English Language School-Based Assessment English Portfolio
English Language School-Based Assessment English Portfolio
English Language School-Based Assessment English Portfolio
English Portfolio
Table Of Contents
Acknowledgement ..................................................................................3
Reflections ………………………………………………………..…....9
Written Report…………………………………………………..…........12
I thank God firstly for motivating me and encouraging me through this SBA, and I also
thank everyone who helped me perform my SBA to a great success ,a special thanks to Paige and
Aria for helping in my oral presentation. I thank my group members and teacher for guiding me
Plan of investigation
relationship . I selected this topic because I wanted us Students to be aware of this Common
topic, I would like to further understand what there is to know about my SBA topic. I will share
my research and information collected with other students, and it will help me further my
comprehensive writing skill that I need to improve as an English Student. In my SBA I will
Copy of Artifacts:
And before
Why she
A caged bird
Refuses to leave
Even when
Is wide open.
To set it free
“Nikita Gill”
Link: https://www.pinterest.cl/pin/841610249103267079/
Artifact 2-
Article: “violence among teenagers”
By: Ben Panko
In 2000, Slutkin founded the movement Cure Violence to gain support for viewing violence as a
contagious disease as opposed to solely a criminal justice issue. Cure Violence uses
epidemiological techniques to target the people most at risk of spreading violence, and by
working to stop its spread by “interrupting” violence before it starts. Slutkin has given a TED
Talk on his approach, which was featured in the 2011 documentary The Interrupters. Cure
Violence’s model, however, has faced resistance from law enforcement suspicious of treating
violent criminals as victims.
People who exhibit these kinds of behaviors tend to be friends with one another," Bond says,
adding: "They're teenagers. They're still sort of learning how to navigate their social
For years, social scientists have theorized that violent behavior can spread from person to person
like an illness, infecting whole neighborhoods and communities. This contagious theory was
pioneered by Slutkin, who spent his early career working to prevent the spread of communicable
diseases such as tuberculosis in San Francisco and Somalia, and AIDS in Uganda.
Artifact 3-
Song : “ Unconditionally by Katy Perry”
Link: https://ar.pinterest.com/pin/645211084085307095/
Reflection 1:
The poem “Why she stayed” Nikita Gill, (Gill, n.d.) showcased a common but unnoticed
violence in some relationships; adult or teen. This piece acknowledges the violence that can
The article gave statistics; teenagers vs violence. It illustrates how severe this violence is to
state of mind.. Abuse can cause trauma even worse in a state where the victim is not able to
escape from this. I want to blame an individual for making the decision to leave or stay in this
The song “Unconditionally by Katy Perry” expresses different emotions, through the lyrics.
It shows how blind love can be when in a relationship; when you’re really being abused, not
knowing it’s domestic violence. There needs to be more physical awareness to this violence,
persons need to speak up in order to make change, change takes great courage.
Reflection 2:
The poet had further repeated in “why she stayed” to express one’s choice despite others point
of view in the situation. According to the artifact which spoke words for its own identifies the
situation in a more clear state which is seen illustrated more due to the victims expressed in the
The artifact had included the illustrated version of domestic violence through the tone
described. The song “unconditionally “by Katy Perry, has stated how blind love can make the
partner think or see the situation rather than how awful it really looks. Katy Perry used
oxymoron/ metaphor /simile “acceptance is the key to be truly free” which was used estate in my
opinion that this violence was accepted by the victim not thinking they can run. They can use this
Reflection 3:
This English SBA has been quite the turn, it has impacted me in so many ways. Throughout
my research and investigation . It has shown me writing techniques to flip my words to fit and
complete. To write in, Great pieces to inspire. The domestic violence as a topic has signified
many touching stories which have notified me towards this behavior in learning and education
My subtopic teenage dating violence has brought up a touching topic, I’ve learnt to dig deep
fight for what you plead. And standing up is key speaking showing verbal speech which I myself
was week in , this topic has been made me understood why? When? How? and what? This has
Written report:
Conducting this SBA was a great task. Countless hours were spent collecting, analyzing, and
interpreting the topic, “Domestic Violence.” When analyzing our topic, we obtain 5 sub-topics to
further conduct our research to better interpret our topic. They were: Teenage Dating Violence,
Mental and Physical Effects of Domestic Violence, Why Spouse’s Don’t Leave a Domestic
collected with the aid of browsing the internet conducted by various group members. They were
selected because they best depict the main reasons relating to our topic, Domestic violence.
The first artifact, ‘Till it happens to you’ (Lady Gaga), was chosen because in summary
domestic violence is not categorized; it can happen to anyone of any race at any given time in the
world. This brings awareness to not speak of on one’s life because you don’t know what is
going on.
The second artifact, an article was chosen because it explains all the factors that
contribute to domestic violence. Such factors include psychological, emotional. Religion and
Link: https://www.lyrics.com/lyrics/32198367/Lady+Gaga
Third artifact, a poem ‘why she stayed’ (Nokita) this poem expresses a victim’s brutal
situation from their point of view. It narrates the reason for a spouse to stay in a domestic
violence relationship. The use of the emotive language in the poem was ideal to bring attention
Link: https://pin.tin/7MIpnAq
This group was difficult, challenges were met such as lack of time management, but it was a
successful learning experience. We learnt that domestic violence affects every one of any gender
and age.
Genre: poem/skit
Artifact 1:
Artifact 2:
Panko, B. (2016, December 21). Violence Among Teens Can Spread Like a Disease, Study Finds.
Artifact 3 :
Pin by Lekshmy Vijayababu on Songs that touch my heart | Song quotes, Katy perry lyrics, Music