User can press the PLAY button (for automatic
continuous play) or drag the yellow slider (for manual play).

4.1.2 PlayAI
PlayAI is the feature to simulate Formation Flying with other AI aircraft, during a Replay. It supports
up to 5 planes in each FCR instance. Remember that with more instances of FCR, you can create
infinite traffic.

◦ Recorded flight played as AI Traffic You can choose and play his preferred Recorded Flight
as AI Traffic. You have all the options available as in standard playing mode, to change the simulation
rate on the fly or via the User interface yellow slider to choose exactly where your AI Traffic can start
his flight. You can manage more than one recorded flight as AI Traffic by using more than one
instance of FCR addon at the same time.

How does it work ?

1. Record your flight first.
2. Go to PlayAI menu in
Flight Control Replay
3. In the Dialog window that
opens, load your FCR
recorded flight file via the
selection box at the top.
4. In the settings below,set
up the offset distance,
altitude, and degrees of
all AI objects that you
want to create and fly
5. Click on Add To List for
each AI object.
6. Use “Remove Selected
Item” to delete one or
more AI objects.
7. For even more AI planes,
you can also use more
instances of
FlightControlReplays and
follow the same
8. Click on “Load PlayAsAI”
9. Click the Play Button to
display all your ghosts at
once during Replay.

PlayAsAI Limitation with MSFS : In the options, Multiplayer must be deactivated, AI Traffic set to
Offline, with G.A traffic and Airline traffic slider to 0 (zero).

4.1.3 OPTIONS - General tab

Choose Sample rate for

record/play : You can choose a
sample rate to record a flight.
(Automatic, 6 times per second, Every
4 seconds, Every 1 second, or
Frames Per Second). This is a setting
that can affect the video smoothness
and the more frames per second, the more power it requires from your computer.

The option Frames per second allows you to choose the exact number of Frames Per Second, that
is the speed value for recording/playing a situation! You can set directly your preferred FPS number.

The option Automatic allows an automatic retrieving of frame rate to record and play a flight

Start recording automatically if you fly (above or

below) determinated Altitude: Use this option and
set an altitude value to make the system to start
recording above or below the desired altitude. At the
beginning of the session, you MUST press the
Record Button from the User Interface. After that, the
system correctly manages when to start the actual
recording, it will be triggered by your crossing altitude setting when you fly.

Choose Default File Path and Filename prefix for recorded flight: Avoid to select a subfolder
under Programs, Program Files, or Windows, because FlightControlReplay – even with
Administrator mode – cannot save your Replay file in such protected destination folder in your
Windows system.

Click directly in the « Default Path » folder selection box to edit a destination folder, or on the button
on the right side in order to select the folder by browsing your available disk. Save and Close.

In front of Filename Prefix, you have the option to specify the filename prefix. If you leave that blank,
your filenames will be automatically and only edited upon the date and time.

Just below the folder selection box, activate also the other option « Automatically LOAD Replay after
RECORD ». This will avoid you to have to manually select and load the Replay file, less operations
for you !you can choose if a recorded flight file will be saved in a custom directory path with a default
file name (YearMonthDay.FCR format) or in default location (the same directory where FCR is
installed with a custom user defined file name).

Automatically LOAD Replay after RECORD : when you select this option, each time that you end
a Recording of a flight situation, it is automatically loaded and ready for Replay without need of
searching and selecting the .FCR file of that last recording. It’s perfect for a quick use of
FlightControlReplay as a simple Replay tool.

Automatically export flight data for GOOGLE Earth 3d and Maps Format (KMLFile): The User
can choose to save automatically a new KML file with the same name as the flight recorded to view
it in Google Earth 3D (or Google Maps). Watch the 3D rendering of the recorded flight in Google
Earth 3D and analyze it !

Load Replay without load initial flight situation: Leave that box unchecked to save time. When
it’s deactivated, loading your Replay flight in FlightControlReplay with the FCR file, restores directly
your complete flight situation with its weather, location, selected aircraft and time settings. You don’t
need to load separately from the simulator itself your FLT file because FCR will bring all the
necessary data at once. At the contrary, if you check that box, FCR will only load the flight path and
you keep your current flight situation settings (weather, time..) that may be different from the
moment when you recorded your flight.

Continue Live flight starting from a Replay point (MSFS only): Load a FCR recorded flight,
select any point of your choice on the Timeline Slider and click STOP. Now you can resume live
your flight from this point.

FlightControlReplay Always On Top Window : Check that box to make sure that the main User
Interface is always displayed on top of any active windows that you have. It will even remain on top
of your simulator when it’s in full screen mode.

Enable Record/Play Multi Objects at the same time : Check that box in order to be able to select
one or multiple aircraft objects. If you want to detect, track, follow and record AI aircraft for
example, activate that option. When it’s active, the respective changes will appear when you click
on Load, or when you start a Record. More info in the dedicated chapter 4.4 Multiple Objects
Record / AI Traffic Detection.

Recovery CTD : Activate that option to be able to recover easily and resume your flight in case of
Crash to Desktop of your flight simulator. Every 40 seconds, FlightControlReplay saves a recovery
file to let you restart the flight in the last known position before the crash.

Enable Transparency Mode : This will make the main User Interface of FlightControlDisplay to
become transparent. Whatever the size of the interface that you are using, you can still see and
access the functions of FlightControlReplay without totally hiding your simulator, or any other active
Window behind. In combination with the other option “Always On Top”, this is nice to lower the
visual impact of FlightControlDisplay and you can still use its buttons at the same time.

Record / Replay Mode : When you

record a situation, you can select
here if you prefer to record :

AIRPLANE : only the Airplane data (location, position attitude, flight path, gear and flight surfaces

AIRPLANE and CAMERA movements : Record BOTH of the above information of your aircraft
AND the camera movements in a same and unique .FCR situation file.

ONLY CAMERA movements : in this case, your .FCR Replay situation file is only made of camera

For example, you can use this new feature to work an advanced camera path, impressive camera
effects, in order to apply them to several and different flight situation Replays, to replicate these
camera moves in multiple videos.

More info in the dedicated chapter 4.3 Camera Manager.

MSFS Toolbar Network Port : default setting is 8080. Set another port if needed when you have a
local network and you are using FlightControlReplay on a separate PC different from the one
where MSFS is running.

OPTIONS - GhostPlane tab

Reminder : GhostPlane is one of the new features introduced in FlightControlReplay 5. It simulates

formation flying live with one AI duet pilot, in MSFS and P3D.

It can be activated in 2 different manners :

in-App FlightControlReplay overlay, or in the main user Interface.

In this GhostPlane tab, you can customize settings for the initial position of the Ghost.

Its position relative to your active aircraft is not maintained as a stiff position. Remember that the
Ghost is actually flying. If he’s flying on your right wing side, and you take a left turn, he will fly now
towards closer to your tail.

You will also notice that even at cruise and flat level, the Ghost pilot tries to maintain the same speed
and position but he’s impacted by weather conditions and his own aircraft reaction.

Distance offset : set the distance between your active aircraft and the GhostPlane.
By default, it’s set at 0,01 nm, that’s equal to 60 feet or 18,5 meters.

Altitude offset : set the altitude difference between your active aircraft and the GhostPlane.

OPTIONS - Audio tab
Record Audio During Flight
Recording: You can select an hardware
audio input (ex. Microphone) to record
both audio and flight data.

Play Recorded Audio during Play

Mode: You can choose to play a
recorded audio during a flight replay
or not.

Voice Recognition (en-US) for

record and play actions : You can
enable a voice recognition feature
that allows to use
FlightControlReplay by naturally
speaking and giving your instructions hands free. In this version, the voice recognition
recognizes these commands:
 “Record” to start Record
• “Stop” to stop Record
• “Stop Play” to stop Play Mode and reinitialize the Flight Recorded.
• “Play” to play Flight Recorded and also to resume from a pause.
• “Pause” to pause Flight Recorded.
• “Forward” to go forward
• “Backward” to go backward.

In Windows system, you need to setup the

Microsoft Speech Recognizer as it is shown
beside with the language set to (English –

OPTIONS - Video tab

Parameters for Render Video Recording : User can choose FPS (Frame per second) and Quality
(10-100). These settings allow the User to start a video rendering (into a compressed MP4 file) that
will be saved into Pictures folder of the Windows User folder OR in the local folder where FCR is
installed, if you don’t have Administrator Access Rights. The filename can be chosen using Save
window dialog that it becomes visible when the User clicks on the VideoCamera button or in In-Game

Parameters for Show Dynamic Text: User can customize Text Type (SCROLL or FIXED TEXT and
TEXT COLORS) and Duration In Seconds of dynamic text that User can insert in already opened
Flight Recorded file. User can insert Text(via Button below yellow timeline slider) in every Time stamp
included in Flight Recorded timeline. This Text will show itself starting frame selected until
DurationInSecond ends. Users see Text both in Simulator and in FCR Main UI.

Enable Fast VideoRendering : This option allows to render more or less in real time. If you have a
powerful graphics card, for example an nVidia RTX 2060 / AMD RX 6600 or superior, activate that
option to speed up the MP4 video rendering and reduce the waiting time during video encoding.

OPTIONS - CameraMSFS tab

This tab has settings available for the MSFS Camera Manager feature (record and replay Camera
movements), and also for the Cinematic Replay (Camera R on the overlay) automatic cycle.

The default Camera settings of MSFS (Speed, Momentum, Drone Rotation) use 10 units each notch.
Here in FlightControlReplay options, you can modify and override with much more precision these
settings starting with a minimum 0.1 increment.

Camera Cycle Mode :

During Cinematic Replay, if you want to cycle only internal, only external views, or a mix of both, you
can select one of the Auto options available in this box.
You can also choose to create your custom order of cameras.

Camera Cycle Mode – Custom order

Select among the available cameras, use Add and Remove buttons to edit your custom list.

OPTIONS - Shortcuts tab

Choose a device : You can choose a device (keyboard, joystick, controller, yoke..) from the selection
box and then, you should press Assign. After that, you can press an hardware keys combination to
define the shortcuts for:
 Play = Start/stop a flight recording or Stop/Play a recorded flight
 Forward
 Backward
 Record
 Slider Back (Button to move backward the time slider to navigate into recorded frames)
 Slider Forw (Button to move forward the time slider in main User Interface to navigate into
recorded frames)
 GoToStart
 GoToEnd

Detailed procedure :
1. Select the correct hardware device you want to use the shortcut
2. Click ASSIGN in front of the command for which you want the shortcut
3. Press the single key or keys combination that you chose as shortcut
4. Click CONFIRM
5. When all shortcuts are set to your choice, click on SAVE and CLOSE button.
6. Disconnect from the simulator and Reconnect to the simulator. Now your shortcuts
modification have been set and are active.

OPTIONS - Camera Shortcuts tab

In the Camera Shortcuts tab, you can assign shortcuts for various camera movements to override the
controls set in MSFS. (For P3D, Camera movements will be recorded with the default Camera controls
as set in Prepar3D default settings.)

Take in account the MSFS limitation: key combination of 2 Keys or more (SHIFT+A for example) are
not supported.
1. Choose your device in the previous Shortcuts tab, in the selection box select among your 1.
connected devices (keyboard, yoke, throttle, joystick, joypad..)
2. Click Assign, and press the key of your choice
3. Click Confirm for validation
4. Disconnect and Reconnect FlightControlReplay to make effective your key shortcuts.

The different camera controls are self-explicative, except “HDG” that means Heading.

Additional settings are also at your disposal, and they will also override MSFS default parameters
 Pitch velocity = speed for vertical angle rotation on transversal axis
 Bank velocity = speed for roll rotation on longitudinal axis
 HDG (heading) velocity = speed for horizontal rotation movement
 Eyepoint velocity = speed for all eyepoint movements (Up, Down, Right, Left, Backward, For-

4.1.4 Export
You can choose to save a new KML file with the same name as the flight recorded to view it in
Google Earth 3D (or Google Maps). Watch the 3D rendering of the recorded flight in Google Earth
3D and analyze it !

4.1.5 Import
When you import a KML file recorded by someone else, from an actual flight log downloaded at
FlightAware that tracks the path of a real life commercial flight, you can Replay this saved flight path
with this option.
KML files are geographic data compiled in order to be viewed in geographic viewers like Google
Earth. It can be used also to communicate a Flight Path tracking.For example, a friend can share
with you his flight track exported as a KML file .. or you can even Replay a real life flight in your
simulator at home !
1. Go to Flightaware.com, select or look for a flight of your choice. It must have landed so you
can download a KML file.
2. Go to the flight details page.
3. Click on the Flight Track Log link on the right side column.
And hit the Google Earth button at the top, and you have a prompt window to select the
destination folder of the respective KML file for this flight.

4.1.6 Tips
Standard advice for the best experience when using FlightControlReplay


4.2.1 Voice Command activation

Disable/enable “on-the-fly” voice recognition. You must have activated first the option “Voice
Recognition (en-US) for record and play actions” that you can find in the Options / Audio

4.2.2 Video Recording MP4

Video Rendering captures your Main Simulator User Interface View using configuration pa-
rameters defined in the Options menu, Video tab. When the Video Recording is active, the
Camera button turns green.

Slow 4x – 2x : Playback of recorded flight will go in slow motion (4x: 1/8 2x 1/2).Useful also for
Video Rendering Capture.
Fast 4x – 2x : Playback of recorded flight will go in fast motion (2x: x2 speed 4x: x4 speed). Useful
also for Video Rendering Capture.

4.2.3 Take / Leave Plane Control

Take control during PlayAsAI, or Replay. During a recorded flight Replay, or when you use AI
planes generated by FlightControlReplay, click on this button to take full control of the se-
lected AI Plane or your own airplane currentlyon Replay. Click again this button, and the control re-
turns to FlightControlReplay, all aircraft settings return in line with recorded values.

4.2.4 Follow AI Plane

This feature is enabled ONLY with PlayAI feature, or if you loaded more than one Replay at

4.2.5 Cinematic Replay Auto Cam

Enjoy your Replay with different cameras automatically cycled without your intervention. Just seat back
and watch your flight Replay with different External / Internal points of view!
You can select to alternate only External, or only Internal views if you want. You can change this setting in the
menu Options / CameraMSFS tab / Camera Cycle Mode. At the same place, you can also select the full auto-
matic with both External and Internal cameras. And the last option is to create your custom list and order of
cameras by selecting them yourself.

4.2.6 Plane Ghost Switch

It is the generation of a ghost aircraft beside yours in Live flight. It’s not just a virtual aircraft
that you create and it follows the same path as yours and it flies beside you. It’s more like a
duet pilot because you will see him flying with slight differences in his position compared to your
flight path, since he’s impacted by the weather conditions, the strong winds.

So you will observe your formation flying companion trying to maintain its position, distance and
speed like your aircraft.

You can customize that position and the distance in the Options menu / GhostPlane tab.

Just like in movies of formation flying filmed from a cockpit view, the positions between pilots are
not that stiff. I achieved to reproduce that life-like behaviour of the ghost aircraft.

4.3 CAMERA MANAGER – Record and Replay Camera Movements

It works independently from the aircraft flight situation.

Use the Options Menu, in General tab, and go to the RECORD/REPLAY selection window to make
your choice :
- AIRPLANE : You can either record ONLY the usual aircraft flight, as you have always done
- AIRPLANE AND CAMERA MOVEMENTS : OR You can record BOTH the usual aircraft flight AND
the camera movements at once in the same and unique FCR flight situation file.
- ONLY CAMERA MOVEMENTS : OR you can prefer to record ONLY the camera movements, in its
respective FCR file.

For example, you can use this new feature to work an advanced camera path, impressive camera
effects, in order to apply them to several and different flight situation Replays, to replicate these
camera moves in multiple videos.

Note : In MSFS it is mandatory to use FlightControlReplay camera control shortcuts (Options Menu)
to be able to Record and Replay the camera path. In P3D, camera controls use the default sim keys.
See further below the “Camera Controls Override” section of the manual.
In order to record the camera movements and replicate them in another flight situation replay,

How does it work ?

1. In Options, select the mode ONLY CAMERA MOVEMENTS.
2. In the main User Interface, press Record and select the name and destination file (*.FCR format
file, just like a flight situation)
3. Move the camera according to your wish during the Record session.
4. Save your Record by clicking the Stop button
5. Now launch a second instance of FlightControlReplay, and load here a standard Flight Situation
Replay with a separate FCR file.
- in the first instance of FCR, Load and Replay the initial FCR file dedicated to Camera
Movements only.
- in the second instance of FCR, Replay the Airplane flight situation that you just loaded
7. Use this process to replicate your Camera Movements in any flight situation Replay of your

 Camera Controls Override (MSFS only) : apply key shortcuts to camera movement controls
directly from FlightControlReplay, in the Options Menu, and then Camera Shortcuts tab : quick and

For MSFS, setting key shortcuts in the Options Menu of FlightControlReplay is mandatory to be able
to Record and Replay the camera movements.
For P3D, Camera movements will be recorded with the default Camera controls as set in Prepar3D
default settings.

4.4 Record multiple objects, AI detection, AI Record, AI cycle
First, you must have enabled in the menu Option / General Tab the “Record/Play Multi Objects at
the same time”.

With this option box ticked, you will notice two changes in the User Interface :

When you click on Record Button :

Select here one or multiple objects to record at


 the User main aircraft

 AI aircraft generated by the simulator AI


 PlayAI generated by
FlightControlReplay. Other AI aircraft
created by this feature in other FCR
instance will be detected as well. So you
can create these AI aircraft in one FCR
instance, and in another FCR instance
running at the same time, Record them
with this Record feature for multiple

When you click on Load Button :

Select here one or multiple objects to load at

once, for Replay a situation of:

 the User main aircraft

 AI aircraft generated by the simulator AI


 PlayAI ghosts aircraft generated by

FlightControlReplay, in your current FCR
instance, but also created in another
FCR instance running at the same time.

4.5 Pause Replay : Camera Change, Aircraft Status, and In-game Dynamic Text,

Pause the Replay Flight, or click directly on

the Timeline Slider. A custom point of the
timeline is selected, and appears 2 buttons :
Edit Pencil button and Delete button.
Clicking on the Edit Pencil button will give
you access to the features mentioned above
in the title.

Camera Change
You can set an automatic Camera Change at
a selected point of the Replay. Next time that
you Replay the Flight, the active camera will
automatically change to the selected camera
in this options window, and triggered at the
exact moment that you have just pointed on
the Timeline slider.
1. In the first drop down box, you can either
select Cockpit / External / Showcase: this is
the category of cameras available to filter the
selection in the next box.

2. Depending on the first selection, the list of

available cameras will be available in the
second box.

3. Click Assign to set the keyboard shortcut that FlightControlReplay will automatically trigger to
send the signal during Replay that will actually change the camera view, at this selected moment.
Press the keyboard key of your choice, and click on Confirm.
5. When the shortcut is successfully applied, the selected key appears here.
5. Click on Clear if you want to delete the shortcut and/or delete the Camera Change setting for
the selected moment.

Aircraft Status
Here you can enforce and modify the aircraft status at this selected moment of the Replay.
6. You can apply an Altitude Offset (negative value will lower your aircraft altitude, positive value
will raise your aircraft altitude).
7. Landing Gears :
 Automatic let the aircraft gear in the position registered during the Recording session.
 Up or Down ensures or modifies the aircraft gear status at this selected moment of the Replay.

Dynamic Text
8. You can write Notes at any point in a Replay Flight loaded in FCR. The text must be edited in the
last text box named “Text Shown in the Simulator during Playback”
You can add, modify or delete notes. These Notes will be visible in FCR User Interface, and also in
the Simulator playing Replay Flight.
Dynamic Text can be customized via the next window, by clicking on the pencil. Show duration in
Seconds, Text Type and Text Color.

Never forget to click Save and Close when you have finished to modify set-
tings here.

4.6 VR Support
Full VR support is provided ! For Windows Mixed Reality headset, you can put on the hel-
met, start your flight. When you want to use FCR User Interface inside the virtual cockpit, you can
choose from WMR main menu - Classic App - Simmarket - Flightcontrolreplay - FlightControlRe-
play for MSFS.
After that, you have a floating window inside the virtual cockpit with your instance of Flight-
ControlReplay that you can use with a classic mouse, or with keyboard shortcuts, or with Flightcon-
trolreplay Voice Recognition Engine !

4.7 Miscellaneous

 XMapsy compatibility
Thanks to this EFB connector, you can connect your flight simulator MSFS / P3D / FSX and X-Plane
(10/11) with a lot of EFB (electronic flight bags) Apps or aviation software on IOS and Android
devices. More info at https://xmapsy.com/.

The KML file export from XMapsy is directly injected into FlightControlReplay to let you Replay in
one shot the flight, or take again screenshot and Record a video.

• Microsoft "Surface Dial Integration"

◦ Use Surface Dial to navigate your Timeline and Start / Stop / Play / Record available in P3DX
Enhanced and MSFS versions (not with FSX)

• FlightIllusion "GSA-42 integration"

◦ GSA-42 compass module now displays your Heading

• DOFREALITY Motion platform support

◦ It can simulate your path frame by frame. If you use the slider to move the TimeLine, the
platform moves accordingly.


December 16, 2022 : Dec22 Update Build 2211.12

 MSFS Fenix A320 bugfix and enhancements
 MSFS iniBuilds A310 support (for ailerons, spoilers, flaps, thrust reversers, elevators and
 MSFS Just Flight Bae 146 Professional support with flaps, reverse, elevators, flaps and rudder
 MSFS Asobo Helicopter Cabri G2 full support for Cyclic Collectic Pedals Animations and most
switches in cockpit
 MSFS Bell full support for Cyclic Collectic Pedals Animations
 MP4 Video Rendering enhancements and bugfixes. No more exception during activation.
Advice : Use always MSFS on the Primary Monitor
 New Algorithm Enhancements for Fast Forward and Slow Motion. Now the Slow Motion is very
smooth !
 FCR Algorithm Enhancement during Replay : more performance, smoother Replay. You can
set a target for your FPS setting in FCR options, so you can master the Frame Per Second
Configuration. FCR respects the FPS setting value to ensure smooth Replay.

November 04, 2022 : V5 Released Build 2211.04

6. FAQ
• If you have an issue with PlayAI in Microsoft Flight Simulator, you have to go to the Options
menu of the simulator and change the settings to:
◦ Multiplayer : deactivated
◦ Traffic : Offline mode, set general aviation and airline traffic to 0 (zero).

• If you have an issue when you click in the Options menu try to delete SimFrameworkOption.xml
file in your FlightControlReplay installation folder.

• If you use PMDG 777, Aerosoft Airbus series in P3D, they MAY HAVE issues playing surfaces
animations. Try to disable ELAC2 (PMDG/Aerosoft) or only for Aerosoft Airbus series only disable
FlyByWire before you Load a flight situation to play (from FCR). To disable FlyByWire go into
Copilot MCDU (Options->FlyByWire->OFF).

• If the software crashes at launch or when you click “Option” button please check if you have
installed (PREREQUISITES):
◦ SimConnect Managed Install Simconnect.MSI available into your P3D main folder in this path
◦ Microsoft DirectX End-User Runtime Web Installer
◦ VisualStudio 2008 C++ redist

If not done already, please download and install these.

 If you experience a crash-to-desktop during Replay with Microsoft Flight Simulator, please make
sure you set the multiplayer in Offline mode and the AI trafic to normal setting.

 If the toolbar of MSFS disappears at the top of the simulator screen, this is not a bug related with
FlightControlReplay, it’s known and documented by the developers at Asobo Studio and Microsoft.
Relaunch the flight from the main menu of the simulator will not fix it. You have to close and
restart the simulator to access and display again MSFS toolbar.

 Before loading a flight of Microsoft Flight Simulator for Replay : First, you must be in the
simulator, with a plane ready to fly. Then, start FCR. Play or Record can be initiated only after you
click « READY TO FLY » button in the simulator.

Forum / FAQ





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