by William Shakespeare
Cottiers Theatre, Glasgow 3rd-7th JULY 7.30pm directed by Mark Coleman Shakespeares last tragedy and his most political play. Caius Martius Coriolanus is superhuman on the field of battle; famed for his unflinching will, his profound personal integrity and awesome talent as a soldier. But these same qualities have devastating consequences in his domestic life as both politician and family man. When Romes tribunes banish him forever, he forges an alliance with his former nemesis the dreaded Tullus Aufidius, and their army marches inexorably on Rome. Only one person has the power to stop him and save the city from total obliteration- the person whom Coriolanus trusts more than any other, the person who taught him literally everything he knows, the person he fears most in the world His own mother.
Ann Marie Di Mambros Tallys Blood (I cannot tell you how much it moved me to see my play
performed and directed so beautifully." Ann Marie Di Mambro)
Howard Barkers A Hard Heart (Coleman enables us to feel the full tragic impact of the drama even
as the playwright's political and philosophical conundrums explode inside our minds... Ultimately one leaves the theatre feeling that one has been in contact with truly great tragic theatre. That is something which many of Scotland's professional companies would struggle to achieve." **** Mark Brown