Crucible Audition Notice
Crucible Audition Notice
Crucible Audition Notice
BETTY PARRIS REVEREND SAMUEL PARRIS female, late teens-early 20s (daughter of REV. Parris) male, late 30s-late 40s (the town preacher, selfimportant, suspicious and with a persecution complex. He believes the town does not show him sufficient deference) female, 30s-40s (the Parris black slave) female, late teens-mid 20s (beautiful but sly and with a capacity for manipulation and vindictiveness) female, late teens-early 20s (nervous and timid) female, late 30s-40s (a twisted, haunted woman who feels surrounded by death) male, 40s-50s (wealthy townsman, ruthless and vindictive in his attempts to extend his holdings and wealth) female, late teens-early 20s (Millers description fat, sly and merciless) female, late teens-early 20s (nave, subservient, lonely) male, 30s (the central character - steady, generally even-tempered but with a troubled soul) female, 60s-70s (well respected, steady, pragmatic) male, 60s-80s (strong, canny, inquisitive but perhaps a little nave)
male, 30s-40s (educated, a specialist in witchcraft trials, academic and so somewhat cloistered) female, early to mid 30s (reserved, gentle,
male, 60s-70s male, 30s-40s (appointed as clerk of the court, officious, bureaucratic elevated by temporary position and power) male, early 30s (a member of the community, awkward with regard to what his role now entails) male, any age male, 60s (bitter, remorseless)
DEPUTY-GOVERNOR DANFORTH male, 60s (authoritative, unyielding, the personification of the theocratic state) MARTHA COREY Wife of Giles Corey (age unimportant as she is never actually seen) female, late 30s-60s
If you want to be considered for a role but your age lies out with the playing ages outlined, please audition anyway as there may be some flexibility in the ages of some characters.
professionally we can operate as a touring company challenging but also extremely exciting and rewarding. No experience is necessary as guidance and training will be provided more important is enthusiasm and commitment to the project. To apply for a backstage role, please email STG at
**Please NOTE: You must be an STG member to put yourself forward for audition or for production crew**