Training Needs Assessment - Unedited Version
Training Needs Assessment - Unedited Version
Training Needs Assessment - Unedited Version
Training Needs Assessment (TNA) is also known as training needs analysis. It is a process
that organizations use to determine the gap between the current and desired knowledge,
skills, and abilities of employees. It is an ongoing process of gathering data to determine what
training needs exist so that training can be developed to help the organization accomplish its
objectives. Conducting needs assessment is fundamental to the success of a training program.
The information gathered during a training needs analysis helps to get a bird’s eye view of
the company and determine which areas of learning and development need to be focused on
in order to improve overall performance. In other words, the process enables to identify the
knowledge, skills, and abilities employees are currently lacking in relation to the goals as a
company. This information can be used to design an effective development plan for
employees. Often, organizations will develop and implement training without first conducting
a needs analysis. These organizations run the risk of over doing training, doing too little
training, or missing the point completely.
There are several benefits of implementing a process for analyzing the current and future
training needs. They are:
Identify gaps: A training needs analysis can help to determine if the company has
any organizational issues that are caused by a lack of skills, knowledge and abilities.
Plus, focusing on both training and analysis can help to identify these issues before
they become a problem and have a negative impact on the business
Plan: Conducting a training needs assessment can helps to plan the employee
training programs for the year in advance so that to align them with business activities
and budgets.
Get creative: TNA process in HRM can help to think outside the box and highlight
training areas the company may not have considered before.
Target the right people: TNA in HRM can also help to target the right people for
each training session, helping to design personalized L&D programs and workplace
mentorships that keep employees engaged and motivated to learn.
Define the organization goals: First step in conducting the employee needs
assessment is defining the organizational goals. What is the expected outcome from
the process need to be defined.
Identify specific issues: Need to perform a gap analysis to assess the current state of
performance or skills of employees and department and comparing this to the desired
level. The difference between the existing state and the desired state is the gap. There
are many different methods for conducting a gap analysis like individual interviews,
focus groups, observations, HR records, surveys, questionnaires, self-assessments etc.
Areas of concern in terms of learning and development need to be identified. Also
discover the root cause of the issues.
Define the required knowledge and skills: To make training programs more
effective define the specific skills that need to be acquired to achieve the set goals
Assess the training options: After conducting the gap analysis and identifying the
requirements assess the training options. For this many factors like solution to a
problem, cost, return on investment, time, remaining competitive, legal compliance
etc. need to be considered. The current training methods and materials can be also be
Report the training needs and recommend the training plans: After conducting
the training needs assessment report the findings and make recommendations for
short- and long-term training plans and budgets, starting with the most critical
priorities from the training option list. If there is a timeline for any of the trainings,
such as a deadline to satisfy training obligations for legal compliance purposes, then
they should be budgeted and scheduled accordingly. The report should include a
summary of why and how the assessment was completed, the methods used and
people involved, and the training recommendations with a general timeline.
Considerations for the report and recommended training plans include: