Q3 W4 English WLP
Q3 W4 English WLP
Q3 W4 English WLP
Teacher: SHEILA MARIE E. PUTOSA Grade Level: GRADE 5 Subject Area: ENGLISH Quarter: Q3-W4 Date: March 6 - March 10, 2023
Week, Day, and Time Learning Area Learning Competency Learning Tasks Mode of Delivery
Q3 – Week 4 English 5 Define what a summary Refer to your Digitized Modules and study the Online/Offline Consultation
Monday – Friday is lesson below.
Summarizing Summarize information Online Consultation will
GR. 5 – E. AGUINALDO Information from various text types. Quarter 3 – Module 2: be conducted on the
(12:50 PM – 1:40 PM) from Various (EN5LC-IVf-3.1) Summarizing Information from Various Text scheduled time via
Online/offline consultation. Text Types Types zoom/gmeet/MS
Home Study (students will Teams etc.
answer the activities in the Answer the following activities on the Offline consultation will
modules) different days indicated. Copy and answer it be conducted via text
on your notebook. and call
Submission of students’
GR. 5 – A. BONIFACIO Monday work will be on
(1:50 PM – 2:40 PM) What’s In on page 3 and What’s New Monday (March 13)
Online/offline consultation. on pages 4-5
Home Study (students will Tuesday Notes to facilitator:
answer the activities in the What Is It page 6 and What’s More Monitor your child’s
modules) Activity 1 pages 7-8 output and progress.
Wednesday Communicate to the
What’s More Activity 2 and Activity 3 class adviser and
on pages 8-10 subject teacher
What I can do on page 11
Assessment on page 12 and Additional
Activities on page 13