1996 IET AirWedgeInterferometer PDF
1996 IET AirWedgeInterferometer PDF
1996 IET AirWedgeInterferometer PDF
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1 author:
Gennady Sarkisov
SEM-SOL, Albuquerque, NM
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G. S. Sarkisov
Lebedev Institute of Physics, Russian Academy of Sciences, Leninskii pr. 53, Moscow, 117924 Russia
Received October 13, 1995; in final form, February 29, 1996
Abstract— A side-shearing interferometer with the field visualization for the study of the spatial electron density
distribution in Z-pinch and laser-produced plasmas is described. It consists of a lens and two glass wedges. The
interference is formed as a result of a superposition of two laser beams reflected by the faces of the air wedge, which is in
the gap between two surfaces of the glass wedges pressed to each other. The instrument makes it possible to adjust the
spatial separation between the interfering beams and the fringe width. The interferometer has a simple design and provides
a high-quality interference pattern. The efficiency of the instrument is demonstrated in experiments with a gas-puff Z-
pinch plasma.
Interference measurements with the field visualization represent and in θ- and Z-pinch plasmas as well. Its disadvantages are the
one of the most advanced techniques giving a large body of necessity of creating a reference beam and the necessity of a fairly
information when studying the spatial distribution of the electron accurate compensation for the initial phase difference. It happens
density in a hot dense plasma. In the case of a highly ionized dense that, when performing experiments at large-sized physical
plasma, the refractive index is determined by the concentration of installations, it is rather difficult to fulfill these requirements.
free electrons [1]. When a probe electromagnetic wave propagates
Shearing interferometers [6, 7] have a simpler design, which, in
through a plasma, its phase is shifted with respect to the phase of
contrast to two-beam interferometers, allows one to diagnose
the wave propagating through vacuum. Measuring the phase shift,
plasma with larger electron density gradients. A shearing
we can obtain the integral of the electron density along the probe
interferogram is formed in the interference of two images of an
direction. If the plasma under study has an axial or spherical
object, which are shifted with respect to each other by a certain dis-
symmetry (the objects of this kind are studied in most cases), the
tance. The fringe shift in a shearing interferometer depends on the
local distribution of the electron density can be reconstructed by
refractive index gradient in the shift direction [8]. In this
numerically solving Abel's integral equation [2].
connection, shearing interferometers are used to study highly non
Various types of interferometer with the field visualization are uniform and extended objects, in which, due to a large phase shift in
used for the dense plasma diagnostics. The two-beam Gamin [3], a standard two-beam interferometer, interference fringes crowd
Michelson's [4], and Mach-Zehnder [5] interferometers are most together to such an extent that they may disappear. A shearing
widespread among them. Their interference patterns are formed by interferometer is a version of a differential interferometer. The
the superposition of the object and reference beams. In this case, the problems of interpreting fringe shifts in a differential interferometer
fringe shift is proportional to the absolute phase shift for the object are considered in detail in [9]. Note that if the image shifts exceed
wave with respect to the reference wave phase. the size of phase non-uniformity, then a shearing interferometer
actually becomes an ordinary two-beam interferometer.
The drawback of the Gamin interferometer is its alignment to
the zero interference order only. The object beam of the There are side-shearing and radial-shearing interferometers. In
Michelson's interferometer passes twice through plasma, thus the former interferometer, the absolute phase difference is Sabs(y)=
raising the sensitivity of the device. However, it is often undesirable Srel(y) +Sabs(y-h), where h is the shift value and Srel, is the relative
when recording fast processes, because the increase in the exposure phase difference. In the radial-shearing interferometer, the
time by the optical delay value may lead to blurred fringes and, interference is a result of the superposition of two images with
consequently, to a more complicated interpretation of different magnifications, and then the absolute phase difference is
interferograms. The most widespread interferometer is the Mach- Sabs(y)= Srel(y) +Sabs(ky), where k is the ratio of the magnifications
Zehnder one, which was successfully applied to studying the elec- for two interfering images. Such interferometers are convenient to
tron density distribution in laser plasma, laser spark, study spherically symmetrical objects (e.g., when investigating laser
Fig. 3. (a) Interference and (b) shadow images of a Z-pinch plasma obtained at the moment of second pinching by using the side-shearing
interferometer with an air wedge. The pinch axis is shown with a vertical line.
plane of recording 5. Two 3°-5° glass wedges are placed between The intensity of the interfering beams amounts to 4% of the
the lens and plane of recording. They are pressed against each initial intensity.
other so that a wedge-like air gap forms between them. The
It is easy to show that at small angles of the entrance glass and
reflection of light by the air wedge faces forms an interference
air wedges, as well as at a small angle of reflection of the laser
pattern in the plane of recording 4. Note that the reflections
beam by the entrance wedge surface, the angular separation of the
produced by the entrance face of the first wedge and by the exit
beams is β = 2α, where a is the air wedge angle. The angular
face of the second wedge are separate in angle from the interfering
separation between the internal reflections of the interferometer
beams reflected by the air wedge. To minimize aberrations of the
and reflections from the entrance and exit surfaces of the
optical system, the angles of the wedges and the angle between the
entering beam and reflected light must be small. Because the instrument is 2αo, where αo is the angle of the glass wedge. The
interference channel is formed due to the light reflected by the fringe width s and displacements of the beams S in the plane of
faces of the air wedge, an additional schlieren recording channel recording can be calculated from the formulas
can be arranged in the transmitted beam.
s=λ(b-F)/∆ , S = 2α(b - F - x) (1)