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Republic of the Philippines Department of Science and Technology INDUSTRIAL TECHNOLOGY DEVELOPMENT INSTITUTE (Formeriy National Institute of Science and Technology) STANDARDS AND TESTING DIVISION Gen, Santos Ave., Bicutan, Taguig, Metro Manila 1631 Fax No.: (632) 837-31-67 / 837-00-32 Tel. Nos. 837-20-71 to 82 local 2188, 2189 TEST REPORT No. ITDI-PPT-2011-0871 Customer's Name ERP Philippines Corporation Address (orth Science Ave., LTI, Bi Sample Code Sample Description ‘ark Unit No.1; Unit No.l; Si 1 Seal Pot; D! DE-ZN Fines Repulp Tank Seal Pot; MS Vent Header Seal Pot; HS. Identification, N/A Date Received: July 13, 2011 Date(s) Tested > July 15-18, 2011 Standard | Deviation on 064 "SCRUBBER 2 1 3 7 oa7_| SCRUBBER [aia 1 3 | 087 DE-ZN Reactof No.1| 21.2 1 6 | 056 DE-ZN ReactofNo.2| _20.7x z 36 7 035 |DE-ZN Fines Repulp| _20.6x 8.81 206 29.6 1.08 DE-ZN VentHeader| _20.3x 7.27 215 12.6 0.50 MS Vent Header | 21.0% 8.31 206 9.73 0.66 HLS Destruction | 210x924 | 209 33.5 1.08 Speed of Testing, mm/min.: 3.84 Support Span Length,mm: 144 No. of Replicate test: 5 Test Method: ASTMD790 ‘This report consists of 2 page(s) and may not be reproduced except in full. No, ITDI-PPT-2011-0871.odt 7/21/2011 Page 1 of 2 ge Republic ofthe Philippines Department of Science and Technology "INDUSTRIAL TECHNOLOGY DEVELOPMENT INSTITUTE (Formerly National Institute of Science and Technology) STANDARDS AND TESTING DIVISION Gen. Santos Ave., Bicutan, Taguig, Metro Manila 1631 Oui Fax No. (632) 837-31-67 / 837-00-32 ‘Tel. Nos. 837-20-71 to 82 local 2188, 2189 quoted solely for the verified by this Laboratory. This report is not to be used promotion. eg rome OIC, Physical Testing Labor: ‘This report consists of 2 page(s) and may not be reproduced exceptiin full No, ITDI-PPT-2011-0871.odt TV2V/2011 Page 2 of 2 Republic ofthe Philippines Department of Science and Technology INDUSTRIAL TECHNOLOGY DEVELOPMENT INSTITUTE (Formerly National Institute of Science and Technology) STANDARDS AND TESTING DIVISION Gen, Santos Ave., Bicutan, Taguig, Metro Manila 1631 ax No.: (632) 837-31-67 / 837-00-32 ‘Tel. Nos. 837-20-71 to 82 Tocal 2188, 2189 TEST REPORT No. ITDI-PPT-2011-0831 Customer's Name: FRP Philippines Corporation Address : Science Ave., LTI, Bid ‘Sample Code Sample ‘Description. ‘eal Pot; PRE- Unit No.2 Pot; Scrubbe it No.2 1 Seat Pot;-DI (0.2 Seal Pot DE-ZN Fines Repulp Tank Seal Pot; der Drain Pot MS Vent Header Seal Pot; H,S Di Pot Identification: N/A Date Received : July 7, 2011 Date(s) Tested > July 13, 2011 PRENIRL PRENIRL SCRUBBER SCRUBBER No. No.2 No.l No2 Mean Tensile 141 140 119 110 rr 10.4 1.68 1.42 0.13 0.16 10.3 10.8 1.07 7 2.08 i 20.7 20. 20.8 20.2 73 9 8.94 Note: No. of s 2 2 outside . DE: E DEZN Reactor actor No. Fines Repulp Mean Tensile Strength, MPa 127 115 123 Standard Deviation 15.9 32.0 16.9 Mean Elongation at Break, % 1.60 1.47 1.64 Standard Deviation 0.21 0.28 0.16 ‘Mean Tensile Modulus, GPa 10.7 9.40 8.39 Standard Deviation 1.53 2.85 0.77 ‘Mean Width, mm 20.6 20.5 19.6 Mean Thickness, mm. 742 8.10 3.46 Note: No. of samples that break 2 2 a outside gage length. ‘This report consists of 2 page(s) and may not be reproduced except in full. No, ITDI-PPT-2011-0831.odt 7/21/2011 Page 1 of 2 yr Republic of the Philippines ‘Department of Science and Technology INDUSTRIAL TECHNOLOGY DEVELOPMENT INSTITUTE (Formerly National Institute of Science and Technology) STANDARDS AND TESTING DIVISION Gen, Santos Ave., Bicutan, Taguig, Metro Manila 1631 Pax No. (682) 837-3167 /837-00-32 Tel, Nos, 837-20-71 10 82 Tocal 2188, 2189 DE-ZN MS ms Destruction Seal Pot Mean Tensile 125 Standard ( 15.5 Mean Elong: a 1.55 Standard Deviation 0.16 ‘Mean Tensile Modulus, GPa 10.5 Standard Deviation 1.56 Mean Width, mm. 196 Mean Thickness, mm . 7.74 Note: No. of samples 3 VALIDITY 01 REI test res obtained:abithe time of the test and pertain only to the by this ‘odes rds in italics are quoted solely for the customer's reference; si ese codes and words arc not verified by this Laboratory. ort is not advertising, purposes or sales promotion. og. ADELAIPA G. SENICA OIC, Physical and Performance Testing Laboratory Issued under the Authority of: fs HERMELINA H. BION Chief, STD This report consists of 2 page(s) and may not be reproduced except in fall. No, ITDI-PPT-2011-0831.odt 7/2V2011 Page 2 of 2

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