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Transverse Waves in A Two-Dimensional Screened-Coulomb Crystal (Dusty Plasma)

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Transverse Waves in a Two-Dimensional Screened-Coulomb Crystal (Dusty Plasma)

S. Nunomura,* D. Samsonov, and J. Goree
Department of Physics and Astronomy, The University of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa 52242
(Received 23 February 2000)
Transverse shear waves were observed experimentally in a two-dimensional screened Coulomb crystal.
They were excited by applying a chopped laser beam to a 2D dusty plasma, i.e., a monolayer of charged
microspheres levitated in a plasma. Measurements of the dispersion relation reveal an acoustic, i.e.,
nondispersive, character over the entire range of wave numbers measured, 0.2 , kr ap , 0.7, where
a is the interparticle spacing. Comparison to theory provides a measurement of the particles charge.

PACS numbers: 52.25.Zb, 52.25.Ub, 52.35. g, 82.70.Dd

In a screened Coulomb system, charged particles inter- than the electrons, and constant energy input is required to
act through a shielded repulsive Coulomb potential. For a sustain the plasma. Nevertheless, the monolayer particle
point particle of charge Q, this is the Yukawa potential, system, by itself, is in an equilibrium that can be charac-
V r Q4p0 r exp2rlD , where r is the distance terized by k and G. Konopkas experiments demonstrated
between two particles and lD is the Debye screening that the Yukawa potential is accurate for a single pair of
length. When it is in thermodynamic equilibrium, the particles moving in a horizontal plane, in an apparatus like
system is characterized by two dimensionless parameters: ours [9].
the ratio of interparticle spacing to shielding length, Most studies of wave motion in dusty plasmas have dealt
k alD , and the Coulomb coupling energy normalized with the longitudinal mode. In a 2D suspension, longitu-
by the thermal energy of particles, G Q 2 4p0 akB T . dinal waves were observed in a strongly coupled regime
When G . 1, the system is said to be strongly coupled. [4,1014], while in 3D they were detected in a weakly
We will consider waves in a 2D system consisting of coupled regime [15]. In 2D, a possible indication of
a monolayer of charged particles. This system can sus- out-of-plane transverse waves was observed in an experi-
tain longitudinal waves and two kinds of transverse waves, ment where there were spontaneous out-of-plane oscilla-
where the latter can be classified according to whether par- tions [16].
ticle motion remains in plane or is out of plane. Here we In order to excite transverse waves with in-plane
report experiments with the transverse shear wave, where motion, we used the apparatus [14] shown in Fig. 1. A
the particles remain in the monolayer. This mode can plasma was produced by an rf voltage between a horizon-
propagate a long distance only in a solid medium. It also tal electrode and the surrounding vacuum chamber, which
exists in 3D systems [1,2]. In seismology, it is termed the acted as ground. The voltage was 49 V (peak to peak) at
shear or S wave. 13.6 MHz, with no measurable dc bias. The gas was room-
Peeters and Wu presented a phonon spectrum, i.e., a dis- temperature argon at 5 mtorr. To characterize the main
persion relation, for a 2D hexagonal crystal with a Yukawa plasma region, located above the particle monolayer, we
potential [3]. They carried out a numerical calculation of used a Langmuir probe. The plasma potential was 35.8 V
the dynamical matrix of the system, which ignores kinetic with respect to ground. The electrons had a temperature
effects such as thermal motion and damping. Their motiva- Te 2.1 eV and density ne 6 3 108 cm23 , corre-
tion was a study of colloidal crystals, although the theory sponding to lD 440 mm. In the sheath region, where
is more broadly applicable. the microspheres were located, the plasma density is
Our experimental system was a monolayer suspension
of charged microspheres, levitated in a plasma. This sys-
tem is termed a dusty plasma. Because it is analogous
to a colloidal suspension, which belongs to the field of
complex fluids, a dusty plasma is sometimes called a com-
plex plasma [4]. Electrons and ions serve the dual roles of
providing Debye shielding and sustaining a large negative
charge Q on the particles. Neutral gas in the plasma cools
the particles so that they can become strongly coupled
and arrange in a Wigner lattice, sometimes called a plasma
crystal [58]. In plasma crystal experiments, the particle
positions and velocities can be measured precisely, but di-
rect measurements of lD and Q are often less precise. The FIG. 1. Sketch of experimental apparatus. A modulated laser
entire system is not in thermodynamic equilibrium, be- sheet excites transverse waves in a plasma crystal. Charged
cause the particles have a much lower kinetic temperature microspheres are levitated above a horizontal electrode.

0031-90070084(22)5141(4)$15.00 2000 The American Physical Society 5141


reduced. In that region we will assume that lD . gation. Figure 2(a) shows velocity maps of particles in the
570 mm. These parameters, based on Langmuir probe crystal. Initially, during the 0.33 s laser pulse, particles
measurements in the main plasma, have an accuracy of in the excitation region were pushed in the 1x direction
perhaps a factor of 2. by the radiation pressure. Later, the particle motion was
The particles were polymer spheres, 6.5 mm in diame- still in the 1x direction, but it was localized in a pulse
ter with 60.3 mm size dispersion and a density of that had moved away from the excitation region in the y
1.51 gcm3 . They fell into the plasma and settled in a direction. Because the pulse propagates at 90 compared
monolayer, where they were levitated by an electric field with the particle motion, the wave has a shear or transverse
in the sheath region above the electrode. They formed character.
a triangular lattice with hexagonal symmetry. The inter- The same data are shown as a smoothed profile in
particle spacing was measured precisely, as the first peak Fig. 2(b), revealing the propagation speed of the wave.
of the pair correlation function gr, to be a 825 mm. Plotted here is yx vs y, where we have averaged yx over the
Accordingly, we estimate that k , 1.4. Using structural ignorable coordinate x. In these plots the most prominent
analysis methods [17], the translation correlation length feature is the pulse of forward particle motion, yx . 0.
and the orientation correlation length were found to be 21a The restoring motion, yx , 0, is slower; it can be seen
and 75a, respectively. These large values indicate a highly near y 0 and t 0.7 s. The curves in Fig. 2(b) are dis-
ordered lattice. One of the primitive translation vectors of placed by a constant time interval, so that drawing a line
the lattice was in the y direction. through their peaks gives the propagation speed. The pulse
Particles were trapped in the vertical direction by a com- propagation speed, 6.1 6 0.5 mms, is very slow. Indeed,
bination of gravity and the sheath electric field. This trap- among plasma waves, it is the slowest of any kind known
ping did not allow any measurable out-of-plane motion
during the experiment. A gentle bowl-shaped curvature
in the sheath provided radial confinement.
Waves were excited by a lasers radiation pressure. In
this scheme, developed originally by Homann [11] for
launching longitudinal waves, an argon laser is chopped
mechanically. Here we expanded the beam into a horizon-
tal sheet by using a scanning mirror. The laser sheet was
then incident on the crystal at a grazing angle of 10, so
that it applied a force mainly in the 1x direction [14]. The
region that was irradiated was a narrow stripe, extending
across the entire lattice in the x direction. In the y direction
it had a Gaussian profile with a FWHM of 0.5 mm. The
300 Hz frequency of the scanning mirror was much higher
than any waves that propagate in the lattice, so that for
practical purposes particles in the irradiated region experi-
enced a constant force, except when the laser was blocked
by the chopper.
To image the particles, we illuminated them with a hori-
zontal laser sheet, and viewed them with a video cam-
era through the top window. The camera was operated
at 30 framess. It had a field of view of 24 3 18 mm,
which included 740 particles. The images were digitized
with an 8-bit gray scale and 640 3 480 pixel resolution.
The x-y coordinates of particles were measured with sub-
pixel resolution in each frame, and individual particles
were traced from one frame to the next, using the method
of Refs. [4,13,14]. The time series was 128 frames, corre-
sponding to 4.27 s.
We performed two kinds of transverse shear wave ex-
periments. First, we observed the propagation of a single
pulse excited by a pulse of 600 mW laser light. Second,
we observed sinusoidal wave propagation by chopping the
laser with a 50% duty cycle, operating at 200 mW. FIG. 2. Pulse propagation. (a) Velocity map of particles.
The pulse propagation experiment clearly illustrates how (b) Profile of yx . The excitation region, shown shaded, is
particles move transverse to the direction of wave propa- irradiated by the laser.


to the authors. Nevertheless, the particle motion in the x Our chief results are a measurement of the wave number
direction is even slower, 1 mms. k kr 1 iki , made using a temporal Fourier transform
Next, we present experimental results for the periodic of the particle motion associated with the fundamental fre-
wave. The waveform of the laser is a square wave, which quency v. The y dependence of phase and amplitude were
has harmonics. However, the particle motion associated fit to a line and an exponential decay, respectively, yield-
with harmonics was weak, as we will show, and will be ing kr and ki . We used the method of Ref. [10], except
eliminated by using a Fourier transform technique. that we chose yx rather than x as the input data, thereby
To illustrate the waves oscillation, we show in Fig. 3(a) reducing the methods sensitivity to secular particle drift.
a profile of yx vs y, for a fundamental driving frequency The experimentally measured dispersion relation,
v2p 2.0 Hz. This is like Fig. 2(b), except that the Fig. 4(a), exhibits an acousticlike relation, v ~ kr . In
excitation is periodic rather than pulsed. The shear motion other words, the wave is a nondispersive sound wave. This
is almost sinusoidal, with a wavelength 3.0 mm in the is true over the range of wave numbers we measured, from
transverse direction. Note that the particles oscillate in kr ap 0.2 to 0.7. The sound speed of the transverse
both the 1x and 2x directions, even far from the excitation wave, i.e., the slope of v vs k, is Ct 6.7 6 0.5 mms.
region. Note also that as the wave becomes gradually This result is consistent with the pulse speed reported
weaker it propagates away from its source; this is attributed above. The pulse was excited by a higher power, and it
to damping on the gas, as we will explain below. had a larger amplitude than the wave, but it was otherwise
The low amplitude of the particle motion suggests that produced under the same conditions.
the wave motion is linear. The amplitude was approxi- The damping of the wave, as indicated by ki , was weak,
mately 0.2 mms and 0.06a, for velocity and position, re- due to the low gas pressure. In Fig. 4(a), ki ap ranged
spectively. A peak at the second harmonic, which would
be a signature of nonlinear harmonics generation, is ab-
sent from our spectrum in Fig. 3(b). We note that the third
harmonic has a peak weaker than 13 the fundamental peak,
as would be expected for a square wave, perhaps due to a
stronger wave damping at higher v.
As a test, we checked for modulation of the number den-
sity, which would reveal the presence of any longitudinal
waves. To do this, we used the density-mapping method of
Ref. [4]. We found that any such modulation was weaker
than our 3% detection limit.

FIG. 4. Dispersion relation. (a) Experimentally measured kr

and ki are shown as filled and open circles, respectively. A
FIG. 3. Periodic waves. (a) Profile of yx for a periodic wave solid line indicates the sound velocity Ct . (b) Phonon spectrum
at a chopping frequency v2p 2 Hz. (b) Wave spectrum in of Peeters and Wu [3]. The broken line was calculated for k 1
the excitation region. from Eq. (1).


from 0.042 to 0.11, with the strongest damping at the high- The Coulomb coupling parameter is calculated from the
est frequencies. This is comparable to a simple estimate particle kinetic temperature, which we measured to be
gCt 0.047, based on the Epstein drag coefficient g for 0.048 eV by fitting the particle velocity distribution to a
molecular gas collisions with a sphere [18]. The damping Gaussian. Therefore, G is estimated to be about 5300, and
time, g 21 0.82 s, was much longer than for a colloidal G exp2k is smaller than this by a factor of 2. The high
suspension. value of G indicates that the system is strongly coupled, in
We now compare the experimental dispersion relation to agreement with our observation of a highly ordered hex-
the phonon spectrum of Peeters and Wu [3]. Their trian- agonal lattice.
gular lattice with a Yukawa potential resembles our experi- In summary, we excited transverse shear waves in 2D
ment, except that it neglects damping, thermal effects, and screened Coulomb crystal by applying radiation pressure
deviations from perfect translation and orientational order. to a dusty plasma. The experimentally measured disper-
Assuming the model is correct, we will use it to calculate sion relation has a nondispersive characteristic over a wide
Q in the experiment, and from that we estimate the quan- range of kr . Assuming the Peeters and Wu model [3] is
tities G and Einstein frequency vE . correct, we calculated Q from the measured sound speed
The model has a linear relationship v ~ kr for small Ct . The accuracy of this method of measuring Q requires
wave numbers, kr ap , 0.5, as shown in Fig. 4(b). For tests that are planned for a future experiment.
larger wave numbers, it begins to curve, although the cur- We thank X. Wang, Z. W. Ma, A. Bhattacharjee, and
vature is weak for the kr ap , 1 range where the experi- R. A. Quinn for valuable discussions and F. M. Peeters and
ment was performed. A broken line in Fig. 4(b) shows an A. Sen for useful communications. The work was sup-
extrapolation of the k 1 curve for small kr . According ported by NASA and the National Science Foundation.
to the model, the transverse sound Ct is almost indepen- S. N. was supported by the Japan Society for the Promo-
dent of k for small k; it varies only 20% over the range tion of Science.
0 , k , 2. Peeters and Wu fit their numerical results for
small k and small kr , and found
*Electronic address:

Ct C0 0.513 17 2 0.0226k1.074 569 9 , 2
(1) Current address: Max-Planck-Institut fr Extraterrestrische
Physik, Giessenbachstrasse, 85740 Garching, Germany.

Electronic address:
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